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1. Why do you want to travel USA?

Answer)See your son and be with him and visit tourist places –Niagara
falls,Los Vegas,Florida and Los Angeles.

2. How long will you stay in USA?Where would you stay in the USA
3 months
Address:2000 Walnut Avenue, Apt M101,Fremont,CA-94538.

3. How much do you expect this trip cost?

10,000 dollars (10k)
4. Why do you want 6 months visa (or any longer term)? Can you finish your
trip in shorter time?
a.I want to spend New year with my son.
b.Visiting Tourist places at this old age will take some time.We want
rest properly between our travels.
c.My son cannot take long days of leave at one time.

5. Who is sponsoring you (if somebody invite you)?

My Son is sponsoring me

6. What is your sponsor`s birthday? (yes, be ready for this kind of questions)
7. What does your sponsor do (work)? Where she/he work? How much is
she/he earn per year? When does he/she plan to visit you (in your country) ?

He is a Software Engineer with Nisum Technologies. He joined on

April 28,2014. He has a salary of approx. 103K.He last visited the
home country un Sept 2016.

8. What will you do at home when your sponsor go out to work?

I would go visit near by parks,lakes malls and shopping centers and

we prepare our self to take care of the house hold chores of our son.

9. How long has it been since you last met with your sponsor?

Two years 2 months

10. Do you have relatives in USA?

NONE apart from our son

11. Have you booked your return ticket?

Not yet, We would book after the visa approval.

12. What do you do in your country (work)?

13. Will you work or will you do bussines in USA?


I am just going there for temporary visit and not for work or business

Few US B1 /B2 Interview Questions and Answers

Just as you know, alongside taking care of your conduct during the interview, it is also
significant that you identify the possible questions and how to answer them suitably.
The following set of questions and answers may help you prepare for your US B1 / B2
visa interview.

What is the purpose of your visit to the USA?

You must explain your purpose of travel precisely in short sentences. For example, you
are going on a tour, or visit someone, or attend business meetings.

Who will be funding for your trip to the USA?

If it’s you, convey the same to the visa officer. In case of a sponsorship, state the person
funding and your relationship with the latter.

Is anyone accompanying you on this trip?

Tell them your accompanying family members name which must be mentioned in the
application form.

What is your source of income?

It’s a crucial question and in brief sentences convey the complete answer. The answer
depends on a person’s work profile that can be employment, business etc. Bring your
work-related documents like pay slips, tax returns as a support for your application.

What are you currently doing?

Talk about your current work or business to the visa officer to give an idea about your
work background.

In which designation you are working and state the name of your employer?

You can give a straightforward answer about your position in the company and the
organization you are associated with.

How much are your earning?

Mention the correct figures of your salary and it must match the amount mentioned in
your DS 160 application.

When are you traveling to the United States and when do you intend to

Say the correct date of your travel. The consulate officer will get a knowledge about your
stay duration in the US.

Where will you be residing in the United States?

Be prepared with the right answer. If you are staying with someone, know their address
and tell the same. If not give the name of the hotel or accommodation where you are
planning to stay.

Are you visiting someone in the United States?

Mention the name of the person in case you are visiting someone there.

What is your inviter’s visa status?

Have complete knowledge about their visa status in the United States. Carry an evidence
like a visa copy to corroborate your answer with appropriate proof.
Is your inviter married?

Give the right answer.

How long has your inviter been staying in the United States?

Know about your inviter’s background a bit before going for the interview. Talk to the
person to have a fair understanding of the profile. It will help you avert an awkward
situation in front of the visa officer. Must know about the duration of your inviter’s stay
in the United States since their first entry into the country.

Give a description of your inviter’s profile?

Similar to the above suggestions gather basic details about your inviter’s profile.

When did you last meet your inviter?

This you are expected to know and must say the correctly as the inviter’s travel dates
would be documented every time they travel in and out of the United States.

What are the places you have planned to visit in the United States?

Do a proper research about the places you intend to visit in the United States and the
popular tourist attractions in the vicinity. Make sure not to mention places that are far
off from the destination mentioned in the DS 160 application form.

Have you traveled abroad prior to this?

Give the right answer as the officer can very well check it in your passport.

Have you booked your flight tickets?

Flight ticket is not in the requirement list. However, you can carry a travel itinerary in
accordance with your travel date.

How can you prove that you will return to India after your trip?

Show sufficient family, financial and property ties in India. It gives a feel to the visa
officer that you have people and investments here and you will return after your trip.

Do you have properties in India?

Say yes if you have properties in your name and carry the papers as an evidence. If not,
bring your parent’s property papers as a support if any.

Think simple, plan straightforward, know the right document checklist and be alert
during the visa interview at the Consulate. You will not find it difficult. Get your US visa
with precise and organized planning.

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