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The state of Jammu and Kashmir is situated in the North of Pakistan and was largest

state in Sub-continent. The state is contiguous to Pakistan, China, Tibet and Afghanistan.
The total population of the state was 4 millions as per Census of 1941.The area of the
state was 84471 It is predominantly a Muslim state.The British government sold
the state to a Dogra Raja,Gulab Singh for Rs.75 lac only in 1846.The Raja and his
successors played havoc with the Muslim masses. The Muslims were crushed.They used
to be heavily punished for minor things. They agitated in 1930. The freedom struggle
was going on when the Sub-continent was partitioned . The Kashmiris are mostly
Muslims. They aspired for annexation with Pakistan, “Kashmir Bane Ga Pakistan “ was the
main slogan of Kashmiri people.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is, culturally, geographically and religiously very close to
Pakistan. Most of the rivers flow from Kashmir to Pakistan and irrigate the lands of
Pakistan. He kashmiris have been emotionally attached with Pakistan . Therefore , they
pressed Raja to join Pakistan. The Hindu ruler did not appreciate the idea. Seeing no hope
of liberation , the Muslims started a freedom movement .Raja did every thing to crush
the activities of Muslims Kashmiris. Millions of Kashmiris were forced to migrate to
Pakistan.The forces of Raja killed more than 2 lakh Kashmiris. The oppression made the
movement to get greater momentum with passage of time .Raja found himself helpless
,therefore ,he appealed to Bharti government to come to his rescue. The Bharti
government ,on the other hand , kept on pressuring Raja to sign a document of
annexation. He utterly refused and the government prepared a fake document and
declared the annexation of Jammu and Kashmir with Bharat.

Now the people of Kashmir took the weapons in their hands and started fighting against the Bharti
forces .The Kashmiris got liberated a large area. This area called Azad Kashmir nowadays.
The people and government of Pakistan boosted up their morale. The freedom movement
seemed to be successful. The Hindu forces were pushed back. When the situation become
grim, the Bharti government sought the help of Security Council of the United Nations.

The Security Council intervened and passed two resolutions. Both the parties were advised to accept
cease fire. It was also decided the future of the state of Jammu and Kashmir would be
decided according to the aspirations of the people. To ascertain the will of the people , a
plebiscite was to be held on. The promise of Indian government the freedom fighter co-
operated with Security Council. Unfortunately the interests of major powers did not allow
the plebiscite. Kashmiris were deprived of their basic right. The unfair dealing led to two
wars between Pakistan and Bharat . the wars could not draw the required result. The
Security Council passed two more resolutions but could not do anything practically.

The Kashmiris once again , resolved to fight for freedom;they have been fighting for their birth right
from last two decades.The matter is still pending on the Agenda of United Nations. The dispute
demands more sacrifies from Kasmirirs Muslims.

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