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6/21/2020 Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review : bodyweightfitness


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Posted by u/smrtalec_ott Martial Arts 4 years ago 

Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review

What is Fundamentals?

24 days program advertised as the introduction to all other GB

courses. Perfectly paced and progressive program, diagnosis of
movement, suitable for anyone. You don't need any equipment to
start, just a room or even a hallway.


A useful program for the true beginners, However, it feels slightly

unpolished with buggy website and lack of direction at program
launch (especially the first week). I don't feel there's a true
"progression", more randomized mobility movement/routines with
tips on scaling.There are many other competing products out there
that should be considered before diving into Fundamentals,
especially if you're not looking to get their other program and utilize
continued private forum/form check support.


There aren't actually 24 different progressive movement, as some of

the days are listed as rest days or a review of the week's movement.
They also do not increase in difficulty. At the start, many complained
about the lack of direction on what they should be doing. Many
users were threatening to ask for refund. Videos just showed the
movement and students were told to follow along. How to scale,
how to avoid pain, how many reps, how often? Nobody knew.
Around the 2nd day Coach decided to inform the users of the true
nature of the program (through emails and private forum
discussion). You only follow the video as shown for the day's
assignment, and there's no need to add more work. You're free to
do any additional workout as normal.

Around the end of the first week, they released more detailed
technical videos (similar to F1/Stretch series) by Wesley Tan, the
affiliate coach in UK who's also an osteopath. I find the videos by
Wesley to be immensely helpful as he addressed a lot of common
issues people were facing and gave good tips on how to scale down
movements. If it weren't for his videos I think many people would
have actually gone through with the refund, myself included. I
gather I'm paying $5 for each of his videos and get to learn some 1/6
6/21/2020 Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review : bodyweightfitness

expert advice based in physical therapy. Around the half way point,
Searchthey also incorporated direct form check video submission (for all
GB users?), so you don't have to post on the private forum. I never
tried this but sounds like an improvement over having distracting
feedback from unqualified forum users.

One thing I disliked was the fact that course materials would only
unlock by day, and only on days that you log in. The official reason
was that people tend to skip ahead and do more than what they're
capable. However, the logic is flawed given that you're free to go
ahead on the next step regardless of your performance on your
previous day. I think the main reason is that they want to lock
people in for the 24 days so you can't just skim the material and
refund right away.

There's still a lack of clarity at the end of the program. It encourages

you to start on other GB course on completion of Fundamentals but
you're left with no direction as to whether you should incorporate
these movements with the real course or not. I feel there should at
least be a bit of a final test where you're cleared to move on or keep
repeating fundamentals until you do. Otherwise it's hard to see
what was the point of this except for learning some new terms and
warmup routines since everyone is now cleared to start F1 even if
you still have mobility problems.

Seeing as they attracted a ton of new users through Tim Ferriss'

podcast, I found they were very quick to address criticism and
provide feedback for this new course, which as a long time GB
customer definitely came as a surprise to me. It makes sense to try
and keep all these new customers happy though so they'll continue
with other GB programs.

Money's worth

I think $40-$50 would be a much better price point since it's a short
program, but mainly because of Wesley's contribution and the new
private form check that I could justify the $75 price tag. You can
definitely find many other free resources online on Youtube,
r/bodyweightfitness, and r/flexibility. For those lazy folks, GB
completionist, and those not opposed to paying for content, this is
still a good buy.

Should you get it if you're just looking to improve mobility?

At the price point, there are many other options available to you,
such as Kit Laughlin's follow along videos and GMB's Elements. I
can't give a comparison since I don't own their products. If you go
to GMB's webpage and sign up for their mailing list they do offer a
lot of injury rehabilitation info for free so I think everyone should
start there.

Should you get it if you're looking to start F1/H1? 2/6
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SearchIt's up to you. If you're super new to bodyweight training, looking

for detailed direction on how to start limbering as a semi structured
routine it's not a bad start.

Should you get it if you're already a F1/H1/online class student?

For some of the movements you will most likely know them and all
the proper cues just from the F1/H1/online class and/or if you spend
a lot of time on the private forum. It's not really necessary unless
you want to learn some new limbering routines or for educational

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 confetas 15 points · 4 years ago

 One thing I disliked was the fact that course materials

would only unlock by day, and only on days that you log
in. The official reason was that people tend to skip ahead
and do more than what they're capable.

Since a lot of their programs ended up on torrents, it could

also be a protection mechanism.

 iHartS 6 points · 4 years ago · edited 4 years ago

 I just finished the course, and everything you said is spot

on. It just sort of ends, and while I enjoyed it and the
various new moves I learned, I don't feel like my various
movement issues were solved in any sense. Yes, I got a
sense of where I need to do some work, but beyond just
repeating the movements as they were presented, I'm not
sure how to progress.

I guess the big thing is that 24 days feels short for what this
is touted as. Because of the mildness of the exercises, you
can't really feel like you progress very far in 24 days. So...
what now? Spend more for one of the other courses? This
bi l d il i i h ll

More posts from the bodyweightfitness community

Posted by u/wigako 3 days ago 3/6
6/21/2020 Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review : bodyweightfitness

What our Physical Education could have been

Over the years a few of us if not most of us here on this sub wish we had
done more in our youth or had an opportunity in gym class to learn skills
or actually be successful with some form of activity. I have been waiting for
a long while for this documentary to come out. I feel like this is something
you all will enjoy watching and maybe even implement.

Here’s a history lesson on what PE class we missed out on and could have
changed many individuals life’s later in life.

The documentary is called The Motivation Factor

It’s website for more information is

here is the warm up routine

 1.5k   160 Comments  Share 

Posted by u/JustCalisthenics 2 days ago

30 Different Bodyweight Core Exercises

Hi guys,

I want to share this video with you where you will see many different core
exercises that you can do.


In this video you will see best calisthenics core exercises that you can do in
order to build strong and powerful core.

Strong core is one of the keys to by good at calisthenics/bodyweight

training. Building powerful core will help you to progress with the most

 974   49 Comments  Share 

Posted by u/Johnrmac1 6 days ago

2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

M, 173Lbs (78kg) / 6ft (183cm), 24

It's officially 2 years since the start of my journey!

Last year I posted this 1 year of progress that was really popular, and I said
that I would do a follow-up, so here it is!!! (Questions like how I started,
previous exercise experience are already answered there)

**Quick note for this year, I spent 4-5 Months not training due to an
injury/chronic pain (more info below on this) which definitely hindered my
overall progress. It honestly made me not want to post this, because I had 4/6
6/21/2020 Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review : bodyweightfitness

 962   72 Comments  Share 

Posted by u/Any1- 4 days ago

My 2 Month Transformation with Intermittent

Progress Post

Fasting and Body weight exercises!


What’s up guys! M/19 180cm 89.6kg to 80kg 🔥 Two months have finally
past and I’m extremely happy with the result. I learned a lot about
intermittent fasting on here and am extremely thankful for that! I lost lots
of weight and managed to keep and additionally build muscle! Intermittent
fasting works amazing when combined with body weight workouts!

Diet: Im currently on a 20/4 Intermittent Fast with Calorie Deficit at

1500/1600cal daily. My diet basically consists of Chicken with Rice &
Veggies and Pasta with Salmon. I know pretty boring, but it tastes good
and I like it simple with my meals. I have a cheatday every Sunday where I
try to consume 3500cal (I will eat anything) to work against the insulin

 885   172 Comments  Share  5/6
6/21/2020 Gymnastic Bodies Fundamentals review : bodyweightfitness


Posted by u/freshwings421 6 days ago

Catharsis - or the simple joy of calisthenics training, a small

video I did to say thank you to this wonderful community
who changed my life
I do short videos as a hobby and when quarantine came, I started BWF
training and you guys have helped me a lot, and while doing calisthenics, I
was inspired to make this short video edit: to capture what it is like to slack
off and not practice and how it is like to train and the amazing feeling you
get during your reps, because thats what I felt. I wrote that script and
asked a voice actor here on Reddit to do it and he agreed (INCREDIBLE
VOICE THAT GUY HAS BTW u/JSSVoices ) and then compiled the whole thing
together and voila! I hope this will motivate some people.

p.s, the video is not published yet, I gave you the honour to see it first :D

Edit 2 I' t th i f t f th b t th b hi d it D
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