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Name : Muhammad Fahriztya & Ganda Gunawan

Nim : 201910370311309 & 201910370311317

Class : 2-G

Mind Your Language Episode 1 Questions – “The First Lesson”

1. What is Miss Courtney’s problem with Jeremy as a teacher?
2. What happened to Mr. Warbuton?
3. What are some problems with Ali’s English? List three.
a. …
b. …
c. …
4. What jobs do these students have?
a. Max:
b. Anna:
c. Giovanni:
d. Taro:
e. Jamila:
f. Ali:
g. Ranjeet:
h. Juan:
5. How much do the students have to pay for their lesson?
6. Why do Giovanni and Max want o fight?
7. What other students have problems with each other? Why?
8. What is the students’ homework for the next class?
9. This program is from 1970s, and there are many stereotypes shown with the
students from different countries. What are some of them

1. Miss Courtney’s think that new teacher is woman, evidently a man name Jeremy Brown. Because
before Miss Courtney’s requested the local authority to send a woman teacher
2. He was teaching English to foreign student last term and Miss Courtney’s afraid he only lasted a
month then he departed demented strain to much of him typical
3. a. Use of words
b. Word understanding
c. Pronunciation of words

a. Max: Bunker in ship
b. Anna: Au pair
c. Giovanni: Chef in Italian restaurant
d. Taro: Electronics executive in Tata companies
e. Jamila: Housewife
f. Ali: Unemployed
g. Ranjeet: London underground employe
h. Juan: Bartender
5. 5 pounds per students
6. They scramble to sit beside of Danielle
7. Ranjeet and Ali,Juan and Giovanni,Sully and Taro and others.Because of their different cultures
and languages,each of them feels the best among the others
8. Write an essay the thing’s you like
9. Ali from Pakistan
Ranjeet from Punjab
Jamila from India
Juan from Spain
Giovanni from Italy
Anna from Germany
Max from Greek
Taro from Japan
Sully from China
Danielle from French

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