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Media Release
Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association announces a recreational therapeutic
equine experience to benefit front line workers across Canada.
LANGLEY, BC June 17/ - Mental health professionals are warning about an “echo pandemic” afflicting
front line workers across the country. Although the full impact of this echo pandemic will not be known
for some time, front line workers need immediate relief from the mental stress and anxiety they are
experiencing due to COVID-19.

Therapeutic riding centres have been providing therapeutic horseback riding to individuals of all ages
and abilities for decades. Despite this fact, equine therapy is still not as widely known as the more
common treatment modalities. The goal of equine therapy is to enhance the quality of life for riders by
improving their physical, mental, and emotional well being with the help of highly trained, empathetic
therapy horses. These equine assisted activities can play a significant role in alleviating stress, anxiety
and depression in people of all ages.

“At this moment in time, there is a very vital segment of our society who could really benefit from
equine therapy,” says Lynn Moseley, Director of Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association (VTEA). “They
are our front line workers. These workers are facing this pandemic head-on, day after day, and it is
having a profound affect on their mental health.”

VTEA, with the support of the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association (CanTRA), has created a
recreational therapeutic equine experience that aims to provide relief to front line workers across
Canada. This one-hour session with a therapy horse, under the guidance of a CanTRA certified
instructor, will work on stress and anxiety reduction using breathing and mindfulness techniques as well
as stretching exercises to release tension.

“Equine therapy can have very positive results for those who are suffering from anxiety in their daily
lives,” says Kathleen Ouellette, a registered Clinical Counselor. “Through their interactions with these
therapy horses, those suffering from the stressors of being on the front lines of the pandemic may find
some relief and develop a new way of coping with that stress.”

“We are always looking for an opportunity to reach out and help others in need, especially those who so
desperately need help right now,” said JoAnn Thompson Franklin, President of CanTRA. “We are proud
to support VTEA and their national initiative to help front line workers through this pandemic and

VTEA understands that not every front line worker may be able to afford the cost of these sessions.
Therefore, in conjunction with this new program, VTEA developed the Front Line Hero Appreciation
Fundraiser in the hopes that members of the public will gift an experience to Front Line Heroes. Any

member of the public can donate a session to a Front Line Hero of their choice, or VTEA will match them
with someone to sponsor.

VTEA is urging all Canadians to help our front line workers through this unique program. For more
information on the Frontline Heroes Program, or how you can sponsor a Front Line Hero, visit

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About VTEA

Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association (VTEA) is a registered volunteer-based charity that provides
medically-approved therapeutic horseback riding and hippotherapy treatments for children and adults
of varying abilities. Since 1983, the goal of VTEA has been to enhance the quality of life for our riders by
improving their physical, mental, and emotional well being with the help of our empathetic and gentle
therapy horses.

About CanTRA

Founded in 1980, the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association (CanTRA) is a registered charity that
promotes challenge, achievement and empowerment for children and adults with disabilities through
the use of the horse. CanTRA also provides education and instructor certification. There are now 80 plus
member centres across Canada providing high quality therapeutic, recreation, life skills and sport
programs. CanTRA is a member of Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI) and is
recognized as the only governing body for therapeutic riding centres in Canada. The majority of centres
focus on therapeutic riding to provide socialization. recreation, interaction of clients and horses, and the
care of the horse. In addition, several of the centres provide life skills training, rehabilitation, and
employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

For more information, please contact:

Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association

Lynn Moseley, Director
Cell: (604) 657-2319

Brenda Coward
Telephone: (519) 767-0700

For more information on the Frontline Hero Appreciation Fundraiser, click here:

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