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Engineering emails for success PTQ has just published the Bapco Technical Writing Style Guide, based on two decades! experience of written communication in the technical services department of The Bahrain Petroleum Company. This article is based on the section relating to email. The Style Guide can now be downloaded from Gregory M Lilburme, Hafedh Al-Qassab and Savas Soydaner ‘The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (c) Wet Set lives more than two decades ago. Yet, in general, it still is not used effectively in the business environment. After ts ‘introduction, email usage evolved freely, {influenced by personal use and the ease it brings to communication, Today, email messages often reflect the personalities and preferences of the users rather than a standard business document, Email is a powerful tool. It has the advantage of simultaneously reaching many people, anywhere in the world, within seconds. As a result ofthis power, email messaging has become the backbone of business communications, However, there are some inherent weaknesses and problems, and because ‘emails are easily created they are often taken lightly, resulting in low-quality documents, ‘The problem Is growing as the use of emails in private life grows and more personal habits are brought into the ‘Workplace. It has also been exacerbated by the fact that many people, who were inexperienced with written communic- ation, started using email regularly, Emaail use in the refinery The technical services department at Bapco has over 30 chemical engineers supporting the operation of a complex 265 000 bpd refinery, Our main business 4s idess, information, technical advice, monitoring, analysis, evaluation and problem solving. All these activities culminate ina writen document to ‘convey findings and expert advice, and often to persuade the readers to take appropriate action. Ifthe final written communication falls to deliver the right ‘message in the right manner, all the hard work that's done will be wasted. Historically this document was formal memorandum, prepared, citically reviewedand approved alin accordance With established and proven guldelines However, the extensive use of email messaging changed the way we communicate, and our traditional way of producing quality documents was sidelined, mostly because there were no established rules for writing emails. Using email messaging instead of ‘traditional, formal documents does not change the fact that good written communication is a vital part of our ‘work as process engineess. We demand of ourselves highly professional and accurate work, and this needs to be reflected in our emails to ensure the excellent work we do is not diluted. The challenge is to present the ‘information in the most eficacious way. ‘The email guide AS in other companies, we welcomed email and now use it ta great extent However, it became so important in out normal business, and there a 40 mach potential for getting it wrong, that a Setaled guideline for email preparation was needed. Although there’ was a myriad of books and articles, and courses, on how to write repors and memoranda, there was no procedure of Jnvhouse training for writing emails To meet the challenges of the emait age, we developed an. emall guide, Which uses the porrer of email while ‘meeting our business objectives and standards for documentation, and minimising the associated shortcomings We wanted to ensure emails are properly “engineered” for success by applying governing principles and guidelines Email is never a substitute for talking ‘We emphasise to our engineers that ‘malls nota substitute for meeting and talking with the recipients of for telephone conversations, Talking is the best way of communicating and resolving. issues. Email. helps with documentation and the transfer of information, or when talking is not Possible. Therefore, in the majority of cases, talk to the recipient before sending your message and use email to summarise the discussion, The main advantages are that the reciplents will not be surprised, the likelihood of misunderstanding’ is minimised or avoided, you might leam something that will influence or moderate your approach, o: you may change the emphasis. in general, “if you cannot start the message with ‘as discussed do not bother sending it.” Similarly, do not issue emails to colleagues within the same department, unless it is to document a discussion of agreed course of action, Email is not an alternative to walking actoss the corridor to talk, Moreover, emailing close colleagues rather than talking creates an unhelpful formality within what should be a close-knit team. Emails are forever Emails are forever. They can be rapidly and widely distributed, easly stored and ‘can come back to haunt the author. They «ate proper records and the author could be held legally accountable. Microsoft, Enron and others learnt this lesson the hard way through the courts in the US. Be careful in creating your email message, ‘choose the right words and make suse i is reviewed and approved. Ensure your ‘message contains only information relevant to your area of expertise and responsibilities. The rule is "if you would hot write it ina memorandum, do not ‘write itn an email” Use proper English and structure For email, there is a tendency in the Work envitonment to use the same colloquial or even abbreviated style of waiting used in private communications. Resist this trend and teat any emall message as you would any formal document. All rules of English and business writing equally apply to emails, Style tips Do not use a mixture of fonts because this is highly disconcerting for the read tthe ver leas its distracting, but can also frustrate and inate the reader. We recommend 10pt Aria. Use upper anc! lower ease according to the rues of grammar. case Do not wrt in all capitals as thi the word-processing equivalent ff using a crayon It dstracts and iritates the reader, may appear threatening, reduces the credbilty of the writer and detracts from the message. Background colour Dornot use coloured, flowery or artiste backgrounds in your ‘email messages. They are ditvactng, frustrating and annoying, and have no place ita professional document. Test colour print or copy well Emoticons ‘Use black rather than different colours forthe text, which do not Ernoticons do not have a place in business writing and they are never a substitute for good writing. ln addtion, be clear and avo'd jokes and other emotional references that can be misunderstood. Be careful with your use of conventional punctuation: eg, even an ‘exclamation mark can appear as humorous or sarcastic in one case, ‘and very strong and threatening In another. Table 1 ‘and all established rules and conventions should be followed. These principles apply regardless of who the recipient is. Use complete, grammatical sentences, and show care with _ spelling, punctuation and structure. Emails are not the modern equivalent of telexes, in which it was a point of honour to minimise the number of words as well as the cost. There are still people who ‘use this minimalist approach and their messages can be incomprehensible, Do not use shortcuts and abbreviations that are accepted for private ‘communication and SMSing (eg, do not ‘use "ur 18" but "you are late”) Emails should be structured inthe same manner as memoranda and reports, even though they are short documents. Use subtitles and boullets, as appropriate, to present information clearly. Style is important Despite the immediacy and spontanetty of emails, style (je, how the message is presented) is stil portant. Aim to pass fon the information in a pleasant, clea, fogial and effective way. Basic tips on style are given in Table L Start and end your emails appropriately Star the message with the names of the recipients only, and ensure the names ae spelled correct to avoid inadvertent insults, Itis also acceptable not to have any names but just start with the message. Do’ not open with “Dear”. This salutation is reserved for formal letters only In some companies, there is a propensity to open email messages with "Gents" when addressing many recipients. This is not acceptable. Apart from being sexist, in many countees itis synonymous with the men’s toes. If you wish, use "Gentlemen", but ensure You do not use this opening if the 20 race 2007 audience includes ladies. Hence, as previously mentioned, itis better not to tse any opening at all End the message with a simple ‘complimentary closing of “Regards” or "Thanks", followed by your name and possibly your telephone extension. It is ‘also acceptable to leave out the complimentary closing and Just end with your name. In any case, do not make the closing Into a grandiose or subservient gesture, which isnot needed ‘and not appropriate for our business ‘environment. In genezal, and especially within the company, do not add any other details after your name (eg, position, tide, telephone numbers (work, home, ‘mobile, fax and email address. This is a ‘waste of space. Besides, in most cases the recipient already has this information, especially within the ‘company, of if they need it they will ask. This practice may also be regarded as showy and egotistical. There are some ‘exceptions (eg, when fist contacting an outside organisation or company). Make your objective clear Make sure your objective is clear and that yout recommendation or the fetion you want tobe taken is presented as @ cleat standalone sentence. or paragraph, It should not be inferred or boried in many lines of text ‘Emails should primarily be used for short messages, either to convey specific information, short answers or advice on particular issues, document Conversation or as the modern equivalent ofa covering memorandum, Which relates to attached documents Therefore, in general, Keep messages short, clear and to the point. Most people do not read below the bottom of The screen, Refer to and use attachments for detalled aspects of the message. Use attachments astutely Emails are not suitable for presenting a Jarge body of information. It is highly Likely that formatting wil be lost in the sending and receipt of the message. It ‘may not be known if the recipient has email with HTML active ot even if the Fecipient’s firewall allows formatted temas to pass, This means that a highly formatted message at the sender’ end ‘can come out garbled at the recipient's fend. Hence, for reasonably sized documents or where formatting is Important, use attachments prepared as word-processed ot _ spreadsheet documents. This approach allows normal rules and conventions to be followed, and formal engineering documento be properly formatted and specified sith, for example, a formal title, date, revision rramber and so on. Similarly, be careful about using a table of data in the body of an emall message because of doubts on formatting land the isk of it being comupted at the recipient's end. Tables are better transmitted as an attachment and ‘property titled and referenced. Finally, remember to actually attach your attachment, and check that itis ‘what you want’ it to be. Open the attachment and check it before sending the message, Select address and distribution lists carefully We are all inundated with emalls at works Most are not needed, but al have qo be read at some stage in case there isa realzequest or action tem. Unfortunately, there isa growing trend. towards collective responsibilty and the attitude that “if everyone knows then its not my problem’ or that copying everyone can Somehow be taken as approval by everyone on the lit. Do not be part of this trend, Be certain that your message is really required and decide catefully on the addressees and the distribution ist Ensure they are the appropiate and relevant people for your message, and that they are concemed with the sublet. Hence, when replying to emails, do not Just thoughtlessly hit the “reply to all” button and do not use general copy tists Be open with your use of emall. Do not use the “blind eatbon copy" (BCO) function. I canbe considered as deceltfal and it could cause, and has caused, Serious problems. Emails stay in the system indefinitely. and soft or hard copies can sutface at any time. Hence, do pot use etmalls to creunvent comect ‘communication channels and schedules fof authority. There have been examples Of people at a lower corporate level ‘waiting #0 general managers or highet, ‘with complaints orasking for information Or follow-up, and employees bypassing Several layers of the management structure and requesting meetings with | GEIB L IE the manager. The company’s chain of ‘command must be expected, Email etiquette ‘although emails have evolved through expediency with litle regard for tradition nd formality, the same rules apply as for memoranda and reports, plus some Jailed subtleties. Therefore, some rules of ‘etiquette should be observed: = "Do not request a “reply receipt” on ‘yout email. This practice can appear presumptions aid threatening, a Ennoys the recipients. Jt suggests that the originator equates “receipt” with “acceptance” and “action” on behalf of the recipient, which is just not true — In general, be polite. For example, the genuine use of please” and “thanks! will enhance your message. However, there are also occasions when your message needs to De very formal and firm, and to achieve this tone the words, structure and even the distribution list need to be carefully selected As indicated earlier, do not use all capitals, In the “e-age" of communication, tis generally accepted that in emails and instant messaging all capitals signifies yelling Using the subject title to your advantage Choose the subject tle carefully. It ust be relevant, succinct, and in, some, cases may even effectively summarise the purpose and content of the message (eg, a meeting time and date). Do not leave the subject line blank or use an irrelevant title— this leads to confusion and creates some doubt about the subject. Also, do not reply to an email, retaining the subject tile, and then ‘te about a diferent topic: Tis is lazy and confuses the reader, and it is “unprofessional, “Actin haste, repent at leisure” is an fold adage, but it applies today more than eve, especially to email. vital that emails are properly checked before they are sent. Do not just waite the emall and immediately send it, This typically leads to errors. Thoroughly read and check your message for correctness and relevance, and have it checked by a colleague or supervisor, as appropriate Itis advisable to print out a hard copy of the email and hand deliver it to the checker, and _ provide” background information to the message to assist the checker in effectively reviewing tt. This Js efficient as well as. professionally courteous, Remember that proofreading fn the screen is never very effective and ‘most people will print a hard copy if they do not have one Precisely because emails canbe prepared quickly and easily, and they may seem trivial, many people ignore the proofreading and checking step. ‘This has led to many embarrassing and mm. unfortunate Instances, For example, in fone company, a message came from a very high corporate level, addressed to ‘sll lower levels and areas, which described arrangements for various work shifts. Unfortunately the author did not pick up the error in which the letter "®” ‘was missing from the phrase ‘all shift employees’ Practical tips to avoid _problems and mistakes “Ritiagh email messages thay be prepare! conslentiously in accordance With the guidelines gen, probes end mistakes are often inoduced wth the txerutlon, These can eal be avoided by focusing on whatis needed and what has tobe done: edo not adopt the practice of repeately repying 10 emails on one Subject and allowing previous messages to accumulate at the bottom of the fuuent mesage, This i unnecessary, certainly 2 waste of space and probably taper and it doesnot have any bene, Roone sedously wades through pages bru pages of ean messages. Taetefore feply and keep only the last one of 10 mnesages, if necesay. Fle. eater rmesseges Avoid the ndialoas situation of having ten ot20 pages of messages es pat of your cafent message and iscourage the practice in others an yntneed to revsean tachment to SH Rallng nls 8 heRachient as aseparate fle with anew name, revise pd sve thls document, and then attach ie to jour outgoing emall message. Do not update the exting attachment and Keep the same. fle name, This Is procedural wrong tis confusing and it ould have serious imptcations if the tnformation is misinterpreted or wrongly wed Since the Send button andthe eating Fametons are all onthe top toobay, tt easy to send a message while wotking on the undinished document. The best way to avoid, prematurely sending our mmesage iso ad the eddresee and Gistaution tists only afte the mesage final (fe, when It has been reviewed and approved by your supersor and others ‘tho ae concemed) wpe not use emalls to call for a rnewting lays talk to people in peon _ of ¥a telephone togstablsh the mutually ‘convehient date “aht* time, and then follow up with a final email of confirmation. Ifyou do not do this, you ‘an end up with many emails, all with different views, suggestions and changes, cluttered inboxes and no agreement, Do not get angry; be cool Ih the busines! environment, communications of any sort must be treated formally and never personaly. One of the fsues with email is that it makes communication more person, and sometimes the boundary between personal and business is blurred. Occasionally, you will receive an antagonistic or abusive email, which is very upsetting, and can easily move you to frustration and anger. This soxt of unprofessional behaviour goes on in any organisation. n such a situation, do ‘ot ceply immediately, in the heat of the moment. It is very easy to escalate problems with emails, This is an ‘unpleasant situation, specially if others ate “copied. Allow "Woiself-sbme~ breathing space to calm down and discuss the matter with your supervisor andjor colleagues. If you decide to reply, then prepare a formal, cold, technical and factual reply. Your reply must be kept on a technical level, highlighting the deficiencies in the original message. It should never be @ personal attack on the originator of the email message Concluding remarks mall has become an indispensable part ‘of out lives and we cannot imagine how we lived without it, In the workplace, it Js replacing traditional, formal documents asthe main means of written communbeation. Like any new invention, it was used freely and the benefits were enjoyed fora while, but at the same time weaknesses. evolved, which degraded the guilty of, communication. The ematl presented here were developed to remove these laws. We have been successful In Increasing the quality and effitency of cour communications, while using email ts the main communication teol. We have also ensured the high quality work ‘we do continues to be communicated effectively to all levels in. the company. So, be flr to yourself and your company by engineering your ematls properly and efficiently to preserve the value of your ‘work ‘The Bapco Teceical Wrking Sole Gu, fom. “hich thi arse has been taken, published by Pend fe fom ew epg cord, Gregory M Liburne i Superintendent Cotati Processes, Technical Services, ‘he Bahrain Petroleum Compary BSC (), Bahrain, Lite holds 8E and PAO in chem eng fom the University of Meboure, Ausrobe Emal: greg libume@oapchinet Hofedh A-Qassab is Superintendet, {ow Sulphur Diesel Preducion, Technical Serves, The Bahrain Petroleum Company BSC (Bohai. AlQasab ods a MEng fo ‘hem eng fom Imperial Coleg, UK Evol Savas Soydaner'sSupernenders, yocracking and bes, Technica Sens, The Bohran Petroleum Company BSC (0, Bain Soydaner holds an Sein cher ng fom the University of tonbl Turkey. Ema savas ra o¢ 2007 23

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