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1. Debate the relationship between Viet Nam and the United States

2. How is the relationship between Viet Nam and the Russian Federation

3. Elaborate on the relations between Viet Nam and China

4. Talk about the relations between Viet Nam and the European Union

5. Describe the relationship between Viet Nam and ASEAN

6. What is Viet Nam doing during its chairmanship of the ASEAN this year?

7. Debate the relationship between Viet Nam and Japan

8. How is the state of relations between Viet Nam and the United Nations?

9. How much do you know about the impacts of climate change on Viet Nam
and the world?

10. How bad is pollution in Viet Nam?

11. How is the Vietnamese economy today?

12. What are the achievements of the 25 years of renovation in Viet Nam?

13. What are the benefits of Viet Nam’s accession to the WTO?

14. How could you describe the relations between Viet Nam, Laos and

15. How is the relationship between Viet Nam and India?

16. How much do you about the relations between Viet Nam and Republic of

17. The evolution of Viet Nam - US relationship

18. Role of FDI in the development of Viet Nam

19. Discuss the foreign policy of Viet Nam

20. What is the policy of Đổi mới (renovation)?

21. Discuss the relations among ASEAN members

22. Discuss the current crisis on the Korean Peninsular

23. What is the role of Cultural Diplomacy?

24. How can diplomacy contribute to economic development?

25. What are the fundamental principles of international relations?

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