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Name: Winston Fredy Crisostomo I. Course: Basic 7

Well. My friend has many good personalities that you don’t about him, so now i
will write all the personalities about my friend. My best friend Christian is a very
generous person, bacause always he helps to the people who live on the
Street, for example two days ago, he helped someone. He bring food for one
person who live on the Street. My friend is a very nice person. He helped in
everything, also he is very talkative but with the pople he know, with the new
people that he meet. He feels very nervous whe talking. Also my friend is very
competitive person, because he hates to lose. He likes to win in everything. The
phrase “ never give up” is perfect for him. In addition he is a very ambitious
person. Because he has his own company about footwear. And also he want to
créate a new company. Also he is very careful with her money. Finally he is a
very messy. He clean his room twice a month. Also he is very careles wiht his
things. Sometimes he forgets his thins in his house. For example one day he
forgot his driver’s licence in his house.

That’s all teacher. Thank you for Reading.

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