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Self Executing Treaty hereinafter “Supra 32”


Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’ Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 101-Pages
“Kanienke’haka; Ambassador-At-Large”, “PostMaster General”

AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: __________________________________________

Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’, “Private: John Doe” :Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’
“Kanienke’haka; Ambassador-At-Large”, “PostMaster General” Authorized Representative
In Care of: General Post Office Box # 829 Six Nations,
Published in; cyber-net/space:
Table of Content[s]: Attachments/Addendum:
I. Respondent[s]: Exhibit “a” - Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right
II. Referenced Documentation on Record: Exhibit “b” - Declaration of Status and Intent to Recover
III. Ohenton Kariwatehkwen: Exhibit “c” - Press Release: Inter-national Interests
a. Maxim[s]: Exhibit “d” - Notice of Demand of Cease and Desist
b. Plain Statement of Facts: Exhibit “e” - Correspondence regarding expropriation of land
c. Prayer for Relief: Exhibit “f” - Declaration of Sovereignty, Expatriation and Disillusion of
d. Prayer for Remedy: all previous national and political allegiance
e. Plain Statement of Facts: Exhibit “g” - Commercial Affidavit to Brantford city council
f. REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY: Exhibit “h” - Revocation of Consent to be governed
g. Maxim[s]: Exhibit “i” - Declaration of Intent and Statement of Claim
h. Interpretation[s]: Exhibit “j” - Notice: G.E.D.S.B. BDAD-020900-GEDSB-01
i. Summary of Cherished Wampum: Exhibit “k”-
j. Witness[s]: Exhibit “l” - Map of the Natural Boarders of the Grand R. Watershed,
k. By my word with the Bond and Lands of Sovereign Kanienke’haka origin, kingdoms and domains

Pentortoise; Director of External and Internal Affairs
In Care of; Kanienke’haka Ratiniáhton A’nowara’ko:wa Wa:ke “Embassy”
General Post Office Box 663, 60 Market Street, South
Brantford Ontario, real land North America [no-code]

Gary Doer, the private man acting as,

Ambassador of Canada to the United States of America “Embassy of Canada”
In Care of; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (the “Crown in right of Canada) d.b.a. GARY DOER;
CANADIAN EMBASSY “Canada [CIK#: 0000230098]”
Chancery; Embassy of Canada, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001

Vera Lynn Nicholas-Gervais, the private woman acting as;

de facto Head of the Provincial Territorial and Parliamentary Affairs “Embassy of Canada”
In Care of; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (the “Crown in right of Ontario) d.b.a VERA L NICHOLAS-GERVAIS;
Chancery; Embassy of Canada, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001

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Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’; “Private: john doe”, real party in interest.
“Kanienke’haka; Ambassador-At-Large”, “Postmaster General”, in behalf of himself and all others similarly situated.
[…of the; Mohawk “Maquase c.1701” Nation of the Six Nations non-band]

I. Respondent[s]:
Robert Douglas Nicholson; the private man acting as; de facto Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; In Care of; Her
Majesty in Right of Canada (the “Crown in right of Canada”) [CIK#: 0000230098] d.b.a. ROBERT D NICHOLSON, as well as their
successors, permitted assigns, heirs and estates; All Ministers in the Provincial Cabinet, [Registered Mail # 79 486 205 101] and,

Chris Bentley; the private man acting as; de facto Minister of Justice The Attorney General of Ontario and Minister of Aboriginal
Affairs; In Care of, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (the “Crown in right of Ontario”) [CIK#: 0000074615] d.b.a. CHRIS
BENTLEY, as well as their successors, permitted assigns, heirs and estates; All Ministers in the Provincial Cabinet, [Registered Mail
# 79 299 020 865] and,

David Lloyd Johnston; the private man acting as; de facto Governor General of Canada; In Care of, Her Majesty the Queen in Right
of Canada (the “Crown in right of Canada”) [CIK#: 0000230098] d.b.a. DAVID LLOYD JOHNSTON, as well as their successors,
permitted assigns, heirs and estates; All Ministers of the Provincial Cabinet, [Registered Mail # 79 486 197 436] and,

David Charles Onley; the private man acting as; de facto Lieutenant Governor of Ontario; In Care of, Her Majesty the Queen in Right
of Ontario (the “Crown in right of Ontario) [CIK#: 0000074615] d.b.a. DAVID CHARLES ONLEY, as well as their successors,
permitted assigns, heirs and estates; All Ministers of the Provincial Cabinet, [Registered Mail # 79 486 197 440] and,

William Montour; the private man acting as; de facto Chief Consoller; In Care of; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (the
“Crown in right of Canada”); de facto Six Nations of the Grand River Elected [Band] Council; Reservation no. 4440 d.b.a. BILL
MONTOUR, as well as their successors, permitted assigns, heirs and estates; All councilors of the Six Nations of the Grand River
Elected [Band] Council, [Registered Mail # 79 486 205 089] and,

Chris Friel; the private man acting as; de facto Mayor of Brantford; In Care of; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (the
“Crown in right of Canada”); de facto Corporation of the city of Brantford d.b.a. CHRIS FRIEL, as well as their successors, permitted
assigns, heirs and estates, All councilors in the Municipal Council of Brantford, [Registered Mail # 79 486 205 092] and,


Any and All; Men and Women, Actors, Foreign Government[s] (governments of the state[s] or province[s], of the UNITED
STATES, NORTH AMERICA, CANADA et al, of the UNITED NATIONS, of all Vatican-based agencies, and of all Crown-based
agencies worldwide that may interact in any manner with Affiant.) and the Political Subdivisions thereof, and person[s] as well as
their successors, permitted assigns, heirs and estates performing within but not limited to the Sovereign Kanienke‘haka lands “the
natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country”, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle
Island”., and,

John Doe, 1-1000, any and all are Unknown at this point in time, et al., Hereinafter jointly and severally referred to as the
“RESPONDENT[s]”, “You”. “Your”, in your non-representative capacity.

II. Referenced Documentation on Record

Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT BDAD-020900-NOUI-COR; #967 237 745 CA, #79 299 020 220, #79 299 020 193, #79 299
020 216, #79 299 020 247, #79 299 020 255 [wampum’s and the sacred intrinsic friendship braid] herein “the treaty”
Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT BDAD-020900-01; Faxed to the office[s] of the Grand Erie District School Board
Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT BDAD-020900-MHCA; Hand delivered to the Brantford city clerks department
Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT BDAD-020900-PDSEDPNPA; Emailed to 60 Canadian Ministers and all city of the Brantford
Councilmen, print out hand delivered to the Brantford city clerk’s dept.
Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT Declaration of status and intent to Recover; hand delivered to Brantford city clerks department
Re: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT Declaration of intent and statement of claim #305 197 532 CA to Queen Elizabeth II

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GOVERNED; Emailed to all of the Brantford council, all known candidates for the 2010 Municipal Elections of the Brantford et al.
Re: PRESS RELEASE Special Inter-national Interests;
Re: NOTICE; Demand of Cease and Desist Emailed to AIM Inc., hand delivered to the Brantford city clerks department.

Take Notice: Authenticated copies of all of the Referenced Documentation on Record wherefore attached as addendum hereto, –
Originals held available. Attachments are included and are part of this contract.

Take Notice: This; the document “Commercial Affidavit” hereinafter “self executing treaty” as offered to you in the English
language exclusively for your convenience, translated from the Kanienke’ language as interpreted by “Pentortoise” whereupon
authorized by Affiant.

Take Notice: You do not have to rebut anything unless you wish to do so, but I must warn you that if you fail rebutting any fact
hereof which you rely on in your defence in court, your failure to take this opportunity to mention it may be treated in court as
supporting any relevant evidence against you. If you do wish to say anything, what you say may be given in evidence.

Take Heart: all Onkwehonwe, brothers, sisters, friends and allies of the World. From the Beginning, until the end of time, for all
relation, the greatest hindrance is judgement. When we judge we are not fully accepting Creators’ plan, which blocks the flow of
healing. We must practice acceptance without judgement. Once we learn this we are protected.

SHE:KON, Raserón:ni Skennon’ko:wa kon? ni:i Kariwí:io

GREETINGS, to all whom it may concern, do by these presents send greeting

III. Ohenton Kariwatehkwen: I, the Honorable “Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittle‘s” circa 1982, Onkwehonwe;
flesh and blood man, of the Kanienke’haka; Ambassador-At-Large, of the Ratiniáhton, created by Creation and having residence in
the Cosmos of Creation and therefore being a direct descendant of Shonkwaia'tison, presented to Creation by assent of
Wa`tewatsitsiané:kare, from and of the arc of Creation, co-creator of the seed, Onhontsiáte; born of the A’nowara’ko:wa, hereinafter
“Affiant”, “I”, “my”, “me” does hereby affirm, declare and state as follows:

1. Affiant is competent to state to the matters set forth herein.

2. Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.

3. All the facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete, admissible as evidence, and if called upon as a witness, Affiant will
testify to their veracity

4. Affiant is, a “private living Onkwehonweh” an “Earthly Sovereign”, an “Heir-apparent to the Planet known As Earth” of the
“Kanienke‘haka“ of the “Ratiniáhton” the “Onhontsiáte” born of the “A’nowara’ko:wa“, keeper, protector and defender of same.

5. Affiant is not BENJAMIN D A DOOLITTLE or any other artificial entity/legal fiction.

6. The Affiant is not liable to or for any Government statutes, rules and/or codes, including, without limitation, CANADIAN
“Canada”, UNITED STATES “U.S.”, NORTH AMERICA, “North American Union” Codes and statutes and/or codes of any of
RESPONDENT[s] political subdivisions.

7. The Affiant is not liable for BENJAMIN D A DOOLITTLE or any artificial derivative thereof at anytime whatsoever.

8. The Affiant is not liable for any public debts/liabilities at any time whatsoever.

9. The Affiant is not a member of any society whatsoever and therefore the Affiant is not bound by any society’s statutes, rules or

10. The Affiant is not a "Britain", "North American", “Canadian” or “American” citizen subject to its jurisdiction. Affiant is not a
"citizen of," a "resident of," an "inhabitant of," a "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the "property of," the "chattel of," a

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“prisoner of” or "subject to the jurisdiction of" or “subject to the opinions of” any corporate federal government, corporate state or
provincial government, corporate county government, corporate city government, or corporate municipal body politic. Affiant is not
subject to any legislation, department, [the crown] or agency created by such authorities, nor to the jurisdiction of any employees,
officers, or agents deriving their authority therefrom. Further, I am not a subject of the Administrative and Legislative Courts of the
several states and/or provinces. Take Notice: that I hereby revoke, cancel, and make void from the beginning any such instrument or
any presumed election made by any of the several states and provinces or of the United Kingdom, North America, United States
and/or Canadian government or any agency or department thereof, that Affiant is or ever has voluntary elected to be treated as a
British, North American, United States and/or Canadian citizen subject to its jurisdiction or a resident of any territory, possession,
instrumentality or enclave under the sovereignty or exclusive jurisdiction of any of the several states and provinces or of the United
Kingdom, North America, United States, and Canada

a. Maxim[s]:
1. All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth.

2. Truth as a valid statement of reality is sovereign in commerce.

3. An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.

4. An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgement in commerce.

5. Guaranteed—All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has
been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.
(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily
available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.)

6. All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial
Distresses, hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.

7. The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against
Public Hazard, because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political
power, means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.

8. The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.

9. Municipal corporations which include cities, counties, states and national governments have no commercial reality without bonding
of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).

10. In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company,
and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim. If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public
official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at
90 days) Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-
Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit. Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders
originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation, hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a
Commercial Liability Bond.

11. A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.

12. Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships
without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.

13. It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary

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14. An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper
cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of
impoundment) and rescue is a felony. It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a
Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien. Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to
principal is notice to agent.

PUBLIC HAZARD BONDING OF CORPORATE AGENTS All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to
provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy
number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance.
Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud and is prim-a-facie evidence
and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personally to secure their public oath and service of office.

b. Plain Statement of Facts:

This plain statement of Facts being a matter that must be expressed to be resolved, In Commerce truth is sovereign. Truth is best
expressed in the form of an affidavit. An uncontroversial affidavit stands as truth in commerce and becomes the judgment, can only
be challenged by a rebuttal affidavit item for item, signed under penalty of perjury, and can only be satisfied by payment, agreement,
resolution, or by trial by jury according to the common law of Your State or Province.

1. On October 19th 2010, Affiant assigned the “authorized intervenor: Pentortoise” hereinafter “Pentortoise” to the above referenced
matter, in which the communication was faxed to the office[s] of the Grand Erie District School Board to all principals and agents, in
behalf of the affiant. [See Exhibit “j’]

2. As of November 1st 2010, No response was received in regards to the Notice sent on October 19th 2010 via the fax by Pentortoise.

3. On November 19th 2010, Affiant was informed by the relation that continued attempts where made by the RESPONDENT[s]
agent to solicit further correspondence with the Affiant through said relation, provided with threats by the RESPONDENT[s] to opt a
third party into our private settlement, the third party known to be the CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY. See [III. 9]

4. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence of a legal or lawful obligation or contract with the “Crown”, crown agents’,
RESPONDENT[s] and/or the agents of the Grand Erie District School Board and/or third party Children’s aid Society, and Affiant
believes no such evidence exists.

5. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence that children [infantile] are competent to stand in the office as “a person” or “a
citizen“, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

6. It is fact that, citizenship is a question of loyalties and not a question of geographic location.

7. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence that the RESPONDENT[s] businesses, performances and utilities are not located,
within the Sovereign Kanienke’haka real lands within but not limited to the natural-boarders of the Grand River Watershed and Grand
River Country, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

8. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence of the contract expressed or otherwise in existence with the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka and the “Crown Agent[s]” and RESPONDENT[s]., and, Affiant has no record or evidence “of the grant[s]”, or “of the
permit[s]” of the operations and of the performances and of the business of the RESPONDENT[s] et al., on the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka real lands within but not limited to the natural-boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River
Country, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

9. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the Sovereign Kanienke’haka does not hold Supranational authority and
Extraterritoriality “over the” and “on the” real lands and with the properties within but not limited to the Natural Boarders of the
Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and Affiant
believes no such evidence exists.

10. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the “Crown Agent[s] and/or “RESPONDENT[s] et al., are with the possession of
the lawful title, Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

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11. It is fact that, color of the title is the assumption of the person[s] with possession of the title and not of the lawful-title, “color of
title” Color of Law is defined as follows: “Color of law. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse
of power, possessed by virtue state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken
under color of law.  Blacks Law Dictionary (Sixth Edition)”

12. It is a fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the “Crown” and the Crown agents and/or RESPONDENT[s] have provided the
Sovereign Kanienke’haka with due-compensation in consideration for the continued use, molestation, deprivation and hiding of the
funds of the real-world-economic-revenues, of the vast lands and properties located on or about the Sovereign Kanienke’haka real
lands within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country, greatly known as
A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists. See [d. 1]

13. On October 15th 2010, Affiant sent an Email correspondence entitled “Special Notice! ~ Date: Friday, October 15 2010” to the
“CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BRANTFORD”, all principals and agents, and all the known candidates for the 2010
Municipal Election and the general public [Bill/Notice posted in the Brantford Post office] of the so-called Brantford et al. [See
Exhibit “e’]

14. It is a fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence of rebuttal or response to the Email correspondence entitled “Special Notice! ~
Date: Friday, October 15 2010”, Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

15. On June 4th 2010 Affiant hand delivered two (2) documents to the Brantford city clerk‘s department, the Commercial Affidavit
“International Document #BDAD-020900-MHCA” [Exhibit “g”], with the “Demand for Proof[s] of Claims”, naming:
CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BRANTFORD, the mayor Mike Hancock, and all councilmen, and All principals and agents,
Affiant has no record or evidence of rebuttal or response to the Demand for proof[s] of claim[s], the following Demands for proof[s]
of claim[s] have not been satisfied, (i). I DEMAND that the following question of claims regarding authority and enforcement
through colorable-judgments, regulations, by-laws, legislation, injunctions or any other foreign policies that may effect the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka men and women. (ii). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have original authority over the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka men and women. (iii). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have authority to expropriate/sell/negotiate and/or
develop lands belonging to the Sovereign Kanienke’haka men and women. (iv). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have the
authority to hold, detain, define, restrain, confine, molest, any Sovereign Kanienke’haka men and women, their property and/or rights,
Affiant believes no such evidence exists, and the public declaration “Public Declaration of Sovereignty, Expatriation, and Dissolution
of all Previous National and Political Allegiance” [See Exhibit “f”], which provided a period to refute or protest the statements made,
however the response-time period elapsed without any rebuttal or response

16. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence of any trust-at-law “deed” in existence, in regards to the Sovereign Kanienke’haka
real lands and property and/or rights, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists., Affiant believes that through Pseudo-Political
Terrorism [politicide] by but not limited to misrepresentation through fraud and swindle, trickery, deceit, duress, stress, coercion,
Dolus Malus, perfection through fraud, taking by stealth, intervention[s] and transgression[s] by, genocide, democide, politicide,
ethnocide, exploitation, interference, molestation, sterilization, emotional: manipulation-stress-coercion, conversion, spiritual
suppression, language suppression, suppression of the courts; suppression of justice in favor of public interest “PREVENTATIVE
JUSTICE“, denial of remedy, terrorism, from the beginning by any and all that lay claim to the vast traditional land[s] and/ or
property by holding of the trust “deed”, and that of the misconception[s] of the relationship[s] of the “Crown“, the Crowns’ agents
and/or the RESPONDENT[s] with the Sovereign Kanienke’haka and friends [
Fiasco, not meant as evidence but as insight]., Affiant has no record or evidence that the Onkwehonwe, namely the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka are not Paramount interest [real parties in interest] holders of the A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island” commonly
referred to as real land North America, more specifically within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed
and of the Grand River Country. See [III. 4,8,9][a. 13][b. 9][b. 17]

17. It is fact that, any and all that claim to hold the Sovereign Kanienke’haka-interests-in-trust, wholly or partly, would be the holder
in due-course of the “trust”, or “contract” in which the terms of the trustee[s], of the beneficiary[s], and of the Protector[s], shall be
intentionally-stated and dually-expressed, and shall present the original documents for the proper-inspection by any and all of the real
party-in-interest, by request of any and all, in whole or in part [real parties in interest]. See [b. 9,16,18], also See Knight v Knight
(1840) 3 Beav 148

18. On June 24th 2010 Affiant mailed an Affidavit of Declaration of Intent and Statement of Claim herein “DISC” by international
registered mail # 305 197 532 ca”, to Her Majesty: Elizabeth-Alexandra-Mary: of the Windsor house acting as, the Queen of the

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Commons d.b.a QUEEN ELIZABETH II, herein “the Queen”, the Queen’s Private Secretary’s office date stamped and recorded the
DISC and as per Affiant’s request; the file was returned [with compliments], Affiant has no record or evidence of rebuttal or response
to the DISC. [See Exhibit “i”, and DISC; or]

19. On December 4th 2009 Affiant sent registered mail INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT BDAD-020900-NOUI-COR; NOTICE
OF UNDERSTANDING INTENT AND CLAIM OF RIGHT “the Treaty” [See Exhibit “a”] to #967 237 745 CA; Elizabeth-
Alexandra-Mary: Windsor, #79 299 020 220; Michaelle Jean, #79 299 020 193 Stephen Joseph Harper, #79 299 020 216; Dalton
James Mcguinty, #79 299 020 247; Mike Hancock, #79 299 020 255; Mike Hancock, Affiant has no record or evidence of rebuttal or
response., On February 1st 2010 Affiant hand delivered to the Brantford city clerks department NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND
IRREVOCABLE ESTOPPELS BY ACQUIESCENCE, and courtesy copy of the “BDAD-020900-NOUI-COR”., [See Exhibit “a”
page 14] On May 19th 2010 Affiant published a public notice on the Brantford Expositor website and
regarding the Treaty, with general public offer of formal opportunity to refute, protest or dispute the recorded facts to any party of
interest, Affiant has no record or evidence of any rebuttals or response, and Affiant believes that no such evidence exists. [See Exhibit
“a” page 15]

20. On February 23rd 2010 Affiant hand delivered to the Brantford city clerks department, the Notice; DEMAND TO CEASE AND
DESIST, and NOTICE OF INTENT, the notice and the demand set forth the personal and “Mohawk” national interests in the real
lands referenced in the notice for risk of demolition and loss of the assets, the identified ten (10) days elapsed and Affiant has no
record or evidence of rebuttal or response, On March 4th 2010 Affiant hand delivered a Notice of Default Irrevocable Estoppels by
Acquiescence., the assets [buildings] in question have since been totally damaged and destroyed. [See Exhibit “d”]

21. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the elected council men and women in care of the Brantford city council did not
cause and set forth motion[s] to impair and usurp the Sovereignty of the Kanienke’haka men and women from their right[s] to freely
travel and protect the traditional Sovereign Kanienke’haka lands from the encroachment by pseudo-judgments, regulations, by-laws,
legislation, injunctions or any foreign policies or neglect by the ignorant, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists. See [III.
8,9,10][a. 13]

22. It is fact that, contrary to the Justice: Harrison Arrells’ statement that “I find it as a fact ...For more than 150 years, the Six
Nations did nothing to indicate to innocent third-party purchasers that there was any problem with title to their lands”, “the economy
of this small city is at risk; the employment of members of the community are likewise at risk; the reputation of the city as a place to
live, work and invest is at risk; all as a result of the city being unable to regulate development, provide a conflict-free environment for
investment, employment and the raising of families, and the inability of the city to ensure to local a residents and the investment
community that the rule of law prevails.”, Affiant has no record or evidence the interests of the city of Brantford et al., and so-called
Brantford public et al. are the responsibility of the private: Sovereign Kanienke’haka, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.
Affiant has no record or evidence the Sovereign Kanienke’haka has not asserted-Sovereignty over the real lands, [“As long as the sun
shines, the grass grows and the rivers flow”], [“from the beginning of the world until the end of time”] within but not limited to “the
Natural Boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country”, Affiant has no record or evidence the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka did not grant and offer limited beneficiary user-ship [quasi-equity], by “Sewatokwa'tshera't”, to the Raserón:ni [ie.
land leases], and did not grant to the Raserón:ni linear and partial [ie. farming, tutelage, temporary foreign cantonments, revenue] use
of the lands and properties within but not limited to the “the Natural Boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River
Country” or commonly known as, Mohawk Territory and/or Country, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and
Affiant believes no such evidence exists. See [a. 13]


a. The Communist Manifesto represents a misguided philosophy, which teaches the citizen to give up their “RIGHTS“ for the sake of
the common good “public interest‘, but it always ends in a police state. This is called “PREVENTATIVE JUSTICE“. “CONTROL“ is
the key concept.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank, State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and

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the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country,
by a more equal distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination
of education with industrial production.

23. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence that the Sovereign Kanienke’haka are in anyway whatsoever, liable, obligated or
indebted to the “Crown”, the crown agents and/or RESPONDENT[s] by pseudo-judgments, regulations, by-laws, legislation,
injunctions or any foreign policies, designed or created to limit the Sovereignty of “the Affiant” and of “the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka”, Affiant has no record or evidence the established and the timeless rights of the Sovereign Kanienke’haka have been
intentionally, dually and expressly waived, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

24. It is a fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence that under the lawful and the original deed and conveyance of the real lands of
the Sovereign Kanienke’haka within but not limited to “the Natural Boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River
Country” greatly known as A‘nowara‘ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, “lands and properties have been bought and sold over the past
150 years” as stated by Justice Harrison Arrell, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists. See [b. 22]

[ [The purpose of the Simcoe Deed would seem to be to confirm the grant already made by the Haldimand Deed. In each of
these deeds it is made clear that those of the Six Nations Indians set- tling on the lands therein described do so under the
protection of the Crown. In my opinion, those of the Six Nations Indians so settling on such lands, together with their
posterity, by accepting the protection of the Crown then owed allegiance to the Crown and thus became subjects of the
Crown. Thus, the said Six Nations Indians from having been the faithful allies of the Crown became, instead, loyal subjects
of the Crown. LOGAN v. STYRES sub nom. LOGAN v. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF CANADA c.1959] ]

25. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the Sovereignty, extraterritorial rights and supranational authorities of the “Six
“five” Nations” over the real lands of the Sovereign Kanienke’haka has became anything less by moving to less hostile part[s] of the
Sovereign Kanienke’haka lands within but not limited to the Natural Boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River
Country or commonly known as, Mohawk “Territory” and/or “Country”, greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”,
Affiant believes no such evidence exists. [See Exhibit “l”]

26. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence of the expressed and intentional waiver of the sovereignty of the Kanienke’haka
upon relocating to part[s] of the traditional lands of the Sovereign Kanienke’haka, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

27. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence that the British North American Act offers real-protection for the Sovereign
Kanienke’haka and friends, or that the British North American Act obligates itself to the Sovereign Kanienke’haka and friends,
Affiant has no record or evidence of the intentional or expressed acceptance by the Sovereign Kanienke’haka of any such offer,
Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

28. It is fact that, Affiant has no record or evidence the Sovereign Kanienke’haka surrendered in whole or in part, real land for
settlements to RESPONDENT[s], the Crown or whosoever, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists. Affiant has no record or
evidence the use of the lands by the Raserón:ni for the purpose of but not limited to, “agriculture”, or “tutelage”, or “revenue”
relinquished any “title” or “sovereignty” or “supranational” or “extraterritorial” authority, in whole or in part over the lands or the
Sovereign Kanienke‘haka [six “five” nations] within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the
Grand River Country, greatly known as A‘nowara‘ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

29. It is fact that Affiant has no record or evidence that the British North American Act has a documented record of a mandated
assembly or debates by either the Parliament or the general public nor a binding referendum c.1867 or since, Affiant believes that
such evidence exists.

30. It is fact that Affiant has no record or evidence that title to the tracts of lands in within but not limited to the real lands within but
not limited to A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island” commonly referred to as real land North and South American continent, a.k.a.
Turtle Island, more specifically within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River

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Country, or the land[s] greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island” of the Sovereign Kanienke’haka was vested [with]in;
or surrendered to the Crown, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

31. It is fact that Affiant has no record or evidence, that the Sovereign Kanienke’haka and friends [Six “five” Nations] are any way
obligated or liable to the Canadian Acts., Affiant has no record or evidence that the Sovereign Kanienke’haka [Mohawk; man and
women] are actors or players in any Canadian performance including the rendition of the Indian Act., Affiant has no record or
evidence that the Sovereign Kanienke’haka [Mohawk; men and women] play in any band[s] for any purpose whatsoever, produced
and/or orchestrated by “the Crown”, crown agents or likewise, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

Matthew 25:29: For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what
they have will be taken from them.

Romans 3:19: we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may
be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

32. It is fact that Affiant has no record or evidence why the record of Affiants’ unrebutted affidavits and declarations should not be
enforced, and Affiant believes no such evidence exists.

Hosea 4:6: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that
thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy Creator [G-d], I will also forget thy children.

c. Prayer for Relief:

1. Whereas Affiant prays that the complete collapse and closure of all public account[s] regarding the name “BENJAMIN D A
DOOLITTLE”, and marked private and confidential of any and All RECORD[s]; Original[s] and All known copies of the data
“RECORD[s] on ACCOUNT” collect and destroy all RECORDS[s] on ACCOUNT forthwith. See [b. 1,2,3,4,5,6]

2. Whereas Affiant prays that the enforcement of the record in the private side, and the Relief and Remedy be satisfied forthwith. The
Affiant has no record or evidence why the record should not be enforced. See [a. 5][b. 2,14,15][e. 2][c. 1][d. 1,2,]

3. Whereas Affiant prays that the “Crown” and all RESPONDENT[s] considers this prayer [c. 3], the final-offer of opportunity to
cure and Settle the Demands for Proof[s] of Claim[s] as follows:

(i). I DEMAND that the following question of claims regarding authority and enforcement through pseudo-judgments,
regulations, by-laws, legislation, injunctions or any other foreign policies that may effect the Sovereign Kanienke’haka men
and women.

(ii). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have original authority over the Sovereign Kanienke’haka men and women.

(iii). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have authority to expropriate/sell/negotiate and/or develop lands belonging
to the Sovereign Kanienke’haka men and women.

(iv). I DEMAND PROOF OF CLAIM that you have the authority to hold, detain, define, restrain, confine, molest, any
Sovereign Kanienke’haka men and women, their property and/or rights.


d. Prayer for Remedy:

1. Whereas Affiant prays for the safe-passage and the unrestricted-access of All Sovereign Kanienke’haka “Maquase c.1701” [Six
Nations] real lands, but not limited to the properties and the fixed assets to which the RESPONENT[s] [may] hold colorable title
“color of title” in consideration of the partial compensation for the breach of treaty [two row wampum] by molestation, damage, cont-
amination [ie. forestry, mining, landfills, urbanization] [b. 16] and current and continuous usage[s] of the real lands and of properties

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located on the Sovereign Kanienke’haka lands, within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the
Grand River Country, greatly known as A‘nowara‘ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”. See [a. 5][b. 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,][c. 4][e. 2]

Isa 52 : 3-6 “For thus says the Lord, You have sold yourselves for nothing: and you shall be redeemed without money. For
thus says the Lord God, My people went down aforetime into E'gypt to sojourn there; and the As-syr'i-an oppressed them
without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, says the Lord, that My People is taken away for nothing? they that rule over
them make them to howl, says the Lord; and My name continually every day is blasphemed. Therfore My people shall know
My name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am He that does speck: be hold, it is I.”

Isa 55:1 “Ho, every one that thirsts, come you to the waters, and he that has no money; come you, buy, and eat; yea, ,come,
buy wine and milk without money and without price.”

2. Whereas Affiant prays that the “Crown” and RESPONDENT[s] adopt written operational guidelines for Diplomacy with regards to
the Sovereignty and the Autonomous nature of the Onkwehonwe ne’ha, namely the Sovereign Kanienke’haka, adoption of the
guidelines must include the meaningful importance of the, Kuswhenta, and understanding of national standing, and the
RESPONDENT[s] relationship as Raserón:ni, and, treatise and treaty law, and, Civility and Honorability. See [a. 5][b. 15]

3. Whereas Affiant prays that if anyone including the RESPONDANT[s] claim they do lawfully hold a trust-at-law or deed to the
Sovereign Kanienke’haka real lands [ie. pseudo-Haldimand deed or pseudo-Simcoe deed] within but not limited to the natural
boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country, greatly known as A‘nowara‘ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”,
and can prove to pass the test of the Knight v Knight (1840) 3 Beav 148 “trust element.“ whereby validating the trust “deed”, provided
that the original instrument be presented by the holder for the proper inspection by the real party in interest in consideration for
settlement of the “Offer for Settlement of Proof[s] of Claim[s]” as outlined in the prayer for relief. See [c. 3]

5. Whereas Affiant prays that the so-called public opinion and non-binding interests be excluded from this private agreement in
regards to the Sovereignty and recovery of the Kanienke’haka national-standing, and national-assets and lands in ORDER TO

6. Whereas Affiant prays that the Demands for the Proof[s] of Claim[s] be satisfied by RESPONDENT[s], by presentment of the
original instrument of indebtedness in its original form, within thirty (30) days from receipt of this second and final “Offer for
settlement of Proof[s] of Claim[s]” See [b. 16,17][c. 3]

[[THE GLOBAL SOLUTION: as outlined in the resolution brochure from the Six Nations Elected Council herein “SNEC”
Global Solution Strategy.
[ … ] Added with caution as amended. See []

Over the past four years [?], basic issues remain unresolved and frustration is growing in the Six Nations community and our
neighboring municipalities.

While government communications state that respectful negotiations and just solutions are the roads to settlements
[understanding], the Crowns only apparent mandate is to [Manage Risk] keep the situation calm and keep hope alive.
With no foreseeable breakthrough in the near future and with more claims being validated, Six Nations of the Grand River
will take initiatives to put some strong new proposals before Canada and Ontario.

(I). SNEC proposes that:

1. Until claims are resolved between Six Nations and Canada, Partnerships and revenue sharing agreements with
corporations, interest groups and Ontario must be utilized as an interim measure;
2. Increase Six Nations Land Base;
3. Entitlements promised [protection under their assumed sovereignty] in the 1784 Haldimand [security agreement, “since the
haldimand document neglected to usurp the real parties in interest by not including language such as “under“ “our
sovereignty“ “our protection“ they created the simcoe deed, to recognize this agreement is to submit to the crown, Allies to
Allegiant, Subject status, this also allowed the crown to collateralize the lands into negotiable assets, which is granted to
them by incorporation, or honouring thereof] Treaty be honoured; [the crowns’ own intention and absolute meaning and
understanding of the alleged “trust” or “deed” must be presented by Canada “Crown” before continued reference should be
entrenched in any further; nation-to-nation dealings with Canada, United Kingdom “London” or its Crown agencies.]

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[“It should be noted that the foregoing document is a deed and is not in any sense a treaty although in the course of the
evidence it was referred to as the Haldimand Treaty from time to time.

The purpose of the Simcoe Deed would seem to be to confirm the grant already made by the Haldimand Deed. In each of
these deeds it is made clear that those of the Six Nations Indians set- tling on the lands therein described do so under the
protection of the Crown. In my opinion, those of the Six Nations Indians so settling on such lands, together with their
posterity, by accepting the protection of the Crown then owed allegiance to the Crown and thus became subjects of the
Crown. Thus, the said Six Nations Indians from having been the faithful allies of the Crown became, instead, loyal subjects
of the Crown.” LOGAN v. STYRES ET AL. (sub nom. LOGAN v. ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF CANADA) c.1959]

4. Conditions by which Six Nations agreed to share [One Dish one spoon “j. 1”] the use of our lands be honoured:
5. Inclusion of Six Nations in the sharing of resources and economic partnering within our traditional [sacred and
intrinsic] lands;
6. Agreements securing Six Nations perpetual reservation of sovereignty care and maintenance to our standard
commensurate with Six Nations ongoing [Kuswentah] needs [prerogatives] must be protected by Section 35 of
Canada’s Constitution [BNA Act c.1982 subject to ratification, no record evidencing proper authority ]; and
7. With 950,000 [25,000,000] acres at issue and tens of thousands of land and financial transactions requiring redress
[attention and remedy], a much more efficient resolution [administrative] process is required. A process that will
require a global approach [operational guidelines] if justice [correction] is going to be properly served [contrary to a
global solution, a variation of practical elements and administrative processes will address these issues with peace,
strength and righteousness].

(II). The Premise for this to work would require:

1. The removal of Canada’s underlying conflict of interest a truly independent mechanism, which would report
directly to Parliament [the Queen by audience]
2. Mediators to ensure good faith negotiations by providing appropriate mechanisms for dispute resolution; and
3. Establishment of a neutral tribunal to resolve legal disputes if negotiations have reached an impasse, The neutral
tribunal will have the authority to make binding decisions on the validity of grievances, compensation criteria and
innovative [structured settlement through “novation” updates in todays’ understanding, interests and/or burdens]
means of resolving outstanding grievances.]]

Take Notice: Its is Affiants’ belief that the creators of the global solution document designed it to fail by either malice, ill will or
negligence, it would seem evident that the Entitlements would include a loss of sovereignty in the minds and hearts of our little
brothers. I believe that this Approach, if brought before their courts would be fatal to the way of life for the Mohawk and friends and
their extraterritorial and national Sovereignty, by the courts hearing this Global Solution “FINAL SOLUTION” they will then be
prejudiced by the Logan v. Attorney General of Canada case, which finds adoption of the deed would mean submission of
sovereignty, therefore all claims noted within would become moot. [See Exhibit “k“, and Logan v. Attorney General of Canada]

7. Whereas the Affiant prays for the full enforcement of the record and the agreement[s] as estopped by acquiescence, by All
RESPONDENT[s] via “the treaty”, “declaration of status and intent to recover” and “declaration of intent and statement of claim”.,
All lands and the properties, within but not limited to the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River
Country, greatly known as A‘nowara‘ko:wa “Great Turtle Island” are with the control and authority, by [PRIVATE] Affiant and/or
the Sovereign Kanienke’haka and friends to be re-leased under the Sovereignty and protection of the Kanienke’haka; in-part to satisfy
the [public] interest and concern of your subjects and of their quasi-private land and consequential properties upon transfer of lands
and properties to the Affiant and the Sovereign Kanienke‘haka., the Affiant and Sovereign Kanienke’haka does “take hold”, and
“take control”, and “take charge”, and “take stock” of all [quasi-crown lands or otherwise Crown Holdings Worldwide] lands,
properties, and consumption of the natural resources and consequential infrastructure by Affiant and the Sovereign Kanienke’haka
[party in interest], to off-set the principal amount [a pay-as-you-go recovery strategy, to limit stress and potential burden].

Where are the clean hands?, Government agencies, like yours, are beginning to behave as though every pebble, grain of sand and
“for greater certainty” every molecule of water is government property. It is not all your property. And although you and your
agencies would bill yourself as representing the public. The truth is that the Province of Ontario, Canada is a corporation, representing
selfish corporate interests. And while the Affiant and the Sovereign Kanienke’haka is not a corporation our selfish interest is firstly;
to protect the land and secondly; to make a profit in a competitive market. Not as a municipal monopoly who finds that raising
additional revenue is as simple as increasing fees and penalties on legitimate business and stakeholders, thus obtaining a back door to

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extract more wealth and money from the Sovereign Kanienke’haka. And so, the Province of Ontario, Canada comes, into this arena
with un-clean hands. And this is fact being recognized in the Clearfield Doctrine

Believe me, Affiant fully recognizes that the we are “David” taking on “Goliath”, but Affiant also believes that “Wrong is wrong,
even if it helps you.” And what government is doing to business and the Sovereignty of the Kanienke’haka and even Canada with
ever encroaching fees, fines, levies, and interference, is Wrong. It is doing very little except to operate economically, converting first
nations rights and assets, then those business’ in manufacturing move overseas, leaving only service based business or public utilities
an homeland soil. And unfortunately, a “services based economy” can not survive.

It is my contention and my defense that corporate government, at all levels, have become an out of control criminal organization.
Those who will sit in judgement of these matters are most likely not to know the depth of the criminal behavior engaged in by
corporate government and perhaps you do not either, but I suspect that you are fully aware and participate to enrich yourself. I believe
that most people, after reading this commercial affidavit, will not believe that you participate out of sense of justice. Allow me to
make my case for those who may have only partial knowledge or perhaps no knowledge at all.

In many written documents by the RESPONDENT[s] “the Crown and agents” use language clearly attempting to compel an
agreement between The Sovereign Kanienke’haka [Six Nations] and the Corporation of Canada “the Crown”, and more importantly
compel The Sovereign Kanienke’haka to pay for [pseudo-] protection by forfeiture of Sovereignty [conversion] as proposed by the
Haldimand deed and affirmed by the Simcoe deed, and because of governments control over public education, very few citizens, and
free people alike even have a clue as to the difference between commercial law and the nation-to-nation laws we hold as treaties, such
as the grandfather “foundation” maritime treaty known as Kuswhenta “Two row wampum, signifying our perpetual designation of
sovereignty and our autonomous nature”.

Although I suspect that it is well enough known by yourself that there are restrictions placed upon corporate government when
entering into the world of commerce for its own financial benefit, it is quite likely that lay jurors will not know. I began with a
reminder that law of the Sovereign Kanienke’haka can not compel a specific performance, such as requirements to pay specific fees
arbitrarily levied by corporate government. In the Clearfield decision, the supreme court of the United States has this to say
when government enters into commerce.

“Government descend to the Level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private
citizen…where private corporate commercial paper and securities is concerned. … For purposes of suit, such corporations
and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.”  Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318
U.S. 363-371

And further, in the United States v Burr. 309 U.S. 242, the Court stated, in part:
“when governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation.”

The use of private corporate commercial paper removes the sovereignty status of the government of Ontario, Canada, and reduces
them to an “entity”, rather than a government in the area of finance and commerce. As with any private corporation or person, this
“entity” cannot compel performance upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules unless it, like any other private
corporation or person, is the holder-in-due-course of some contract or commercial agreement between it, and the one upon
whom demands for performance are made, and is willing to produce said documents, and place the same into evidence before
trying to enforce its demands.

If the Municipal corporate province of Ontario, Canada et al., is the holder in due course of a contract between itself and Affiant
and/or the Sovereign Kanienke’haka that prevents Affiant and/or the Sovereign Kanienke’haka from occupying all unused or
available lands and consequential properties or protecting the lands from further urbanization or contamination, the same has been
done since the beginning of time, all over A’nowara’ko:wa or commonly referred to as Turtle Island [North/South America], or has a
contract or an agreement requiring Affiant and/or the Sovereign Kanienke’haka to pay fees and/or acquire permission to occupy any
and all lands on Turtle Island and consequential properties or protect the lands from harm, please supply a copy of the document
signed by myself or my nation that requires this specific performance so that I may ascertain my obligations. If, on the other hand, the
Municipal Corporate province of Ontario, Canada or “Brantford as agent” does not have an agreement between itself and Affiant
and/or the Sovereign Kanienke’haka, then I see no authority to compel the specific performance being demanded. And if there is no
obligation to a specific performance as set forth in the longstanding civil action between the Crown, and crown agencies and the
Sovereign Kanienke’haka [Mohawk nation and friends], then there are no valid contract.

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Furthermore, I, Affiant decline any and all offers of contract or agreement. Additionally, I, Affiant decline any such offers to use
force and/ or intimidation to force Affiant into a contract or agreement.

Corporate government has become no different than organized crime in the manner in which it operates. It passes corporate laws and
then attacks those who question these commercial laws or refuses the service offered. In effect corporate government is saying, “If
you want to do business on OUR STREET, this is what it’s going to cost you.” No different than the Chicago Mob of the 1920’s and
1930’s. And just like Chicago, these additional fees are simply passed on to the patrons of business, the Sovereign Kanienke’haka and
the Canadian people who ultimately pay for the criminal behavior. The average man and woman work 40 hour weeks, some of them
60 or more hours and are still barely able to make ends meat, and they wonder why everything is so expensive. A very large portion
of it is by virtue of the organized crime behavior of corporate government.

So important was the section on contractual or commercial agreements that a wording change was implemented in the Uniform
Commercial Code to make it clear that:
Sec. 3-401:1 Official Code Comment. No one is liable on an instrument unless and until he has signed it.

The long-winded commentary following this straight forward statement makes it very clear that no one can be compelled to specific
performance by any implied contract. In the Uniform Commercial Code there is no implied contracts permitted.

Because the government controls the education processes, an argument could be put forth that the government is involved in fraud
and deceit by virtue of its failure to properly educate the common students on their true status, rights, and citizenship, not to mention
commercial law applied through contract or international rights of first national students. It is this intentional omission in education
that allows government to unwittingly take our property, our children, our income and whatever they want. Ultimately it allows
government to enslave us and force us to serve it instead of it serving us through covenantal guarantees of inalienable and unalienable
rights. It is government that creates a contractual nexus through Social inference when as children we are too young to contract.

Government Leadership was forced to secretly attempt the imposition of protection and democracy by “dolus malus” for they know
that the Sovereign Kanienke’haka would never accept it, especially if they “Six Nations” understood that abandoning their world
standing and Great Law, and cherished autonomy “canoe” meant abandoning their Sovereignty or extraterritorial rights.

THIS IS A TIMELY NOTICE OF DEMAND, you have 60 days from the receipt of this document to ordain penance of the
complete and absolute expiation of you and all RESPONDENT[s] and Crown agents, for the reconciliation by the sacrifice, both of ;
the punitive and the compensatory amount of $663,000,000,000.00 c.2009 “six hundred and sixty three [B]illion in real money
through but not limited to, the direct land acquisition and procurement of assets that governments “the Crown” and their agencies will
use in actual service delivery, the equity funds of the lease lands and human capital., plus % 0.6 percent interest per annum on any
defaulted, retained or unsettled balance”. There will be no further notices regarding this amount. = $663,000,000,000.00 [B]illion x
%o.6 per annum est. December 26th 2009 [current sum/year two = $702,780,000,000 c. December 26th 2010][year three =
$744,946,800,000][year four = $789,643,608,000][year five = $837,022,224,480]


HAS BEEN GIVEN YOU! The RESPONDENT[s], Any and All Men and Women of the global-mankind-community, Actors,
Foreign Government[s] and Political Subdivisions thereof, and person[s] as well as their successors, permitted assigns, heirs and
estates performing within but not limited to the Sovereign Kanienke‘haka lands “the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed
and Grand River Country” or commonly and technically known as, Mohawk [Nation and Six “five” Nation] Territory and/or Country,
greatly known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”., Doe’s, 1-1000, “any and all” Unknown at this point in time, et al., and
CANADA, et al.

Take Notice: this Commercial Affidavit, followed by Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace, is the ONE AND ONLY such
Notice and Warning. (referring to the RESPONENT[s] and Doe’s 1-1000)); will receive. If at any time in the future any (referring to
the RESPONENT[s] and Doe’s 1-1000)); take actions based thereon are instituted against me, it shall be considered a willful
disregard for this Notice and Warning, and such shall engender the immediate filing of but not limited to a Criminal Complaints
(Affidavits of the Information) and Commercial Liens (Affidavits of the Obligation) against all parties involved.

Matt.16:24-26, “Then said Yah’shua unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his
stake, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

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For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for
his soul?”

Rom. 6:6, “Knowing this, that our old man is impaled with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we
should not serve sin.”
2 Cor. 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in the Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things
are become new.”

Matt. 7:17-20, “Even so every right tree bringeth forth right fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A right tree
cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth right fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth right fruit is
hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

Lev. 25:35-37, “And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he
be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy Elohim; that
thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.”

Deut.15:6, “For Yahweh thy Elohim blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but though
shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.”

Deuteronomy 23:19-20, “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any
thing that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon
usury: that Yahweh thy Elohim may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess

Psalms 15:5, “He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things
shall never be moved.”

Ezekiel 18:8, “He that hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase, that hath withdrawn his hand from
iniquity, hath executed true judgment between man and man.”

Ezekiel 18:13, “Hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live; he hath done all
these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.”

Ezekiel 18:17, “That hath taken off his hand from the poor, that hath not received usury nor increase, hath executed my
judgments, hath walked in my statutes; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live.”

Ezekiel 22:12, "In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily
gained of thy neighbors by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Sovereign Yahweh.”

Rom. 13:8, “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.”

e. Plain Statement of Facts:

1. The Undersigned Affiant, Sovereign-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittle’s, certifies on Affiant’s commercial Liability that
Affiant has read this Affidavit and issues the same with intent and understanding of purpose and does hereby affirm, declare and state
that the statements, allegations, demands and contained herein are true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but he truth, spoken under my yea’s and nay’s, and also now located at "",
[isaiah 55:1] among others but not limited theretofore, at al.

2. Thus, be it known to all, that I reserve my natural, Ohenton Kariwatehkwen and right not to be compelled to perform under any
contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated
with the compelled and pretended "benefit" of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.

3. As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are
inapplicable to me, and are null and void. If I have participated in any of the supposed "benefits" associated with these hidden
contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative, and/or necessities of life. I may have received such

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"benefits" but I have not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything.

4. Any such participation does not constitute "acceptance" in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid
"offer," and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion, under contract law. Without a valid voluntary offer and
acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Any supposed
"contract" is therefore void, from the beginning.

5. From my age of consent to the date affixed below I have never signed a contract knowingly, willingly, intelligently, and voluntarily
whereby I have waived any of my natural, Ohenton Kariwatehkwen, rights, and, as such, Take Notice: that I revoke, cancel, and
make void from the beginning my signature on any and all contracts, agreements, forms, or any instrument which may be construed in
any way to give any agency or department of any federal or state or provincial government authority, venue, or jurisdiction over me.

(I). This position is in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brady v. U.S., 379 U.S. 742 at 748 (1970):

"Waivers of Constitutional [Sovereign] Rights not only must be voluntary, they must be knowingly
intelligent acts, done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and consequences."

Typical examples of such compelled and pretended "benefits" are:

(II). Birth Certificate. The fact that a birth certificate was granted to me [from a foreign nation] by a local hospital or
government agency when I entered this world, is irrelevant to my Sovereignty. No status, high or low, can be assigned to
another person through a piece of paper, without the recipient's full knowledge and consent. Therefore, such a piece of paper
provides date and place information only. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing
about rights, and nothing about subject status. The only documents that can have any legal meaning, as it concerns my status
in society, are those which I have signed as an adult, with full knowledge and consent, free from misrepresentation or
coercion of any kind.

(III). Marriage license. The acquisition of a marriage license is now being revealed as being necessary only for slaves. The
act of a Sovereign such as myself obtaining such a license, through social custom and ignorance of law, has no legal effect in
changing my status. This is because any such change in status, if any may be supposed to occur, could happen only through a
hidden and unrevealed contract or statute. Since no hidden, unrevealed, and undisclosed information, if it exists, can be
lawfully held to be binding, it is null and void.

(IV). Children in public school. The attendance of my children in government-supported "public" schools or government-
controlled "private" schools does not create any legal tax obligation for me, nor any other legal obligation, because I never
signed a contract agreeing to such obligation for the supposed "privilege" of public school attendance. If any of my children
have attended government supported "public" or controlled "private" schools, such was done under duress and not out of free
will. Be it known that I regard "compulsory education" as a violation and breach of the Kuswentah and the Kaianerenkó:wa,
which states in relevant part:

Two Row Wampum “Maritime” treaty; The Belt of Law: In our canoe we have all our laws, culture, and beliefs and in your
vessel you shall have all your laws, culture, and beliefs, traveling side by side through life as equals never enforcing or interfering in
each others affairs as long as the sun shall shine the grass shall grow and the rivers shall flow this will be everlasting.

Kaianerenkó:wa “Great Law”: Wampum 58, anyone [of the Six “five” Nations] who submits to the laws of a foreign nation are
alienated and forfeit all claims in their nation.

(IIV). Declaration of Citizenship. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are
you a Native American, North American, Canadian or U.S. citizen?" - cannot be used to compromise my status as a
Sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner. This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and
consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without
misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract.

(IIIV). Use of the 2-letter state or province code, postal code and zip code. My use of the 2-letter state or province code,
postal code and zip code in my "address," which is secretly codified to indicate United States or Canadian "federal zone"

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jurisdiction, has no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status. Simply by receiving or sending "mail" through a quasi-federal
messenger service, the postal service, at a location indicated with a 2-letter state or province code, postal code and zip code,
cannot place me under federal jurisdiction or obligation. Such a presumption would be ludicrous. I use these codes only for
the purposes of information and making it more efficacious for the Canada or U.S. Postal Services’ to deliver my mail.

(VI). Use of semantics. There are some immature people with mental imbalances, such as the craving to dominate other
people, who masquerade as "government." Just because they alter definitions of words in the law books to their supposed
advantage, doesn't mean I accept those definitions. The fact that they define the words "person," "address," "mail,"
"resident," "motor vehicle," "driving," "passenger," "employee," "income," and many others, in ways different from the
common usage, so as to be associated with a subject or slave status, means nothing in real life.

(VII). Because the courts have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all courts and all parties, that if I
have ever signed any document or spoken any words on record, using words defined by twists in the law books different
from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status in All Worlds thereby, nor can there be
created any obligation to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. Where the meaning in the common
dictionary differs from the meaning in the law dictionary, it is the meaning in common dictionary that prevails, because it is
more trustworthy.

(VIII). Such compelled and supposed "benefits" include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. My use
of such alleged "benefits" is under duress only, and is with full reservation of all my common law rights. I have waived none
of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. Furthermore, my use of such compelled "benefits" may be temporary,
until better alternatives become available, practical, and widely recognized.


1. Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void from the beginning, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in
law or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the alleged Social Insurance Number (SIN) assigned to me, as it
pertains to the birth certificate, marriage or business license, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all government or
quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty
and/or property.

2. I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit" or gratuity associated with any of the
aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed
by me or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real
or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. I am the sole and absolute legal owner and possess
allodial title to any and all such property.

3. Take Notice that I also revoke, cancel, and make void from the beginning all powers of attorney, in fact, in presumption, or
otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, claiming to act on my behalf, with or without my consent, as such power of attorney
pertains to me or any property owned by me, by, but not limited to, any and all quasi/colorable, public, governmental entities or
corporations on the grounds of constructive fraud, concealment, and nondisclosure of pertinent facts.

Ezekiel 20:18-19, I said to their children in the wilderness, “Do not follow the statutes of your parents or keep their laws or defile
yourselves with their idols. I am the LORD your God; follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.


ATTENTION/WARNING/NOTICE: You, and, all RESPONDENT[s] have thirty (30) days in which you can respond and rebut
this Commercial Affidavit, from receipt, unless you request in writing an extension of time. Failure to respond to this Commercial
Affidavit you will be given opportunity to cure “Commercial grace” of three (3) days following the initial response time. A lack of
response or rebuttal means that you assent to this Commercial Affidavit and that fault exists, creating fraud through material
misrepresentation that vitiates all forms, contracts, testimony, agreements etc:. expressed or implied, from the beginning. Further
failure to respond within the initial time and grace period, means that you have been provided with due process and will be lead to a
default judgment of estopple by acquiescence, with Option to Accelerate at Will.

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g. Maxim[s]:
In the Laws of Commerce, the eternal and unchanging principal of the law are:
1. A workman is worth of his hire.
2. All are equal under the law.
3. In commerce truth is sovereign.
4. Truth is expressed in the form of and Affidavit.
5. A matter must be expressed to be resolved. In Law Truth is Sovereign.
6. An unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
7. An unrebutted Affidavit becomes a judgment in commerce.
8. He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default
9. Sacrifice is a measure of credibility.
10. A lien or claim, under commercial law can only be satisfied by one of the following actions, Payment, Agreement, Resolution by a
jury according to the rules of common law.

Because truth is sovereign in commerce and everyone is responsible for propagating the truth an all speaking, writing, and acting, all
commercial processes function via affidavit certified and sworn on each Affiants commercial liability as “true, correct, and complete,”
attesting under oath regarding the validity, relevance, and veracity of all matters stated, and likewise demanded. Without said
acceptance of liability and facts provided to support one’s assertions, no credibility is established.

h. Interpretation[s]:
1. Onkwehonwe, original living “people” being; people living in accordance with their original instructions.
2. Kanienke’haka, "…of the crystal/flint; …of the shards of light“; supra national Keepers of the Eastern Door, objectively known as
“Mohawk Nation; and Six Nations Indians“.
3. Ratiniáhton, Turtle clan.
4. Shonkwaia'tison, Creator; He who “fills everything“, “made our bodies”, “made the Cosmos”, “sent us here”.
5. Wa`tewatsitsiané:kare, Mature flower; Sky Woman.
6. Onhontsiáte, Creator sent the child to come to Earth.
7. A’nowara’ko:wa, Great Turtle Island; [real-land-north-america]
8. Kariwí:io, Good tidings of Peace; Good Message.
9. Kaianerenkó:wa, Great Law; Constitution
10. Kuswhenta, Covenant; Two Row Wampum.
11. Onkwehonwe ne’ha, way of the living original being.
12. Tsiokterakentkó:wa, Evergrowing tree; Great Roots, The Great Belt of the Confederacy.
13. Raserón:ni, Guests on the Great Turtle Island.
14. Ohenton Kariwatehkwen, Creators’ Original Instruction, Laws of Creation; the “Words Before All Else.”
15. Sewatokwa'tshera't, the Dish with One Spoon “Onkwehonwe Inter-tribal Treaty”; Mutual Abundance.
16. Nia:wen’ko:wa, the Great Thanks that fills creation.
17. Skennon'ko:wa, the Great Peace that fills creation.
18. Konnoro'nhkwa’ko:wa, the Great Love that fills creation.
19. Haudenosaunee, People of the Extended family

i. Summary of Cherished Wampum:

1. Dish With One Spoon, This belt is said to represent the idea that all of the hunting lands of the Haudenosaunee were meant to be
shared and that there should be no blood letting over hunting disputes. In 1887, Chief John Buck described this wampum belt ; "All
white except for a round purple patch in the center. This represents all 'Indians' on this continent. They have entered into one great
league and contract that they will all be one and have one heart. The pot in the center is a dish of beaver, indicating that they will have
one dish and what belongs to one will belong to all."

2. Two Row Wampum “Maritime” treaty; The Belt of Law, The Two Row Wampum Treaty Belt symbolizes the relationship of
the native people of Turtle Island (so-called North American Continent), Onkwehonwe with the White man, Raserón:ni. One purple
row of beads represents the path of the natives’ canoe which contains their customs and laws. The other row represents the path of the
guest vessel, the sailing ship, which contains his customs and laws. The meaning of the parallel paths is that neither boat should
outpace the other, and the paths should remain separate and parallel forever, that is, as long as the grass grows, the rivers flow, the sun
shines, and will be everlasting, and they shall always renew their treaties. [Intentional and perpetual reservation of rights]

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3. Evergrowing Tree, The Evergrowing Tree Belt or The Wing, or Dust Fan of Council Peacekeeper of the Confederate Nations
Belt, or The Great Belt of the Confederacy This belt represents the Evergrowing Tree, with its white roots which have spread out, one
to the north, one to the east, one to the west, and one to the south from the Iroquois territory. The Great White Roots represents peace
and strength. If any man or any nation outside of the Five Nations wishes to obey the Great Laws of Peace they may follow one of the
great roots to the tree. If their minds are clean and they promise to obey the wishes of the Confederate Council, they are welcome to
take shelter beneath the "Tree of the Long Leaves"

4. Prophecy, the Prophecy Belt signifies the coming of the Peacemaker to the earth. The line running along the belt shows his descent
from the Sky World. In ancient times the Five Nations were all separate and divided by bitter wars. The Peacemaker brought the
separate nations the Great Law of Peace; Kaianerenkó:wa. As a result of his influence the nations formed a confederation. The Laws,
which are sometimes referred to as the Iroquois Constitution, are recited from time to time using this belt as a memory aid. The Laws
are known entirely from oral tradition passed down from generation to generation. Note: There are other versions as to the meaning of
this belt. The version stated here is according to Chief Jake Thomas as told to him by his father chief David Thomas.

5. Friendship Belt, The Friendship belt records a sequence of treaties made with the Dutch, French and English, and also the original
Thirteen Colonies (British/U.S.) in early times. The treaties were covenants made between the native people, Onkwehonwe, and the
Raserón:ni pledging their friendship of peace forevermore. From time to time they should polish their covenant of friendship.

6. Women's Nomination, Womens Nomination Belt records the rights of nomination given to the Clan Mothers of the Five Nations
of the Haudenosaunee. The origin of the rights, these women leaders have, begins in their founding mother, Tsikonsase, who is also
known as the Mother of Nations, because it is said that her blood line originates from the first woman on earth. As mothers of all
nations on Mother Earth, certain Clan Mothers of each clan are given the responsibility of maintaining the harmony and balance
within the clans and nations, by being the guardian over the names to prevent duplication of names, and to prevent competition over
the rights of leadership positions. In her responsibility of choosing (nominating) a chief, a Clan Mother calls a meeting with her
immediate extended family, meeting mainly with the female relatives, but she may also choose to combine the men relations as well.
At the meeting, she will inform her extended family who she's chosen to be chief, and then seeks approval of all the mothers of her
extended family. Upon approval, the clan mother stands the chief up for all to see. The clan mother stands along side with her chief,
sub-chief, and one woman and man faithkeeper.

j. Witness[s]:
On this ______day of_______________, 20____, before me the following private men and women, neutrals, noncombatants,
creditors, borrowers to none, herein “Witness“, personally appeared the Sovereign-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittle’s,
personally known to me as the living soul whose name is subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same.
[Ephesians 4:5-6]

1. _______________________________________________ Date: ___________ R. thumb print:

2. _______________________________________________ Date: ___________ R. thumb print:

3. _______________________________________________ Date: ___________ R. thumb print:

Caveat: Using a Canadian Notary Public on this Affidavit does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my Sovereign and
Autonomous Nature, in any manner. The only purpose for the use of this Notary is verification and identification of my natural body,
as the recipient of this Affidavit, and to solemnly witness my Act before all Mankind, and not for entrance into any foreign

The Notary Public signed below, a Public Officer of the province of Ontario, Canada, itself a subdivision and an agent of CANADA,
will serve as a liaison and my Witness and repository of this Affidavit as lawful Public Notice to all principals and agents, laterally
and hierarchically in a chain of command, of all civil-law governments of this state or province, of the UNITED STATES, NORTH
AMERICA, CANADA et al, of the UNITED NATIONS, of all Vatican-based agencies, and of all Crown-based agencies worldwide
that may interact in any manner with Affiant.

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Whereas the Public Record is the highest form of evidence, the following declaration, affirmed under Oath, as this verified and non-
negotiable Affidavit of Truth and Fact shall constitute Public Record when served upon the undersigned Notary Public as a Public
Officer of the Province of Ontario. Rebuttal is hereby demanded.

Further, any officer, agent or actor of government to whom this Affidavit is served upon will act as the repository of this Material
Evidence in the instant legal action being perpetrated upon me, a Private, Flesh and Blood Man, real party in interest, and
Internationally Protected Natural Person. Be forewarned of the penalties for Evidence Tampering. Your receipt of this Material
Evidence will be verified by me or witnesses by sworn Affidavit.

Further, violations of my natural and established Rights shall be reported to World Service Authority, the Secretary General of the
United Nations, and the Secretary of State of the United States if such violation occurs on A’nowara’ko:wa “Turtle Island”, for
investigation and prosecution.

Therefore, I AM that I AM, the Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’ have not waived and will not waive the
subject matter or persona jurisdiction and I challenge any and all presumptions of any kind made about me, regardless of statements
or actions that were, are, or may be made by me while under threat, duress or by coercion, trickery and deceit through any procedures
or processes of alleged “law” that are unknown to me that may be used against me. No other party is authorized to make legal
determinations for or about me in any manner whatsoever and I specifically refuse consent to judgment in any matter without full and
complete enforcement of the records as defined herein.

Fee Schedule
You are hereby given notice that Affiant is the Sovereign to whom you are speaking as such has enacted a Fee Schedule, and that all
commerce under which said Sovereign is forced to engage against his will, which are listed below, ARE BILLABLE AND WILL
BE BILLED AT THE RATES SHOWN, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Any commerce which this Sovereign engages in of her own
free will, may be billed at reduced rates subject to verbal agreement or contract.

Your rejection of this Fee Schedule will create estoppel prohibiting you from engaging this Sovereign in commerce & enforcement of
corporate policy against her will. Your acceptance of this Fee Schedule will bind you to it's terms unless a verbal agreement or
contract is engaged in for reduced amounts.

FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace/police officers. government principals, employees, agents, or justice system
participants is FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned. interrogated or in any may
detained, harassed or otherwise regulated without my express written and Notarized consent and will include an additional FIVE
THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5000.00) PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am held, handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected
to any adjudication process without my express written and Notarized consent, and will include an additional FIFTY THOUSAND
DOLLARS ($50,000.00) PER HOUR or portion thereof in the event 1 ant held in a vehicle, cell, room or other space with free access
to egress restricted by any threat of harm, type of lock or device designed or modified for that purpose or by its physical location or
proximity to the ground against my will without toy express written and Notarized consent, and will include ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($ L000,000.00) for every centimeter of length or square centimeter of area or part thereof of third party verifiable marks
on my body from any holding device, handcuffs, nylon strap, hand, glove, slim, boot, weapon or any other surface or item, caused by,
or by neglect or design allowed to be caused by the actions of any peace/police officers, government principals, employees, agents, or
justice system participants measured or assessed by competent medical practitioners of toy choosing or emergency medical
technicians without delay, and TEN MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000.000.00)PER DAY or part thereof, measured in TWENTY
FOUR (24) HOUR segments commencing from inception of injury or cause of condition arid ending at the discretion of the attending
physician, for any injury or condition that requires hospitalization for any mason caused, or by neglect or design allowed to be caused
to my body by peace/police officers, government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants, and ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($ 1,000,000.00) for each occurrence for any aggravation of pre-existing conditions, permanent injury, scar, condition or
abnormality to my body or psyche by the actions or as a result of the actions or lack of action by neglect or design of peace/police
officers. government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants as determined by competent medical practitioner of
my choosing or emergency medical technicians without delay, and additional FEES to he determined on a case by case basis for any
order or demand front peace/police officers. government principals, employees, agents, or justice system participants with a minimum
FEE of ONE TROY OUNCE .9999 FINE GOLD (ozt) INGOT per order or demand. These FEES are non negotiable and payable
upon demand in, TROY OUNCE .9999 FINE GOLD ton) INGOTS and or 13 Full Page Essays (front and back of pages legal sized
paper, printed with a Times New Roman font at 10 pixels) per TROY OUNCE .9999 FINE GOLD feet) INGOT. Topics of my
choosing at my discretion per offender. An additional FIFTY DOLLAR ($50.00) per day penalty will be levied for late payments as

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well as any costs incurred to secure payments [See Exhibit “a”]

Further, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both,

Furthermore, I claim the right to amend this document at any time without further notice, any and all future updates and notices will
be posted on

These Rights and FEES are lawfully claimed and secured, and are established as Law by “the treaty”

k. By my word with the Bond, Creation as the witness:

Subscribed and sworn, without prejudice, and with all rights reserved,
Without ill will, vexation or frivolity, With Peace, Strength and Righteousness

:Sovereign: [… …]
[… :Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: of the Doolittles’ …]
[Onkwehonwe, Kanienke‘haka, Ratiniáhton] Seal: [… …]
[… Non-Resident, Non-Citizen, Non-Band Indian, Non-Tax Payer …]
Authorized Representative/Belligerent/real party-in-Interest/Creditor:

I am, that I am, hereunto set my hand and Seal with a stroke of the pen this ____ day of ____________, circa. 2010
In the presence of: Shonkwaia'tison, Nia:wen’ko:wa, Skennon'ko:wa, Konnoro'nhkwa’ko:wa.

CANADIAN Notary, The use of this CANADIAN notary below; does NOT grant any jurisdiction to anyone or any person[s].


Notarial Certification
province: Ontario, Canada}
} solemnly subscribed and affirmed:
city: Brantford}

*On this ______day of_______________, 20____, before me, a Notary Public in and for the province of Ontario, Canada, personally
appeared the Affiant, known to me to be the undersigned “Affiant” on this instrument, and has acknowledged to me that he has
executed the same.

*Signed:___________________________________________ Notary Seal:

*Printed Name:______________________________________



ATTENTION: All communication to be sent to:
Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle, “Private: John Doe”
“Kanienke’haka; Ambassador-At-Large”, “PostMaster General”
In Care of: General Post Office Box # 829 Six Nations,
Ontario real land North America Non-domestic [no code]

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To Any and All; Men and Women listed below, this includes but is not limited to, Foreign Government[s] (governments of the
state[s] or province[s], of the UNITED STATES, NORTH AMERICA, CANADA et al, of the UNITED NATIONS, of all Vatican-
based agencies, and of all Crown-based agencies worldwide that may interact in any manner with Affiant.) and the Political
Subdivisions thereof, and person[s] as well as their successors, permitted assigns, heirs and estates performing within but not limited
to the Sovereign Kanienke‘haka lands “the natural boarders of the Grand River Watershed and of the Grand River Country”, greatly
known as A’nowara’ko:wa “Great Turtle Island”, and,

Private: John Doe, 1-1000, any and all are Unknown at this point in time,
Elizabeth-Alexandra-Mary: Windsor, the private woman acting Ted Salisbury; the private man acting as; C.D.S. & General
as, HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ELIZABETH THE Manager; Corporation of the City of Brantford, The; C/o,
SECOND, d.b.a. QUEEN ELIZABETH II, at her primary Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
residence and private home; Windsor Palace. Fax # 519-751-4757
Stephen Joseph Harper, the private man acting as, de facto Prime George Mychailenko; the private man acting as; CEO,
Minister of Canada, C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Brantford Power Inc.; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right
Canada of Canada
Fax # 613-941-6900 Fax # 519-753-6130
Dalton James Patrick Mcguinty, the private man acting as, de Brian D’Amboise; the private man acting as; CEO,
facto Premiere of Ontario Canada, C/o, Her Majesty the Queen Brantford Hydro/Power Inc.; CFO, Brantford Energy
in Right of Canada Corp.; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
Fax # 416-325-3745 Fax # 519-753-6130
William J.S. Elliott, the private man acting as, Commissioner of Gregory L. Ebel; the private man acting as; CEO, Spectra
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; C/o, Her Majesty the Energy Corp.; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of
Queen in Right of Canada Canada via Corporate Citizenry
Fax # 613-993-0260 Fax # 704-382-3814
Chris D. Lewis, the private man acting as, Commissioner of the Julie A. Dill; the private woman acting as; President,
Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen Union Gas Limited; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right
in Right of Canada of Canada via Corporate Citizenry
Fax # 705-329-6195 Fax # 519 436-4621
Jeff Kellner, the private man acting as, Chief of Police; Brantford John Brown; the private man acting as; City Manager, City
Police; Corporation of the City of Brantford, The; of Brantford, The; CEO, Brantford Energy Corporation;
C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
Fax # 519-756-4272 Fax # 519-753-6130
Larry Tansley; the private man acting as; Solicitor; Corporation George A. Cope; the private man acting as; President and
of the City of Brantford, The; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in CEO, BCE and Bell Canada; C/o, Her Majesty the Queen
Right of Canada in Right of Canada
Fax # 519-751-4757 Fax # 514-766-5735
Sandra Lawson; the private woman acting as; E.O.S. & General Harrison S. Arrell, the private man acting as, Judge,
Manager; Corporation of the City of Brantford, The; C/o, Her Superior Court of Justice of Ontario; C/o, Her Majesty the
Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada Queen in Right of Canada
Fax # 519-751-4757 Fax # 705-329-6195
Dan Temprile; the private man acting as; P.H., S&S.S. & John Morris Duncan, the private man acting as, Minster of
General Manager; Corporation of the City of Brantford, The; Indian Affairs and Northern Development; C/o her majesty
C/o, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada in right of Canada
Fax # 519-751-4757 Fax # 250-338-9361, 613-996-3306
Darryl J. Lee; the private man acting as; City Clerk & Director; Peter MacKay, the private man acting as, Minister of
Corporation of the City of Brantford, The; C/o, Her Majesty the National Defense and the Canadian Forces; C/o her
Queen in Right of Canada majesty in right of Canada
Fax # 519-759-7840 Fax # 613-995-8189

Supra 32 (Page 21 of 21) Affiants’ initial:_____

Exhibit “a” (1 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (2 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (3 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (4 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (5 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (6 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (7 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (8 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (9 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (10 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (11 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (12 of 15 Pages)
Exhibit “a” (13 of 15 Pages)
A copy of the Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right was served by affiant with this notice; served Feb 1st 2010

Exhibit “a” (14 of 15 Pages)

Notice of Understanding and Claim of Right
Declaration of Status and Intent to Recover
By: Benjamin-Douglas-Allan,
7 months ago

I, the Sovereign:-Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle, by the authority of the Creator of Chaos and the Great Cosmic
Womb, have recorded the following Affidavit(s): Declaration of Status and Intent to Recover, Notice of Understanding and
Intent and Claim of Right, Notice, hereby giving Public Notice. Said recording may be found at the City [town] Clerk's
office, City [township] of Brantford, within the county of Brant and hosted worldwide online at and/or http:/

Anyone who wishes to refute, protest or dispute the facts recorded, he/she must do so within thirty (30) days from the last
date of the publication of this notice and must direct same exactly as prescribed below without elimination of any brackets
or case lettering. Otherwise, any attempted correspondence with the above named Affiant will be returned to sender, as
Unacceptable, without dishonor.

Published Online; Brantford Expositor Date:May 19 2010

C/o General Post Office Box # 829 Six Nations,
Ontario real land North America Non-domestic [no code]

1 of 1 12/14/2010 10:25 AM

Exhibit “a” (15 of 15 Pages)

Exhibit “b” (1 of 2 Pages)
Exhibit “b” (2 of 2 Pages) or

Exhibit “c” ( 1 of 2 Pages)

Home UR Brantford Articles Local happenings
Posted By Benjamin-Douglas-Allan:
9 months ago


All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice

I have filed public notices of intent and notice of Demand of Cease and Desist and concern regarding land within the "city limits"
(Nathan Gage Tract) and more specifically two parcels (83-85, 87-89 colborne) within the south side colborne [project] and the (THB
Station), additionally (66 Mohawk) to the [city], [province] and [Federal], I have stated my concerns and have had, past meeting of
the minds with the upper levels of defacto-government of my understanding and claims in-which we are in agreement, refer to public
notice section at officially hosted by claim of right, please refer also to the city of Brantfords own
First Nations Policy “the City of Brantford has no role in the resolution of any such claims.”

As of the 5th day of March of the year 2010 any further action that threatens the integrity or conflicts with my special interest in the
lands and consequential properties, shall Activate my fee schedule upon any transgressors.

Portion of letter sent (February 20, 2010) to Minister of Indian Affairs “Since I am of the Kanienke'haka or commonly referred to as
Mohawk Nation, I think this would be within your "Mandate" and since Canada took it upon it-self to create a duplicate identity (A
CORPRATE FICTION) one derived from another nations people, or [national assets], and part from my pre-existing one, (proved by
the existence of a birth certificate, a contract without my sovereign signature).

I also would like to point out that I am under the assumption that I have been defrauded [internationally], in doing so my fiduciary
rights where offered to the Premier of the province, and so, in effect, embezzling royalties from another nation and its sovereign
members. I believe international theft is being perpetrated by the co-sovereign provinces or "federation" known as canada” -
Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle

It is my belief that only the people within a society/corporation are participating members by choice and consent, but in the case of the
Corporation of the city of Brantford et al., which is by there collective ignorance, or likewise, passing those responsibilities onto non-
members of the society/corporation by trickery and deceit, infringing on my sovereign status, secured by the two row wampum and
in-addition to the British, North American act (agreement) of 1867

Since a contract would have to be involved when becoming a member/employee of, or likewise, it would be interesting to see proof
that I, or any non-member of, is liable to pay anything towards the society/corporation and its societal/corporate agenda, that can be
shown giving you the right or authority to take from, or bill, me or any non-members.

"The taxpayer: “That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.” Ronald

Therefore, I will be actively seeking to designate and recover historical and national assets to the righteous owners as Kanienke’haka,
for the posterity of my nations people and common good for the balance of our combined cultures and political understanding as we
develop and grow into the future.

In Addition, Evidence of the perpetuated international fraud is presented in the form of the Birth Registration, Ontario has allowed a
faulty system that creates a loop hole for the government of the “Crown” to access control of our national assets by entering us, as
another nations people into its (canada) system by fraud, birth rights of Sovereignty and royalties from land use, mining, lumber etc:.
have been squandered, as of a direct result from the continued ignorance of unintentional or intentional tort, by all levels of defacto-
government, their representative principals and respective agents.

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle // 519-757-7590 // //

Share Tools
Brantford Expositor - Ontario, CA | UR 12/25/2010 3:54 PM

Exhibit “c” ( 2 of 2 Pages)

Exhibit “d” (1 of 2 Pages)
Exhibit “d” (2 of 2 Pages)
Greetings, in all of your capacities,

I am known as the Sovereign:- Benjamin-Douglas-Allan of the Doolittle family,

As you are aware I have been actively seeking remedy for the matters mentioned within this email's
forwarded content, I have met with reluctance to address my claims and understanding leaving the
opponents in Default, thee opponents treated fairly and given considerable grace, most recently I have
served a Notice of cease and desist with the Corporation of the city of Brantford, additionally, you and all of
your associates, accomplices and accessories of whatever description, to cease and desist immediately from
any further attempts to Demolish or to trespass upon my fundamental Rights or public/private property
recently and commonly referred to as the south side of colborne street in any manner whatsoever, that may
diminish the integrity of my active interests thereof.

To prevent any obstruction; For your convenience, Here is the link to the [internet] hosted version of the
notice of cease and desist, additionally the related notices.

Notice of Understanding and Claim of Right, and, Default Judgement, and,

Public Notice of Status and Intent to Recover, and,
Default Judgement Notice Demand Cease and Desist

I have served my fee schedule to the Corporation of the city of Brantford et al., which is why it is important
for you to consider the effects of your lack of "response" and your "ability" to be responsible for your
voluntary roles in the Societies you have consented to (e.g. Corporation of the city of Brantford), unlike the
rest of the tax payers, you, and only you who have become a member or signed into a society or enter into
employment with a corporation, are responsible or may become liable, you may find it interesting that only
you as members may be billable for any expense the city/society may impose on its non-members, if it were
to ever be relieved and recognized.

Exhibit “e” (1 of 7 Pages)

It is my belief that only the people within a society/corporation are participating members by choice and
consent, but in the case of the Corporation of the city of Brantford et al., which is by there collective
ignorance, or likewise, passing those responsibilities onto non-members of the society/corporation by
trickery, and deceit.

Since a contract would have to be involved when becoming a member/employee of, or likewise, it would be
interesting to see proof that I, or any non-member of, is liable to pay anything towards the
society/corporation and its societal/corporate agenda, that can be shown giving you the right or authority to
take from, or bill, me or any non-members.

"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil
service examination." - Ronald Reagan

Have a nice day!

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan:Doolittle© UCC 1-308

----- Forwarded Message ---From: "" <> To:;;;;; Cc: Sent: Sat, February 20, 2010 1:26:38 PM

Hello Mr. Strahl, et al.

I am known as the Sovereign:- Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle.

I have sent a few communications to the below members of various levels of governance, I would like to indicate
that I have a Perfected claim of right, in which I have been gracious and have also performed with honor, and
leaving the opponent in default or dis-honor, I write to you in this fashion in hopes, further steps can be avoided,
and remedy can be accomplished.

If you would, I would like to forward you to my [internet] hosted notices,

Which was served by registered mail to; [queen regnant] Elizibeth, Governor General, Prime Minister, Premier
of Ontario, Mayor of Brantford, all have receipts of delivery.

In the notices I stated that notice to Principal is notice to Agent and vise versa, I will assume you have or should
have been informed of my notice,

I understand hesitation to address my issues, but if you could allow and consider, being patient with this matter
so you can develop a good understanding of the context and implications of my documentation.

Since I am of the Kanienke'haka Nation or commonly referred to as Mohawk Nation, I think this would be
within your "Mandate" and since Canada took it upon it-self to create a duplicate identity (A CORPORATE

Exhibit “e” (2 of 7 Pages)

FICTION) one derived from another nations people, or [national assets], and part from my pre-existing one,
(proved by the existance of a birth cirtificate, a contract without my sovereign signature).

I also would like to point out that I am under the assumption that I have been defrauded [internationally], and in
doing so my fiduciary privileges where offered to the Premier of the province, and in doing so, in effect,
embezzling royalties from another nation and its sovereign members.

I believe international theft is being perpetrated by the co-sovereign provinces or "federation", and in recent
events the Corps. of Brantford are expropriating lands from Six Nations, and in effect waging international war,
by means of international theft!

and also the Corps. of Brantford has just rezoned crown land whitin the city to six nations of the grand river
territories, but my understanding is that need Prov. and Fed approval, and council is waiting for it to be heard in
court if ever! However i believe that the name "the six nations of the grand river" is a franchise name owned by
the "crown" or simalur, and merely shuffling the properties to another page within your books!

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle UCC 1-308

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, b doolittle <> wrote:

From: b doolittle <> Subject: Fw: RE: THE SOVEREIGNTY TOTEM To:,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Received: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 4:43 PM

Here is an online version for your convenience and one attached in this email, sorry for the duplicate

Diagram Link:

-- this is located on a facebook server,

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, b doolittle <> wrote:

From: b doolittle <> Subject: RE: THE SOVEREIGNTY TOTEM To:,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Received: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 4:38 PM


Exhibit “e” (3 of 7 Pages)


I have attached a .jpg file to explain how simple this all really is,..

I have studied the Historical documents and "British" texts of supposed record of the facts, which really don't
apply to foreign bodies but, still perpetuated as if its accepted by foreign nations,

...and creates a violation of sovereign right! or in law terms something called tacit agreements exists, but do they
in our nation?! right!

If yes where is that agreement with my sovereign signature waiving those rights,.. Proof of claim that we are
in alliance with the corporation of the city of anywhere!

However at this point in time things have changed radically and the corporation is operating under
the assumption that they are the pre emancipated entity,..

but as you can see by the diagram that is not the

situation and your assumptions of sovereignty are

...and since the emancipation, it is my understanding that you have severed ties to the empire you have become a
whole new entity,.. one without righteous sovereignty, but sovereign by right!, hence the two row wampum!

...and one that has limited contractual rights and obligation or "sovereignty"

Do you see what im getting at here ? Do you see how obvious it is?

Some of my points are varied from very criminal to misunderstandings, and if international theft or other
crimes are being perpetrated by any foreign entity is should be evaluated and investigated to allow all parties to
find common understanding and a chance for remedy, before things become irrecoverable, I believe we have a
chance for respectable cooperation in developing a understanding of our indifference and cultural needs while
we grow into the future.

...of course i don't expect a response,... but just think about it and if its allowed to flourish,.. it could go either
way... Stephen Harper just announced "Enlightened Sovereignty", what does that really mean! and what does it
mean for the Canadian citizen?

we need action for us all, not just Indian or Settlers,... ALL! RESPECT!!!

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle UCC 1-308

Exhibit “e” (4 of 7 Pages)

From: b doolittle <> Subject: Fw: Re: Council To:,,, Cc:
Received: Friday, February 12, 2010, 1:10 PM

Hello William,

I have sent notice and concern regarding land within the "city limits" and more specifically two parcels within
the south side colborne [project], I have stated my concerns and have had, past meeting of the minds with the
upper levels of defact-government of my understand and claims in-which we are in agreement, and since I stated
in my claims that notice to principal is notice to agant and vice versa, i naturally will assume you have been
informed of my claims, and of my intent as well as additional concern about the Expropriation Act and the city
(brantford) and council while acting in a capacity of presumtion, which will allow for what "canada" and its law
society will proclaim as tacit, however during the process i have forwarded my claims to the city and have been
omited since they take the stance of no interference with federal and provincial level agreements, as sated on
their (brantford) own policy when dealing with "first nations claims".

please review my dialog with the city of brantford and its offices, you may elect to help create an understanding
of these concerns,

Sincerly, Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle© UCC 1-308

--- On Fri, 2/12/10, b doolittle <> wrote:

From: b doolittle <> Subject: Fw: Re: Council To:,,,,,,,, Cc:

Received: Friday, February 12, 2010, 4:28 AM

Hello and Greetings,

I am known as the Sovereign:- Benjamin-Douglas-Allan of the Doolittle family,

I would like to forward the council to my concerns of my understanding of the presumptions of the recent
Expropriations and what the law implies by asserting this claim you have made against the righteous "LAND"
owners e.g. Haudenosaunee (namely the Kanienke'haha) or commonly labeled/known as the six nations of the
grand river, in my opinion and understanding Brantford council has in fact conspired to keep the
Haudenosaunee/Kanienkehaha and its sovereign national members out of such an important decision and
privlage the City and council has been afforded, if i am misunderstood, please clarify with your understanding of
my concerns to provide a chance for common understanding.

Please, also indicate who is taking commercial responsibility and

liabilities for these actions?

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle© UCC 1-308

Exhibit “e” (5 of 7 Pages)

fw:message to mayor mike hancock

Hello Mike,

I was wondering your take on the expropriation, in my opinion it seems to be unlawful to proceed with out
consultations with all interested parties, and since six nations is nowhere to be listed,

I see it as a conflict of the process, it to me appears to be merely taking it from the righteous land owners e.g.
"allodial title" and since brantford is leased it would then also be a point of conflict.

I have been looking at the Expropriations Act, upon reviewing it i have

many questions is this something you may be willing to discuss.

I would like to build a better understanding of the protocol to follow up

on my concerns, and to speak with a Mayor of the city would be a bonus.

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle

Exhibit “e” (6 of 7 Pages)

Exhibit “f” (1 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (2 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (3 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (4 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (5 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (6 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (7 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “f” (8 of 8 Pages)
Exhibit “g” (1 of 2 Pages)
Exhibit “g” (2 of 2 Pages)
Exhibit “h” (1 of 2 pages)
Exhibit “h” (2 of 2 pages)
Exhibit “i” (1 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (2 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (3 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (4 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (5 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (6 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (7 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (8 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (9 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (10 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (11 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (12 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (13 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (14 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (15 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (16 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (17 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (18 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (19 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (20 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (21 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (22 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (23 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (24 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (25 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (26 of 29 Pages)
Above: the package sent to Elizabeth-Alexandra-Mary: of the Windsor House (the Queen)); “Declaration of Intent and Statement
of Claim”

Below: the package returned in a brown envelope and generic with compliments card showing with the reversal of the original

Exhibit “i” (27 of 29 Pages)

Exhibit “i” (28 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “i” (29 of 29 Pages)
Exhibit “j” (1 of 2 Pages)
Exhibit “j” (2 of 2 Pages)
The Myth of Canada - Essay

Canada is created on lies, deceit, theft and the fact alleged Canadian’s DO believe in the impossible! This is an essay detailing “The
Truth about Non-Canada!” or, if you prefer, you could say it reveals, ”The Myth of Canada!“, Or it could be the story of “Canada: the

When we refer to our current alleged Canadian government as de jure, we no doubt mean de facto, since de facto means “in
fact”, but not “by law”, which is what de jure means. In other words, a lawful government is a de jure government.

A government that exists by deception and fraud, and not by lawful authority, is a de facto government. It’s highly unlikely that the
Canadian establishment, with political millionaire shysters as its vanguard, is ignorant of the actual history of Canada and its fake
government. The fake version taught in our schools has nothing in common with 135 years of reality; of government by millionaires,
of millionaires, for millionaires.

Canada is neither a federation nor does its government operate with legitimate authority. Knowing this and keeping mum about it
makes politicians and the entire Bar Association criminal offenders by default, if not by design…all of them, past and present. Which
doesn’t matter much these days because it’s obviously cool (and very profitable) to be lawless, as far as those at the trough are

Judging by politicians, and the legal community’s visible conduct, their strategy seems to be one of perpetually reinforcing the nixing
celebrating a Canadiana, pickled in bald-faced lies, with much ado and hoopla. It takes a lot of time and effort to separate the facts
from the myths about Canada’s “creation.”

Fortunately, there have been many dedicated Canadians doing the arduous research. By learning how constitutions and nations are
properly created and then comparing this with Canada’s (and Britain’s) records of the time (and since then), these researchers have
accurately re-created a chronology of what actually happened since 1864 and what Canada’s status is today…which isn’t news, it’s
just information that is rigorously suppressed.

Few people would suspect that educational faculties, politicians, judges, media and the entire membership of the Canadian Bar
Association would intentionally deny the existence of such a fundamentally important matter. With few notable exceptions, the public
has unquestioningly accepted the official fairytale as gospel. Professionals, privy to the truth, are simply too busy chasing the buck
and drop the truth from their conscience.

Nowhere are the consequences of this massive deception more embodied than in the diligence with which Canadian judges help the
Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) to ruthlessly administer a tax extraction racket as fraudulent and criminal as
Canada’s C-36 protection racket. Faced with having to rule inescapably in favour of the aggrieved (tax victims) Canadian judges,
spineless without exception, have turned into legal eels, symbiotically corrupted by their addiction to prestige, special privileges
and highly salaried appointments for life.

is right mind (while ignorant of the facts) will believe that Canada has actually been under the control of ark, thinking they are soaring
in the light. Citizens, pay for judicial privileges with the erosion of their “constitutional” rights and speedy redress, while judges hide
their bottomless cowardice to uphold the principles of the BNA Act behind overbearing pomposity, intimidation and self-serving and
criminal bias, in an effort to protect the hand that feeds them. There is no such thing as arms length freedom of judges from
government interference. When it comes to the constitution and taxes, judges are deathly afraid to reveal their knowledge of the BNA
Act’s illegitimacy. Instead they improvise slick Catch 22 procedures and set obstructive precedents based on legal sophistry;
ostensibly, to “avoid the chaos” that would ensue if they were inclined to respect the (non-) constitutional rights of the people.

They maintain that, by enlightening the public about Canada’s constitutional reality and by ruling fairly and with integrity, they would
“unleash” real nation building reforms by a liberated public, while curtailing for themselves Ottawa’s munificence, which they view
as anarchy.

Compounding their crimes, judges find nothing wrong with the massive counterfeiting of credit and the collection of interest from it
by private banks. Nor does it bother them that this occurs without the blessings of the BNA Act and under the auspices of impostors
with pretensions of governmental authority…all of which has become “real” under the umbrella of fake legitimacy.

Exhibit “k” (1 of 4 Pages)

Canada is joined in this constitutional dilemma by Australia and New Zealand. But, unlike Canada’s, their legal communities
have acknowledged that a constitutional problem exists and they deal with it, viewing it as a grand opportunity of change for
the better.

To understand why the BNA Act and the Canadian Federation are fake, here is a quick, nutshell explanation of how and by whom
constitutions and sovereign democratic countries are properly created.

The “infamous socialist agenda” The creation of a democratic nation is for sane people simply a matter of common sense and
decency; for the established elites it’s a leading cause of apoplexy and a matter of subversion, terrorism and communism…if not
downright anarchy.

But assuming that a sovereign democratic federation is socially desirable – in other words, liberal rhetoric transformed
into actual reality – no supernatural abilities or special law degrees are necessary to create it. It requires merely a public
consensus about the purpose of the nation and how to best achieve it.

a) First, there has to be a territory (like a Canadian province) who’s people desire to be a sovereign and democratic nation.
b) From among themselves the people select, by vote or appointment, a temporary assembly and charge it with he people for review
and further changes, if necessary. ) This process is repeated until the constitution has become a formula acceptable to a substantial
majority of c) A first draft of the constitution is submitted by the assembly to the people for review and public debate, to provide an
opportunity for changes.
d) After a first public debate the assembly retires to work out the changes, after which it is submitted again to the people.
f) Now the people vote in a referendum to accept (or reject) the constitution with a pre-determined majority (75% for example).
g) If the required majority cannot be achieved, further changes must be made until the formula becomes acceptable to the required
number of people.
h) The entire process is recorded and documented as proof of the constitution’s authority.
i) On the basis of the constitution a government is then formed, which is contractually bound (social contract) to respect it and
conduct itself in accord with it.
j) Now this sovereign nation can form a federation with other nations, if it wishes to do so. Note, that no consideration has been
given to the manipulative interference from privately owned media monopolies.

Note, that the constitution is created first, then the government. To create a democratic nation for the people, by the people, of the
people, it cannot be any other way.

Note, no foreign government can formulate (or create) the constitution of another country. It has to be created by the people
themselves and becomes thus, for all intents and purposes, their protective property. It’s not only the law but is a contract which
subjugates the government to the people. The government derives a limited authority to govern from it, always subject to the
people’s authority.

Note, ONLY SOVEREIGN NATIONS CAN FORM A FEDERATION. For example, a dominion is the subject of an empire, un-
free, and cannot determine anything, much less federate, without the empire’s approval. A SOVEREIGN NATION IS NOT
SUBJECT TO ANYONE. In other words, it is free to design its socio-economic organization or enter into federations in any way it

A sovereign, democratic dominion?! But that’s not what happened in 1867. When we ask, did Canada become then a sovereign,
democratic dominion, we must also ask, of whom or of what? The Crown? Rothschild? The IMF? Thus the incongruity becomes
unmistakably self-evident.

In 1867 we-the-people didn’t exist, as far as political “participation” was concerned. In the exalted view of our betters, the colonial
millionaire paragons of civilization, we were practically indistinguishable from the stinking squalor surrounding us. They habitually
referred to us as “scum.” They were the landed gentry, lording it over us, the rabble, with style, opulence…and vastly refined

In 1864 an assembly of such unelected “colonial representatives of the Crown” (appointees and careerists) convened in
Quebec and began to draft the Quebec Resolutions under the wise guidance of the Hon. John A. Macdonald, all of them
men of substance, inspired by self-interest. The general “scum” of the day didn’t even know that this was going on, not
being wealthy enough to vote and all….

Note, that the original draft was created by an unelected assembly of colonial appointees without the knowledge Remember, no

Exhibit “k” (2 of 4 Pages)

foreign government can create a legally valid constitution for another country. What eventually emerged from the British legislature
was a statute as phoney as a three dollar bill, with the first page missing entirely.

The list of experts who attested to this fact in 1935 is impressive, indeed: slight of hand), without the knowledge of the
delegation from Canada or anybody in both houses, into the Royal assent, to be enacted by the British legislature. In between readings
in the House of Lords and the House was submitted to the Colonial Office in London for Commons the wording of the preamble (the
most important page of a constitution) was changed (a fraudulent oxymoron it has remained to this day. At this point there existed no
printed copy of the original.

Dr. O. D. Skelton, Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs; Dr. Ollivier, K.C., Joint-Law Clerk, House of Commons; Dr. W. P.
Kennedy, Professor of Law, University of Toronto; Dr. N. McL. Rogers, Professor of Political Science, Queens University; Dr.
Arthur Beauchesne, K.C., C.M.G., L.L.D., Clerk of the House of Commons. And it doesn’t end there. Note, that there exists no
documented record of a mandated assembly or debates by neither the elites nor the “scum,” nor a binding referendum in 1867 or

On November 8, 1945, the MP for Jasper-Edson, Walter F. Kuhl, widely respected as the pre-eminent authority on constitutional
matters at the time, tried to revive the issue of Canada’s non-constitution/non-federation in the House. He stressed that UNTIL
1931 CANADA WAS NOT, AND COULDN’T HAVE BEEN, A FEDERATION since, until then, it was still a dominion of the

Only in 1931 did the British Crown abrogate its authority over the Canadian Dominions (provinces) with the enactment of the
Statute of Westminster. This provided a most auspicious opportunity for Canada to become a truly sovereign, democratic
federation. Instead Ottawa created the Bank of Canada, a central bank.

Once again the elite studiously “ignored” the opportunity Mr. Kuhl’s argument offered to create a bona fide federation based on a
bona fide constitution. It created the Maple Leaf Flag instead; more focused on image than on substance in order to maintain the
deliberate deception. There exists no record of any constitutional assembly, any public debates or any constitutional referendum
nor any confederation efforts since 1931, other than Ottawa’s denial of Quebec’s sovereignty, which is a fact.

Since 1931 the rest of Canada has been akin to a wreck, loaded to the hilt with gold, adrift at sea, under the control of pirates who
gut and plunder it to their hearts’ content. There are even rumors, that the Rothschild Clan secretly claimed Canada as an object of
salvage and is managing it and extracting its wealth from behind complex fronts within fronts, like a Russian Egg, with the outer,
visible shell being the “federal government.”

But, people ask, didn’t Trudeau “patriate” the constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982? Well, he actually did
patriate, in a fashion…and a unified chorus of the public, the media, the judiciary and educational institutions all went “Aahh” and
“Oohh” and “isn’t that nice of him?” It seemingly never dawned on anybody to ask who gave him the authority to draft the Charter
of Rights and Freedoms.

The problem here, is the word “patriate.” It didn’t exist in the English language until 1981, nor does it exist in any other language,
ancient or contemporary, to this day. It is meaningless gibberish invented by Trudeau and his cabinet. The question “What does it
mean?” is unanswerable. Perhaps it was intended to be rooted in the Latin word patris. Which could mean, by a wild stretch of the click
to enlarge imagination, that Father Pierre fathered the Bill of Rights and Freedoms and generously bestowed it upon Canadians as an
(unconstitutional) gift. More likely, the word simply exists to invoke a sense of constitutional incomprehension in order to discourage
deeper probings by a mystified public.

Let’s give it the benefit of the doubt and assume that it is a semantic mistake, and what was meant was that Trudeau
repatriated the constitution. That would mean he brought it home in 1982. We must ask then, from where?! Where was it
until 1982 if not in this “sovereign, democratic and federated dominion?” In Britain?

Why? In comparison with the proper process explained above, it’s practically impossible to believe that Canada is a legitimately
sovereign and democratic federation, unless one is deranged or in the grasp of opiate dreams. Since most Canadians DO believe the
impossible, what does this say about their mental and moral disposition?

No matter how we slice it the Canadian Federation remains a fiction. The federal government is a cabal of impostors; its authority to
govern being non-existent until such time as Canadians wake up to the fact that EVERY TREATY ENTERED INTO (NATO, GATS,
PASSED SINCE 1867 ARE NULL AND VOID…just as null and void as the non-constitutional authority of Canada’s community of

Exhibit “k” (3 of 4 Pages)

bottom feeders…the judiciary and the Canadian Bar Association, including their bloated and subversive court procedures.

And let’s not forget the law enforcement agencies such as the RCMP, the police and CSIS, which have no non-constitutional
authority to enforce (or protect) anything, much less the dictates (legalized crime) of impostors.

GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE BOSS, YOU ARE! SO ACT LIKE ONE! Knowing all this, perhaps it becomes a bit more
attractive for Canadians to get a taste of real nationhood and real sovereignty (i.e. freedom), instead of oppressive despotism
and wage slavery, by adopting the purely Canadian concept of PARTICIPATION.

To sum it up, CANADA IS A GIGANTIC FAKE, an embarrassment of giant proportions. All centralized governments are imposed
by non-legal force and their constitutions are not worth the paper they are written on, nor are their laws, as we can clearly see now. It
will stay that way until such a time when nation building is again considered a project worthy of the creative and liberating efforts of
free people…inclusive, consensual, universal and truly democratic. As it stands now, Canada is a fake in every respect, in the hands
of despotic individuals bent on pulling off the biggest crime in the universe…THE GLOBALIZATION OF FAKENESS…and again
the establishment’s cheerleaders go “Oohh” and “Aahh,” duly recorded and endlessly re-cycled in the closed loop of the media
monopolies until all alternatives have moved beyond the vanishing point…out of sight.

Oh, and what was that you were saying about fighting your tax assessment (or this or that alleged law) on grounds that it is
unconstitutional? Perhaps you should consider moving to a real Country, or at least one that has a real constitution!

We, as alleged Canadians are living in an un-country with no law because we have no basis from which to frame any law, hence we
have absolutely no fundamental rights, real or feigned! Everything is merely an “act” (no pun intended) designed to keep us un-
informed, un-protected, and un-able to object.

Benjamin-Douglas-Allan: Doolittle

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Exhibit “k” (4 of 4 Pages)

Exhibit “l” (1 of 6 Pages)
Exhibit “l” (2 of 6 Pages)
Exhibit “l” (3 of 6 Pages)
Full Title: Map of the Indian Tribes of North America about 1600 A.D. along the Atlantic; & about 1800
A.D. westwardly. Published by the Amer: Antiq: Soc: From a drawing by Hon: A. Gallatin., Map of the
Indian Tribes of North America about 1600 A.D. along the Atlantic; & about 1800 A.D. westwardly. :
Pub Date: c.1836 Published by the Amer: Antiq

Exhibit “l” (4 of 6 Pages)

Map known as the Map of linguistic stocks of American Indians. CREATED/PUBLISHED [S.l.], c.1890.
NOTES From: Annual report of Bureau of Ethnology, v. 7, by J.W. Powell., Outlining the kingdoms and domain of the
Haudenosauneea “Iroquoian” [Six “five” Nations of Indians and friends] [non-band],

Exhibit “l” (5 of 6 Pages)

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