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The data was drawn from the Entrepreneurial Survey carried out in 2018. From the whole
sample, in this study we employ the data of aaa questionnaires among bbb university students in
nine countries of Latin America that took part in this study.

A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail to students among different universities that
took part in the study. A total of xx students responded by mail or directly by cell-phone during
class sessions were collected, previously contacting professors to collaborate allowing students
to fill in the survey.

First, those interviewees who were running his/her own business (active entrepreneurs) or were
currently trying to start his/her own business (nascent entrepreneurs) were excluded. On the
other hand, we included only those students who were enrolled in undergraduate programs, in
business management and engineering. Finally, we took accounted of respondents who were
studying in their universities since 2016 and earlier. The latter criteria resulted from our interest
in students who have experienced, at least two years, the academic ambience. As a result, the
final sample includes information for 9012 students (See Table 1 for country distribution and
student profile). Although 11 countries in Latin America joined the Guesss project, the data
from El Salvador and Peru were not included in this study due to their small size once the
previous filters were applied (N=77 and N=16, respectively).

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