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Chapter 3


Research Design

The main purpose of this study aimed to contextualized the main factors

that has greatly affect nurses’ loyalty in government hospitals in Iloilo City. Under

this main purpose, it also specifically sought to answer the profile of nurses, and

the percentage of the nurses that has an intention to work abroad.

Hence, due to the nature of the study, the researchers decided to use the

quantitative descriptive research design. Descriptive research involves gathering

data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes

the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as

graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution.

Setting of the study

The study was supposedly conducted in two government hospital which

are located at Iloilo City area only, these are the Hospital A and Hospital B. Due

to the lack of time, the researcher was not able to conduct their study at the

Hospital B and Hospital A was the only hospital that is available.


Sample and Sampling Scheme

The study used a simple random sampling design. This method was

chosen because it provides easy access to the respondents. Simple random

sampling design are utilized for the selection of 40 percent of nurse respondents

in each selected government hospital in Iloilo City.

Data Gathering

The data gathering lasted for almost one and a half months. The

researchers seek an approval to the selected hospitals and gathered only 40

percent of the nurses population in each hospital, but only hospital A has

approved the researchers study to conduct their survey. Respondents are

chosen through simple random sampling.

The researchers used a survey method to gather information with the use

of a checklist questionnaire. It allows researchers to judge behavior and then

present the findings in an accurate way. This is usually expressed in a

percentage (Klazema, 2014). The personal information of the respondents that

were gathered by the researchers were remained confidential.

Statistical Analysis

In this study, descriptive statistics provides a summary of data in the form

of frequency and percentage.

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