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Hari Tanggal MORGAN 6th Edition PPDS Moderator

Rabu 13/5/20 1. Practice of anesthesiology Yudhi Refnol

Rabu 13/5/20 2. Operating room environment Veronica
Kamis 14/5/20 3. Breathing system Abdul Karim Ricksando
Kamis 14/5/20 4. Anesthesia machine Samawi
Jumat 15/5/20 5. Cardiovascular monitoring Refkiadi Rahmat
Jumat 15/5/20 6. Noncardiovascular monitoring Putra
Senin 18/5/20 7. Pharmacological principal Fauzi Pardi
Senin 18/5/20 8. Inhalation anesthetics Abduh Rifai
Selasa 19/5/20 9. Intravenous anesthetics M. Iqbal Tommy
Selasa 19/5/20 10. Analgesic agent Mathilda
Rabu 20/5/20 11. NMBA Marco Syahrir
Rabu 20/5/20 12. Cholinesterase inhibitor and antagonists NMBA Jul Hendri
Kamis 21/5/20 13. Anticholinergic drug Ikrar Ryan
Kamis 21/5/20 14. Adrenergic agonist and antagonist Felix
Jumat 22/5/20 15. Hypotensive agents Faura Primi
Jumat 22/5/20 16. Local anesthetics Eka
Senin 25/5/20 17. Adjuncts to anesthesia Dian Husein
Senin 25/5/20 18. Preoperative assesment, premed, and perioperative documentation Bejo
Selasa 26/5/20 19. Airway management Awaluddin Arif
Selasa 26/5/20 20. Cardiovascular physiology & anesthesia Gabe
Rabu 27/5/20 21. Anesthesia for patients with cardiovascular disease Andrio Feni
Rabu 27/5/20 22. Anesthesia for cardiovascular surgery Tasya
Kamis 28/5/20 23. Respiratory physiology & anesthesia Alfindy Eki
Kamis 28/5/20 24. Anesthesia for patients with respiratory disease Solihin
Jumat 29/5/20 25. Anesthesia for thoracic surgery Agus Mono Fadli
Jumat 29/5/20 26. Neurophysiology and anesthesia Rimun
Senin 01/6/20 27. Anesthesia for neurosurgery Rendi Dhiny
Senin 01/6/20 28. Anesthesia for patients with neurologic and psychiatric disease Taufik
Selasa 02/6/20 29. Renal physiology & anesthesia Ramadhan Dani
Selasa 02/6/20 30. Anesthesia for patient with kidney disease Ganda
Rabu 03/6/20 31. Anesthesia for genitourinary surgery Dion Ridho
Rabu 03/6/20 32. Hepatic physiology & anesthesia Aulia Iqbal
Kamis 04/6/20 33. Anesthesia for patients with liver disease Alegra Agus Prima
Kamis 04/6/20 34. Anesthesia for patients with endocrine disease Adhika
Jumat 05/6/20 35. Anesthesia for patients with neuromuscular disease Tommy Habib
Jumat 05/6/20 36. Anesthesia for ophtalmic surgery Syahrir
Senin 08/6/20 37. Anesthesia for otorhinolaryngologic surgery Ryan Rimun
Senin 08/6/20 38. Anesthesia for orthopedic surgery Primi
Selasa 09/6/20 39. Anesthesia for trauma and emergency surgery Husein Rendi
Selasa 09/6/20 40. Maternal and fetal physiology & anesthesia Arif
Rabu 10/6/20 41. Obstetric anesthesia Feni Taufik
Rabu 10/6/20 42. Pediatric anesthesia Eki
Kamis 11/6/20 43. Geriatric anesthesia Fadli Ramadhan
Kamis 11/6/20 44. Ambulatory, nonoperating room, and office-based anesthesia Dhiny
Jumat 12/6/20 45. Spinal, epidural, and caudal block Dani Ganda
Jumat 12/6/20 46. Peripheral nerve block Ridho
Senin 15/6/20 47. Chronic pain management Agus Prima Dion
Senin 15/6/20 48. Perioperative pain management and enhanced outcomes Habib
Selasa 16/6/20 49. Management of patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalance Ricksando Aulia Iqbal
Selasa 16/6/20 50. Acid-base management Refnol
Rabu 17/6/20 51. Fluid management & blood component therapy Rahmat Alegra
Rabu 17/6/20 52. Thermoregulation, hypothermia, malignant hyperthermia Pardi
Kamis 18/6/20 53. Nutrition in perioperative and critical care Yudhi Adhika
Kamis 18/6/20 54. Anesthetic complications Veronica
Jumat 19/6/20 55. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Abd Karim Yudhi
Jumat 19/6/20 56. Postanesthesia care Samawi
Senin 22/6/20 57. Critical care Refkiadi Veronica
Senin 22/6/20 58. Safety, quality, performance improvement Putra
STOELTING 5th Edition
Selasa 23/6/20 1. Basic principles of physiology Fauzi Abd Karim
Selasa 23/6/20 2. Basic principles of pharmacology Abduh Rifai
Rabu 24/6/20 3. Neurophysiology M. Iqbal Samawi
Rabu 24/6/20 4. Inhaled anesthetics Mathilda
Kamis 25/6/20 5. Intravenous sedatives and hypnotics Marco Refkiadi
Kamis 25/6/20 6. Pain physiology Jul Hendri
Jumat 26/6/20 7. Opioid agonist and antagonist Ikrar Putra
Jumat 26/6/20 8. Centrally acting nonopioid analgetics Felix
Senin 29/6/20 9. Peripherally acting analgetics Faura Fauzi
Senin 29/6/20 10. Local anesthetics Eka
Selasa 30/6/20 11. Neuromuscular physiology Dian Abdu Rifai
Selasa 30/6/20 12. NMBA and reversal agent Bejo
Rabu 01/7/20 13. Antiepileptic and other neurologically active drugs Awaluddin M.Iqbal
Rabu 01/7/20 14. Circulatory physiology Gabe
Kamis 02/7/20 15. Cardiac physiology Andrio Mathilda
Kamis 02/7/20 16. Renal physiology Tasya
Jumat 03/7/20 17. IV fluid and electrolyte Alfindy Marco
Jumat 03/7/20 18. Sympathomimetic drugs Solihin
Senin 06/7/20 19. Sympatholytics Agus Mono Jul Hendri
Senin 06/7/20 20. Vasodilators Rimun
Selasa 07/7/20 21. Antiarhythmic drug Rendi Ikrar
Selasa 07/7/20 22. Diuretics Taufik
Rabu 08/7/20 23. Lipid-lowering drug Ramadhan Felix
Rabu 08/7/20 24. Gas exchange Ganda
Kamis 09/7/20 25. Respiratory pharmacology Dion Faura
Kamis 09/7/20 26. Acid-base disorder Aulia Iqbal
Jumat 10/7/20 27. Physiology of blood and hemostasis Alegra Eka
Jumat 10/7/20 28. Blood products and components Adhika
Senin 13/7/20 29. Procoagulants Tommy Dian
Senin 13/7/20 30. Anticoagulants Syahrir
Selasa 14/7/20 31. Physiology and management of massive transfusion Ryan Bejo
Selasa 14/7/20 32. Gastrointestinal physiology Primi
Rabu 15/7/20 33. Metabolism Husein Awaluddin
Rabu 15/7/20 34. Antiemetics Arif
Kamis 16/7/20 35. GI motility drug Feni Gabe
Kamis 16/7/20 36. Nutrition Eki
Jumat 17/7/20 37. Normal endocrine function Fadli Andrio
Jumat 17/7/20 38. Drugs that alter glucose regulation Dhiny
Senin 20/7/20 39. Drugs for treatments of hypotiroidism and hyperthyroidism Dani Tasya
Senin 20/7/20 40. Other endocrine drugs Ridho
Selasa 21/7/20 41. Antimicrobial,antiseptics,disinfectants, management of perioperativ Agus Prima Alfindy
Selasa 21/7/20 42. Chemotherapeutic drugs Habib
Rabu 22/7/20 43. Drugs for psychopharmacologic therapy Ricksando Solihin
Rabu 22/7/20 44. Physiology of the newborn Refnol
Kamis 23/7/20 45. Maternal and fetal physiology and pharmacology Rahmat Agus Mono
Kamis 23/7/20 46. Physiology and pharmacology of the elderly Pardi
Jumat 24/7/20 47. Physiology and pharmacology of resuscitation M. Iqbal Refnol

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