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Angie Lizette Calvo Torres

What is sometimes referred to as “synthetic marijuana” is really nothing like marijuana.

It is a mixture of herbs and spices that are sprayed with unknown and harmful chemicals
intended to simulate THC, the mind-altering ingredient found in marijuana.

Synthetic drugs such as Spice and K2 are often falsely advertised as “safe,” “natural” and
“legal” highs. The truth is that they are technically not legal and are definitely not natural or

Chemical analyses have shown that, in all cases, the active ingredients in these drugs are
synthetic chemicals with dangerous toxic effects. Beyond that, because the chemical
composition of products sold as Spice or K2 is unknown, users have no idea what
chemicals they are putting into their bodies or what the effects will be. And, as herbs and
spices can be sprayed unevenly, the potency can vary wildly.

“Synthetic marijuana” has the appearance of dried leaves and is often sold in small, silvery
plastic bags as “herbal incense” or “potpourri.” It is also advertised in liquid form for use in

It is often smoked in rolled joints, pipes or e-cigarettes, and some users make it into a tea or
use it in brownie recipes. It has also been taken in vaporized form through the nose or in
liquid form.



COD. 201520168



 To pull somebody’s leg = Tomar el pelo a alguien

 Haste makes waste = Del afán solo queda el cansancio
 He was working o the edge of the common, beyond the small brook that ran in
the dip at the bottom o the garden = Se encontraba trabajando con el límite del
ejido, más allá del arroyuelo que fluía por la pequeña vaguada que había a final de
 He had about a hundred and fifty pounds a year of his own—and nothing else
but his very considerable personal attractions= Él tenía una renta anual de unas
ciento cincuenta libras, y eso era todo cuanto poseía, además de un muy
considerable atractivo personal
 But Annie had always kept him sufficiently at arm’s length = Pero Annie siempre
lo había mantenido a raya
 He kissed his daughter on the mouth = abrazó tiernamente a su hija
 Star wars = Guerra de las galaxias
 They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made = ellos están bebiendo ,
covnencidos de su éxito
 You used to be so amused = Te hacía mucha gracia
 The language that he used = su manera de hablar


 Dancing to the guitar= Bailando al son de la guitarra

 To generalize = Hacer generalizaciones
 With a hammer from the garaje = Con un martillo que traía del garaje
 You can’t make the columbine flowers nod in January, nor make the cuckoo sing
in England at Christmas= No se puede esperar que crezcan las colombinas en
enero, ni se puede hacer que el cuco cante en Inglaterra por Navidad
 The step of that tram-car is her Thermopylae= El escalón del tranvía es su
desfiladero de las Termópilas
 It belonged to the old England of hamlets and yeomen. = Pertenecía a la vieja
Inglaterra de las aldeas rurales y los pequeños hacendados.
 There is in the Midlands a single-line tramway system which boldly leaves the
county town and plunges off into the black, industrial countryside.. = Existe en la
región de las Midlands inglesas una línea de tranvías que se aparta audazmente de
la ciudad para precipitarse en la oscura campiña industrial
 No way = de ninguna manera
 Compré por tres millones a mi hijo y murió. Fue un castigo =I bought my son, and
he died; it was a divine punishment.


 Una abuela consigue el permiso de maternidad para cuidar de su nieta al fallecer

su hija = Grandmother granted maternity leave
 The King of Spain, Juan Carlos = El rey Juan Carlos
 La reina Isabel II = The queen
 Fue golpeado hasta caer muerto = He was beaten to death


 My computer hardware is damaged = El hardware de mi computadora está

 He had no conception of Imperial England, and Rule Britannia was just a joke to
him = No tenía concepción alguna de la Inglaterra Imperial, y Rule Britannia sólo
era un chiste para él.
 Wonderful then, those days at Crockham Cottage, the first days, all alone save
for the woman who came to work in the mornings = Fueron, pues, maravillosos,
aquellos días en Crockham Cottage, los primeros días, los dos solos excepto por la
mujer que venía a trabajar por las mañanas.
 He, of course, sat astride on the outer horse—named ‘Black Bess’—and she sat
sideways, towards him, on the inner horse—named ‘Wildfire’= Él, por supuesto,
iba sentado a horcajadas en el caballo del lado de afuera –o más bien yegua, “Black
Bess”– y ella iba montada de costado enfrentándole a él, en el caballo del lado
interno, “Wildfire”
 I shall be earning a shilling a day, at least = Al menos ganaré un chelín al día.
 The Croissant was delicious, but not as delicious as the Sandwich = El Croissant
estaba delicioso, pero no tanto como el sandwich
 Send me the link of the clothing website = Envíame el link de la página de internet
de ropa.

 It’s raining cats and dogs! I swear, in buckets! = ¡Está lloviendo a cántaros! Se lo
juro, ¡un diluvio!
 Boy, it began to rain like a bastard. In buckets, I swear to God = ¡Jo! ¡De pronto
empezó a llover a cántaros! Un diluvio, se lo juro.

 Well uh, y’know what? Even if-even if she doesn’t know anything, I do! I have a
son. And his mother and I didn’t live together, and whenever he was with me I
took care of him all the time, by myself = Bueno, no importa. Aunque ella no sepa
nada, ¡Yo sí! Tengo un hijo. Su madre y yo no vivíamos juntos y siempre que estuvo
conmigo cuidé perfectamente de él, yo solito.
 Okay, enough! This is, this is not going to happen= ¡No insistas, Rachel! Te
aseguro que eso no va a pasar”

Consiste en variar la forma gracias a un cambio semántico, haciendo la nueva traducción
desde un nuevo punto de vista

 It is not difficult to show = es fácil de demostrar

 Winter isn´t far away = el invierno se aproxima
 You are going to be a father = vas a tener un hijo
 Everyball to everyball= cara a cara
 A cop stopped me and asked to see my papers = un policia me detuvo y me pidió
 I took the job from my friend = mi amigo me cedió el trabajo
 Don’t get so excited = Tranquílizate
 It seems not unlikely = Es muy probable

Oraciones y frases tomadas de:

--England and my England other stories
-Bob Dylan- Like A Rolling Stone
-The Catcher in the Rye
-Friends series
-From my imagination

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