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Name: Laura Geraldine Fajardo

Code: 201722695
The key to success
The key to success is closely linked to the ambitions that one wants to achieve, so
discipline and perseverance are important values that must be taken into account to reach
the key to success, with the aim of obtaining valuable results and a better quality of life. In
this way discipline plays a fundamental role where perseverance makes things go well, At
the same time, we should set goals and fulfill them, also manage time in the right way
because time is very important, as the saying goes "time is money", we should be sincere
both with ourselves and with other people, simultaneously we should be responsible for our
actions, leaving our pride behind to be better people, we must look objectively at all the
goals to meet them and have a great schedule where you get to have time measurements,
and list of objectives to be met daily, we must reflect on the opinions of others respecting
them and letting people give their point of view, because we can learn from others and
leave pride aside, educate ourselves more by buying books and read them of personal
growth and financial growth, you must be aware of the limitations and with it learn and
improve, a fundamental part for the key to success is to surround yourself with positive
people who teach you, who offer you good things and above all things of personal growth,
we must take care of our family and not leave it aside in our personal projects and finally
something very fundamental is that you must live the moment as if it were your last.

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