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87. Gingivitis may be initiated by bacterial plaque, but the tissue response may be conditioned by systemic factors.

88. Alveolar mucosa is usually affected in generalized diffuse gingivitis.

89. Earliest organism to colonise plaque are gram +ve rods and cocci.
90. In 2-day old plaque—streptococci
91. Sillness & Loe index considers thickness of plaque.
92. Loe & Sillnes index—gingival index.
93. As ammonia production is increased, plaque formation is decreased.
94. Loosely adherent white mass of cellular debris and microorganism is materia alba. It lacks the internal matrix as in
95. Interbactcrial matrix is made of dextrans and levans.
96. Dextrans is glucan dreivative, and levan, fructose derivative.
97. TFO doesn't affect gingiva and epithelial attachment
98. Use of floss improves gingival health.
99. Most common periodontal disease is gingivitis.
100. Histopathological criteria for distinguishing gingivitis from periodontitis is presence of Howship's lacuna.
101. Collagenases produced in periodontal ligament is predominated by Porphyro-monas gingivalis then are called as
gingipains and periodontains. AA complex (now called as Aggregatibacter aclinomycetocomitans) and Campylobacter
rectus can produce leucoloxins.
102. Loss of att. is equal to pocket depth when gingvial margin is at CEJ
103. Juvenile periodontitis is associated with neutrophil chemotactic defect
104. Monocyte chemotactic defect prepubertal periodontitis.
105. Mature plaque in chronic gingivitis—anaerobic gram -ve filaments.
106. Crystalline calcium phosphate more in supragingival plaque than hydroxyapa-tite and octa calcium phosphate.
107. Brushite is common in anterior region and in young calculus.
108. Subgingival calculus is maximum in iower anterior region.
109. Clinical signs of gingivitis appear al eariy/stage 11.
110. Life-saver like enlargement of gingival is McCall's festoons and common in canine and premolar area.
111. Stages of gingivitis:
a) Stage 1/initial—PMNs are abundant
b) Stage ll/early—B lymphocytes
c) Stage Ill/establishcd—plasma cells
d) Stage IV/advanced
112. Gingival pigmentation associated with pregnancy—chloasma, melasma.
113. Endogenous nutrient required by Bacteroides melaninogenicus is haemin.
114. Two earliest signs of gingival inflammation are bleeding on probing, increased gingival sulcular fluid production.
115. Chronic and recurrent bleeding is caused by chronic inflammation (abnormal gingival bleeding).
116. Histopathological alteration resulting in abnormal gingival bleeding is dilation and engorgement of the capillaries and-
thinning or ulceration of the sulcular epithelium.

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