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Intercultural project 2019-1


Title: How migration shapes an intercultural city
Objective: Learn about the culture and history of cities of the world from the
perspective of the different migration currents they have undergone over the past years.

Description: Building from one popular TV show called “Españoles/Madrileños por el

mundo”, which portrays the experiences of Spaniards living in big towns or cities of the
world outside Spain, this project aims at providing students with opportunities to learn
about migration and its impact on the history and culture of cities of Latin American
and the Anglophone world.

Stage 1:
1. Become familiar with the TV show “Españoles/Madrileños por el mundo” by
watching some of the episodes that can be found on YouTube.
2. Choose one Latin American city that you would like to explore from the
following possible ones: Medellin, Sao Paulo or Santiago.
3. Investigate and examine the different migration currents in your city of choosing
over the past years. You must use different sources of information such as
internet, books, movies, and people who live in/have visited the city. At this
point, you should start taking systematic notes of the information gathered.
4. Identify three key aspects of the impact that a migration current has had in the
transformation of the city at all levels (food, music, art, architecture, politics,

Products Stage 1:
a) A blog article: drawing on the information gathered, write a 500-word article
describing the transformations suffered at all levels by the city of your choosing
as a result of a migration current over the past years.
The text should have the following structure and develop at least the following three
✓ Title
✓ Introduction: What are you going to do?
✓ First paragraph: Describe a cultural feature of a migratory current.
✓ Second paragraph: Describe another cultural feature of the same
migratory current.
✓ Third paragraph: Describe another cultural feature of the same
migratory current.
✓ Conclusion: Brief summary of the content of the article.
The following are some useful resources you may use to develop this task:
✓ Useful list of expressions:

b) Oral presentation: prepare a 6-8 minute talk, presenting the key points
developed in your blog article. You can use audiovisual tools to support your
presentation. However, if you are using slides, you may only include pictures. If
you are using videos or audio-recordings, their length cannot exceed 1.5

Stage 2:
Parting from the information collected and discussed in the first stage of the project,
now you should:
1. Choose one of the following cities: Montreal (Canada), Cape Town (South
Africa) or Auckland (New Zealand).
2. You´ll need to find new information on how (or IF) Latin American immigrants
(and specially Colombians) have influenced in the cultural processes of the city
you selected.
3. Plan how to make a 5-8 minute video reporting it, following a similar format as
the Youtube shows named above.
Products stage 2:

a) An opinion essay: In light of all the information gathered throughout the project,
write a 500-word opinion essay, guided by the following question: What is the
importance of migration currents in the cultural development of a city?
The essay should have the following structure and develop at least three broad
✓ Title
✓ Introduction: What are you going to do?
✓ First paragraph: Opinion 1 and at least 2-3 reasons for your
✓ Second paragraph: Opinion 2 and at least 2-3 reasons for your
✓ Third paragraph: Opinion 3 and at least 2-3 reasons for your
✓ Conclusion: Brief summary of the content of the essay
The following are some useful resources you may use to develop this task:
✓ Example of opinion essay and some tips:
✓ Video on opinion essays:

b) Video: an original creation of the students about the issues they have explored
in-depth, to be uploaded to YouTube, following the structure of the shows

Following the curricular principles of DEIN, assessment will combine formative and
assessment procedures. Formative assessment will take place at specific moments (at least
2), each teacher establishes to keep track of the process to develop the project. This is a
moment for offering recommendations, further guidance and solving doubts. The written
and oral products of each stage will be assessed summatively. This process will be
supported by general pre-established assessment criteria students are given beforehand.

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