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GUÍA DE APRENDIZAJE N°:7 ASIGNATURA: Inglés (Segundo periodo) FECHA: 1 al 5 de junio

DOCENTE: Eliana Castañeda Betancur GRADO: Décimo A-B-C TEMA: Reading comprehension Décimo A: 1-2-3 de junio
Décimo B: 02-03-05 de junio
Décimo C: 01-03-04 de junio
SECOND CLASS: (one hour) – Reading-Vocabulary
1. Read the text and look up in the dictionary the unknown words (lea atentamente el texto busque en su diccionario las palabras
You invite your friends over to watch an NBA basketball playoff game on TV. There are plenty of sodas in the refrigerator, the pop corn
is popping and you are all set to watch the bog game. You turn on the set, and all you get is fuzzy image on the screen. Is this plain bad
luck or is it Murphy’s Law at work? Murphy’s Law states: “If anything can go wrong, it will.” Similar situations occur all the time. When
you’re in a hurry to open the door and you try several keys on the key ring, the last one you try is usually the one that works. When
you get into a line at a supermarket, you find you’ve chosen the slowest one, and it just doesn’t move. Bad luck or coincidence?
According to British physicist Robert Mathews, it’s neither one nor the other. He explains that our selective memory tends to
remember the bad episodes more readily than the things that usually work out, and the law of probability is more against us than in
favor. For example, in the supermarket with five cashiers, the chances of getting a fast line are 20 percent, and 80 percent for a slow
Mathews became a popular scientist when he proved that a piece of toast doesn’t necessarily fall on the floor on the buttered side.
BBC Television gathered 300 people to throw pieces of buttered toast up in the air and observe on which side they fell. Half fell on
the buttered side, and halfdidn’t.
Now here’s a tricky question for Dr. Mathews. It’s a known fact that cats always fall on their four legs. What happens if you tie a piece
of buttered toast on a cat’s back and drop them from a balcony? Will the cat land on all four, or will the toast land on the buttered
side? I sincerely hope the BBC doesn’t try this experiment.
Just remember that you cannot blame Murphy’s Law for everything that goes wrong. If the hot water runs out while you’re having a
shower, it’s probably because the burner needs to be fixed. If your car breaks down on the way to a job interview, it’s probably
because you didn’t have the vehicle serviced or repaired.
2. Match the word with the definition
1. Fuzzy ( ) a. responsibility for anything wrong
2. plenty ( ) b. a part of a device that hot water.
3. luck ( ) c. to spread the fattysubstance.
3. remember ( ) d. to fall, descend.
4. buttered ( ) e. to adjust,repair
5. gather ( ) f. indistinct, not clear.
6. tie ( ) g. to bringtogether.
7. drop ( ) h. accident, fortune.
8. blame ( ) i. to come to land or a port.
( ) j. abundant supply.
9. land
( ) k. to fasten by a cord or other bond.
10. burner
11. fix

THIRD CLASS: (one hour)-Writing

 Develop the following activity in your notebook. (Desarrolla la siguiente actividad en tu cuaderno)

1. What’s your opinion about the text? Five lines. (¿cuál es su opinión acerca del texto? Cinco renglones)
2. Describe an experience or situation of bad luck in your life. (Describe una experiencia o situación de mala suerte en tu vida)
 Diccionario  El texto de la segunda clase no lo deben escribir, solo
 CARNIVAL book leer. Las actividades se resuelven en el cuaderno.
 Las actividades de la tercera clase se desarrollan en el
 El libro Carnival será enviado a través de los grupos de
whatsApp en formato PDF. (empezaremos la lectura
del libro a partir de la próxima semana porque en esta
semana tuvimos encuentro virtual)

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