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Journal of Food Process Engineering ISSN 1745–4530


Instituto de Biotecnologıa, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina-UNALM, Lima, Peru
School of Agronomy, Pontificia Universidad Cato lica de Valparaıso, Quillota, Chile

Corresponding author. ABSTRACT
TEL: 1051 1 6147800 ext. 436;
FAX: 1051 1 3495764; The residue after oil extraction from sacha inchi (SI) presents a high protein
EMAIL: content of 59% that can be further exploited to extract proteins. In this study,
the protein extraction parameters for defatted SI cake meal (DSICM) were
Received for Publication February 9, 2016
optimized using alkaline and enzyme-assisted extractions. A central composed
Accepted for Publication April 21, 2016
design (CCD) was used to optimize the protein yield for both methods. The
doi:10.1111/jfpe.12412 obtained response surface models (RSM) produced a satisfactory fitting of the
results for both extraction methods (R2 5 0.9609–0.9761). For the alkaline
extraction method, the optimal SI protein extraction conditions corresponded to
54.2C, solvent/meal 42/1 (v/w) ratio, NaCl concentration of 1.65 M, pH 9.5 for 30
min and yielded 29.7% protein. For the enzyme-assisted method, optimal
extraction conditions corresponded to an enzyme concentration of 5.6%, 40.4 min
extraction, solvent/meal 50/1 (v/w) ratio, pH 9.0 and 50C and yielded 44.7%
protein and hydrolysis degree of 7.8%.

The cake obtained after oil extraction from SI seed is an important source of
protein. Thus, efforts should focus on the development of protein extraction
processes from the cake to add value to this by-product. Up to date, studies are
very limited. Results obtained in this study allowed the optimization of the protein
extraction process from SI cake meal. The enzyme-assisted protein extraction
resulted in a higher quantity of protein recovery (1.5 fold more) than the alkaline
protein extraction. The optimized protein extraction process will allow the food
industry to obtain isolates or protein concentrates from SI cake meal to be used as
techno-functional, nutritional and/or functional agent.

food industry is in need of alternative protein sources that
Proteins are macronutrients necessary for human beings and can compete with the actual protein sources that dominate
they constitute an important nutritional contribution not the market (Pszczola 2004). Within this context, sacha inchi
only as energy source but as source of nitrogen and essential (SI) or Plukenetia volubilis is a highly oil-containing seed
aminoacids. Proteins are also important because they confer (54%) and with a relatively high protein content (27%)
physicochemical, functional and organoleptic properties to (Hamaker et al. 1992). The cake remaining after oil extrac-
foods (Scopes 1986). tion from SI presents a protein content of 59% dry weight
Nonconventional sources of protein (e.g., by products (DW) (Sathe et al. 2012; Ruiz et al. 2013). Hamaker et al.
from agroindustry) could render added value as functional (1992) have reported in SI protein a high content of cysteine,
ingredients, for nutritional purposes to fortify foods and for tyrosine, threonine and tryptophan and a low content of
pharmaceutical and cosmetics applications. Currently, the phenylalanine. In addition, Sathe et al. (2012) reported that

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the water soluble albumin fraction constituted 25% (%) of 40C for 2 h in an oven then was packed in polyethylene bags
the defatted SI seed flour. and stored at 4C until use.
In the last few years, there is an increasing interest on
methods for extracting plant protein based on acid, alkaline Enzyme and Chemicals
and enzyme-assisted extraction (Sari et al. 2013), being the
alkaline and enzyme-assisted methods more amenable for Alcalase 2.4L was provided by Novozyme (Bagsvaerd, Den-
practical applications. The number of studies dedicated to mark). All chemicals used were of reagent grade and pur-
protein extraction from SI is very limited up to date and chased from Sigma (St Louis, MO) and Merck (Darmstadt,
none of the previous studies have focused on the optimiza- Germany).
tion of the protein extraction parameters using the response
surface methodology (RSM). Sathe et al. (2012) evaluated Protein Analyses
the defatted flour protein solubility of SI using a step by step
alkaline extraction with yields of 50% protein. The soluble proteins were determined according to Lowry
RSM is an excellent statistical technique for the optimiza- et al. (1951) and total protein with the Kjeldhal method
tion of complex processes (Box and Draper 2007). RSM (AOAC 1995). Protein yield (Y, %) was calculated as g of
explores the existing relationships between explicative varia- soluble protein from extract/100 g of total protein of
bles and one or more response variables (Cao et al. 2012). DSICM.
This methodology has been previously used in the optimiza-
tion of protein extraction either using alkaline or enzymatic- Hydrolysis Degree
assisted methods from different food sources such as flaxseed
(Oomah et al. 1994), pine seed (Wang et al. 2011), palm ker- HD (%) was determined in each hydrolyzed sample using
nel cake (Chee et al. 2012), soybean (Rosenthal et al. 2001; the method of Adler-Nissen (1979) by assaying free amino
Rosset et al. 2014), lentil (Jarpa-Parra et al. 2014), etc. groups with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS)
Since there are no previous studies on the optimization of and using the following equation:
protein extraction yields from SI under alkaline and enzyme-  
assisted methods in combination with RSM, the objectives HD ð%Þ 5 ðh=htot Þ3100 5 100 3 ðAN2 – AN1 Þ=Npb ;
of this study were (1) to evaluate the effect of alkaline extrac-
tion parameters such as NaCl concentration, temperature where h is the number of peptide bonds broken, htot is total
and solvent:meal ratio at pH 9.5 on the response variable number of bonds per unit weight, AN1 is the amino nitrogen
protein yield (%) from defatted SI cake meal (DSICM) by content of the protein substrate before hydrolysis (mg/g
applying RSM; (2) to evaluate the effect of enzyme-assisted protein), AN2 is the amino nitrogen content of the protein
extraction parameters with Alcalase 2.4L enzyme concentra- substrate after hydrolysis (mg/g protein) and Npb is the
tion and time at pH 9.0, on the response variables protein amino nitrogen content of the peptide bonds in the protein
yield and hydrolysis degree (%, HD) by applying RSM. The substrate (mg/g protein) as determined after total hydrolysis
optimization of the protein extraction parameters in DSICM with 6 M HCl at 110C for 24 h. The values of AN2 and AN1
offers an alternative process for obtaining protein from a were obtained from a standard curve at 340 nm absorbance
nonconventional source (SI cake) and simultaneously this versus mg/L amino nitrogen generated with L-leucine.
agro-industrial by-product could be re-valorized.
Protein Extraction
Alkaline Extraction of Sacha Inchi Protein. Protein
Defatted Sacha Inchi Cake from DSICM was extracted using selected combinations of
SI kernel cake was provided by Olivos del Sur enterprise independent variables: temperature (C), solvent/meal ratio
(Lima, Peru). SI cake was obtained after oil extraction from (v/w) and NaCl concentration (M) according to the experi-
SI seed using an expeller. Proximate analysis was performed mental design. All protein extractions were performed at pH
in SI kernel cake according to the method of AOAC (1995) 9.5, 300 rpm agitation for 30 min. These parameters were
for nuts and nut products. Protein content was calculated kept constant based on preliminary studies. After extraction,
using a conversion factor of 5.70 (Sathe et al. 2012). The solutions were immediately centrifuged at 4,000 3 g for 30
cake was ground in a hammer mill to obtain particles of min at 4C. The supernatant were filtered through Whatman
500 lm. Ground cake meal was defatted for 12 h using filter paper No. 1 and the soluble protein and protein yield
petroleum ether at a solvent/meal ratio of 10/1 (w/v) under (%) were quantified. All the experiments were carried out in
300 rpm stirring conditions. The DSICM was air-dried at triplicate.

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Coded variables Uncoded variables Protein yield (Y) %

Run x1 x2 x3 X1 X2 X3 Experimental Predicted

1 21 21 21 40 20 0.5 13.06 11.38

2 1 21 21 70 20 0.5 11.59 12.68
3 21 1 21 40 50 0.5 16.53 18.45
4 1 1 21 70 50 0.5 23.95 23.61
5 21 21 1 40 20 2 22.92 24.17
6 1 21 1 70 20 2 20.52 19.52
7 21 1 1 40 50 2 26.58 26.4
8 1 1 1 70 50 2 23.02 25.62
9 21.68 0 0 29.8 35 1.25 22.61 22.27
10 1.68 0 0 80.2 35 1.25 23.67 22.71
11 0 21.68 0 55 9.8 1.25 13.85 14.49
12 0 1.68 0 55 60.2 1.25 27.5 25.56
13 0 0 21.68 55 35 0 13.43 13.28
14 0 0 1.68 55 35 2.51 26.87 25.72
15 0 0 0 55 35 1.25 28.56 28.03
16 0 0 0 55 35 1.25 27.51 28.03
17 0 0 0 55 35 1.25 28.08 28.03
18 0 0 0 55 35 1.25 27.93 28.03
19 0 0 0 55 35 1.25 27.83 28.03

X1, temperature; X2, solvent/meal ratio; X3, NaCl concentration.

Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Sacha Inchi (Table 1). The conversion of real values to coded values was
Protein. Protein from DSICM was extracted using Alcalase as follows:
2.4L and the selected combinations of independent variables:
enzyme concentration (% enzyme in relation to the DSICM xi 5 ðXi – Xo Þ=DXi ; (1)
protein content) and time (min) according to the experi-
mental design. Protein extraction was carried at pH 9.0, 50C, where xi is the dimensionless value of an independent vari-
able, Xi is the real value of an independent variable, Xo is the
300 rpm stirring and at a solvent/meal ratio of 50/1 (v/w).
real value of an independent value at the center point and
These parameters were kept constant as recommended for
DXi is the step change.
Alcalase (pH and temperature) and the solvent/meal ratio
A central composite design (CCD) was used to allow fit-
based on preliminary studies. After extraction, solutions
ting a second-order model (Nakai et al. 2006). A total of 19
were immediately centrifuged at 4,000 3 g for 30 min at 4C.
randomized runs that included five central points were per-
The supernatants were filtered through Whatman filter
formed (Table 1). The proposed model for the response vari-
paper No. 1 and the soluble protein, protein yield (%) and
able (Y (%), protein yield) corresponded to:
HD (%) were determined. All the experiments were carried
out in triplicate. X
4 X
4 X
y5b0 1 bi zi 1 bii z2i 1 bij zi zj ; (2)
i51 i51 i6¼j51

Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

where b0 is the value of the adjusted response to the central
point of the design, bi , bii and bij are the linear, quadratic
Alkaline Extraction of Protein. The RSM was used to coefficients and the intercept, respectively.
determine the influence of three independent variables and The optimum protein extraction conditions consisted on
the optimal conditions for protein extraction from DSICM. determining the maximum protein extraction yield (maxima
The effect of the variables temperature (X1), solvent/meal desirability) through a combination of different variables or
ratio (X2) and NaCl concentration (X3) on the protein factors. Predicted values (Y) were transformed into a desir-
extraction yield (dependent variable, Y %) was investigated. ability value (d). The generated RSM to obtain maximum
The selection ranges within which each factor varied was protein yield from DSICM was experimentally validated
based on preliminary experiments (data not shown). Each with three experimental replicates and the obtained values
variable was coded at five levels: 21.68, 21, 0, 1 and 1.68 compared to the ones predicted by the RSM model. The

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Coded variables Uncoded variables Protein yield (Y) % Hydrolysis degree (HD, %)
Run x1 x2 X1 X2 Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted

1 21 21 2.00 15.00 28.97 28.60 0.96 0.92

2 1 21 5.00 15.00 34.45 34.80 4.03 5.01
3 21 1 2.00 45.00 29.18 28.51 3.75 3.91
4 1 1 5.00 45.00 40.33 40.37 5.38 6.55
5 21.41 0 1.38 30.00 28.79 29.46 1.56 1.71
6 1.41 0 5.62 30.00 42.58 42.23 7.72 6.42
7 0 21.41 3.50 8.79 28.41 28.36 2.97 2.54
8 0 1.41 3.50 51.21 31.85 32.23 6.44 5.74
9 0 0 3.50 30.00 34.80 34.99 4.07 4.12
10 0 0 3.50 30.00 35.00 34.99 4.25 4.12
11 0 0 3.50 30.00 34.91 34.99 4.49 4.12
12 0 0 3.50 30.00 35.07 34.99 4.03 4.12
13 0 0 3.50 30.00 35.18 34.99 3.72 4.12

X1, enzyme concentration (%); X2, time (min).

surface plots were generated by varying two variables within with Statgraphics Centurion XV software 15.2.06 (Stat
the experimental range and holding the other constant Point Inc., VA).
(zero) at the central point. All the statistical analysis were
carried out with Statgraphics Centurion XV software 15.2.06
(Stat Point Inc., VA).
Proximal Composition and Protein Analysis
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Protein. The RSM
was used to determine the influence of two independent var- SI kernel cake presented 7.9% humidity and the contents of
iables on the optimal conditions for enzyme-assisted protein protein, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrates in dry weight
extraction from DSICM. In addition, the influence of the (DW) corresponded to 58.4, 8.9, 4.1, 5.7 and 22.7%, respec-
same variables on the HD (%) of protein was examined. The tively, these values are close to the ones reported by Ruiz
effect of the variables: enzyme concentration (X1) and time et al. (2013). DSICM reached values of 61.9% of protein
(X2) on the protein extraction yield (maximum) and protein (DW), this value was superior to the protein content
HD (minimum) were investigated. The selection ranges reported for other defatted meals obtained from soybean,
within which each factor was varied based on preliminary palm, and sesame (50, 16.8 and 42%, respectively) (Onsaard
experiments (data not shown). Each variable was coded at et al. 2010; Chee et al. 2012; Rosset et al. 2014). Moure et al.
five levels: 21.41, 21, 0, 1 and 1.41 (Table 2). The conver- (2006) reported that protein content of defatted meals from
sion of real values to coded values was conducted as dehulled oilseeds depend on the seed type and ranges
described in Eq. (1) for the two evaluated responses (protein between 35 and 60% (DW).
yield and HD).
A central composite design (CCD) allowed fitting of a Optimization of Alkaline Extraction
second-order model. A total of 13 runs that included five The experimental design of five-levels, three-variable CCD
central points were performed (Table 2). The proposed and the experimental results of protein extraction are shown
model for the response variables (second order polynomial), in Table 1. Protein yield varied from 11.5 to 28.5% (or from
desirability values, validation of RSM and generated surface 7.1 to 17.6 g protein/100 g of DSICM). Using alkaline extrac-
plots were calculated as described previously. A multiple tion and the RSM, protein recoveries from different defatted
response optimization was performed to determine the com- cakes from oilseeds ranged between 10.9 and 32.6; 3.3 and
bination of the experimental parameters (independent varia- 5.7; 12.3 and 16.5; and 40.8 and 58.7 g of protein/100 g for
bles) that simultaneously maximize the protein yield and flaxseed, pigeon pea, soybean and lentil (Oomah et al. 1994;
minimize the protein HD. The obtained result was experi- Jarpa-Parra et al. 2014; Tan et al. 2014).
mentally validated with three experimental replicates. The The application of RSM yielded the following regression
optimization of two variables was displayed as an overlaid equation, which is an empirical relationship between protein
contour plot. All the statistical analysis were carried out yield (Y) and the evaluated variables (Eq. (3)):

4 Journal of Food Process Engineering 00 (2016) 00–00 V

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Y ð%Þ 5 241:894 1 0:9801  X1 1 0:9972  X2

1 29:3638  X3 2 0:0086X1 2
1 0:0:0042X1  X2 2 0:1323  X1  X3 (3)
2 0:0125  X2 2 0:1074  X2  X3
2 5:35729  X3 2 :

Analysis of variance (Table 1 and Supporting Information)

revealed that DCC application resulted in a highly significant
model (P < 0.000) indicative of a good generated response
model for optimization with R2 5 0.9609 and an adjusted
R2 5 0.9218. These coefficients suggest good fitting of the
model given that at least the R2 should be higher than
0.8000 (Joglekar and May 1999). Within the experimental
evaluated range, the factor time did not significantly affected
(P > 0.05) protein extraction yield meanwhile the other
components solvent/meal ratio and NaCl concentration had
a high significant effect (P < 0.01). These results indicate
that solvent/meal ratio and NaCl concentration are the main
factors contributing to protein extraction from DSICM.
Similar results have been previously obtained for extracted
protein from flaxseed and cowpea flour (Oomah et al. 1994;
Mune et al. 2008).
The surface responses are displayed in Fig. 1. The effect of
temperature and solvent/meal ratio on protein yield is dis-
played in Fig. 1a. Solvent/meal ratio exerted a quadratic
effect on protein yield that can be evidenced in Fig. 1a, where FIG. 1. RESPONSE SURFACE PLOTS AND CONTOURS FOR THE
its interaction with temperature is also displayed and with EFFECTS OF (a) TEMPERATURE VERSUS SOLVENT/MEAL RATIO, (b)
solvent/meal ratios between 40/1 and 50/1 displaying the TEMPERATURE VERSUS NaCl CONCENTRATION AND (c) SOLVENT/
highest protein yields. In Fig. 1a, a linear effect of tempera- MEAL RATIO VERSUS NaCl CONCENTRATION ON PROTEIN YIELD FOR
ture on protein yield can be observed, and within the 30–
70C range, no big variations were observed for the different
evaluated solvent/meal ratios. Temperature exerted a slight
tion time, two extraction steps, pH 9–12 and room tempera-
quadratic effect on protein yield at different NaCl concentra-
tions (Fig. 1b). The interaction of solvent/meal ratio and ture. The differences with that study can be attributed to the
NaCl concentration is displayed in Fig. 1c, where the quad- solvent/meal ratio and differences of the raw materials. The
ratic effect of both components is evidenced. The quadratic SI cake used in our study was exposed to a mechanical force
effect of NaCl concentration was also evidenced in Fig. 1c, and friction generated in the expeller during the process to
reaching the maximum protein yield at NaCl concentrations obtain SI oil that could have affected the physicochemical
close to 1.5 M. Results indicate that solvent/meal ratio and characteristics of the SI protein disfavoring its extraction.
NaCl concentration are the main contributors to the protein Finally, the suitability of the generated mathematical model
extraction from DSICM. to predict maximum protein yield was experimentally vali-
The desirability maxima function was used to obtain the dated using the conditions determined in the optimization.
optimal extraction conditions. The dependent variable was Thus, the experimental protein yield at the optimum condi-
set to the maximum possible (d 5 1), the optimal conditions tions was 30.2 6 0.33% being this value close to the value
corresponded to 54C, a solvent/meal ratio of 42/1 (v/w), generated by the mathematical model.
NaCl 1.65 M at a pH of 9.5 and 30 min extraction time,
Optimization of Enzyme-Assisted Extraction
obtaining a protein yield of 29.7% (18.4 g protein/100 g
DSICM). Higher extraction yields (40.9 and 47 g solubilized This study evaluated Alcalase 2.4L with the aim to increase
protein/100 g defatted SI flour) were reported by Sathe et al. the protein yield from DSICM with a low HD. A low HD is
(2012) for SI meal defatted with hexane, using a step by step key to obtain a not highly hydrolyzed protein that can be
methodology, at conditions of 1M NaCl, 15–30 min extrac- used as raw material in different food applications.

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The experimental design corresponded to five-levels and

two CCD variables. The experimental results of protein yield
as well as the HD are shown in Table 2. Protein yield and
HD varied from 28.4 to 40.3% (or from 17.3 to 24.5 g pro-
tein/100 g of DSICM) and from 0.96 to 5.38%, respectively.
Protein yield significantly increased (40%) when the Alca-
lase was employed in the protein extraction process in com-
parison to the alkaline extraction. The efficiency of
proteolytic enzymes during protein extraction from different
sources has been extensively reported. Sari et al. (2013) by
using different proteases (1% of enzyme for 3 h) extracted
more protein from rapeseed, microalgae and soybean meals
(60, 80 and 90%, respectively) in comparison to alkaline
extraction (pH 9.5; 15, 30 and 80%, respectively). A signif-
icantly (P < 0.05) higher trypsin extracted protein yield
(61.9 g/100 g) was obtained from palm kernel in comparison
to the alkaline (pH 9.5) method (10.2 g/100 g) (Chee et al.
2012). Also Latif and Anwar (2011) found that proteases FIG. 2. RESPONSE SURFACE PLOTS AND CONTOURS FOR THE
Protex 7L and Alcalase 2.4L successfully extracted proteins EFFECTS OF ENZYME CONCENTRATION AND EXTRACTION TIME ON
from sesame meal (87.1 and 79.6%, respectively). For the (a) PROTEIN YIELD AND (b) HYDROLYSIS DEGREE FOR THE ENZYME-
HD, the maximum obtained corresponded to 5.38%. Sari
et al. (2013) reported that certain amount of hydrolysis is
needed and acceptable for protein extraction but a high
concentration and time significantly affected (P < 0.05) pro-
hydrolysis is detrimental because proteins would be con-
tein extraction yield as well as HD. Thus enzyme concentra-
verted to peptides displaying an increased solubility and
tion and time contribute to protein extraction from DSICM
thus altering the functional properties of the extracted pro-
and protein HD. Similar results were reported for soybean
teins (Rosenthal et al. 2001; Taha and Ibrahim 2002) and the
meal, soybean, sesame and rice bran meals and palm kernel
bitterness associated with a high HD. Taha and Ibrahim
meal (Rosenthal et al. 2001; Taha and Ibrahim 2002; Chee
(2002) reported that low protein HD (range between 8.8
et al. 2012).
and 9.5%) for soybean, sesame and rice bran meals enzy-
The surface response for protein yield is displayed in
matically hydrolyzed with papain (0.06–0.21%) for 5 min Fig. 2a. The effect of the enzyme concentration (%) in the
produced improvements in wettability, flow ability and evaluated range on protein yield presented an increasing
emulsifying capacity properties and a direct relation between trend (from 20 to 28%) as the enzyme concentration was
increasing HD, nitrogen solubility and dispersibility was incremented (from 1.38 to 5.62%). Time exerts a quadratic
found. effect on protein yield. High protein yields were observed
A quadratic (Eq. (4)) and lineal (Eq. (5)) relationship was between 40 and 50 min of extraction. The dependent variable
found between protein yield and HD with the different was set to the maximum possible (d 5 1.00) and the obtained
extraction parameters evaluated by SRM. The relationship optimal conditions corresponded to a time of 54 min and
established between protein yield (Y) and HD (in real val- enzyme concentration of 5.5% considering a 50/1 (v/w) sol-
ues) with the evaluated parameters is shown: vent/meal ratio, pH 9.0 and 50C, respectively, obtaining a
protein yield of 43.4% (26.8 g protein/100 g DSICM). Using
Y ð%Þ 5 21:2596 2 0:2097  X1 1 0:4973
the predicted optimum conditions, experiments carried out
 X2 1 0:1901X1 2 1 0:063X1  X2 – 0:0104  X2 2 ; (4)
in triplicates gave good results (43.78 6 0.28%) that coin-
HD ð%Þ 5 22:0681 1 1:1176  X1 1 0:0753  X2 : (5) cided with the predicted value implying that the model was
adequate. The surface response for HD is displayed in
Analysis of variance (Table 2 and 3 in Supporting Informa- Fig. 2b. The effect of the enzyme concentration (%) in the
tion) revealed that CCD application resulted in a highly sig- evaluated range of HD presented a lineal effect. Increasing
nificant model (P < 0.000) indicative of a good generated concentrations of Alcalasa 2.4L resulted in higher HD. Also
response model for optimization with a good R2 5 0.9934 time exerted a lineal effect but its effect was less pronounced
and the adjusted R2 5 0.9887 for protein yield and with a on HD. The optimization consisted on a minimization
moderate R2 5 0.8551 and adjusted R2 5 0.8261 for HD. (d 5 0) because a low as possible HD was aimed. The
Within the experimental evaluated range, the factors enzyme obtained optimal conditions corresponded to 8.78 min and

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conditions, enzyme concentration of 5.6%, 40.4 min extrac-

tion, solvent/meal 50/1 (v/w) ratio, pH 9.0 and 50C) was
46% higher in comparison to the alkaline method (optimal
conditions, temperature: 54.2C, solvent/meal 42/1 (v/w)
ratio, NaCl concentration of 1.65 M, pH 9.5 for 30 min).
The predicted values for protein yield from all generated
models were consistent and experimentally validated. These
results indicate that the enzyme-assisted protein extraction
from sacha inchi kernel cake is an alternative protein extrac-
tion method with higher yields than the traditional alkaline
method. Additionally, the recovered protein from this by-
FIG. 3. SUPERIMPOSED CONTOUR PLOT FOR PROTEIN YIELD AND product could be considered as potential source of proteins
HYDROLYSIS DEGREE (HD) AS A FUNCTION OF ENZYME to be used in multiple industrial applications.

1.37% of enzyme concentration obtaining a HD of 0.13%. This research was supported by the grant in Science and
Using the predicted optimum conditions, experiments car- Technology (2013–2014) supported by the Universidad
ried out in triplicate gave good results (1.51 6 0.11%) very Nacional Agraria La Molina (Lima, Peru).
close to the values predicted by the generated SRM model.
Finally, the obtained optimization results for both responses
did not offer concluding results when they were evaluated in
separate. Thus, a multiple optimization response was gener- ADLER-NISSEN, J. 1979. Determination of the degree of hydroly-
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