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What Are Progressive

Lenses, and Are They

Right for You?
Eyeglasses come in a variety of types. This includes a single-vision lens
with one power or strength over the entire lens, or a bifocal or trifocal lens
with multiple strengths over the entire lens.

But while the latter two are options if you need a different strength in your
Progressive lenses to see far and near objects, many multifocal progressive
lenses are designed with a visible line separating the different prescription

If you prefer a no-line multifocal lens for yourself or your child, a

progressive additional lens (PAL) might be an option.

What are progressive lenses?

PALs are a type of multifocal lens specifically for people who need
corrective Progressive lenses to see distant and close up objects. To put it
plainly, these Progressive lenses allow you to see clearly at multiple
distances without a bifocal line.

The need for a progressive lens increases with age. By the age of 35 or 40,
many people have difficulty focusing their eyes on nearby objects. This is
known as presbyopia, and to compensate for this focusing problem, some
people wear single-vision eyeglasses for distance, as well as reading
glasses for close up.

While this approach can work, PALs provide a simpler, more

convenient solution to age-related vision problems:

 The upper section of a progressive lens provides the strength you

need to see clearly in the distance.

 The lower section provides the strength you need to see clearly up close.

 The middle section helps you see clearly at intermediate or

middle distances.

These Progressive lenses provide a gradual transition in strength from top

to bottom.

Even though some people require progressive lenses as they become

older, these Progressive lenses are also an option for children who need
eyeglasses for
bold nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Pros of progressive lenses

 One pair of eyeglasses for everything

 No distracting bifocal line

 Modern, youthful glasses

Cons of progressive lenses

 Takes time to adjust

 Visual distortions
 Higher cost

What are the benefits of

progressive lenses?
Progressive lenses aren’t only an option for correcting nearsightedness
and farsightedness, they can also correct an astigmatism.

An astigmatism is when light doesn’t focus evenly on the retina due to

an irregular shaped cornea, resulting in blurry vision.

Along with correcting vision problems, other advantages of a progressive lens


1. Only need one pair of eyeglasses

Some people find that a progressive lens is better than a single-vision lens
because it allows them to see clearly at different distances without the need
to carry a second pair of eyeglasses.

A progressive lens does the job of a single-vision lens and reading glasses,
so that you only have one pair of glasses on hand.

2. No unsightly bifocal line

Progressive lenses offer the benefits of a multifocal lens without a multifocal

line. And since there’s a gradual shift in lens strength with a progressive
lens, you don’t have to deal with any sudden changes in clarity, which are
common with multifocal lines.
3. Modern, youthful appearance

Bifocal and trifocal eyeglasses are sometimes associated with old age. So
wearing eyeglasses with a bifocal line may make you feel self-conscious. You
might feel more comfortable with a progressive lens since there isn’t a visible

What are the disadvantages

of progressive lenses?
While a progressive lenses can provide “no line” visual clarity, it’s important
to understand the disadvantages of these Progressive lenses.

1. You must learn how to see through the lens

Bifocals and trifocal lenses have a visible line, so it’s easier to determine
where to look for clear vision. Since progressive lenses don’t have a
line, there’s a learning curve, and it might take one to two weeks to learn
the correct way to look through the lens.

2. Temporary vision distortions

The lower part of a progressive lens is magnified because it’s designed for
reading. So if your eyes look downward when stepping off a curb or walking
upstairs, your feet may appear larger and it can be difficult to gauge your step.
This can cause stumbling or tripping.

You’ll need to train your eyes to look through the distant part of the
progressive lens rather than the reading part to avoid problems while
Progressive lenses can also cause peripheral distortion when moving your
eyes from side to side. These visual effects become less noticeable as your
eyes adjust to the Progressive lenses.

3. More expensive than single-vision lenses

and bifocal lenses

Keep in mind the cost difference between progressive lenses, single-vision

lenses, and bifocal lenses. Progressive lenses are more expensive
because you’re basically getting three eyeglasses in one.

In addition, you’re paying for the convenience and extra time that goes
into creating a multifocal eyeglass with no lines.

But given the convenience and simplicity of progressive lenses, some people
feel that the extra cost is worth it.

How much do progressive

lenses cost?
Typically, these Progressive lenses are more expensive than a bifocal. For
example, you could pay $260 for a standard progressive lens and only
$105 for bifocals, according to Consumer Reports.
You’ll also pay more for a higher quality progressive lens. For instance, a
high- index progressive lens might cost $350, whereas you might pay
$310 for a high-definition progressive lens. And if you want a scratch-
resistant progressive lens, the price can jump to $400.

Prices may also vary by region and eyeglass company. So it’s important
to shop around and compare prices.

Buying online may be an option; however, it can also have some risks. To
work properly, progressive lenses need to be measured to your eyes and that
can be difficult to accomplish online.

You might also consider that a 2011 study by the American

Optometric Association revealed that 44.8 percent of 154 glasses
ordered online had incorrect prescriptions or safety issues.

For best results, consider working with a skilled optician who can help
you choose the best frame and lens type for you.
How to tell if progressive lenses
are right for you?
Even though a progressive lens allows you to see near and far
distances clearly, these Progressive lenses aren’t the right choice for

Some people never adjust to wearing a progressive lens. If this happens to

you, you may experience constant dizziness, problems with depth perception,
and peripheral distortion.

Plus, if you work on a computer, you may find that a regular progressive
lens doesn’t provide the clarity you need at an intermediate distance.

Instead, you might require occupational or computer progressive lens,

which provides a stronger strength for intermediate distances. This can
reduce eyestrain and eye fatigue.

The only way to know if progressive lenses will work for you is to try them and
see how your eyes adjust. If you don’t adapt after two weeks, your optometrist
may need to adjust the strength in your lens. If problems continue, a bifocal
lens might be a better fit for you.

Progressive lenses are perfect for nearsightedness and farsightedness,
but there’s a learning curve and some people never adjust to these
Progressive lenses.

To help your eyes adjust, wear your progressive lens as often as possible
in the beginning. Also, get into the habit of turning your head to look at
objects instead of moving your eyes from side to side. Peering out the side
of the
glasses can distort your vision.

When reading, however, move your eyes and not your head.

Eyeglass technology is always improving. So if you’re unable to wear

a progressive lens today, you might be able to wear one in the future.

Which Eyeglasses Are Right

For You? Bifocal, Progressive
or Single-Vision Reading

Single Vision
Single vision is the most common type of prescription lens. This lens type features a
single field of vision, or one prescription power throughout the entire lens, for correcting
nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia).

Single-vision lenses are also used for reading glasses. Reading glasses may either be
prescription or over-the-counter. Over-the-counter reading glasses are the same
power in both eyes, and often use powers such as +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, or +2.50 (or
quarter steps in between). Prescription reading glasses are tailored to you, and may
require some math to order. Visit our FAQ.

Some people need glasses for distance as well as reading. Instead of having a
separate pair of single-vision glasses for each, bifocals or progressives may be a more
convenient option. Unlike single vision, bifocals and progressives are multifocal lenses
that have more than one point of focus, such as distance and near.

People who have numbers listed for the “ADD” portion of their glasses prescription
need either bifocals, progressives, or reading glasses. This, quite simply, is because
your eyes need ADDitional power added on top of your distance prescription to see up-

When your eye doctor says you should consider bifocals, your first thought might be,
“OMG, I’m getting old!” That’s because bifocals generally conjure up one of two
stereotypical images: that of the sweet old granny in a rocking chair or Benjamin
Franklin (largely credited with inventing bifocals). It doesn’t help that ‘presbyopes’—the
technical term for people who wear bifocals or progressives—comes from the Greek
word, presbyopia, which basically means “trying to see as old men do.”

You’re not old—you just need reading glasses now on top of your other glasses, and
bifocals are a more convenient option than carrying around two pairs of glasses.

Bifocal lenses have two viewing areas divided by a visible line: a larger viewing area
for distance with a smaller segment for reading.

It may take first-time bifocal wearers some time to adjust to the progressive lenses.
This is largely due to learning how to move your eyes between the distance and
reading portions of the lens. Some people also find the “image jump” that occurs at
the visible line between the distance and the reading areas obtrusive, especially for
those with mobility issues that must look down when walking. The best thing to do
to get used to your bifocals is to wear them as much as possible.
A trifocal, which is fairly uncommon, is similar to a bifocal with an added lined
segment for intermediate vision on top of the lined portion for reading. Zenni does
not sell trifocals.

Standard progressives are multi-focal lenses with three viewing areas: distance-,
intermediate-, and near-vision. Unlike bifocals, there is no visible line between each
viewing area. They have a seamless, invisible design where the power “progressively”
changes throughout the lens. Many people confuse the terms “bifocal” or “trifocal” with
“progressive,” but it is key to remember that bifocals and trifocals have a visible line in
the lens, while progressives do not. People also confuse Transitions®, a brand of
photochromic lenses that turn dark in sunlight, with progressives. Because progressives
have no line in the lens, they are a much more popular type of multifocal lens than

Progressives are typically prescribed for people over age 40 who already wear
distance glasses but now need enhanced near vision for reading, as well as enhanced
intermediate vision for computer use, for example. Instead of having three pairs of
glasses for each need, progressives offer all-in-one convenience.

The primary viewing area in a progressive lens is for distance, with a smaller area at
the bottom of the lens for near vision, and an even smaller area for intermediate vision
in the middle. Standard progressives are great for all-purpose glasses, with the
emphasis on distance-vision activities like driving and walking, and adequate areas in
the lens for near-vision activities such as reading and computer use. The left and right
sides of the lens, or “lobes,” are intentionally blurry to achieve the invisible design. The
clearest vision in a progressive is top-to-bottom in the center of the lens.
There is typically an adjustment period when wearing new progressives. For new
wearers, try to get used to the glasses gradually. Build up wear-time every day for the
first 2-3 weeks to adjust to the lenses. For example, wear them 1-2 hours the first day,
and increase an additional 2 hours a day until you are comfortable. Try them out at
home before getting behind the wheel of a car. Remember that you’ll need to turn your
head and move your eyes in order to find the “sweet spot” for the activity you are
focusing on.

For experienced wearers, a new progressive pair – even in the same prescription
– often takes some readjustment as well. This is because progressive lenses, like
shoes, are all different. Buying a pair of shoes in a Size 8 from 2 different
companies are not going to feel the same due to shape, style, brand, fit, material,
and more. Likewise, the progressive lens design, frame shape, and many other
factors contribute to the adjustment period.

In short, when adjusting to new progressives, it helps to wear the glasses as much as

Workspace Progressives
Zenni’s Workspace Progressives are specialized progressive lenses designed for
up- close activities at work or home.

If you already wear standard progressives, you know what it’s like to search for that
‘sweet spot’ of clear vision when doing certain up-close activities like computer work or
interacting with others for long periods. Workspace Progressives are designed to
supplement standard progressives, providing more comfort and visual clarity in these
special situations.
Zenni offers two Workspace Progressives lenses: Near-Range Progressives and
Mid- Range Progressives.

Near-Range Progressives offer greater comfort and visual clarity within 3 feet. They are
designed for those who spend long periods at a desk or other confined workspace.

With a wider field of up-close vision, this specialized lens is great for prolonged
reading, using hand-held devices like mobile phones and tablets, detail work like
sewing, as well as heavy computer use and reading.

The Mid-Range Progressive lens features narrower near-range vision with greater
mid- range vision for comfort and visual clarity within 10-14 feet. This lens is designed
for those who need enhanced up-close vision with the ability to see the entire room
more clearly.

This specialized lens is great for those who work in an office environment because it
not only helps you see the computer clearly, it allows you to see around a
conference room.

Workspace Progressive lenses do not have distance vision, so they are not
recommended for driving. Like standard progressives, it may take some time to adjust
to a Workspace Progressive.

In addition to this guide, we recommend consulting with your eye doctor to

determine the best lens solution for you.

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