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1. Topic & Audience:

- Recycling and the Zabbaleen people: This lesson will be about the recycling
habits of cultures other than America. It will specifically focus on the Zabbaleen
people who make money through recycling. This lesson will piggyback off of our
pen pal lesson.

- This lesson is for a fifth grade class

2. Objective Statements:

Students should be able to…

 Experiment with the various elements of recycling in the game ‘Garbage

 Compare and contrast the American and Zabbaleen people in the context of their
recycling habits.
 Apply correct spelling and grammar in their writing.

3. Outcomes/Assessment (Student product - acceptable evidence for objectives)

Formative Assessments:

- Participation in the classroom discussion on the information that was presented

in the documentary that the class watched.
- Participation in the game ‘Garbage Dream’. Student(s) with the best score at the
end of the game will receive 10 points extra credit and the student(s) with the
second-best score will receive 5 points of extra credit.

Summative Assessment:

 A comparison paper each student will write that will compare the recycling habits
 of the Zabbaleen and American people.
4. Standards:

ISTE Standards:

- #2b Digital Citizen: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical
behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or
when using networked devices.
- #4d Innovative Designer: Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity,
perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.

Common Core:

- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.B: Develop the topic with facts, definitions,

concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to
the topic.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.D: Use precise language and domain-specific
vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.E: Provide a concluding statement or section
related to the information or explanation presented.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and

5. Timeframe:

● This lesson will take place after the pen pal lesson and the students’
research about the recycling process. It will add to the understanding the
students have about recycling in different cultures.

● Before this lesson students will have learned the proper etiquette
necessary for being in the online space and will have prior knowledge on how to
write a comparison paper.

● This lesson will be 3 days long. On the first day the class will watch the
documentary “Zabbaleen: Trash Town. A whole community in Egypt that lives on
rubbish” and have a class discussion afterward. On day two students will play the
game “Garbage Dreams” and compete to see who gets the highest score. If
students finish the game early, they will begin writing their comparison paper on
the recycling habits of Americans and Zabbaleen people.
6. Learning Activities & Procedure:


Day 1:

Day one will begin with a brief explanation of what the class will be doing for this lesson.
The teacher will explain to the students that they will be watching a documentary on the
Zabbaleen people and will use what they learn to compare the American people to the
Zabbaleen people in regard to their recycling habits. The teacher will also explain that
the students will be playing a game based off the lives of the Zabbaleen people in order
to get a different view of their way of life.

Once the teacher has explained the basic outline for the lesson, they will play the
documentary for the class on the overhead projector. The documentary is on YouTube
and this is the link: The teacher will
encourage students to take notes of anything they find interesting and important. They
will be reminded to think about their end product (the comparison paper) as they take

Once the students finish the documentary, they will discuss it with their table mates. It is
at this point that the teacher will encourage them to write down any interesting things
that their table mates bring up. The lesson for that day will end with the discussion.

Day 2:

Day two of this lesson will begin in the computer lab (or with computers from the lab cart
if available). The teacher will start the lesson by explaining the game ‘Garbage Dreams’
to the class. They will do a quick run through of the game elements with the class on the
overhead projector so that everyone gains some experience of the game together. The
teacher will then tell the class that they can work in teams or on their own (and assign
groups for any students who may have trouble playing the game on their own). The
teacher will explain that the student(s) that get the highest score will win 10 points of
extra credit for the lesson, and the student(s) that get the second highest score will win
5 points of extra credit. The teacher will tell the students to raise their hand when they
get their final score and the teacher will write their score down.

The teacher will let the students loose to begin getting with their partners and begin
playing the game. At this point the teacher will be moving through the class and
providing help and answering questions when asked, but the teacher will try to
encourage critical thinking and problem solving in the game. The game has eight
stages, and at the end of the eight stages the student will receive a score. Once
students receive the score and tell the teacher their score, they can begin to work of
their comparison paper. Day two will end with some students finishing their game, and
some students beginning their comparison paper.

Day 3:

Day three will focus of the writing of the comparison paper. By this point everyone
should have finished their game and have their notes from the documentary. They will
use their notes and game experience to compare the recycling habits of the American
and Zabbaleen people. The teacher will explain that the paper will be required to be in
standard writing format with an introduction, conclusion, and paragraphs and the paper
needs to be a minimum of one-page written front to back. The students will have
already learned how to format a paper in previous lessons, but the teacher will take this
time to reiterate the basic format of their comparison paper. Day 3 will end with the
completion of the students’ comparison papers. If students finish early they will be
encouraged to finish any work they still need to turn in, and if they don’t have any
outstanding work they can play the ‘Garbage Dreams’ again.

7. Technology

 YouTube: The class will be watching a documentary on the Zabbaleen people on

 The ‘Garbage Dreams’ online game that will be used to further engage students
in the world of the Zabbaleen and allow them to experiment with the various
elements of recycling in order to be more successful.
 Overhead projector: This will be how the teacher projects the documentary for
the whole class to watch.

8. Rubric:

Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Emerging (2) Limited (1)

Participation The student The student The student The student doesn’t
participates in participates in participates in participate in
the classroom the classroom the classroom classroom
discussion discussion discussion discussion, nor do
and gameplay and gameplay and game they participate in
and and is not play, but is the playing of the
contributes in disruptive. frequently game ‘Garbage
a meaningful disruptive. Dreams’

Writing The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s

writing has no writing has 1-2 writing has 3-4 writing has more
spelling/ spelling/ spelling/ than 4
grammatical grammatical grammatical spelling/grammatical
errors. errors. errors. errors.

Content and The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s work
Organization work contains work meets work meets is missing a
all the almost all the almost all the significant number
elements of a requirements requirements of the organizational
well-organized of the paper of the paper and paper length
paper (intro, (see (see requirements.
closure, Exemplary Exemplary
paragraphs), Content and Content and
and they meet Organization) Organization)
the length but missed an but missed an
requirement. element either element in
in organization both the
or paper organization
length. and paper

Online The student The student The student The student failed to
Presence acted acted acted act appropriately in
appropriately appropriately appropriately the online space
in the online in the online in the online with many issues.
space with no space with space with a
issues. only one few issues.

9. Sample game:
10. Accessibility:

 Students will IEPs will be given help throughout the progress of the lesson
depending on their specific needs. The students will be given the option to work
on the game with a partner, so students who are having a hard time with the
technology aspect of the lesson will get help from a partner in addition to the
 If students finish their comparison paper early, they will be encouraged to play
the game again and try to beat their high score.
 Students who are having a hard time finishing their paper on time will be able to
work on it during their free time in the classroom.

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