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Effective Nursing Communication Technique: SBAR

Effective Nursing Communication Technique: SBAR

Patricia Redding

MCPHS University
Effective Nursing Communication Technique: SBAR

SBAR Assignment
Hi I’m Patty, an RN at the ER.

S I’m calling about Mrs. Burbank a 45 y/o female who presents with left
leg pain and swelling for the past 12 days.

The patient was admitted for L leg pain and swelling. Pt. pain feels

B it’s throbbing and “cramp-like” and is worse when she stands or

walks. She was recently hospitalized 3 weeks ago for a hysterectomy
and spent 4 days in hospital due to an allergic reaction-pt. can’t recall
name. Pt was sedentary after released from hospital for a few days
because she feels tired. Pt. has a history of arthritis and takes
NSAIDS. Pt. is a daily smoker.
Full code status.

Patient is conscious a&o x 3. Her vitals are stable but reports her LLL

A pain (throbbing ache) to be 6/10. pt. has bilateral pitting pedal edema
and appears swollen throughout the L leg. The Homan sign shows a
positive result. Pedal pulse is a 1+. Posterior L calf appears red, tender
and warm to the touch, dusky appearing.
Upon examining her surgical incision, it appears well-approximated
and healing well with no exudate.
Her abnormal labs show:
D-Dimer 2.3
HgB 42.4
RBC 3.11
WBC 4,000
Platelet 80,000

Based on my assessment, I believe the patient is at risk for tissue

R perfusion of her left leg (DVT).

I suggest that you order:

 a venography in order to determine the blood flow of the left
leg vein.
 an anticoagulant (Heparin) via IV STAT to prevent formation
of blood clot.
 I would also like the patient to start wearing compression
socks to promote venous return.
Effective Nursing Communication Technique: SBAR

Treas, L.S. & Wilkinson, J.M. (2018). Basic Nursing, (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI). (2019). Content Mastery Series Review Module:
Fundamentals for Nursing (10th ed.). Holman, HC: ATI

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