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Cold war beyond

Iran contra
Iran contra affair.
Reagan left the office a popular president and he was succeeded by his office vice
president George w bush but bush took office in 1989 after the Iran contra scandal
In May 1989 US become unbound and Hungary become the process of opening its
border with Austria and in November 1989 the berlin wall come down and soviet
economy was declining steadily. The new world order that would emerge in the
wake of communism. He coined the phrase in speech on September 11, 1990.  In
which he used Iraq invasion of Kuwait.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran and money used for contra (revolutionary force) that
was the biggest scandal of US history water get scandal after this Reagan resign and
in 1979 US put embargo on Iran and American embassy ever hand by Iran and many
US diplomats become hostage by Iran there was no ties only tension increased

Clinton year
he cold war ended US remain only super power and no threat of communism in the
world. Instead , Clinton’s acknowledgement of a globalized world meant recognition
of the interdependence of countries and a return to trade and economic relations as
a central component of US foreign policy . Clinton saw that the future of  foreign
policy and international relations  would be defined by interdependence, trade, and
the use of technology but he also acknowledge ethical and civil conflicts in various
part of the world so as a super power US must play its role. Clinton’s main priorities
were domestic economy by  promoting American trade and unexpected
emergencies(armed humanitarian intervention, intervention to protect civilian).
Clinton  had to balance domestic priorities with responses to foreign policy crises. .
in Somalia in dec 1992,in that operation 18 soldiers of US died. So Americans
against and hostile the opinion of Humanitarian intervention when US interest not
directly involved in that state or country. Clinton was trying to balance the Somali
war lords.
 in Haiti, Yugoslavia, Sudan and Iraq. There was instability in Haiti put US to act.
Clinton’s strongly supported democratic elected president Aristide and intervene to
restore his power.
New world order
In 1988 he elected vice president, democratic revolution sweeping Eastern Europe
cold war order was disintegrating. Democratic government come in power and fell
communist government because new leaders believed in capitalist market economy.
“He created New World order” distinguish from old “cold war order”. Wars in the
Middle East, Ethnic cleansing, Genocide in Yugoslavia and Africa  these issues 
present in cold war also but main focus was USA and USSR relations.1945 to 1981
US foreign policy faced new challenge like stop communism.

Bush foreign policy pursued status que, preferring  limited US involvement in

internationally. cold war ended other “hot wars” require attention of US like in 1990
Iraq invasion of Kuwait, that invasion get US attention to  involve internationally.
USSR and USA both cooperate with each other first time after the crises of Ballistic
missile they signed SALT 1 and SALT II treaties for nuclear disarmament. USSR
disintegrated in to 14 other states .in Balkan and ethical conflict USA choose the
policy of hard and soft diplomacy  to solve it.US foreign policy was in transition
phase  in Bush time period .ist US foreign policy is flexible in cold war it was not
allowed. second US use power and support that war in which she directly not
threaten but due to National interest US involve in

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