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Neck Pain Questionnaire

Let's say a client comes to see you. After saying hello, how are you etc my
first question is always

Me: "How may I help you?"

Client: "I have neck pain'

Further questions should be directed along these lines

" Where exactly is the pain?"

"Do you know how you did it? For example, did you do something
and feel it hurt?”

"How long have you had it for?"

"Is the pain getting better, staying the same or getting worse?"

"Have you had this problem before?"

"Do you have any symptoms such as pain, numbness and/or tingling
across your shoulder, into your arms, forearms or hands/fingers?"

"Does it hurt worse if you slouch/sit in poor posture or sit reading for
a long time, or driving or even when you are at the computer?”

“Does it hurt to move your head in any particular direction?”

"Are you generally better when you are up and about walking

"Have you had any other treatment for this?"

"Are you taking any medications for the pain?"

By questioning your client like this you will then get a good picture of their
condition, when it feels better or worse, if they have neck pain with arm
symptoms or not and then when you are seeing them again for the next
treatment you can then once again ask them things such as:

"Hi, how is your neck feeling?"

"Do you still have symptoms in your arms/hands?"

"Are you still on medications?"

And so on and so forth.

As i have said, this is not a comprehensive questionnaire as such but it will

give you a good idea of how they were when you first saw them and if they
are now feeling improvement since the last time.

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