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FSN 417 Nutrition Counseling

FSN 417 Counseling Practical Transcript, Assessment, and Reflection Form

Part 1 – Transcript and Assessment

Note that on rows in which the Client was speaking, the 1 st, 4th, and 5th columns will be blank.

Client Counselor Statement / Response Type of Keep / Revise Counselor

State- or Client Counselor Response, Explanation, &
ment Response Alternate (More Effective)
Number Response
1 Counselor Hi Jalen, I’m Jessica. I’m NC Change; I should not have
going to be your counselor addressed their intentions for
today, Um, just tell me a coming into the session in the
little bit about what first sentence. I should have
brought you in today. attempted to engage instead.

Hi Jalen, I’m Jessica. I’m going to

be your counselor today. How
has your morning been?
Client Mostly just trying to get
used to the whole like new
routine of being at home
and doing school from
home and stuff like that. So
I’m kind of watching like
some days when I have the
asynchronous classes, it’s
easier for me to like get up
and make food and make
balanced meals and stuff
like that. But then on
Tuesdays and Thursdays
and Fridays when I’m in
zoom meetings, it’s really
hard for me to find time to
do that. So I kind of find
that I’m eating weird
combinations of things or
not eating when I should
be or something like that.
So I kind of wanted to work
on that.
2 Counselor And where are you in NC Keep; this helped me gain
quarantine right now? background information about
Where are you staying? the client and engage.
Client I went back to my

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hometown, which is where

my boyfriend’s family is. He
is working for his brother
right now, so I’m staying at
his house in Sonoma
3 Counselor Oh! Where in Sonoma? NC Keep; gaining information about
client and engaging.
Client Santa Rosa.
4 Counselor Ok, my roommate lives NC Keep; gaining information about
there. How many people client and engaging.
are living in the house with
Client So, there’s three of them
who are already here, and
then me and my boyfriend.
So 5, and then three dogs.
5 Counselor Full house! How many NC Keep; gaining information about
people do you live with in client and engaging.
Client Just me and him.
6 Counselor So it sounds like its kind of CR Keep; I like this response because
a big change. she had mentioned earlier about
her challenge about adjusting to
living somewhere new with new
people. This response
summarizes that briefly and let’s
her know that I see how change
can be difficult.
Client Yeah, they’re all like my
best friends so it’s really
nice to be around people
and family and stuff like
that but it’s definitely hard
to be in school and not feel
like I’m also on vacation.
7 Counselor I can understand that. Do Q Change; I think a question is fine
you have any hobbies you here, but this question is very
enjoy while you’re there? abrupt. I could have added a
reflection to help address
previous statements.

Balancing life and school can be

tough but living with friends can
be fun! How are you spending
your free time?
Client Well, luckily one of the

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other girls who was here is

also in school. So she’s
here doing her stuff online
as well and we’ve been
buying these like virtual
class passes to studios in
the area and are doing like
bodyweight and yoga and
various HIIT style workouts
that they have virtually. So
that’s been kind of the
main thing besides school.
So it’s been nice.
8 Counselor How often do you do those Q Change; this question is not bad
pilates, yoga, and HIIT but it lacks engagement with my
classes in a week? client.

It’s nice to have someone in a

similar position to you in the
house, how often do you do
those workout classes per week?
Client I would say like once a day.
Sometimes, depending on
the level of studying and
how crazy we feel, we’ll do
two. But usually just one.
9 Counselor Have you noticed that Q Change; I like what I meant by
depending on the intensity this question but I should have
of the class, it kind of simplified it and made it more
effects the type of meals open ended.
you’re going to making for
that day? Or the frequency What changes, if any, have you
of the meals? noticed intensity level of exercise
effecting your meals?
Client Yeah
10 Counselor So if it’s more intense, you SR Keep; she did not exactly respond
will be eating more often but I think this summarized what
that day; probably bigger she meant well.
Client Yeah typically. Kind of also
just depends on how much
stuff I have to do for
school. If I’m thinking
about it a lot or not. I
mean, sometimes, it’ll be
like we work out early in
the morning. I eat

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breakfast. School gets

going and I kind of just
don’t think about stuff until
2:00pm. Then I realize I’m
like so hungry. Then that’s
when I like eat random
things or don’t eat enough
or whatever it is.
11 Counselor So, let’s kind of revisit your SR,Q Change; The first sentence is
goal. There are some days unnecessary, I said it out of
you eat really balanced nerves. Also the reflection is
meals. But some days you weak. Despite that I think the
eat mostly just snacks. So, question works but is premature.
it seems like things are kind
of just all over the place. On the days you have
Why exactly do you want asynchronous class, you can
to move more towards respond to your hunger cues
having a balanced meal set more freely. But on the days you
up every single day? What are stuck in class you are
is motivating you? occupied and by the time you
have time to eat, you are so
hungry that snacking can become
the easiest option. What do you
enjoy about having balanced
meals on the days you have
Client I think my biggest
motivation is just because I
think it will help keep my
productivity up throughout
the day and my energy up
throughout the day. I also
just really hate the feeling
of not eating when I really
want to eat and also just
avoid the feeling of getting
up and being super hungry
but only having a minute
and just eating random
things. Then not feeling
very goof after that.
12 Counselor What was your eating Q Keep; this is open ended and
schedule like when you allows me to gain information
were going to regular
classes in SLO?
Client Well I worked on campus,
so I got meal passes every

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day, which was nice. It was

really easy to go to 805 and
do homework and eat
there and grab something.
Then also when we lived
there, my boyfriend
worked form home. Now,
he’s working out and about
for his brother and he
would typically make like
some kind of meal prep
type thing for both of us.
So I would just have
something in the fridge
that was already put
together that I could grab
really easy.
13 Counselor So convenience is AF Keep; emphasizes what is
something that you value. important to client
Client yes
14 Counselor What are your cooking Q Change; This question is not well
skills like? Because you said communicated. It could have
that you boyfriend cooking begun as a reflection.
a lot in SLO and now that
you are in Santa Rosa, are You mentioned that in SLO your
you doing any cooking or boyfriend did most of the cooking
do you not like cooking at in your home. Do you enjoy
all? cooking more now that you are
living in Santa Rosa?
Client I’m not like the biggest fan
of cooking, but I do cook
breakfast which is my
favorite meal. So, I feel like
those are the kinds of
things I can cook fast. But
we have been doing the
thing where we rotate. So
there’s five of us, so each
person takes a day of the
week to cook. So, I have
been upping my cooking
skills a little bit.
15 Counselor And are you enjoying that? Q Keep; gain information about
household dynamic.
Client Yeah, I do! I enjoy it. It’s
pretty fun for the most part
and I feel like there are a

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lot of things you can make

that are easy and healthy.
16 Counselor That is good. NC Change; this is not engaging.
Could be changed to a reflection.

You did not always enjoy cooking,

but this change of setting seems
to be helping you explore cooking
in an enjoyable manner.
Client Yeah. Something that
everyone values too.
17 Counselor Would you think that you P Change; this is way too blunt. I
would be open to the idea should have explored their
of meal prepping on the interests in a more collaborative
days that you have manner.
synchronous class?
Tell me about what you enjoyed
about meal prepping?
Client Like meal prepping on the
days that I don’t have class
you mean?
18 Counselor yeah, in preparation for the P Change; this is way too blunt. I
days you’re going to be in should have explored their
class all day. interests in a more collaborative

If you were to begin meal

prepping, how do you see it
working out?
Client Yeah definitely!
19 Counselor Ok so let’s go back and try Q Change; there was no need to say
to refocus on the goal. the first sentence. I also did not
What does grocery seek any type of collaboration
shopping for your thus far and could have built
household look like? trust and a relationship this way.
Regardless, I did like the open-
ended question which allowed
her to provide a lot of valuable
Client Typically we all try to go
but it’s difficult because
there’s so many of us. So
it’s hard to everything in
the fridge for like a two
week period. So we try to
go no more than once a
week. Sometimes we can

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make it like one and a half

weeks and two of us will do
it each time we go. We
switch off. But we plan
dinners based off recipes
and then we just make sure
that we have stuff for
breakfast and lunch that
everybody’s kind of into. So
we always have plenty of
20 Counselor Ok, so you guys buy food as SR,Q Keep; I really like this response
a collective and then because I feel as though I actively
everybody can just kind of attempted to incorporate
take what they want and reflections which is something I
cook what they want. Do struggle with. This particularly
the other people in your quickly rephrases what the client
house cook their meals or said and then uses a question to
do they also snack similar incorporate things previously
to you do when you don’t stated to continue to learn more.
have the time?
Client One of them kind of takes
leftovers from dinner to
work and that’s usually
kind of the amount we
have. Sometimes there
aren’t any leftovers from
dinner. Two of them kind
of get food in various ways
or don’t eat very much
throughout the day. It’s
more like big breakfast, big
dinner. Then the other one
is in school and she kind of
does the same thing I do.
21 Counselor On the days that you have Q Change; although this question is
synchronous class do you ok, I would have liked to reflect
usually wake up and have here instead. Summarize what is
breakfast before class important to the client and allow
then? her to hear out loud what it
seems like she values.

You and your roommates have

various schedules and methods
of getting food, but it seems like
you often make time for
breakfast because it is your

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favorite and important to you.

Client Yeah.
22 Counselor Ok so, you usually wake for CR,Q Keep; I like this response because
breakfast because it is your it helps to clarify everything that
favorite, but then there’s was said previously. The client
not a lot of time between has a clear understanding of the
your class so you don’t goal I am moving towards
make food in between. Is addressing through the reflection
that the problem? and this question allows her to
make corrections if need be.
Client Yeah.
23 Counselor So I think it would be kind EA,Q Change; although the first part
of a good idea for us to emphasizes partnership between
brainstorm what we can do the two of us, I did not ask for
in just those days that you permission of my opinion and I
have synchronous class and keep mentioning this statement
kind of tackle those days and then disregarding it in the
first. Usually about how second part of my statement. I
much time do you have do like the message the question
between class? is attempting to learn more

The days with little free time

between a busy class schedule
seem to be the more
troublesome. How do you spend
time between classes currently?
Client the way it’s kind of been
happening is that, I mean, I
do have technically a break
from 10:00am until
12:00pm. But I have a quiz
usually that I have to do.
Then, I study for the quiz a
little before that and then if
we have anything for this
class, like any prep stuff.
But I typically do have at
like at least 40 minutes I
would say I could spend on
cooking. But I typically will
go hang out outside for a
minute or call somebody or
do some random thing
around the house. But it’s
not like something that’s

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24 Counselor And if you wait until the SR, Q Keep; I like this response because
very end of all that, you’re it continuous the paragraph and
too hungry. Then you end indicates that I was listening and
up snacking right? understand what she was saying
during the consult. Then asks a
clarifying question to ensure my
statement was correct.
Client yeah, yeah
25 Counselor Ok I know that in this class, P Change; this completely
particularly, the professor disregards the client’s difficulty
said that if we were hungry with snacking and creates a
and had something that we ‘simple fix’ which can be
could eat during class. If demeaning.
you maybe meal prepped
in the morning for lunch The time between classes are
and then just heat it up often spent for personal
during class, would that enjoyment. What do you enjoy
seem appealing to you? about that?
Client Yeah, totally
26 Counselor Ok. Are the other classes Q Change; this question is
synchronous about this unorganized and could be more
time as well? Like noon or thoughtfully expressed.
when exactly are they?
What does your class schedule
look like on days that you have
synchronous class?
Client Yeah it’s from like 7:40am
to 10:00am and then this
one is until about 2:00pm
and that’s Tuesdays and
Thursdays. The Friday it’s
from 9am until noon.
27 Counselor What are some things that Q Keep; although I ask a lot of
you usually have for lunch questions in my dialogue, I like
when you have time for it? this question because it is open-
ended and allows me to gain a
details regarding her current diet.
Client Um, some things I have
been making is like tuna
with hummus. We’re doing
like a salad with like
edamame and beans and
stuff like that. Sometimes
we’ll have like leftover
chicken that I’ll throw into
like some sort of grain.
Typically, what I do actually

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is have a smoothie in the

morning and then I’ll make
like some kind of breakfast
situating again at
28 Counselor Is it ok if I give a little bit of SEEK Keep; I like this response because
input on the meals? I asked for permission which
really puts the power in the
client’s court. Allowing their
vulnerability of sharing to be
turned around a little bit.
Client Yeah, absolutely.
29 Counselor Ok so from the meals that GI, SEEK Change; I like that I incorporated
you gave me, I don’t think what the client gave me and
that egg will probably work expanded on their ideas however
as well to meal prep just I have fallen into a ‘simple fix’
because eggs don’t usually tone of dialogue and this can be
hold as long. But I’m very demeaning to her struggle
thinking that maybe like with having lunch when busy.
the salad and the tuna with
hummus could kind of be a From the list of foods you gave
good meal prep because me, it seems as though eggs may
those are already cold. So if pose the most challenges in
you really wanted to eat in terms of freshness for meal
the middle of class, you prepping. Salad and tuna and
could just go ahead and hummus may be easier because
take that out of the fridge they are meant to be chilled. This
and then bring it back to can make eating in class easy
wherever you’re doing because there is no reheating
school and then have lunch process involved. What are your
that way. What are your opinions on that.
opinions about that idea?
Client Yeah, I think that probably
makes the most sense.
30 Counselor Do you see any barriers Q Keep; exploring boundaries can
getting in the way of help me as a counselor
making that possible? understand where the client is at
mentally and imagine any
potential aspects of their lives
that could affect their progress.
Client I think the only thing would
be like if I chose that
morning to get up early or
not. Sometimes, I’ll get up
early with one of the
people who live here
before she goes to work

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and we will do some sort of

virtual fitness class. Then if
we do that, I feel like I’m a
little rushed for time to for
breakfast and then also
meal prepping. I can plan
accordingly and probably
make it work, especially if it
was something like putting
whatever on a salad. I
mean, that doesn’t take
very long.
31 Counselor You said before that the Q Change; I did not address her
girl you usually do the sustain talk as well. I would have
fitness classes with is also acknowledged the barrier and
in school, right? tried to put a motivating spin on

Convenience and time is

something that is important to
you and your schedule. I can
definitely see how that might be
difficult to incorporate right
Client Right one of the other ones
is a vet so she leaves the
house. That’s the one I
wake up early and do stuff
with. Sometimes the other
one will workout with me if
we have time like in our
day that she’s not studying
and I’m not studying.
32 Counselor Maybe you guys could kind P Change; offering suggestions
of meal prep for lunch without permission really comes
together and make it a off as a ‘simple fix’ and disregards
social thing. their struggle.

It seems like you have really

created time in your schedule to
make working out socially work.
How do you think meal prepping
could be made more enjoyable to
Client Yes, if she’s kind of running
out then maybe that won’t
always be the case

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33 Counselor Ok so let me just kind of go CR, Q Keep; this is a comprehensive

over what we talked about summary of the clients ideas that
and then we can kind of help her hear back the main
move forward. So you are points of the session and
saying that you want to eat remember everything she had
more balanced meals mentioned thus far. Also, this
during the week because long reflection helps her know
you think it will help with that I am listening actively to her
your productivity and you words.
really don’t like the feeling
of not eating. But with all
of this change from SLO to
Santa Rosa. I know that it
can be kind of
overwhelming and things
can change so meal
prepping in the morning
early before you have class
and kind of make things
easier for when you get
hungry. Kind of anticipating
that lunchtime hunger
rush. So we could meal
prep like tuna with
hummus or salad. Then you
can just have that in the
fridge stocked for when
you need it, does that
sound good?
Client Yup.
34 Counselor So let’s see. On a scale Q Change; I like the first part but
from 1-10 how do you feel? feel like the closing question does
not offer any description of what
I meant. If she was not taking this
class, this client likely would have
a harder time understanding my

On a scale from 1-10, 1 meaning

completely unsure about change
and 10 being completely ready to
make a change now, how do you
feel about meal prepping on the
mornings before class.
Client Probably like a 7 ½.
35 Counselor Ok, why aren’t you like a Q Keep; This just allows me to gain
five or six? more insight into the factors she

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already has that are keeping her

motivated and at a ‘high’ number
Client So I feel like I could
probably get into it pretty
quickly and be good at it
but then depending on
where I’m at in the quarter
and how much stuff is
going on or how stressed
out I feel. Typically, my
sleep will get thrown off
because I’m stressed out or
whatever and those kinds
of things, like the meal
prepping, can fall to the
wayside a little bit.
36 Counselor What are some things that Q Change; this question is good but
you already have that you adding in a reflection could help
think will help you achieve address the sustain talk to help
these goals? the client feel heard.

Stress seems to really influence

your eating patterns but you
seem motivated to find a balance
to add in structure and
productivity. What are some
things that you have already that
can help you achieve your goals?
Client Definitely that I have done
meal prepping before. I
think that being at home
actually more of the day is
going to be kind of a
benefit to it. I’m not like
trying to get out of the
house or rush to walk or
anything, you know? So if I
set my mind to it, I can
usually get that done.
37 Counselor Ok, so it sounds like there’s CR, Q Keep; I like this statement
actually a lot of things kind because it really focuses on the
of working in your favor positive. The question also
right now while you’re at reaches out to explore possible
home. Have you tried self traits or attempts that have
before this consult to work worked in the past to be applied
through ways that you can to the current goal.

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stop snacking so much and

have more balanced meals
throughout the day?
Client I don’t think I really have
put too much effort into it
until this time. Just because
I’m still kind of getting
adjusted to the living in
somebody else’s house
kind of feeling. I am still
trying to figure out like a
solid routine.
38 Counselor Would you say that you’re Q Change; although I like the
kind of finding your routine message of this question I would
more so now that it’s been like for it be more open ended.
a month?
How has you routine and comfort
level changed over the duration
of your month in Santa Rosa?
Client Yeah, definitely yeah.
39 Counselor Well you seem really AF, SEEK, Q Keep; this is a transitionary
motivated about making phrase to move the conversation
this change. Let’s begin towards setting a goal. I
brainstorming and solidify attempted to acknowledge
how many days a week whether goals would seem
you’re going to make this realistic to incorporate her
change and how realistic opinion. Then confirmed lastly
that seems to you. You with a question to make sure
have synchronous classes what I was saying was true to
three days a week, right? her.
Client Right.
40 Counselor Maybe we should start off P Change; I did not ask permission
with two days a week to give such input. This really
because on Friday you get cornered the client and could
out of class at noon. have made her feel like she had
to say yes.

How many days would you like to

attempt to meal prep before
Client That’s right.
41 Counselor Ok, so it sounds like on CR Change; I did not ask permission
Fridays you could probably to give such input. This really
eat after class. So maybe cornered the client and could
two days a week during the have made her feel like she had
week. On the days you to say yes.
have synchronous class,

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you can wake up early and However many days a week you
kind of plan accordingly see yourself effectively meal
with your fitness classes prepping lunch is a step towards
and your roommate to your goal. Planning out with your
meal prep a few things for roommates when they have time
that lunch time hunger in the morning can help build a
rush. support system and hold you
accountable for prepping lunch.
Client That sounds good.
42 Counselor Do you have any ideas SEEK Keep; I like this statement
besides the tuna with because it is very specific but
hummus and salad already brings up only points that she
mentioned so you could had said before and asks her for
start kind of brainstorming more input.
for the grocery shopping
this weekend.
Client Um, I’m like the worst at
coming up with interesting
recipes but the people I live
with are really into it and
they all have pinterest
accounts with all their
favorite recipes and stuff.
So I feel like I could
definitely just sit with one
or two of them after dinner
tonight and get a couple
ideas and then just go from
there. I mean, I’m sure I
could add to it. I could get
like lunch meat and look up
various green salads and
other things.
43 Counselor So there is a lot of people CR Keep; I like this statement
in your household that can because I want her to feel
support this goal. supported and say out loud that
her roommates really seem to be
able provide a support network
for her if she feels comfortable
reaching out.
Client Yeah, definitely
44 Counselor Ok, so let’s do this two SR Keep; I like this summary because
days a week meal prepping I mentioned that there is
in the morning. Then next opportunity to change her goals
time we meet we can kind based on how things went and
of go over how that based on if she enjoyed the
worked and what some of process.

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the things that were

keeping you from eating
those foods. Also, just kind
of check in with how you
like that and how that
affected your productivity
and your motivation for
Client Sounds good.
45 Counselor Ok. Is there anything else NC Keep; this is just finishing up the
that you want to bring up session and allowing for any final
before I kind of wrap up comments/questions.
this session?
Client Nope that was it.

Part 2 – Assessment Continued

Summary Calculations – Based on YOUR OWN count, using the Transcript - Please show your work
1) Complete all components of the Global Scores Table:
CULTIVATING CHANGE TALK 4 What are some things that you already have that you think will
help you achieve these goals?
This helps her focus on her assets and increase momentum of
change talk. To keep her focusing on what she embodies that will
push her towards her goals.
SOFTENING SUSTAIN TALK 3 “Maybe you guys could kind of meal prep for lunch together and
make it a social thing.”
She was beginning to introduce sustain talk and I attempted to
create a positive spin and offer an effective idea for change.
PARTNERSHIP 4 Do you have any ideas besides the tuna with hummus and salad
already mentioned so you could start kind of brainstorming for the
grocery shopping this weekend.
This opens up the conversation to incorporate any more ideas that
she has for her own diet. Making sure she knows she has a huge
say in what she decides to eat.
EMPATHY 4 So, it sounds like it’s kind of a big change.
Acknowledging the client’s difficulties helped build trust and
hopefully insinuated that I understood her difficulty and her

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2) Complete each of the following calculations:

 Technical Global (Technical) = (Cultivating Change Talk + Softening Sustain Talk)/2
______(4+3)/2= 3.5____________________________________________________________________
 Relational Global (Relational) = (Partnership + Empathy)/2
_____(4+4)/2= 4_______________________________________________________________________
 (% CR) = CR/ (SR+CR)
_______5/(5+5)= 50%__________________________________________________________________
 Reflection-to-Question Ratio (R:Q) = Total reflections / Total questions
____10/24= 1:2.4______________________________________________________________________
 Total MI-Adherent = Seeking Collaboration + Affirm + Emphasizing Autonomy
___ 8_____________________________________________________________________________
 Total MI Non-Adherent = Confront + Persuade (including Persuade + Permission)
3) Please provide your assessment of the scores above related to the competency proficiency
thresholds provided. Please be sure to address all of the data.

Relational: fair, I think I did a good job at building a relationship with my client based on their current
situation. I tried to ask for their opinion and base goals off current enjoyable factors. With practice, I
think it will get better.

Technical: between fair and good, I think I had a good ability to get information very specific to goals
and barriers/ positive influence factors related to change. I could have done better if I had tried to
reflect more to help summarize their own ideas and further cultivate change within my client.

%CR: Good! I used equal amount of simple and complex reflections. While I think I can increase the
overall number of reflections used, the ratio between complex and simple was good.

R:Q: Not good. I get trapped in using questions to keep the conversation going and forget to reflect
before asking. I use more than twice the amount of questions as reflections so this is something I
really need to work on.

Examples of Your Use of Each Response Type, using the Transcript

Response Specific Response from Transcript OR Volley # Volley Number where

Type (if no example in the transcript) a Response of this where you would add the
Type that Could Have been Used in this statement response if applicable
Conversation is found
Persuade Ok I know that in this class, particularly, the 25
professor said that if we were hungry and had
something that we could eat during class. If you
maybe meal prepped in the morning for lunch and
then just heat it up during class, would that seem

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appealing to you?
Persuade with Is it ok if I give a little bit of input on the meals? 28&29
permission Ok so from the meals that you gave me, I don’t think
that egg will probably work as well to meal prep just
because eggs don’t usually hold as long.
Confront Ok so from the meals that you gave me, I don’t think 29
that egg will probably work as well to meal prep just
because eggs don’t usually hold as long.
Giving But I’m thinking that maybe like the salad and the 29
Information tuna with hummus could kind of be a good meal
prep because those are already cold. So if you really
wanted to eat in the middle of class, you could just
go ahead and take that out of the fridge and then
bring it back to wherever you’re doing school and
then have lunch that way.
Digging Deep Tell me a little bit about what you enjoy about your 28; beginning of volley
OEQ current lunchtime meals.
If Any OEQ What changes, if any, have you noticed intensity 9; I am using this
level of exercise effecting your meals? question to replace an
ineffective question I
originally used.
Change in the If you were to begin meal prepping, how do you see 18; I am using this to
Abstract / it working out? replace a volley that
Hypothetical was used before.
Strength- What are some things that you already have that 36
Based OEQ you think will help you achieve these goals?
Exploring How does meal prepping relate back to it is you 13; after the
Goals and value in life? affirmation already
Values OEQ used. This could help
explore how much she
values convenience and
how her goals can be
easy to embrace
because they are in line
with her values.
Reasons for Why exactly do you want to move more towards 11; This can be used to
Change OEQ having a balanced meal set up every single day? replace the statement
What is motivating you? that was used.
Looking What was your eating schedule like when you were 12
Forward OEQ going to regular classes in SLO?
Looking Back Have you tried before this consult to work through 37
OEQ ways that you can stop snacking so much and have
more balanced meals throughout the day?
Querying What is the best part of the days you have balanced 11; this can be used to
Extremes OEQ meals? replace the volley that
was used.

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Disarming What are some things you like about not making 2; this could be added
OEQ this change? in to help gauge where
the client is at.
Change Rulers So let’s see. Ona scale from 1-10 how do you feel? 34&35
OEQ Ok, why aren’t you like a five or six?
Affirmation So convenience is something that you value. 13
Simple So if it’s more intense, you will be eating more often 10
Reflection that day; probably bigger meals
Metaphor What are some things you enjoy about snacking 2; this could be added
Reflection more frequently throughout the day? in to help gauge where
the client is at.
Reframing You are spending your free time outside and talking 11; This can be added
Reflection with people because in this time, this is what is into the reflection that
important to you in this time of stress. is already used in this
Continuing the And if you wait until the very end of all that you’re 24
Paragraph too hungry. Then you end up snacking right?
Amplified You have absolutely no time between classes to 24; this could be added
Reflection make lunch! into the beginning of
the volley.
Undershooting A couple people living in the house then. 5; this could be added
Reflection in but I would not.
Double-Sided On one side you enjoy having your free time to 11; this can be added
Reflection spend outside, but on the other hand you see the into the volley to help
important and feel the difference when you make a her weigh out both
balanced meal at lunch. sides.
Seek Do you have any ideas besides the tuna with 42
Collaboration hummus and salad already mentioned so you could
start kind of brainstorming for the grocery shopping
this weekend.
Emphasize think it would be kind of a good idea for us to 23
Autonomy brainstorm what we can do in just those days that
you have synchronous class and kind of tackle those
days first.
Steps of GAB: So maybe two days a week during the week. On the 41
G (goals) days you have synchronous class, you can wake up
early and kind of plan accordingly with your fitness
classes and your roommate to meal prep a few
things for that lunch time hunger rush.
Steps of GAB: Ona scale from 1-10 how do you feel? 34
A (assess)
Steps of GAB: Do you see anything getting in the way of you 42; this could help
B (barriers) attempting this goal? client visualize how
change will go for her.
Preparatory So I kind of find that I’m eating weird combinations
Change Talk of things or not eating when I should be or

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(Client something like that. So I kind of wanted to work on

Statement) that.
Mobilizing I feel like I could definitely just sit with one or two of
Change Talk them after dinner tonight and get a couple ideas
(Client and then just go from there. I mean, I’m sure I could
Statement) add to it. I could get like lunch meat and look up
various green salads and other things.

Part 3 – Connection to Theory

1) By the end of this session, what is your client’s level of readiness (stage of change) to make behavior
changes according to the Transtheoretical Model / Stages of Change? Did this change at all during your
session? Justify your answer.

Client expressed that they were ready for change, but their body language was still unsure and lacked
enthusiasm causing me to believe they were in the preparation phase. They intended to make the
change and saw all the factors working in their favor, they just had not made the change yet. I think they
were in the preparation phase because the change seemed to be all mental and not necessarily actual
intent of action just yet. However, there was no denying that this change would not be beneficial in any
way at all.

2) Consider the Health Belief Model. Identify and explain how any three of the following are specifically
impacting your client or are applicable to your client at this time:
Cues to action Perceived threat Perceived barriers

Perceived susceptibility Perceived benefits Perceived self-efficacy

My client felt that because she had meal prepped before, that she could do it again. This is her perceived self-
efficacy of a familiar topic/action. Also because the foods she chose were easy to prepare she felt like it would be
an easy adjustment to add them into her lunch routine.

My client felt as though having multiple classes in the school day was a perceived barrier keeping her from making
lunch. When she explained her schedule, it was mentioned that she had a 2 hour break between classes to
potentially make lunch. The intimidation of having so many hours of class was creating a barrier in her success
apart from the actual reality of her having time.

My client felt as though having balanced meals made her feel more productive and better overall mood-wise. By
switching to having balanced meals on the days that are more hectic, she felt that it could bring balance to her day
and perceived the benefits of a good lunch amplifying onto her daily life.

3) Choose ONE SMART+ goal that you devised with your client OR (if this wasn’t achieved in your
session), create one (anything that you believe would be appropriate and relevant for your client at this
session and that meets ALL the SMART+ criteria). Be sure to address the definition / terms associated
with SMART+ goals as they’re used in this class. Write out this goal below in your client’s words as a
well-phrased, personally appropriate, SMART+ goal.

I would like to begin meal prepping twice a week on the days I have synchronous class, using tuna and
salad to incorporate easy meals for me, to help me feel more productive and satisfied that we can re-
evaluate next week.

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4) In the table below, use the first column to list what each letter / symbol in the acronym SMART+
stands for as it is used in this class, and use the second column to explain how the goal you
indicated above meets the relevant criteria for your client.
S= specific The goal we created really specified the parameters by using specific meal
goals (lunch time and specific food types) which may help her be successful
by removing the creative aspect of pre planning other than what we
M= measurable The goal we created was meant to be twice a week, on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. This is easily measurable because if she does not meal plan on
those it will very easy to remember and acknowledge that difficulty.
A= achievable This goal is achievable as the client has meal prepped before and would not
be making complicated meals. Also this is two days of the week that she
would have to anticipate, but would not be overwhelmed by.
R= realistic This goal is realistic because the client mentioned her motivation is driven by
productivity. With the quarter quickly picking up, productivity is so
important and will help motivate her to complete this goal.
T= time-bound This goal will be two times a week and will be discussed ‘in a week for re-
evaluation’. We pretended as though we would be meeting weekly so,
hypothetically, we would have discussed the following week.
+= positive This goal was positive because this helps the client feel motivated and
productive with her day and fulfilled/satisfied with her weekly meal

Part 4 – Reflection

1) Please answer ANY TWO of the following question sets (delete the questions you don’t answer
in your final submission). I encourage you to consider the questions that provide you with the
most valuable insight regarding your own individual progress at this stage of growth as a
counselor. (Hint: Choose questions that prompt a more detailed response that also
demonstrates critical thinking about your performance as a counselor.)

a. What went well in your use of active listening skills? What aspects of these skills were
challenging for you? Be sure to address both verbal and nonverbal aspects of active
listening in your answer.

My active listening helped me to create more detailed questions to get more information
flowing out of my client. At the end of the session, my peers mentioned that my questions
helped to focus the session on track and sounded very natural. My active listening was paired
with hand gestures and facial expressions that I think come more naturally to me. This works to
my advantage also, because it makes the flow of conversation seem more engaging and livelier
than if I were to be still. However, my comfort level with using questions also makes it
something I rely on heavily and to the point that it may actually hinder my performance
technically. My immediate response to a large commentary is to ask further, this can hinder the
session by allowing the client to respond, forget, and move onto the next question. This could
be fixed if I use more reflections to allow the client to hear back what they say aloud.

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b. What went well in your attempts to Engage the client? What aspects of this process
were challenging for you? Did you and your client begin to build a rapport? Did you
introduce yourself appropriately? Did you give your client an idea of what s/he could
expect to happen in the session?

Unfortunately, I did not introduce myself correctly. Engaging seemed to be so intimidating to me

at the beginning of this session because I did not want to put too much attention on things that
were off topic from the goal of helping the client. My attempts to engage were better after the
first few exchanges because I was able to ask more personal questions, but this did not come as
easy at the beginning. The engaging went so poorly that I forgot to discuss how the session
would be going. In my rush to get through the ‘important information’ I missed the details that
help build a relationship and partnership. If I had increased my level of engagement, the client
may have felt more inclined to share ideas or facts about herself that she did not share originally
and that could have been useful during the session.

2) What went well in your use of the 4 microskills? What aspects of using these skills were
challenging for you? Did you use a variety of types of open-ended questions? Which did you
use? Did you use affirmations when appropriate? Did you use a variety of types of reflections?
Which did you use? Did you use summaries when appropriate? Did you employ the use of
summaries to make transitions between the different MI processes smooth?

Although I went in with all the intention of using all microskills, when the dialogue began the
structure dissolved into the flow of conversation. I used open-ended questions, affirmations,
reflections, and summaries where I saw fit but it was difficult for met to remember about them
naturally. Questions and reflections are what came most easily and I utilized the most. Some of my
questions were open-ended to help dig deeper and explore goals that the client had. The reflections
were about even between simple and complex. I wish I had not allowed my nerves to overwhelm my
mind so that I could think more critically. When the technique left my body, the instinct to ask
questions really took over the conversation. That being said, I felt as though analyzing each sentence
and hearing it over again was extremely helpful in conceptualizing where changes can be made

3) Briefly describe your 2 - 3 most significant take-away realizations after reflecting on your
performance in this project. What are your personal goals for development of counseling skills
going forward? (Keep in mind that, just as we caution our enthusiastic clients to set no more
than 3 behavior change goals at once, you are asked for now to identify no more than three
particular areas for growth that you want to make your immediate focus. Once you are
successful in achieving those initial goals, you can push yourself further and tackle additional

The most important take away is that once you say something you can not take it back and also once
you say something you immediately have something better to say. I hope to grow in making my word
choice come out in the manner that I mean for it to. I struggle with my mouth working way faster than
my more carefully chosen mental dialogue and, because of this, I sound more scattered when put under
pressure than in my mind or on paper. I also hope to grow in the area of active listening and reflecting.
This class has made me begin to think that in other areas of my life, the way that I attempt to relate to

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people by finding common ground may come off as self-centered because of the increased ‘me too’. I
hope to be able to gain control of this trait and allow for my listening to take the wheel and then quietly
understand what others say before simply saying ‘me too’. This may help my counseling by allowing me
to be more patient with my responses and thoughtful with the way I allow people to be heard.

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