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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. : 07 Subject : ANTHROPOLOGY SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS Note : 07 There will be two question papers, Paper—II and Paper—Ill (Part-A & B). Paper—II will cover. 50 Objective Type Questions (Multiple choice, Matching Type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks. Paper—Ill will have two Parts-A and B; Paper~lil (A) will have 10 short essay-type questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with intemal choice from each unit (i.e., 10 questions from 10 units; Total marks will be 160). Part-B will be compulsory and questions will be set from Unit—I to Unit—x, ‘The candidate will attempt one question from Part—B (800 words) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Papér-IIl will be 200. PAPER-II Introduction Aim, Scope, Historical Development, Relationship with other sciences, Different branches of anthropology and their interrelatedness. Recent and Emerging trends and major developments in all branches of Anthropology (Physical, Archaeological and Social-cultural). Fieldwork, Ethnography, Comparative method, Observation, Interview, Case study, Genealogical method, Schedules and questionnaires, Statistical tools of Archaeological sites and Data collection Evolution Theories of Evolution : Lamarckism, .Neo-Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Synthetic theory, Primates and Fossils : Fossil records, Earliest Primates (Aegyptopithecus, Propliopithecus, Dryopithecus, Proconsul), and living primates (Distribution, Classification, Characteristics, Phylogeny and Taxonomy) Comparison of morphological and anatomical features of Man and Ape Erect Posture and Bipedalism 07 Fossils Characteristics and phylogenetic position of early Hominoids Ramapithecus; Australopithecus Africanus; Australopithecus _boisei (injanthropus); Australopithecus robustus; Meganthropus; Homo habilis; Characteristics and phylogenetic position of Homo erectus; Homo erectus Jjavanensis; Homo erectus pekinensis; Homo sapiens neanderthalenis Phylogenetic position, salient features and distribution La Chapelle auxsaints; Rhodesian Man Classic/Conservative Progressive—Steinheim; Ehringsdorf; Mount Carmel Evidence, distribution and characteristics of Homo sapiens Cro-Magnon; Grimaldi; Predmost; Combe cappelle; Brunn; Chancelade; Offnet Human Genetics History and Development; Scope and Branches; Call structure and Division; Mendel's Laws; Patterns of Inheritance—Autosomal Dominant; Autosomal Recessive; Codominance; Sex linked; sex limited and sex.controlled; Multiple alleles Linkage and Crossing-over Lethal genes Methods of Studying Inheritance—Twins; Sib-pair; Pedigree Role of Heredity and Environment—Stature; Skin Colour; Intelligence Genetics of Blood Groups ABO System—Two-factor Hypothesis; Multiple Alleles; Rh System Living Human Populations and Human Diversity Concept of Race Criteria for Racial Classifications— Skin, Hair and Eye colour; Stature; Eyes, Lips and Ears; Face and Lower Jaw: Blood Groups; Dermatoglyphics Distribution and Characteristics—Caucasoid; Negroid; Mongoloid Racial Classifications—Deniker’s; Hooton's; Coon, Garn and Birdsell’s Racial Classification of Indian Populations—Risley’s; Guha’s; Sarkar’s ‘Chronology Relative, Absolute and Cultural Geological framework » 07 Tertiary, Quaternary—Pleistocene, Holocene Major Climatic changes during pleistocene Glacial and Interglacial periods Causes of Ice Ages Pluvial and Interpluvial Periods Moraines, River Terraces, Loess, Sea-level Changes—Caves, Marine teasaces, Beach. ridges Relative dating : Terrace, Stratigraphy, Palaenology, Palaecutology Absolute’ dating : Radio-carbon, Potassium-argon, Thermoluminescence, Dendrochronology Cultural Chronology—Three-age system : Stone Age, Copper/Bronze Age, Iron Age Palaeolithic Period : Lower palaeolithic, Middle palacolithic, Upper palacolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic—Emergence of Metal Technology, Urban revolution ‘Typo-technology and Palaeolithic Cultural Features Percussion technique : Primary and Secondary making Block-on-block/anvil technique; Stone hammer technique; Cylinder hammer technique; Clactonian technique; Levallois technique; Pressure technique; Retouch; Blade and Burin technique; Flake technique; Pecking; Grinding and Polishing; Splinter and groove techniques Artefact Typology— Simple flake; Side flake; End flake; Levallois flake; Clactonian flake Blade; Microlithic blade; Tortoise core/Levalloisiam; Discoid cor Mousterian flake; Prismatic coré Tool Typology— Pebble tools; Chopper; Chopping tool Bifaces—Handaxe; Cleaver ‘Scrapers—side, end, round, concave, corivex Blade knife; Blunted back blade; Borer/Awl; Burin Points leaf shape—Laurel Leaf; Willow Leaf Points—Shouldered Points—Denticulate; Notch Microliths— Geometric Types Non-Geometric Types 07 Celt—Axe; Adze Shouldered Celt Shoe-last Celt Grinding Stone Ringstone Lower Palaeolithic Cultures—Typo-technology, Habitat, Environment Economy, People and Distribution Lower Palaeolithic Cultures Pebble Tool Culture Oldowan; Sohan; Choukoutien Acheulian Cultures Acheulian Cultures. of Africa; Acheulian Cultures of Europe; Acheulian Cultures of India Middle Palaeolithic Cultures Mousterian —Cuilture/Middle Palaeolithic Europe—Habitat, Environment Economy, Social Organisation, _ Religion, technology Middle Stone Age in Africa Middle Palaeolithic in India Upper Palaeolithic Culture—Habitat, Environment Economy, Typo- technology, Social Institution, religion Europe—Perigordian Culture Chattelperronean; Gravettian; Aurignacian Culture; Solutrean Culture; Magdalenian Culture Upper Palaeolithic in India Upper Palaeolithic Art Holocene Culture Mesolithic Cultures Climate changes, Typo technology, Habitat, Economic activity, Socio-religious features Europe—Azilian Culture; Tardenoisian Culture; Maglemosian Culture; Kitchen Midden Culture; Natufian Culture Indian Mesolithic Langhnaj; Teri Sites; Birbhanpur; Bagor; Bhimbetka Adamgarh, Sarainahar Rai, Lekhahlia, Mahadeva Mesolithic Art in India Neolithic (Early Farming Cultures) Neolithic of the Near-east o7 Jericho; Jarmo; Catal Huyuk Neolithic Cultures of Indian Subcontinent Northern Neolithic Burzahom Southern Neolithic Brahmagiri; Sangankallu; Utnur; Telkalakota; Nagarjun Konda Eastern Neolithic Daojali Hading; Sarutaru Central Zone (Neo-Chalcolithic) Navdatoli; Nevasa; Inamgaon. Indus Civilization Extant; Characteristics; Chronology; Origin and decline Continuity with post-Harappan. Indus people and society Iron Age Megalithic Types Menhir; Dolmen/Topikal; Cist; Cairn Circle; Carcophagi Evolution, Social Structure and Organisation Evolution : Unilinear, Universal, Multilinear Diffusion; Neo-evolution; Innovation; Acculturation; Transculturation Culture : Definitions and Attributes Functionalism : Malinowski, Radcliffe-Brown. Structuralism : Levi-Strauss, Leach Culture and Personality : Basic personality configuration—Kardiner and Linton Enculturation; Status and Role; Patterns of Culture; Culture Change; Themes Cultural Relativism; Values; Great and Little Tradition; Civilization; Gender Theories Indian Contribution—Theory and Concepts G. S. Ghurye; N. K. Bose; D. N. Majumdar; M. N. Srinivas; S. C. Dube L. P. Vidyarthi Aspects of Culture, Organisation of Culture, Institutions Social Organisation Family Family of Orientation and Procreation Structure ; Nuclear, Extended, Joint Residence : Patrilocal, Matrilocal, Neolocal, Virilocal, Uxorilocal Marriage Rules : Endogamy, Exogamy Monogamy, Polygamy : Polygyny, Polyandry Mate selection : Cross-cousin marriage, Levirate, Sororate, Sororal Dowry, Bride price/Bride wealth Kinship Kinship Terms : Classificatory and Descriptive systems Consanguineal and Affinal Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Termis of Reference and Address Descent, Inheritance and Succession : Patriarchal and matriarchal Unilineal : Patrilineal, Double Groups : Tribe, Clan, Phratry, Lineage Kinship behaviour and relationship; Avoidance and Joking relationship, Incest 9. Economic and Political Organisation : Religion and Magic Economic’ Organisation Concept of Property Primitive Communism States of Economy : Collection, Hunting, Fishing, Pastoralism, Cultivation, Shifting and Settled Subsistence Economy and Market Economy Barter Means of Production Division of Labour Political Organisation Panchayat—traditional and statutory Leadership—clan and tribe Kingship and Chiefdom in tribal communities Customary Law Judicial System Crime and Punishment in Primitive Society Religion and Magic 07 6 Primitive Religion : Animism, Totemism, Ancestor Propitiation, Shaman, Priest, Medicine Man ‘Tribal Mythology : Origin of universe, Tribe and Clan, Tribal deities Magic : Black, White, Preventive, Defensive, Destructive, Imitative, Sympathetic, Witchcraft, Sorcery Symbolism and Rituals Supernatural powers—Mana, Taboo 10. Indian Anthropology : Basic Concepts and Issues Basic Concepts 7 _ Indian Village as part society, as an isolate Caste as a group and system Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Tribe, Caste, Varna and Caste/Jati Notified and Denotified Groups Other Backward classes and castes Sanskritisation, Westernisation, Modernisation Sacred complex in India Regionalism and Ethnicity Basic Issues New Panchayati Raj Gram Sabha Women in new Panchayats Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Casts Major tribal groups Tribal states in India Tribal Movements for Autonomy, Development Schemes ‘Tribal Rehabilitation; Democracy and Caste Bonded Labour and Child Labour; Ashram Schools; Mandal Commission; Dhebar Commission; Emerging Spiritual Leaders (Gurus) in India; Caste among non-Hindus PAPER-II (Part A and B) [ CORE and ELECTIVE/OPTIONAL ] Unit—1 Theories of Evolution—Physical and Social Cultural Processes and Principles of Evolution—Convergence, Divergence Parallelism, Adaptive Radiation, Speciation, Irreversibility. 07 az a ‘Theories of Evolution—Lamarckism and Neo-Lamarckism, Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism, Synthetic theory, National Selection in Man Evolution and Diffusion of Culture, Theories of Socio-cultural Evolution— Unilinear, Universal, Multilinear, Neo-evolution. : Bipedalism versus Tool making, Biface Technology and big game Hunting, Development of Language. Human Colonization during late Pleistocene, Emergence of early farming and village communities, Process of urbanisation. Methodological tools and techniques in Physical, Archaeological and Social-cultural Anthropology Unit— o7 Distribution, Characteristics, Classification, Position of Man in animal Kingdom. Primate evolution with reference to Skull, Jaw, Limbs, Dentition and Brain. Earliest primates of Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene, Aegyptopithecus, Propliopithecus, Dryopithecus and Proconsul. Living primates—Distribution, characteristics and classification, Phylogeny and taxonomy, Prosimii, Cebodea, Cercopithecoidea, Hominoidea. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Man, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Orangutan and Gibbon Erect posture and bipedalism Origin of Man—Theories of Monogenesis, Polygenesis, Hologenesis and Dispersion. Primate Behaviour Evolution of Behaviour Patterns of Social Behaviour Reproductive Behaviour Early Hominoids Process of Hominisation and Emergence of Hominoids : Ramapithecus, Australopithecus Africanus, A. Boisei (zinjanthropus), A. Robustus, Meganthropus; Homo habilis—Classification and Controversy. Homo efectus—Homo erectus javanesis, H.e. pekinesis, Pithecanthropoids of Africa and Europe. Homo sapien Neanderthalensis—Phylogenetic position, Salient features, Distribution of La Chapple—Auxsaint, Rhodesian Man, La Ferrasie, Swanscombe, Fontechevade, Krapina, Steinheim, Ehringsdorf, Mount Carmel and’ Shanidar Emergence and characteristics of Modern man—Brunn; Chancelade; Cro-Magnon; Grimaldi; Offnet; Predmost 7 Unit History and Development, Concept, Scope and Emerging trends—Relation to other sciences and medicine Principles of human genetics and molecular genetics Mendet's Laws of inheritance and its application Modes of inheritance—Autosomal (dominant, recessive, co-dominance), Sex-linked, Sex-influenced, Sex-limited, Lethal genes, modifying genes, suppressor genes Polygenic, Variable ponetrance and expressivity, Linkage and crossing-over Mutation : Gene mutation—Spontaneous, Induced, Mutation rate, Genetic hazards of radiation, Chemical mutagenesis Methods of studying heredity ‘Twin and co-twin control methods Pedigree; Sib-pair; Hereditability estimate Population Genetics Hardy-Weinberg law : Definition and application Genetic polymorphism : Concept, balanced and transient Breeding Population : Mating patterns, random mating, assortative mating, consanguinity and inbreeding coefficient, genetic load, genetic isolates Selection : Heterozygous, intra-uterine, fitness, differential, fertility, relaxation ~ Genetic Marker : ABO blood groups, Genetics and Distribution in India MNSs blood groups; Rh blood group system Nomenclature, Fisher's crossing-over idea, Cis- and trans-position, natural and incomplete antibodies Kell and Duffy system—Inheritance Secretor factor and Lewis antigens—Interaction Dermatoglyphics—History, Identification, Topography Fingerprints Pattern—Identifications, Inheritance, Pattern intensity, Furuhata and Dankmeijer's index Palmar Dermatoglyphics—Configurational areas, Main-line formula and index, Transversality, Inheritance Mid-phalangeal patterns—Identification and types Palmar flexion creases and main types 9 Sole Prints—Configurational areas, Main-lines formula and index, ‘Transversality, Inheritance = ‘Toe prints—Pattern, Identification, Inheritance Dermatoglyphics and Personal Identification Dermatoglyphics and Diseases (Chromosomal and others) Dermatoglyphics and Paternity disputes Population variation—Qualitative and quantitative Human Growth—Development and Adaptation Unit—IV Human Growth : Definition, Concepts, Differentiation, Maturation and Development Phases of Growth : Prenatal, Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity, Senescence Factors affecting growth : Genetic, Environmental, Hormonal, Nutritional, Socio-economic, Secular trends, Gerontology Methods of studying human growth and development—Longitudinal, Cross-sectional, Mixed longitudinal, Growth curves, Epiphyseal union, Dentition Analysis of human physique and body composition—Sheldon, Parnoll Health-Carter Human Adpatation to heat, cold, altitude and nutrition Nutritional Requirements—Infancy to old age : Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals, Vitamins Under-nutrition, obesity, Malnutrition Physiological Factors in Growth—Haematological, Blood pressure, Heart rate, Pulse rate Red Cell Enzymes Genetic variation and Polymorphism—Red cell acid phosphate, G6PD, Phosphoglucomutase, Adenylate kinase, Adenosine deaminase and Lactate dehydrogenase Plasma Proteins : Heredity and Genetic variation of Haptoglobins, Transferring, Immunoglobuline Haemoglobin : Normal and Variant 07 Normal Haemoglobin : HbA and HbF, HbA2 Abnormal Haemoglobin : HbS, HbC, HbD, HbE Thalassemia HbS and Malaria—Balanced polymorphism 10 Cretinism and G6PD deficiency Techniques for Biochemical Analysis Electrophoresis Immunoelectrophoresis Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Biochemical Pathways (one gene one enzyme hypothesis) -and Heredity of Phenylketonurea, Alkaptonurea, Galactosemia, Albinism Histocompatibility antigen (HLA)—History, Subtyping, Inheritance, Genetic interaction linkages, Polymorphism, HLA and diseases Blood groups and diseases : Erythroblastosis fetalis, Smallpox and Malaria Gene mapping : Blood groups, HLA, Sex-linked characters Human Cytogenetics Identification of human chromosomes, Keryotyping and Nomenclature Techniques for studying Chromosomal Structure and Polymorphism Autoradiography, Banding, Florence Chromosomal aberrations Unit—v Numerical : Turner's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome, Tripio-X. ‘Triploial-X, Tetra-X, Down's syndrome, Pateu’s syndrome, Edward's syndrome, Sturge-Weber's syndrome, Triploidy and Tetraploidy Structural—Cri-du-chat syndrome and Philadelphia chromosome Translocations—D/D, D/G, G/G, —_Acrocentric/Non-Acrocentric; Metacentric/Metacentric ring chromosome, Ieroctromosome mivession, mosaccism Sexual differentiation—Genetic and post-genetic Application—Genetic counselling, Genetic screen and Genetic enginieering and DNA fingerprinting Environmental Archaeology Cultural Ecology Ethno-archaeology Settlement Archaeology New Archaeology Action Archaeology Social and Economic approach in Archaeological Studies 07 Nature of environmental changes—Climatic, Geomorphic, Faunal and Floral aot Unit—VvI Earliest Cultures (Primitive Hunter-Gatherers) 07 Nature of evidence for reconstruction of palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment a Geomorphological, Sedimentological, Pedological, _Palaeontological, Palaeobotanical Methods of dating Stratigraphic; Paleomagnetic; Fluorine; Radiocarbon; Potassium-Argon; Fission Track; Thermoluminescence; . Obsidian Hydration; ‘Archaeomagnetism; Magnetic Reversal; Tree Ring; Varve Clay; Racemization Bipedalism versus tool making—Evidence from Hadar, Laetoli, Olduvai Gorge, Koobi Forz Importance of (the African Rift valley) Olduvai Gorge Australopithecines and tools Spread of hominids outside East Africa; Early Man and his culture along the northern Mediterranean, Palestine, South Asia, Java, China and India Hunting techniques and cooperation; Beginning of the use of fire and its impact in biological and cultural evolution, Development of home base and migration-implication in band formation Emergence of Biface Technology Homo erectus—Biface technology and big game hunting Development of cooperation and possibly language Further expansion of human habitat Geographical extent of biface cultures Acheulian culture in South Western Europe—Terra Amata, Torralba ‘Ambrona, Pech-lu-Aze Lazaret Acheulian culture in Africa—Olduvai Gorge, Isimila, Kalambo Falls, Olorgesaillie Acheulian culture in India—Madrasian (Kortalayar Valley), Didwana, Belan Valley, Bhimbetka, Narmada Valley, Nevasa—Chirki Hunsgi. Krishna Valley, Sohan Valley Significance of Hathnora (Narmada Valley) Baie of Homo Fauna associated with Acheulian tools in Peninsular india Flake Tool Complex Middle Palaeolithic characteristic features and distribution in Europe Technological/economic implications of Evolution of flake tools Middle Palaeolithic Cultures in North Africa, Western Europe, Central Europe, Near and Middle East, Central Asia-Tabun Tashik Task Shanidar 12 Unit—v—. Final Hunter-Gatherer and Incipient Cultivators (Mesolithic Cultures) 07 First human burials and emergence of rituals Middle Palaeolithic culture in India—Bellan Valley, Bhimbetka,.Nevasa and Narmada, Eastern Peninsula ‘Typology and Technology of Middle Palaeolithic tools in India Human expansion in Temperate regions Blade Tool Complex Advanced Hunter-Gatherers (Upper Palaeolithic Cultures) Evolution of blade and burin technology Use of bone and antler as raw materials Upper Palaeolithic cultures and Homo sapiens Upper Palaeolithic cultures of Wester and Central Europe and North Africa—Dabban, Chatelperronian, Perigordian, Aurigacian, Gravettian, Solutrean, Magdalenian, Pavlovian, Szeletian Emergence and development of art—Painting, Engraving, Sculpture, Motivation Upper Palaeolithic habitations and economy—cave and open-air settlements, reindeer and mammoth hunting Populating the New World Upper Palaeolithic in India—Reningunta, Billa Surgam, Patne, Bhimbetka, Son and Bellan Valleys, Visadi, Pushkar, Gunjan Valley Post-Pleistocene environmental changes Development of microlithic technology, composite tools and bow-arrow Important Mesolithic cultures and sites of Europe and the Near- east—Azilian, Tardenoisian, Maglemosian, Ertebolle, Natufian and Epi-Palaeolithic Mesolithic cultures of India Western India—Bagor, Tilwara, Pushkar lake, Lankhnaj, Bombay Coast Central India—Adamgarh, Bhimbetka, Baghaikhor, Chopani Mando Ganga Valley—Sarai Nahar Rai, Mahadaba Eastern India—Birbhanpur South India—Eastern Ghats and East Coast Mesolithic economy and society Mesolithic art Beginnings of agriculture, evidences from Mount Carmel Caves, Juricho, Beidha Karim Shahir, Mehergarh 13 Hoabinbian of South East Asia, North Bast India Emergence of Village Farming way of Life (Neolithic Revolution) = Economic and Social consequences of food production—settled life, population growth, craft specialisation, class formation, political institutions Ecological perspective of early agriculture—Nuclear zones of the Near- east, South East Asia, North East India Important early farming centres and sites in the old world (excluding India)—Jericho, Catal Huyuk, Jarmo, Beidha, Khirokitia, Zawi Chemi, Shanidar ‘ Early cultivation in New Guinea Root crops and rice cultivation in South East Asia Beginning of agriculture in India—Ganga Valley, Mehergarh, Koldihwa Diffusion of Village Farming, Way of Life in the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent Pakistan—Kim Ghul Mohammad, Rana Ghundai, Gumlam Sarai Khola Kashmir Valley—Burzahom, Gufkral Rajasthan—Ahar. Gilund (Ahar Culture) Central India—Nagada, Kayatha, Navdatoli, Eran (Kayatha, Ahar and Malwa Cultures) Northern Deccan—Nevasa, Chandoli, Diamabad Inamgaon, Prakash, Bahal (Malwa and Jorwer Centres) South Indja—Maski, Brahmagiri, Sangankallu, Tekkalkota, Piklihal Utnur, Halbur, Palavoy, Paiyampalli, T-Narsipur, Ashmounds, Nagarjunakonda (Neolithic Culture) Neolithic Cultures of Eastern and North Eastern India—Daojali Hading, Kuchai, tool types, distribution and affinities with S.E. Asia Birth of Civilization (Bronze Age) Rise of civilization in Mesopotamia—Evidences from Ubaid. Malaf, Jamdet Nasr, Early dynasties Indus Civilization Expansion of village communities in the Indus and Gagra/Hakra Valleys—Amri, Kot Diji, Jalilpur, Kalibangan, Mohenjo-daro, Harappa Mature Indus Culture—Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Chanhundaro, Kalibangan, Lothal, Surkotada, Town planning, Architecture, Metal technology, Art, Writing Late Harappan Culture—Expansion into Kutch, Gujarat, Punjab. Haryana, Western UP, Rojadi, Rangpur, Ropar, Mitathal and Alamgirpur 14 Decline of the Indus Civilization—Theories, Environmental decay, Hydrological changes, Tectonic movement, Climatic changes, External invasion Aftermath of the Indus Civilization—OCP Copper. Hoards Biginning of Iron Age and Second Urbanization Economic and Social implication of Iron technology Black and Red ware culture—Noh, Attranji, Khera, Ahichichatra Painted Grey Ware (PGW) Culture—Distribution, Economy and Society Norther Black Polished (NBP) ware culture—first cities in the Ganga Valley and emergence of the Mauryan Empire Role of Ecology in the urbanization of the Ganga Valley Iron and Megalithic burials Megalithic types—Southern Indian Inhabitation, Economy, Megalithic rituals Living Megalithic cultures of Eastern and Central India Unit—VII o7 ‘The Meaning and Nature of Culture Humanistic and anthropological perspectives, distinguished, attributes of anthropological concept of culture : Learned and historically derived Plurality Relativity Behaviourally manifested Functional integration and holistic perspective Dynamic changing Language as vehicle of culture The contribution of E. B. Tylor; A. L. Kroeber; B. Malinowski Emerging areas : Medical Anthropology; Ecological Anthropology; Urban anthropology: Development Anthropology Evolution and Diffusion of Culture Theories of socio-cultural evolution Unilinear (Morgan) Universal (White and Child) Multilinear (Julian Steward) Contribution of British, German and American diffusionists 15 Contemporary trends in evolutionary studies : Neo-evolution, Acculturation, Diffusion, culture contact and social-cultural change, Invention, Innoyation Technology and culture change, especially affecting women Functionalism Form, function, meaning and distinguishing tenets of Functionalism in Social-cultural anthropology : Malinowski's and Radcliffe-Brown contribution Structuralism Social structure, social organisation and social system Levi-Strauss Leach Structuralism in Social Anthropology Psychological Anthropology Culture and personality—Benedict and Mead, Basie personality Linton, Kardiner, Cora Du Bois Anthropological approaches in national character studies Family, Marriage and Kinship ‘Typology and functions of family Nuclear, extended and joint family Preferential marriage, functions of descent groups, lineage and clan Kinship terminology and Kinship behaviour Unit—Ix Contribution to social-cultural anthropology by E. B. Tylor Lewis Morgan Franz Boas A. L. Kroeber B. Malinowski A. R. Radeliffe-Brown Evans-Prichard C. Levi-Strauss Ralph Linton Robert Redfield Margaret Mead Methodology of Anthropological Research - 07 16 Ethnography as a method Fieldwork tradition in anthropology : Basic characteristics of method Quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques : Survey, Observation, Case study, Interview, Schedule, Questionnaire, Genealogy, Group discussion, Mapping Comparative methods in social-cultural anthropology eld work Cross-cultural comparison Controlled comparison Reinterpretation, Restudy, Evaluation research Participatry Rural Appraisal (PRA) Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) Intervention Research, Process and Impact Analysis Unit—x Weaker sections in Indian population : Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled ‘Tribes (ST) and Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG), Denotified communities, Basic of labelling as ST and SC according to Constitution ‘Tribal problems and Welfare measures relating to Forests Shifting cultivation Land Alienation Housing Health and Sanitation/Nutrition Indebtedness Bonded Labour Education Gender Issues Development Strategies (Plan/Sub-plans) Special Programmes Large-Scale Agricultural Multipurpose Societies (LAMPS) Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP) ; Community Development Project (CDP) Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) Component Plan for SC Tribal Youth Self-Employmerit Scheme (TRYSEM) Reservation for women in Panchayati Raj 07 17 Role of voluntary organisations in development Tribal problems of identity,autonomy ethicity " ‘Tribal movements—Revivalistic/Nativistic population displacement due to.development schemes such as dam construction, Revitalisation of local history, problems of pseudo-Tribals to become ST Indian Society and Culture Caste as a group and as a system of social segmentation and integration Caste in modern India, Changing dimensions of caste Village studies in India—Primitive society as a conceptual model of village ethnography Concepts—Little and Great tradition, umiversalisation and’ parochia- lisation, dominant caste, Sanskritisation and Westernisation, sacred complex, Role of city in change. Folk-urban and tribe-caste continuum Indian Masters G. S. Ghurye N. K. Bose D. N. Majumdar Verrier Elwin M. N. Srinivas S. C. Dube L. P. Vidhyarthi : Anthropological approaches in community, Health, Natural health, Promotion and disease control programmes such as population control, Nutrition, Mother and child health, Health Education, Leprosy, TB, AIDS, etc. Anthropology in Education and Communication Rural development Gerider perspectives Relocation, Rehabilitation—Earthquakes, Floods, Disasters Human resource training and management 07 18 1. lL. 07 SAMPLE QUESTIONS. PAPER-IL Which of the following sites is located in Kenya? (a) Hadar (B) Kobifora (©) Omo (D) Taung Middle Palaeolithic Culture is also known as (A) Core tool culture (B) Mesolithic culture ({C) Blade tool culture (D) Flake tool culture Modernization in Anthropology refers to (A) Economic development (B) Industrial development (C) Westernization {D) All of these PAPER-III (A) What do you know about the origin of modern man? Or Describe dermatoglyphic pattern types. PAPER-III (B) Describe the significance of Cave art in Bhimbetka. Or Discuss the role of anthropology in tribal development. 19 Rov: gear # at oea-ae SF, 995-11 gar B-Ts—IL (@VT-A ae B) | 9-TaA— F 50 ae-faeeet ser (ag haeh amy, gift aes, aaa, seer ey) eM, rar se 100 et! sera n & ot avs-a ait B ett; seer (A) Fry Frever maT B 10 HH (300 erat wT) Ga Pra ode er 16 sia ar ae) set wee garg 8 ca go7 arate fae et (10 9, 10 garg &; ga aie 160 i) | wR atard aor site Prat ger & gor-x Fa ard | afer at arp & we set wet at (800 sre an) Brae oie 40 aT THI He sis 200 | ae 1. aie stea, a, Uette Ree, ora sral & are were, are Pret & afte arent aan cae orrdera, ara fen & avi srenait (srfiite, wifterte cer araisrs-atepie) 7a cer ora ey get aera! ae ard, seria, geeree fa, stave, ware, Safa germ, da fa, aqaedt eit seach, viet camer waters wet at yeart Tar Br / sites HT TAT 2. serene Siormae & fart : sama, wetter, sia, wa-srdivare, dite Prema, wee siromata mata siftsa aon, sits agien (waiters, Afashidine, srifidtere, srettaa), car cfr sgtee (Pare, aioe, fasroans dette cer Saari) age Ud args ar adits cer arate fasacnsit ar GAT den er eet cen feeder are z 3. Stare rere oar at deere feaseand site snferaferar Fafa wattea; oneciftdee ita, onesitdes det (Reieioe); aneriftaee dara ; iasica ; et Bafta ; dit Mace at drerree Psteend oie stages Rah ; ert Claes Saahe ; deh Caza Seahee | ahh ater atisceehte Saferaferes Rafe, yer Pastrard atte fare ar tet orertrex ; wes A ana / ase fester 07 20 smite : Ser, eReets ; ace aria Srneitere aor ere, Rac eile Padre aatrrit ; Braet ; deine ; ard ate ; wa, arene, oA 4. FT aT aftera cer fare; seer site erent; ante deem site ao ; tise Ram; cern afcrri—andtda radi (sift) ; ened oprah (RARra) ; werfaen ; Fett geerraT, ferht efter cen fer Rear ; ag feet BEAAT TM HeIReT- SHAT arate oA aria eho (Rava) ; fete ; dover orgefrem wer safer wr rere —are ; eT oT; BREA am art at omar Yo dio sito we aye—fearem (haat) meer ; aE; so Ua TH AE sfifere arta sree cer ara-fahrear sonar at daar sone pita or yer arene, ater ait site ar 1; we ; aid de otk art; Aer ait Pra sagt ; om af, semebeliftae fee aan adem areas ; Ahes ; Fees soni etter — Shar am atte ; ger at atone ; ar, arf ote aTétet a alas srg spre aot erffeseer Rove sr aero; ger a alien ; wear a alias 5. Bag 07 Pra, arte oft aight yaanhw cat ‘Gias, age —onhteg ae, ace eT Fer sera vftads snferaea sare F feartt cite ataféart arr ferare % are SRT TAT TTT STHRT 21 faite Gira), at dur, Faget (cas), wept ofa ym, egal ate, dra deer ater Prder are Rafer: Waters ara-freter, retire mist arrPater, aficatret ieptte arergpoe ata gH: eR ge, wiea/aTH BT, ae TT govern ee: Pret rehire, er seer eT gr, STE HAF TOY Ge, FE TTT Bere, FL THOT Te, AT TTT et — ET FAL HT TET, FE TERT 6. seme Prater cen aris ora BH eieBee comreret afer: yea ster fren AT ercert fey ar ; sreareart Fer; Aerarare RL; ata AAR; TENT seen, wee Fa angstera RE; a ere ag ART; oem (ete) WFR; ae; aor (ref) cen afar ; aaelt othe eter sfaer carci aA ar ae (wee). Te A 5 Her FRB 5 aT ae 5 aT Te 5 as | GET SS, eT A/a AT ; HURT TR ; BAe ate sree afist—aRae afore ; tere ; cage erat Rage store—eergert ; aetar (Rares eg) ais aft, aes do as ; ae aTsT | AP ati atter aire, Rett ete arain—sieed az, Sgagte ; ta” ae arose eae ; ae sence mee tegen ; tet siesd Se quar dee art (refs) Tee ae RTT fret seit oreror epr— arch Satetoh, Bee, ables avery, Hyer ae Pere Bre ores oorer eee fearon aepht airs Sia; Het, used 07 22 Uvaeht dept srbeot agent apie ; ate cect deel area F cgectt apy mer qari depieat seed aiepie me Gero eta TEM, aa, arco, arene ers, ef, eka ergot AE TTR — Sele, ART airfare Geatert ; eer ; shearer deste; aegetl dept, Hisahes dake SAC TITUS et H 5 STC TTT aETeT aT ART 7. FM are dept 07 earrerop is apie Be eee eR: eaten deh An eg; Ft Fes aA; ag \ AC FEA ATSTOTET ser ; 2 ange ; Stearage ; aie ; dear ET TG, ATE TE, Tea, FETT TET setae a wet aT BT (reas Bisel) Wa & Ree a aac gr sitet ; sri ; eee ea aarp is apie ARE Soreraty ¥ Seth aaaTeTOT ae gate efter sare sete ; dare ; Sage ; 2eereraler , sere Bret at sacra as cael 884 ; eee 23. wey Be (7a are Tee) srararateh ; aren; area fieg ore eta Frere, Pare, Te 5 wey er ae TEST & aT Pree; Fry ere 7 am am Tt ale seraTsTo Ate eae Fafee ; State; ara, ete ae; Prewitt 8. aeheara, armies Ara Ta ATT 07 saftora : cata, aie, seta rece 5 AEST 5 ET (wea); epee sree (aeeTeBAeTTEM) epi: aftarere en rae serrate 2 Aeivirest, teeta ast acer : aig, ata epi ce ater = rere afer aT wT eT ST sreactert , FRR aan afer; ae stare, dep Reais: Psaarg SEA fearatete 5 per; er shh ag SSheet ; WaT; Sas Peart sredta arrar—Prart afte Perera dfto oxo Gt; THe Bo ate; Hho Uo RARER; Ho Co aA; THe Wo Ba s Go Ho fare epit ia ane, wieght Uo, Het apnea Fst afta afarerdh oftare cen sore aTATT Ter: A/T, FAT, HIF amare & : often, setvenPie, serene ; ofertas, vetrentra faare frat : arifdare, afeferare wepfeare sem, agfaere wer : aeuetia, agate 24, sired Gay & ae : areafis fees, tax Rare, art rave, aitee flere ator, ary Rae aaa arta acter srez : anferay ae aofareras after we oer cen Brave ware mafia, fitters, gre arf aii Rater aa cat da, gretiern, aater/saattenr ghfertaa : tfahea, sat aye—srente, ths, feet, figdarere cen aracarers fae aiderdt aren cen ware; Vite er afters were, aehas aftr 9. safle afte aati aes: oof shh org, ante aot wearer Bt sao confer ara sufi ere: ane, Rarer, aeeth are, TaTTE, Bia —ersiee ge a ET waftreert sree Tar aM arefeaeA meafarrra werent & ae aT Tanti GT dara—oere ae ean Ageia cen sronts ardent car sree agave # dese ware BET gaia sar aA ven tsar wait ¥ af war Tg, ones sift ef: sift marae, Ze Rea, got arpa, sa, gore, adhe srnie tamer: gfe ar agara, arent oft tira, aaenfe 2at Gara a: TH, BH AN TC AG HEA, SE A TEA, GACT ST HT GOAT, AFH, TTT re, areett - frehfers cer fafeferert artes crema ar, Freer 10, rea TARA + AAT SATOMI TAT A o7 ART SaaTeT sapere TAT HT GH APT TAT eH TT sata we aye ai ater arate sft car argafira srremet sarronfa, anfe, aot site onfet ewgs cen Srifeas 7a gat fres af gen ore ana 4 enfte ge feRretaferorr ce gertretrel area wees var dared OF om eH afgeneit ar Fat Fart coger srry ae anger Suey ar aera aTaeT er Sea AE ara srrsnfer Ww aaardra arrdtere—aareiirar & fig, feeara & Ferg aera raf rae ore tre nf gar org te er orgy; eT TENT; eT ATT aac after , SATS ET Je en) Hea A; aalg Foner 26 ASI (aT A Sik B) LOR sie tesa safe | yag—I vafteore & Rrera—endite ven arn weer ot ster dk Remar, sorcr, wre, weds tie, whee, airrehfactat | seftere % Rrera—aartare st zeae, scdirare afte wa-srdivare, feradte Reera, sphere Sart AGE eat apie or seftara oft mar, arnbre-atepte seftara & Rrari—oatdty, Rates, aerate, aa fererearet feerdie cart saeco arr; arte Saree atte ser Rare wow, rer ar Pere | Bre sergera aoret HF AS HE ae A ce, Vet ast sre Ten aa aera, Tre aA APRA sites, srAfererftres cer arnitres ates ara Psi Aer saeco ofc wPaREr eR Racer, Paden’, aie, args ¥ ama ST | sre ot Recor: chest, oragr, sin, diet ae after & sree ae antenna, wgdkia aan asia & omivay sete oPeiftaes, wrafashfietios, sraifteiies cen steiger | Raieaahear, eta | ref oft artes car Rees fastener, tte, Perth, sti ser, Pre Oa as der cen niet ara oT fare rard—uagirae, agqdsrare, qolgdorare aan Paha | wighe ae aqaen aT Peart wens ae ar aT WH Bae 07 27 order sear (afPts) ‘Afieedert ft ara wen rea at Sa: Taare, aTeaiere : OBA, Go, i atgtg (Bromeitea), Go trem, Ferrara, et Bere ar eeliarer ger Fare | ort ctaza—ent ctaer orate, Blo Go AReAee, ambien sit atta & Raartogsa | ae env Pretscer surge Feat, gee Pasta, a oer at Faeroe rae, TesRert fq, ar bait, Ia, oes, mer, Temes, eeteTEN, avowe ait Te AEC ghee a aH en Fade, at, eens, Ay, ewes, sete, Rese wn afore en Pree, Here, Pe at tke reer warts faa seal et tet frase aT ara sarge ater sarees omgiaabt % Ferart dgrraat ar sat Pras sit Sear agar deuraar BH waite + anette (wet, sore, wesc), Ferret ota, fern seh, Fert agit, Strrefis ae sare, meerre ere sera : attacks : im seta ae, afte, aetats te, Veer tars, Stern seahtacts faatr agar erat at see grr (a) cen stig Pra sat darger ; fra dae; argafireat aftr serdar srrqafaret estar Pram: afterer oft sit errgeires agaTaT : eer, afer a ore me sraeom : are af, ators ora, ae Horr, weg sire otaeosra THs, organs a, organs angers eer: Presters, arent, dre dh, wes, ora, FE argpres Rees: to Aho sito (ABO) Ten at a enrrae sey TEMA H FRc 5 Wo Ge Udo (MNSs) 1 TH Af; GINO CAo (Rh) TH Ff aaeET ara, Root ar mae, Rt ote Rafer (ghstter), megan oe ong as A) : dat ait sot wen at at aa Ramet erent at derma eget Gr & are ST rT siyferers faen—zitere, sears, seitatart (erate) | aigfrars sfter—aear, denpiad, afer daar, peer sit sre stssae UPR oigfetere fen —arte aaer-aa, Fer Ter oT ak SSA, PRAT, APTA weg petra afer —aeart Ta aT UAT HARI HIT TAT FST eBTT We Barta SeT-as, Fer Val GIR ce TSaa, aA, SePTTAT Wei qe-wra—aferen, eat, aay siyferttres fren cen eaters yeart iafifens Fer ae Stee (erates) sigferfine ferer cen sera Pree Prats spree faftxar = Tonetes Ta TOTES ara ofa Rerare aire SRT ara af : ofterar, deme, fatderor, oftaaeran ae Paar fa at creer : say, Sera, aeraeT, Garren, seat, Fer aha ah rene ae are cea: areas, afRasta, eriidta, deers, aenftres-snfee, vie wafer, spar ara-ghe & ore a cafidl agate, mra-aaarh, Prt agate, gfe am, ofrored sits, wT araarite 8 or sen areca St eaTeAT—Avers, orifet Ser-aTeL wit, ds, Geng va Trot 8 are Ara cI syRT | an a aragapani—ierarcen & Jaren ae : her, ardieese, aa, afar, ferry aera, Hern, gata frare & tite aora—etie aaah, cary, Een, TS wT ae xa—Iv are are STET sg oat Tat AEA art Sire Us wen, GePD, TRRAGATA, henge ala, wher sire ait datz Reggina : 07 29 caren sit : areas orer—Bacreiaet; glean; eiettghert Seaver : ars site STAT ara fear : HbA, HbF, HbAg aera feirddia : HbS, HbC, HbD, HbE Sentara bs aft raftar—agiert TEeTAT fam da GgPD at aft fra-cravaties Raseraer at fae Aegaenen deers (gerade) wapienagrentita gaqera (erates) a ora ga, stereraftes ak (gar oft ca or Pera) sie eeort (HLA) amr ere, Sas, etree, ones area, weT sie AEST, adrnttat & ere aera cae arf oft dr: sfchfte atrer, Gee afte wetter fra After : crerf, HLA, Ferre Pstrary ra aatfarenrgaareat apraa (#risim) BH gear, Saferefeer Tea TTTT agora (wise) seer, er agra overs at ae—areRREtTeA, FE e we sartrsierat feraert wifere + zor deem, Rattieee dimer, BEX, UE, STaA der, veg oa, sae dee, ola daar, Begfera ser ager seerarere— arg Seam Serer ce Rese HAT TTT ware (Translocation) : D/D, D/G, G/G Wate /aToRtiES, Ferahy/ RereRRe aT ITE, TATU, Severe (STAR), ANAT ae yae—V areata sr ferere ier anit eater seri arirerat aeate oniieera Fash grea wear orient anni oie onfles va otter aera HF votre oRachit a safe, set ager, qed, ag-aqea war area Sueray war Greater & yaPator eg wor & ET ‘ yorgda, aaeda, gar tenia, rearsia, rarest aor Rate gait SReamiayeta, Yeetiries, waste, ‘dies, datrerarh, Rit Be, aiarrta, enfaisar eter, anbitaiter, aries Rada, aa ae, aR after, erheaeT | 3e—VI wieght otter setter septal (one ret aime) feeder arr afte Pai—ter, atch, siege ast, gat sha S se sisbhear fee eret ar Hee ores ger sae et soiter & aree serra ar tera; oad yes arr, eres, er ore, a, ae ait ana ¥ of ara : ames sonia cen wee ; a 8 seer at eT Ter gee ates Us wipe Pert ed wama—de (gfe) Prat F ore Rage stetrat at car /aeet feet stearat, a sysit ar anae sen Ha wet SY aren ons ara weer oor Paeare ser aot 3 Feros at TTT aera a ait aferat Tart efamt-ofeent ate % qeaeh depht—2a are, aac, asin, Faq, wate opbter ¥ usec depft—siveag ant, mea, sehen, aetiet sara, sitetetafere 07 31 art # ugast depit—aara, Beart, der al, eaear, ar are, Fare—fest Ser, por oral, ae ord, venir (ter are) aor afta media ane # usec stort & wae gE waaay THER Tape ate ¥ aeaqeeraergpia cert va Peer eR (Bee) THROAT & Peco a cera / snes eT ¥ qeeequaraerpin depict BEM AAS STATA TAT SETA BI SAAT ara # aeguorata deplt—aert di, rdeer, Fare sen ier geet HigeT ret Fea gereerorep is Sree at sania athe Saat stew wrghdten aa ¥ arra-aterat Ss STH ag san Rrartiores (Gat GoTTaMRp ia sepia) ere afaott (qe) ar Prorat Bet ot din ar eet et] wT A eT eR GeeTUTUTEP AA apie ae terest ara (eh Aa) after ote rea qa cen Sard onsite F ser qeaaepis dept sar, Aeereeh, Beh, sift, aer, aeqed, treaties, Farid, ster aoa ar onfaata (Sea) sire ore Rrera—fea, cai, af, eater Sar gaeTemepi afer ott seforcre—yarit ser gett car at afer, Teta ea Aaa ar frat aa FER a Tae are ¥ see ror ga Pier, Per gems, vet, see, ae cen Aer fest, farang, gee pret yu aftr Rarities aa anit gue (nema desir) gafacor # get (de)-srerg Gita generar sens, agra store ser ak-aga a Preare 07 32 07 reerpt yexora dept war sae qi it Peer ¥ ema—tfitives, ensagter, ineniftan, wate, Agha ger wh-Aeatiaees are ¥ aeqarart aephrat ey a —arerg, deer, sagen, chet ait TT aT —ATS ART TA, FEET at rarer afro area—yatar ere cen afar FETA TATRA GA TAT FETT Bet Oat ar orem ade anit gun, afte, ae aie aT, FeeTs afrrgd oR, Seagate ar erfeafeer tifa ¥ Stree start ar onferafa (aroraergetea atta) areca & onfée oft amniter sorter shea, orden af, Brea ¥ fasten, vt Prato, coriftes deat refi aft ot safaris after —Preergl an arse aa, afm oBren, soe art sarcaere oredr Reger Hare BAN aoe tte Sake ert, Bem ere, al, der, ata diem, wat ah, are afin # ane git afei-get after ¥ ae (Re era) oie era at Art ana # ah ar sein ard, Herre, BrafseaT rr Bie aor Ta —ae-are ooreTay H sia ait aéi—guiem, pret TRRE—HE, Tee (rere Hea) FTA AML, SAM, TATA, TT (HAT, sree stir aTeTAT TeBKeraT) afar area ar setiart—are, dete, Remnae, garria, vane, sect (Ara atte sins 3) Sareig, aves, aia set acta apie) 33 gai ote lit rea at acer aephea—Raoreh ef, Garg, rece & wepre, Fae Ta aferoft-qat wfarar & are wae sr Sea (wie FM) Fetaten F waa ar Pearse, ser, Tree Te, Te TTI Reyaraat so argent fey are sear are wre H trora—arrh, wefEct, archer, sreteins, Heres, EST rae TATSY, CST BT, HET sarees wpe ep a aes, ToT, SorTa, eftaroT, afer were wear, Gore, Cag, Tes, Premera ae aareTATege A rae Rerq-aeaar ar gar Reraray, water sree (Se), rete uftada, Pradhan, serarg afta, aredt sTeAT Regent at art aitor—sito tho to AHA ‘the or aor ore ite facta arrftencor aie stent an antes oie arate dat ¥ after pom ait ara gets dept—ae, seats, Ger, atfeerat dra (Gm gon) YA TeHS (Ho atte Sago) Hepler, stele eT FAT att arch aera (Ho Fo to) are Amis epee art & ares Te eT Ae TATE rey int are & sredtaner # GRAS at Prat ‘ile Wer AeTTATY TATE werarener 2 sapre—aferoht area, Tea-TeT (greece), outa, ereveofa Far Fees geiteret em wearer vereraer ep wee—VOL aepia a are ot weft ATA: Pasties atte Sfreatie & sera wget 07 34 Reese araerhte riers woralers Fetter oi aerecte Tees srrtie oftadt AST &, depfe ar arer arTar—fo Flo era ; Yo Ueto mila; dto Acfrireet wre aa : Siaeare site Tare aephe Seer ar arnitre-aiepiee Rear uate (ari) arches (arg aa aries) agtea (aferas tad) arrar—fatea, aor oft sitter wercae stetirat cit aiesite oaks, Rava aferait oe mere wera For, worl, seoraeres ar sref ce Pre —arnfere-aieptes ara Rast F : Seiirett cen tert sre ar ae are wens ata, arnre ares aan arate Rae were are annie ara Pra 4 avers Teireenfras arate tet aa aftra—aaeec sik Ae, ara alter ferren, arse, arrgareet Tee Steer Ua AP Senin veer uftar, ferare aft arent 35 vaftare & ard cen erctciioht a, faege cen dg aha shetettaa Pree, der aye ar are, fete cer it ardent eefistatet atte arcertt sree aI apatite aiepiee ara fears # aire fo do cet aga iia iowa tae To Uo wat tho aeirat To ako teats -aTeT wares Ao wha ‘are ferret dad tetites arifte Hs ara Series arya & fafeat geptrareat oa Fate . arma feat ¥ asta wre & oer: Acta ard St ae PasteTy somes Tear Tomes See ce wa : BE, stacey, Aftres ora, TATE, STIR, serach, dena, aye sal, Tea aenftras-aiepitres sara fae § qerreres FAR EST TT ars weather wpe Seulieers, Gre creme, Siaeera SATA ardifitet wea atatare (tio ako To) Ys wea at (GIKo ANS To) getder feet, sitter car Shae oriferdta 07 36 wax 07 area open & amin af : arqyfact safe (cao dio), ayyfea srnfe (GH do) ae safe faedt aronf ay (Ho do fo), Ehigteds ayers, date aactit Tao Tao So ait THO Ho drert & arene sernfe wren ait aearerertt ater : art eatin BT a Ofer arti IR AL WHE / LTA OTTRTA Sea TEE erat SST EY, faare aerane (ST /aa-) fade ator aaa, ago do So tho, dio glo Ho, ange ato gio tho, |e WIA UK Tao ao, ater ftaraert or dir ga dared om, de site Hered arenas a Sates, zat shave cite angered aitévint genta srenfe ardiert—ftatreien tarde srrten Rreamet & wre Pere ae ae Pe ae arent, Racers ar warts sera, arqafert sone aaa H crane srrcnfer at areas arta wart ott apie ante we aye oft wa er site daa Peer ws ete areas art at anf, onfeet ar afta anda anit or sega —onfercnfe aareit tifa ar gerreet Ren —ag-seq Tee, artifiea sit aeitaa, Shire one, cepieeoen otk agente, eafie apa, oars Fane ah after, ale-areft afte orrenfe-snie aire sareetter Fares sto wHo ut wo &o aa 37 07 So Wo AAA afar ued Wo To afar we tho ga ume fo Prenat aa dente wea os aged Fee, orphan ares, ore Pera & wo Fite aa fart Reser dior, aster, af afte ae ar are, area Ren, Arr, Zio tho, Tea, ene farar afte rare ara rsa sinter Facer ficient, deaicizes ye, are, Ere ara ar afareret aire HARES 38 aL TA & wt 394-43—I1 Frefettaa earl ¥ & aie-ar aifrar H fer 8? (a) wee (8) @érerr S9a-7—TIT (A) aryfte ara at safer & at ora gar arta &? wat i ater afred srect aor avis afte | TAIN (B) sirdeeor & yore st Passer wr avi afer | wet pride feeore 9 arta Pera at year ar caren afer | kee 39

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