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Implementing a React Component

for SPA
Single page applications (SPAs) can offer compelling experiences for website users. Developers
want to be able to build sites using SPA frameworks and authors want to seamlessly edit content
within AEM for a site built using SPA frameworks.
The SPA authoring feature offers a comprehensive solution for supporting SPAs within AEM. This
article presents an example of how to adapt a simple, existing React component to work with the
AEM SPA Editor.


The Single-Page Application (SPA) Editor feature requires AEM 6.4 service pack 2 or newer.
The SPA Editor is the recommended solution for projects that require SPA framework based
client-side rendering (e.g. React or Angular).

Thanks to the simple and lightweight contract that is required by AEM and established between the
SPA and the SPA Editor, taking an existing Javascript application and adapting it for use with an
SPA in AEM is a straightforward matter.
This article illustrates the example of the weather component on the We.Retail Journal sample SPA.
You should be familiar with the structure of an SPA application for AEM before reading this article.


This document uses the We.Retail Journal app for demonstration purposes only. It should not be
used for any project work.
Any AEM project should leverage the AEM Project Archetype , which supports SPA projects
using React or Angular and leverages the SPA SDK.

The Weather Component

The weather component is found in the top-left of the We.Retail Journal app. It displays the current
weather of a defined location, pulling weather data dynamically.

Using the Weather Widget

When authoring content of the SPA in the SPA Editor, the weather component appears as any other
AEM component, complete with a toolbar, and is editable.

The city can be updated in a dialog just like any other AEM component.
The change is persisted and the component updates itself automatically with new weather data.

Weather Component Implementation

The weather component is actually based on a publicly-available React component, called React
Open Weather , that has been adapted to work as a component within the We.Retail Journal
sample SPA application.
The following are snippets of the NPM documentation of the usage of the React Open Weather
Reviewing the code of the customized weather component ( Weather.js ) in the We.Retail
Journal application:
Line 16 : The React Open Weather widget is loaded as required.

Line 46 : The MapTo function relates this React component to a corresponding AEM
component so that it can be edited in the SPA Editor.

Lines 22-29 : The EditConfig is defined, checking if the city has been populated and
defining the value if empty.

Lines 31-44 : The Weather component extends the Component class and provides the
required data as defined in the NPM usage documentation for the React Open Weather
component and renders the component.
~ Copyright 2018 Adobe Systems Incorporated
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
AEM 6.4 Developing User Guide
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactWeather from 'react-open-weather';
import {MapTo} from '@adobe/cq-react-editable-components';


const WeatherEditConfig = {

emptyLabel: 'Weather',

isEmpty: function() {
return !this.props || !this.props.cq_model || ! |

class Weather extends Component {

render() {
let apiKey = "12345678901234567890";
let city;

if (this.props.cq_model) {
city =;
return <ReactWeather key={'react-weather' +} forecast="toda

return null;

MapTo('we-retail-journal/global/components/weather')(Weather, WeatherEditConfig);

Although a back-end component must already exist, the front-end developer can leverage the React
Open Weather component in the We.Retail Journal SPA with very little coding.

Next Step
For further information about developing SPAs for AEM see the article Developing SPAs for AEM .

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