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Husband: Honey, it’s a long day’s ride. We aren’t even an hour in, and you already seem bored.

Wife: Well, I am. But luckily, I have my good old spare steering wheel.

Husband: What? Are you gonna’ copy my driving again?

Wife: Watch me fly *Makes car sound using her mouth*

Husband: Hey look, that guy has a nice car.

Wife: He seem bored too.

Husband: Not more than you I guess hahaha.

*”Aidonia - Nuh Boring Gyal” music starts playing in the background*

Wife (to the stranger): Hey, nice ride. Wanna’ race?

Stranger: *Laughs hysterically* You high lady?

Wife: Scared?

Stranger: I ain’t a baby boomer like you to be scared of your ancient rusty lil’ junk of a car.

Wife: You will be, when this junk of mine kisses yours.

Husband: Honey, you’re not going to pull one of your ‘car crash prank’ on this one too like you did
on the previous poor chap by turning your steering towards him, are you?

Wife: He’s bored, I’m bored, and you know how much I hate boredom. Let me just pump some
adrenaline into his bloodstream.

Husband: Ah! man, here we go again…

Wife: *Car losing control on street sound played*

Husband: Guess, he isn’t bored now huh?

Wife: *laughs*

Narrator: Prolonged boredom is a suffering.

Boredom is a negative emotional state associated with a lack of energy, lack of focus, time
slowing, frustration, lack of hope and is even correlated with higher mortality rates. The Anti-
boredom Campaign aims to raise awareness and acknowledge that.

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