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What will I become 10 years from now

10 years from now I see myself working hard in my own office. One of my dream for the
future and plans to make my dreams reality to become a business owner, managing a large
corporation and have a wealthy life. My most intimate dream and hoping 10 years from now as
being Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of one famous company.

10 years from now I see myself that have a happy and complete family as much to
motivate me what life means. I would like to travel in different country to see their beautiful
scenery. I know that is impossible to happen but I believe in God power that can be able to turn
the impossible to possible. Currently, I’m not very satisfied with that what I am but I see myself
being very different 10 years from now because I would like change a lot of things about my life.

10 years from now, I see myself one of the successful person.

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