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Five years ago, I was in the middle of my career, I just studied from Monday to Saturday and

rarely, did I go to study to university on Sunday. In that Sunday, which I had to study an
unusual event happened in the park that is in front of my house. Upon getting inside home, I
heard a very loud moan that seemed to be from a dog, so I decided to go out to see what had
happened and I saw a white dog was crying in the park. While looking that scene, I felt
compassion and was thinking how could I help it?

Suddenly, my neighborhood named Francisco, who also was looking the same scene, told me
“Only if I have enough money and space, will I adopt it in my house” and I answered “So do I”.
Then my aunt Mary arrived home and gave it food and also water.

The next day, wanting to adopt it, my aunt was talking to my mom about the dog. Then they
decided to give it food and water outside home. It was working until my mom realized the dog
is female, so she didn’t want to know about dog. Having talked to my aunt, my mother said “I
won’t accept that dog unless you sterilize it”. Then some members of my family and I made a
recollection of money to pay dog’s sterilize and we gave it a new name that is “Blanca”. Since
that moment, its lifestyle has improved.

In conclusion, everybody felt compassion for someone or abandoned pets, but depends on
oneself take actions to try to help.

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