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San Diego, February 26th, 2020

In a small town called Aurora located in Italy, lived a girl called Alba. She is funny
and a smart girl, she has qualities that everyone else doesn’t have at her age, Alba is
brunette, she has lethal blue eyes, and she is tall and slim. Alba is sixteen years old
and she has a life to go. On these days, the beginning of high school was getting
closer and therefore the last year for her.

Alba lives in a humble house with her parents called Joseph and Anna, who despite
not having a lot of money they did their best effort for the girl of the house, for alba
could explore new horizons, have goals and follows her most coveted dream, so that
she took her to good,

Their parents always taught her that she has to be an honest, and a respectful girl with
everyone and of course with herself. They also taught her that she cannot be stepped
her dreams or thoughts by anyone.

Since Alba was a kid she always had the habit of go out away for a walk when she
felt a little bit anxious and at the end of her walk she always go for apple juice, our
little Alba is nothing more than a person who cares about her health, of course she is
a healthy girl. But before she leave the house she decided to spend time with her
parents and talk with them about how wonderful they have been with her, and they
said thanks and wish she had a good day. She prepared for go to high school and she
said goodbye with a kiss. She felt happy but a little anxious so, Alba decided to walk
a little longer to calm down her anxiety. In the middle of her walking she found a
place and she decided to stop there, that place was a beautiful forest, a very nice one
that she never had seen before.

Alba went inside to the forest and she started to feel peace because she was far from
the noise of cars, and At that moment she began to contemplate what nature itself is
and she amazed by that place, the colors so intense, nature so arduous, and tenacious
that the forest had, but… in that instant that she stop to be in her own mind, Alba
heard a noise and turn to a tree that had a small mark but there was nothing ...
instantly she returned to her sight at the same point she had, before her eyes was
covered and began to feel fear and chills, a million emotions mixed in herself.

In her ears, he whispered: ¨ you shouldn’t never come here, darling¨, ¨you shouldn’t
have been alone …¨

After that Alba began to move blindly but the body of him was too big and strong.
The man only laughed at Albas fails attempts and he just replied: ¨don’t keep trying,
you can’t get rid of me, the other girls could not escape alive, but…you are different,
give the fight that you want I will don’t hurt you, you will be mine¨

Between fight and fight of Alba, she only get tired and the man dipped her in a deep
sleep with a handkerchief in his nose full of chloroform, a drug known to sleep
people. Alba automatically fell into a dream in which only was her family and the
vague memory of her childhood.

Meanwhile the little dawn slept, the man took her in his arms and carried her to his
car, the very curious people stared at him but at this he said that she was her daughter
and she had fallen asleep, then the people It seemed logical and he follows according
to his path without questioning much ... what will would have been Alba if someone
had not been left alone with the logical rationing and had investigated more.

Alba lay in the backseat of the car lying down, in her mouth there was a handkerchief
and in her hands a very tight wives. The man was driving relaxed as if it were normal
to kidnap girls in broad daylight, even spent several police stations and only said
good morning as an ordinary person.

The trip took about 10 minutes, closer to his hometown for anything of suspicion and
trying to search would not be so close to him, an intelligent man ... a man who
belongs to the intelligent forces of the United States of America. They went to a
beautiful farm to tell the truth, there were cows everywhere, chickens, ducks, and
pigs, among others...
Alba woke up in the midst of the noise of the animals, thought that everything had
been a dream until she realized that she had something in her mouth and that she had
her hands tied, tried to scream and could not, tried to kick him and she couldn't.

The man in the front seat only saw Alba's useless attempts through the rearview
mirror and only replied: ¨ you can't escape anymore, you can't…¨

Alba shuddered and looked forward and realized that she was not alone, that guy was
there and again felt fear, repulsion and endless emotions, followed by that he only
started crying and thinking about why this happened, if there was not done. Not
hurting anyone she had done everything her parents had asked ... Alba had only one
question full of so many answers and none with no meaning. Maybe because of his
way of dressing? To walk? To look or go where everyone does not go? None really
makes any sense. We are supposed to be free to do what we want.

He got out of the car, took a deep breath and outlined a smile, a smile so terrifying
that it had the meaning of many things, but none of them was good.

It was a smile of victory, as he got one more and they did not discover him, he can
continue doing it. Then he turned the car around, giving small dances of victory when
he reached the back door of the car, he stood still looking at the mirror, seeing his
reflection, and then he began combing and fixing his clothes a little. He opened the
door and sketched another smile a little more shy not to "scare her" and said: ¨hi
darling, we have reached our destination, welcome to your new home and he winked
her. When Alba saw him and heard him say those words, she went into a trance, he
really didn't want to accept what was going on and insist that everything was a bad
dream or even a very bad nightmare, but it hurts that it wasn't ... Her eyes only
reflected a tall man between 20 and 23 years old, he was handsome, well he was.
Brown eyes, slightly thick lips, sharp cheekbones, snub nose, freckles face and
slightly red cheeks. Even so, Alba wondered where the malice came from, how such a
beautiful man was capable of something like that, but then she remembered that
appearances cheat and the people to outside is rotten.

He took her by the legs and stood her up, kindly told her to walk that he didn't want to
hurt her, and she, as an intelligent girl, decided to follow her orders because if not
later it would be worse, she would walk At the front door of the house, a very
beautiful house, very aesthetic, like the typical farms of American films. Climbing the
stairs, some squeaked.

He stood in front of her again, took out the bunch of keys and opened the door and
told her to go up to the second floor and left her in a room away from everything else.
The room consisted of a double bed, a fan and the most remote is that it had no
windows, only white walls. he tells her that she sits on the bed and then she started to
get nervous because she knew what would happen next ... he came over and ran her
hand over her belly, giving her soft touches to climb up and pose on her breasts, he
outlined a forced smile and said softly: "not today." He walked away, went to the
closet and pulled out a jumpsuit and a shirt for Alba. When she saw him feel chills, he
returned to where he was and began to undress her, Alba began to kick and try to hit
him in the crotch, but his efforts were in vain, he hugged her tightly and took
everything away, then began to dress her little by little and Alba realized that the
clothes she had put on her were of her size, that is, everything was already calculated
coldly, what was happening was not a simple coincidence...

After that Alba ran out of breath, she began to accept her reality and began to kick it
harder, she went into deep madness but he released her and walked away watching
her react, it seemed fun.

When Alba saw him walking away, she stopped and started running, but when he
reached the door he knocked her down and he laughed. Alba when he saw this, he
froze and he approached with another handkerchief and fell into darkness...
After two and a half weeks the little Alba had been raped countless times, she felt like
a dirty rag that nothing in her life made sense anymore, that could never be saved. On
top of this man who had not still revealed his identity, he start to treated her as his
wife, and he told her that she was going to be the mother of her children, and all that
place and the constructions he was doing on the farm were for the family that were
going to form, that one day she was going to accept him and also she was going to
accept what true love was, his love ... after of several rapes Alba realize that was

She had no idea of time, had no place to see the date. She was only immersed in a
loop, he always went reached his room as soon as the sun began to rise, he brought
her food and a cup of coffee, spoke to her with sweet words and then raped her ...

So, he continue doing on for 2 months. She was already beginning to see her belly
and suffer a little more because of this but she decided not to continue like this and
took strength from where she did not have them to be able to pay attention to what
this man did in his day to day.

Three days after her thoughts she decided to do it, she stayed up all night and she wait
until the sun will began to rise, then Alba heard how they opened the door and she
realized that him had passed secure, he entered and put the keys in his pocket, and he
came as always plate in hand and cutlery.

Alba accepted the breakfast cordially, she didn't think twice and took the fork and
nailed it on his eye, he started screaming and she ran. She felt a little dizzy due to her
condition but when she reached the stairs he took her by the arm and pulled her as she
could but,he let go and she slipped and fell down the stairs.

Between blow and blow he felt immense pain but she did not care if she stopped and
kept running, he realized that the door was open and it was like the light at the end of
the tunnel, she thought nothing more just to run until she find another person, she saw
a bicycle and as her could she pedaled. At that moment she felt the purest adrenaline
and heard the sound of the car, then she turned to see the man and as he approached
quickly, she returned to face forward but it was too late...

She did not see the wax and fell down, sticking her head to the hard pavement, she
just remembers hearing a beep and seeing everything clouded...

Alba was immersed in an immense dream for the second time but this time where
everything was happy, where she had started college and was doing her university
medical career, she looked like a great student smart, and infinite love to give. With
her parents at her side at every step she took and with pride of having gone ahead,
about to begin a new journey that would take her to another country to obtain a
scholarship and thus free her parents from the expenses, but in the midst of all heard a
distant voice that said: ¨wake up Alba, wake up dear ...¨

Alba opened her eyes and realized that she was in a totally white room, with an
intense sound of beep, beep, beep, she realized that she was in a hospital and listened
to someone say: ¨Welcome back Alba, you have been in a coma for a year.¨

She looks at the door and there is a doctor but the words didn't come out, she didn't
know why she was there, and she asked: ¨one year? ¨

The doctor came over and said: ¨yes, dear, one year. We did several surgeries and we
thought you would not survive but it was your son was the first fighter and by order
of the father we did not disconnect you, he was sure that you will return.

Alba was shocked, son? Father? If she didn't have it, she was barely a teenager, until
another person came to the room and took her hand.

She scared released her hand and asked: ¨who are you? ¨. And he answered: ¨Alba,
it's me, your love.¨

When she heard that voice, she automatically relived the nightmare and everything
she lived: her rape, her rapist, her kidnapper...

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