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NewImpact launches COVID-19

Recovery & Transformation

Innovation Internship for Washington State

Sponsored by the Seattle Foundation & Civic Commons, and supported by the University of
Washington, NewImpact is launching a Summer Internship with graduate students from the
Evans, Foster, and I-Schools. The goal of the internship is to create and accelerate game
changing strategies to improve the lives of people most directly impacted by COVID-19.

The internship is focused on three impact areas: Mental Health, Food Systems, and Racial
Inequity. Each team will be looking for opportunities to use the best resources available in
companies, nonprofits, and governments to help our region recover and transform. They will
be using a tri-sector mindset and the data tools of NewImpact to develop actionable Catalyst
Projects, with strategies that can be deployed rapidly by regional organizations. The teams will
also identify other opportunities that can be assessed and implemented by regional

This crisis requires that we think differently and activate the best resources from all sectors. In
an increasingly resource constrained world, working better together and smarter is
fundamental to successful outcomes. Washington State can showcase a better way to come
together and solve problems.

The Tri-Sector Mindset and Innovation Process

This internship exposes students to the power of tri-sector thinking critical to creating vital and
sustainable social and economic impact. During the 10-week internship program, students will
utilize the NewImpact Toolkit and learn how to create tri-sector solutions. Working with the
NewImpact and Civic Commons teams, interns will use entrepreneurial approaches to identify
and research opportunities to create viable tri-sector strategies for companies, nonprofits, and
government programs that are timely and relevant for COVID-19 recovery in Washington.

Current Situation
Prior to COVID-19, the region was growing quickly in population, housing, employment, and
other leading indicators. Yet, at the same time, prosperity and economic inequities were also
growing rapidly. Increased inequities and the pressures of growth created stress on the physical
and civic infrastructure whose maturity did not match the changing needs of the region. The
COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility and inadequacies of various systems and their
ability to respond quickly and effectively to all residents.

Today, our region needs a pivot point. Governmental and philanthropic budgets will look
different and smaller over the next few years and at the same time needs and inequities are
dramatically expanding. The region cannot afford for single actors or sectors to act in isolation.
Shared, creative solutions among companies, nonprofits, government, and the community are

Each team will:
1. Conduct 40 interviews with tri-sector “experts”, using the NewImpact Expert
Spotlighting tool.
a. to suggest potential interviewee, please follow this link.
2. Utilize the newly developed Community Insights tool, (created by the I-School and
3. Create Impact Journeys for COVID-19-related recovery efforts.
4. Map resources and find opportunities in local organizations and add to NewImpactWiki
5. Create Catalyst Projects to accelerate the COVID-19 recovery efforts
a. use the NewImpact Tri-sector Innovation Canvas
b. identify other opportunities for strategy implementation
6. Give the Seattle Foundation and Civic Commons specific, innovative strategies to help
unite the region.

About NewImpact
We are a humanity-benefit nonprofit, connecting and empowering every organization in the
world to reimagine how we solve problems. We reveal and connect vital resources and insights
often overlooked or underutilized. Our platform pulls in and openly shares knowledge and
resources of communities, companies, nonprofits, and governments. Together we uncover
opportunities and aligned interests to guarantee beneficiary impact. Whatever you are
working on, NewImpact is the catalyst that unlocks your ability to drive self-sustaining impact.

We are NewImpact. Join us.

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