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 James B. Stiff and Paul A. Mongue (2016)
Persuasive communication as any message that is intended to shape, reinforce,
or change the response of another, or others.

 James Price Dillard and Lijiang Shen (2013)

Define persuasion with coercion. States that the definition for persuasive is an
attempts fall short of blatant coercion.
 Richard M. Perloff (2003)
Persuasion is a symbol process in which communication try to convince other people to change
their attitude or behavior regarding an issue through transmission of a message, in an
atmosphere, of free choice.
Perloff also explain that there are five components as a basis of his definition:
1. As a Symbolic Process
Persuasion use symbols, with the message transmitted primarily through language with its rich,
cultural meaning.
2. Persuasion involves an attempt to influence
Persuasion represents a conscious attempt to influence the other party, along with an
accompanying awareness that persuade has a mental state that is susceptible to change.
3. People persuade themselves
People persuade themselves to change attitudes or behavior.
4. Persuasion involves the transmission of the message
The message may be verbal or nonverbal. It can be relayed interpersonally, through mass media,
or via the Internet. It may be reasonable or unreasonable, factual or emotional.
5. Persuasion requires a free choice
Self-persuasion is the key to successful influence, then an individual must be free to alter his own
behavior or to do what he wishes in a communication setting
The Persuasive Communication Problems in Customer Service

 Bader Alshahran, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ashaab and Dr. Patrick Mclaughlin (2017)
In their journal, one of the problems that they were encounter with is lack of
problem-solving skill from customer service officer.
 Ilyuza Gizzatullina (2019)
There are eight problems that wrote on the journal.
1. The staff use the terminology that not general public knows about what it means.
2. The customer service department do not participate in requirement writing.
3. Customers do not agree on product vision
4. Endless stream. Big amount of unstructured feedback.
5. Back to waterfall or when customers are not flexible and require deadline.
6. Red tape or when project or products requirements approval takes a long time,
company jurist approve everything very slowly.
7. Information distortion.
8. New person on role.
The Persuasive Strategies

 Madya Giri Aditama (2016)

There are three theories in Aditama (2016) journal that based on Arisototle’s
Persuasion Rhetoric:
1. Ethos
Ethos (Greek for character) refers to the trustworthiness or credibility of the
writer or speaker. Ethos is often conveyed through tone and style of the message
and through the way the writer or speaker refers to differing views.
2. Pathos
Pathos (Greek for suffering or experience) is often associated with emotional
appeal. For achievement of success in persuasion, emotional appeals both
towards audience and topic are needed.
3. Logos
logos means persuading by the use of reasoning. The Greek word logos means
word and it refers to the internal consistency of the message, the clarity of the
claim, the logic of its reasons, and the effectiveness of its supporting evidence.

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