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The two Spaniards deemed that the event of 1872 was planned earlier and was thought of it as

a big conspiracy among educated leaders, mestizos, abogadillos or native lawyers, residents of
Manila and Cavite and the native clergy.  They insinuated that the conspirators of Manila and
Cavite planned to liquidate high-ranking Spanish officers to be followed by the massacre of the
friars.  The alleged pre-concerted signal among the conspirators of Manila and Cavite was the
firing of rockets from the walls of Intramuros,

Call for Secularization

 Filipinos wanted to overthrow the Spanish Government to install new kings in the likes of
the three priests Fr. Mariano Gomez, Fr. Jose Burgos, and Fr. Jacinto Zamora (i.e.,
 These priests enticed participants by giving them charismatic assurance that their fight
will not fail because God is with them coupled with promises of rewards such as
employment, wealth, and ranks in the army.
Feast of the Virgin of Loreto
According to the accounts of the Vidal and Izquierdo, on 20 January 1872, the district of
Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, unfortunately participants to the feast
celebrated the occasion with the usual fireworks displays.  Allegedly, those in Cavite mistook
the fireworks as the sign for the attack, and just like what was agreed upon, the 200-men
contingent headed by Sergeant Lamadrid launched an attack targeting Spanish officers at sight
and seized the arsenal.

 In the evening of January 20, 1872, fireworks were displayed and rockets fired into the
air to celebrate the feast.
 The conspirators in Cavite mistook these for the signal to revolt. Hence, at 9:30 pm of
that day 200 native soldiers under the leadership of Sergeant La Madrid rose up in arms,
assassinated the commander of the fort and wounded his wife.
Prisoners pointed out these individuals (and several other Filipinos) as instigators:

Execution of GOMBURZA

 On February 17, 1872, in an attempt of the Spanish government to instill fear among the
Filipinos so that they may never commit such daring act again, the GOMBURZA were

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