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Profesor estas son las tareas de las semana 2 y semana 4 que decía en los videos.

La de la
semana 3 no se cual es ya que al ingresar al video me sale el mismo que el de la semana 1.


Hello, my name is Luisa. I live in , in Perú. I study Human Resources Management at ZEGEL IPAE. I
live with my family. I have a part-time job. I work in an office in the morning. I like my job. I enjoy
mi life because i love my childrens.


Arturo Caceres is a teacher of History, at a school. He lives in Ica, with your family. First he weak
up six o´clock. He take a shower six-thirty. After he have breakfast. He goes to tha school at seven
o´clock. He ends around one-thirty. He goes home two o´clock and have lunch. After he watches
tv. He prepares his classes for the other day at four o´clock. He goes to bed at nine-thirty.

Hello, my name is Luisa. I study in zegel ipae and i going to talk about my father.

Her name is Arturo and her full name Cayo Solis. He is fifty six years old. He is from ica. He is a
teacher, in a school of Huancavelica. He is teacher of ciencias sociales.

Arturo's routine.

his routine has changed due to the current situation.

First he wakes up at seven o'clock. He takes a shower at seven thirty. He has breakfast at eight
o'clock. Then he has online meetings with his colleagues. He sends his classes at nine thirty and
makes calls to his students to explain. He lunches at one o'clock with his family. He prepares his
classes at three o'clock. Dinner at eight thirty. finally he goes to sleep at ten o'clock.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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