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This information is taken from An Introduction to Shakespeare and Julius Caesar.

1. F (According to archaeological discoveries the theatres of the period had no roof, but the stages had
a roof called “The heavens”. page 35)
2. T (It is believed that it was elaborately painted with the sun, moon and stars. page 35)
3. T (Johannes de Witt visited the Swan in 1596 and send his sketch of the Swan to a friend. page 35)
4. F (Shakespeare’s plays were performed in various places such as, at court, in Inns of Court, at other
towns, at universities, and in great houses wen the company were on tour. Page 27)
5. T (The digging up of archaeologists have shown a considerable difference in between the theatres.
6. T (It was an indoor or private theatre. Page 36)
7. F (The theatre Blackfriars could accommodate just a quarter of the people that the Globe could.
Page 36)
8. F (In fact was quite more expensive. Page 36- 37)
9. T (For instance, in Shakespeare’s plays the dropping of a curtain to separate acts or scenes was not
present. Page 37)
10. T (page 40)
11. T (It was essential for actors to secure themselves under the official rank of servants of patrons.
page 40)

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