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Bill Gates of Hell has a quantum dot vaccine-chip ready for you and he also has a

patent for it. The patent 060606 (that number is just a coincidence, I am sure) is
based on CENTRALIZED (as in, THEY control it) blockchain system that (they hope)
will become new, cashless society. You know... buy and sell thing.... the mark.

That is why those satanists want to keep the people under the lock-down, have the
angry mob rioting, destroying the small businesses and livelihood of the people,
create the fear and chaos in society and keep this running as long as possible,
they want to break down food supply chain, create more chaos and
despair so that people yell to their governments : "do something, do anything to
stop this chaos". That would give the satanists carte blanche to fully implement
their BEAST system. What they have done so far is simply Hegelian dialectic; create
problem, arouse the reaction of the populace (fear and anger) and then provide the
And * their "solution" is not something that is going to benefit us, but oppress

If humanity does not wake up and figure out the game then it will be game over for
on other hand, if humanity does wake up then a *new and better world can emerge
from this chaos.8
it is either their world or our world , that will be the end result of this
orchestrated chaos.

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