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selva peruana

Se conoce como selva peruana o Amazonía peruana, esta se encuentra ocupado por largas
extensiones de bioma selvático. Es una extensión vegetal frondosa, húmeda y de altura, en la
cual se halla la mayor cantidad de biodiversidad del mundo continental.

no en todos los lugares de la selva llueve, tambien tiene climas calidos. si en las zonas calidas
lloviera torrencialmente, la gente estaria sorprendida.

al inicio de año hubo un incendio a gran escala, si hubiera otro incendio igual, seria muy grave
porque se perderia bastantes especies tanto animal como vegetal.

me gustaria ir de viaje ahi para poder conocer but si encontrara lugareños hostiles, me
ocultaria, creo que seria una experiencia peligrosa.

en la selva hay mucha biodiversidad si no hubiera demasiada cantidad de animales y plantas

no seria recomendabla conocerlo porque en eso se basa el atractivo de este lugar.

Peruvian jungle

Known as the Peruvian jungle or Peruvian Amazon, it is occupied by large extensions of jungle
biome. It is a leafy, humid and high vegetal extension, in which the greater amount of
biodiversity of the continental world is found.

it does not rain everywhere in the jungle, it also has warm climates. if in the warm zones it
rained torrentially, people would be surprised.

at the beginning of the year there was a fire on a large scale, if there was another fire like that,
it would be very serious because many species of both animals and plants would be lost.

I would like to go there to meet people, but if I found hostile locals, I would hide, I think it
would be a dangerous experience.

in the jungle there is a lot of biodiversity if there were not too many animals and plants it
would not be recommended to know it because in that is based the attraction of this place.

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