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Name : Nor Eleya binti Zainal Abidin

Student No : 2018439728
Group : 1

From :
To : The Managing Director of Future Institute
Subjects : E-tuition Program for SPM Candidates

Dear Managing Director, for me and the Future Institute staff had decided to do an e-tuition in
the time of Peninsula Malaysia Covid-19 Lockdown to serving secondary students. However,
because of the pandemic situation the centers have all closed down. Me and the staff of Future
Institute decide that we want to do an e-tuition for the secondary student.

• Subjects and teaching methods for e-tuition classes.

1. The subjects for e-tuition classes to be there is Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris, History,
Mathematics, Science and any subject of the flow. Example like Biography, Add
mathematics and etc.
2. Before start for e-tuition classes, we need to do google form. Which is for student who
want to take e-tuition and they must to write the subject of the flow what they want to
learn. From the google form, we will determine which is subject of flow we will take
to teaching.
3. The teaching methods, I recommend that we use Google Meet for online learning
sessions. Now everyone use this because this make it easy for us to teach and
communication with student. Because, It’s insinde in Google Meet can teach in large
number of student. And also we can show the homeworks for them in slides. So student
can see clearly.
4. Use Whatsaaps group, we can make whatsaaps group for know their progress and
feedbacks of students of their study and also we can send students various homeworks
so they can learning from whatsaaps group only.

Eleya Zainal

Future Institute Staff


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