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AP06-AA7-EV05 “Quién soy y por qué estudio ADSI”

Inírida Cristina Pérez González C.C. 1.193.584.160

Mayo de 2020

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Centro de Teleinformática y Producción Industrial

Regional Cauca

Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información (1749788)

Hi my name is inirida Cristina Perez Gonzales actually I'm not working but I'm staying at home by
general I wake up at 7:30 or 8:30 I help with the house chores 1 hour minimum and thee rest of the
time I watch TV or tutorials on YouTube, until I take lunch at 11:30 or 12, after this I help my
brothers to do their homework since 2 to 3:30pm then I make dinner for the whole family so then
we can go to church from 6:30 to 8pm. When I don't go to church I workout at home. This teaching
has helped me growing and to assume a higher level of responsibility, what takes my attention the
most is the way I can make a software, I didn't know the process this requires, also the efficiency of
our teacher that is fundamental in this process.

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