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--> Purpose: Script to display the SQL text for a specific SQL_ID.

--> It returns the SQL_TEXT.

--> Parameters: sql_id
--> To Run: @sqltext.sql sql_id
--> Example: @sqltext.sql 27b3qfm5x89xn
--> Copyright 2020@The Ultimate SQL Tuning Formula

set echo off

set define '&'
set verify off
define _sql_id=&1

set verify off

set feedback off
set linesize 200
set heading on
set termout on

col sqltext format a100 word_wrapped

select sql_text as sqltext

from v$sqltext
where sql_id = '&_sql_id'
order by piece;
--> Purpose: Script to display the SQL text for a specific SQL_ID.
--> It returns the SQL_TEXT.
--> Caution: This script requires that you have License
--> for the Diagnostic and Tuning Pack
--> Parameters: sql_id
--> To Run: @sqltext_awr.sql sql_id
--> Example: @sqltext_awr.sql 27b3qfm5x89xn
--> Copyright 2020@The Ultimate SQL Tuning Formula

set echo off

set define '&'
set verify off
define _sql_id=&1

set verify off

set feedback off
set linesize 200
set heading on
set termout on

col sqltext format a100 word_wrapped

select to_char(substr(sql_text,1,4000)) sqltext

from dba_hist_sqltext
where sql_id='&_sql_id';

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