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THE FALCON by Greg Palmer Adapted from the Russian Folktale “Fenist, the Bright Falcon” 1990, The stage ver tourand in wsidence al Childeplay, Tempe At fag, Palmers conection with another wert international prodvetion Las the wnter of a Dacovery Channel documentary, Redaonerng Aer “fio Higny hich won te prstigions Cine ‘documentary special series ofthe 1993-94 3 mnal Education Association award for "the en- earning through broadcasting,” Palmer's companion book to Death was published by HarperCollins, and the educational video version to snore than twenty thousand school and public libraries America Weekly. He has been a madent in London and idcasting’s high- ‘Action for Chil- clearly a d continually abused, both p! evil queen ultimately lo My Snow White rejects the Prince, who though handsos and indicates she has f Elliot Dwart, the Grumpy equivalent, because he ti reisa last and rrun of the production, wat whispering up to Snow, ‘enough to make the whole dren facing horrendous peer pr ty—and be witht pretty-~at least had an inkling from the play that there are more im= portant things in life than appearance. Prinet day after day durin the verge of womanhood One day the audience included ten children from a nearby hospital ‘They were patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer: bald-headed, pal ids. And after the curtain their parents came uy ig Snow White and thanked her. They ras for their children to see 1 8 important as what you are. They got an entertainment, bul entertainment gave them so much more. And Snow started then the place went up. That's why I write plays for young peo Gene PALMER tress right © 1980by Gregor Later Copyiehie 1993 by fechonage Pret, Inc nd Stats of Ameria no part of ‘Applications made to: FAX; (604) 866-0502 ‘he plays printed inthis anthology arent o be used a2 acting scripts. Aifinquiies regarding The Falcon performance rights should be addressed to: Anchorage Press, Inc Post Office Box 8087 ‘New Orleans, Louisiana 70182 THE FALCON CThe Storyteller SCENE. A Georgian farmhouse and Anna's imagination. Additional pronunciations: _NOCK VAWM DEES chedd-EE-uh KOLEKISS MOGE ZAWN DEE Although The Falcon is adapted from a centuries-old Russian folktale, ‘version places the le aday : to present The Falcon in ther than Georgian, But eventually the Georgians would sis reg Pater THE FALCON | a tomate my bedsn vem didn. att nde n ee nin om of los eros ther ana ici up te pt) unt promises fies from the moment of our vows she'll have warm house to live i all she ee ee ‘wants fo eat, perhapsa vacation inthe mountains ff should stl acorn nes though who Rasa spare cow these days, 'don’t know, and that we will al. and drink cover 2. The fermi ily ways be as happy as we are right now. To Father! And Anna, of course. Sava end aa dance) Girvoom aud Petnen srk reson sis) ees arnt; No too happy yet hope? Not til afer the wedding eh? Ar-mo-nee pah ravs me poo-ree-at Eke hk heme ah, ‘Patara go gos sik wa rule O-hka-radznetia ‘Tavpor®: Oh, no sir, not tll then! -AGRIENA: We haven't heard from the bride-to-be! arta: Indeed! eatin: Certainly! Let a woman speak f Percedg tegen! ANNA: Father... Tevdore . . . Sisters; I 4s ANA unloles i strange fascination. acuiPiNa apes the doo and STORY: tant beard duty lt isha sd shoul) stoRYTELLER: Good evening, dear lady. I wonder if you might have asap of bead fora poorman on alongjourney Agnus: Certainly nol Be off ‘arian: Of course! Come int Nak vom deee! Rim pa daw dam pee dau ree time for the toasts! sariter: Agripinal More wine itience ... (AcRIPENA goes to the shelf pcrspnsa: Rising.) All ight-2 oft) ‘ atin (Stnding—rrvoomr lone, aso stands) Ts greta hie Tone day! My Anna and Tevdoce ae finaly engaged tobe wed! (cura retusa Bl rare ees fil is nd von pa re fn tefl bk taco, ls er un ard AREA'S pad Fhe st) ratte Lt’ see. A good marrage slike. ke a good sade. I gets Softer and smoother as you rub ap against it over the years sana Oh, Papa ant: Bata bad marrage, abad marrage‘slike a bad horse. After a while sou don teare what happens tit You ost want anche one. revvoKE Sie. veiman sen Aa, Tevdore {wis you a saddle marrage nota horse mariage. 7 “ihe sam age a» your mother when we were wed. aid then aa she looked to me the day she died. Life Ahant eben for women: earner drt, thn remembers TavDORE) Arc ‘fedore whom we've known all rive from ig rext door Sono ex ‘uty a drm come tue More ofan understanding. Tevdore, you're a erstandng come te sevoons: Thank you, Siz (arin and revooRE drink and sit) sara: NOW, can we go tobe? ‘avons: Jumping tk) Eseemed father 1a tel MARTA and AGRIFISA; Oh 1000 Trvoons: Now that Anna hes agreed become my bride, to share my ie, (acrimesa hands sronvruter som bread, points tothe corner, and rejoins the family at the table, srorvreccer moves toward t ted corner, but suddenly ‘stops and stares with fescination at ana, who stares back.) /scruptwa: Over there! (STORYTELLER'S broken.) SToRYTELL#R: Thank you for your kindness. (STORYTELLER moves to his corner and sits, still watching ANNA.) arte; Go on, Anna. ANNA: What? rarutux: Your toast. ANNA: Oh, yes. I... I suppose I always knew that Tevdore and I would ‘marry. Everyone's been expecting it since we were children. Id have to be a fool not to be happy ansa: Here, here! A fool! ANNA: Tevdore, IT try to be a good wife to you, stands, waves his cup at ANNA.) _Tevpont: I can’task for more! (STORYTELLER rises, approaches ANNA, and bows.) sTorYreLuEx: My dear young woman. I couldn't help overhearing. Con- sgratulations, ‘ANNa: Thank you. STORYTELLER; (To FATHER, Sir, may Toffer a gift to the bride-to-be? “AcniptNa: What could you possibly have that she'd want? ly, well... (revDoRE, Ma _Greg Palmer “ The most valuable thing I possess, Manta: What? Your hat? Hahahaha Falcon. Not that long ago, not that far father, and loving husband. But his STORYTRLLER: Three, The youngest was gentle, sweet, and as fresh and beau- stream, So naturally, the father loved her quite the ‘thing else they wanted. Ard they aTHER: (To rimself,) The only joy he had was the youngest. santa: Hush up! AGRIPINA: (To STORYTELLER.) Go on, ‘One day as the father was going to town, he asked his daugh- gifts they would like when he returned. ‘The two older sisters asked for the finest silk to make beautiful dresses .. AGRIPINA: Sik! Very shrewd! ‘Manta: Something in a nice, dark blue, probably. : STORYTELLER: But the youngest said, “I want nothing but a feather. The (revpone, Manta,and ACR this me telling the story to STORYTELLER: Twice the father went to town, returning with silks and then (2° © golden rings for the older sisters. But he searched in vain for the feather. “anna: Why dil she want the feather? How did she know about it? (rare guietly exits.) sstonvrattee: Why, Anna; she just knew. “ANA: Ob, STORYTELLER: On the way home from his third trip, walking through the great forest, the father saw a strange man, sitting on .. . ona stool by the side of the path. THE FALCON his hand, STORYTELLER: And he held a small box—glowing, (Box glows. carson enters, with a coat on now, walking along with a walking ‘and bag over his shoulder. He stops short of the STORYTELLER, who ignores him.) aruee: You there! sToRyTEs said the father raritex: What's that you have? srorvritien: What? Where? Here? FATHER: Yes. STORYTELLER: A box, A little box, thats all arutex: I can see that. What's STORYTELLER: And who are you then, the Government Box Inspector? FATHER: Of course not! SToxv TEL: Bring out all your bores, girls! The Government Box Inpec- toris here! varie: Wai sroxvretunn: Person through! raviER: Stop shouting! ‘Toarevna herself! Ci er him.) There's nothing in the box. .. buta feather. Afeather? patie: I've been looking for a feather. STORYTELLER: They're very popular right now, varie: The right feather. ‘This is it.The feather of The Falcon. STORYTELLER: Allright variter: Agreed. STORYTELLER carefully hands Aion stars fo open it.) (eATHER gives stoRYTELLER 4 bug "xan the box, which immediately stops 346 Greg Palmer sronyracten: Is the feather for you? rariter: No, For my daughter. sTorvTELLe®: Then don’t open the box. patie: But what sroxvrstte: Don’t open the box. rarer: How do [know there's really a storyrettr: DONT OPEN THE BO) arian: All right! I won't open the box! Good day! then ters back lep on chairs.) sthad whathis youngest daughter most de- STORYTELLER: SO: sired. He hurried home, clutching his rare prize in his hand. (sromyrertem exits; MARTA and AGRIPINA asleep. ANNA comes sweeping in with her broom, glances at er sisters. BATHER enters, watching the box carefully Then he sees ANNA) earieR: Anna! [found it! The feather! ANNA: Fknew you would, Papa. (MARTA and aGRIPINA toakejnstantly.) MARTA and AGREPINA: PAPA! (osamra and acmrrmsa o it tothe ground and begin madly f:00 necklaces. ANNA ard FATHER ‘Manta: Papal Her necklace is prettier than mine! ‘caurnxa: Hers is prettier than mine rariten: If that’s the way you both feel, why don't you trade? MARTA and AGRIPINA: ig the necklaces azoay from each other.) Never! acnierxa: (Seeing the box.) Hey, what’ she got? ‘wanta: What's that? atiten: It’s the feather! I was walking through the forest and [met . Marra: Let's see it! AGRIPINA: Let's see what's so Special about this feather! ANa: (Nodding fo RarHeR, beginning to exit.) No. the box. He nods knowingly; ANNA ex's.) _THE FALCON 347 ‘anta: What insolence! I'd keep a close eye on her, Papa! AGRIPINA: (Also cling fo ANNA.) So, you want to be alone with yout feather? disgust. FATHEER stuffs is possessions 1g: ANNA sits on her bed for he ar and drops te eater rk, dnd PEN stands fe exist: Where am I? ‘axwa: You're in our home, ENIST: Ah. (Looking at anvxa for the frst time,) Lam Fenist. aNNa: I'm called Anna. ventor: Anna? It's a nightingal anna: Oh? Thank you. Wo vuntst: Yes. ou like something to eat? ‘awa: Amouse? I we don’t have any mice avs: (Smif and ooking.) Yes, you do. anna: Well none that ae ready anism: Ah ‘awa: Who are you? Where do you come from? Haw do you exis No questions. No explanations. There is only a beginning for us, and that snow. ” tye besining 6 aeva: Us? exist: Yes. (rexasrslowly reaches with at Mae, th alo becoming more ofa had a he ‘was so. soft Lam for you, An soya: I've dreamed about you What you! _) Skin. Thadevt realized it offstage i divecion PENAST points.) Who are sunist: Hide? ANNA: (Pointing under the bed.) There! Quickly! (reNtsr dives under the bed, just 12s the door busts open and MARTA and AGRIPINA fall through, guickly rising.) ‘arta: All right, where is he? 348 Greg Palmer Anna: Who? carriva: The man! We heard a man in here! NA: That's nonsense! -AGRIPINA: Oh, really!? Let's see ook urder the be) (Looking around.) Ahat The bed! (acrip- | he's not under here, ANNA: He's not? I mean, of course, he’s not. There IS no he! awaera: We heard him! And extremely handsome! range man just... just flew in the window? mazeta: Yes. Night, There's a ‘ot of night out here. Could he have made itto the forest? - acnuria: Ifhe did, he was fying. tom his feet. AGRIPINA: [ike a man who's on his fet arta: Indeed! AGRIPINA: Let's make her think she's fooled ws. aneta: Right. (MARTA and AGRIPINA come in from the window and sit demurely (om ANNA'S bed.) awa: Are you satisfied? crrPia: It must have been the wind, agra: Silly us! awa: Then if you don’t mind {for the door) ana: Papa wants his dinner. ANNA: (Moving them out (ana and acarreva rise slowly and head st sticks his head out from under te bed; indicates the father) Fenist: Could [have that back, please? anna: (Feteking vENIst: Thank yo tn some body part. Who are they? THE FALCON 349 ANNA: My sisters sanist: They remind me of crows. lnmy world those are the eggs you leave out for the snakes, Y —. anna: They won't give u into the forest, where venir: If you wish. _ 4 ) Mana: (Offge; a very crowlike:) Anna! Dinner! ther. [know them too well. You must fly away, safe. i ents I think we have been waiting for each other for a very long time. ANNA: Oh, yes! rentst: No, you w earth turn into a ANNA: I suppos tepped off into the sky and saw the you'd never want to walk again. /: Mara: (Off Gexnist ers ab 10k of disgust, then leaps from the window and dis- NA watches him go. AGRIEINA, also, tontches in fasc ) STORYTELLER: Fenist leapt from the window as a man, but he wasa falcon be- fore he touched the sky. GATHER enters.) ‘ariier: I'm confused. 1s this Fenist a man ora bird? STORYTELLER: He's. a man, AND a bird. A falcon, and therefore, a Prince. ANNA: Oh, yes! -rarineR: (Iritably hearing her) I don’t care if he is a prince. iter with their wine and fin the group around the st0- ng, ANNa gets into bed.) ‘What's he doing in that young woman's bedzoom?? It’s scand: ‘a: You'd prefer he sat around in the parlor with her fathe ull stories about the war? THAT'S courtship, rTevpoxe: { wouldn't think of entering a lady's room, Sit. RATHER: Good boy. Manta: Ever? Hahaha! ‘TevpoR®: What does she really know about him? They’re from completely. different worlds! sTorvretuin: That doesn’t mean they can't be friends, ‘TEVDORE: But he's... he's a mouse eater! 38 _ Greg Palmer sronvrnuca: Youngman, his world youl find there are some hing you oath pow eee and some things You see with your hea cua sea ite early in your story fora moral old man? Monin This story has no mora. [thas question, An that's why i's good sory. sa Exiting wi aces.) Wel ee rGnveruune Anna tried to say awake that night wating for Fenist to re fun. But she soon fell into a deep, magical sleep. (MARTA aiid ACRIPINA ‘course, Agripina told Marta all she had enter, sneaking t seen and heard. THEY did (rsvpors and varHER ata: (Doing so.) Are you sure she was talking to this bird? -acrapina: Yes! Ouch! ana: And the bird talked back? ‘acnrPina: Ouch! Yes! How many times do Thave to tell you? Ouch! Marta: And it wasn't a parrot? Did it talk like this: "Polly want a cracker! Polly wanta...?” AcrrPua: It was a magical bird, Marta! Ouch! mata: Why should she geta magical bird when all we get is jewelry? AGRIVUNA: Out! Ouch! arta: Agripina? ‘crserna: Ouch! Yes? Manta: What are you doing? pins in the windowsill! So help me! Ouch! ‘Ouch! “AGRIPINA: Ouct ata: Ouch! crsptwa: Ouch! tanta: Ouch! Agripina! acaipiwa: WHAT IS IT?! ‘anra: Why are we sticking pins in the windowsill? “acarrtxa: When the falcon comes back, he'll get stuck on the pins. He won't be able to see them in the dark, sant see them either. from wind.) That's enough. ‘manta: (Rising from window, I think I'm bleeding, AGRIPINA: Let's go. santa: Already | feel a litle lightheaded. ‘scaipixa: Come on! axa: Whatll happen to the bird? THE FALCON he tries once and les away, he'l just get ithe really cares about Anna and Keeps fyi surely die. 2 ening for si- it meant safety. At last he heard nothit 7 quickly, quietly, to Anna, ee (ew tries to lan ANNa: No! No! (rRwisr drops below the window; struggles to | at struggles i ANNA: Renist! enters, carrying a smal exist: Anna—I must go. I you ever want to see me again, look beyon rine mountains tote tenth Kingdom Tile there saa: Don't eave eNIst: But you wo of iron shoes, broke is strength.) Farewell, Anna ‘And if you need help, ask the Three Sisters... (rENIST i offstage) Farewell... ANNA: Please... No! | 2) sromersttzp: And though Anna heard his voice in her sleep, she would not 5 / wake. Afew hours later it was a new day—and for Anna, a new world, (ana sakes tha pins conf her nii anna: ning the | ent) Goodbye Papa, (ane sStonyretie: A ques, then asthe falcon sid, beyond the nine mountains, tothe tenth Kingdom. Anne walked away rom allshe had ever know, for a dream. (FATHER ters) a = | FATHE Fier poor father. sronyriten: One way or another that’s how it always happens. ATER; That doesn’t make it any easier. : sronytEten: No. (oariter exits; storvreLten watches him go.) From a blacksmith in the village Ana got three pairs of ion shoes, ino staf and tre stone foes BNE PROF onshows hes | inher fom terse) ™ Then he bape and how trekeeont he required articles king, across the mountains. H long she watked pair of shoes was 352 Greg Palmer ter One, enters, dressing up the house exterior. ANNA comes behind er.) ing around.) You gave me quite a start, you did. 2 frog in a fry pan! Yim ig that way, and the third sister going that way, ANNA: To the tenth kingdom. acmuriva: Uh-huh. Taking the nine mou anna: Yes! 5S quests? (AGRIPINA LLER, who hands her a bow! of soup.) Anna: Yes. Yes! How did you know? -AcuuPina: He flew through awhile back. Everyone comes by here eventually lens such as yourself ig beside her.) Sot You're following, THE FALCON (acrtpnia places her hand gently om anwa’s brow) ‘AGRIPINA: No. (ana instant Nighty night. sronyrstze: The night passed, as Anna dreamed of flying AcerPnva: Good morning, ANNA: Good morning cutpuva: You snore a lit Is aslep, and aceupwwa lowers ANS head into her lap.) : snort snort? You snore a litle, But don't worry, ink you should tel! people when they snore-—it saves ‘of heartache later on, ANNa: I must have fallen asleep, What were we talking al ‘Acnipina: (Fetching soup bow ANNA: Fhave @ you do, (AGRIPINA helps ANNA wi her things prior ig for you. Anna. And my sisters help. AGRIPINA: Oh! [almost forgot vn ball! (AGRIPINA takes a red ball of yarn _from an inside pocket and hands it 9 ANNA.) Here. at Way: (Axa throws bull oftage; i oings as it bounces ng. ow it! Never let that ball out of your sight! Yes, Ma'am! top by sometime ... (AcRIPINA zuaiches ther tay. FATHER and MARTA enter) STORYTELLER: Anna went on—over the second mountain, past the third, around the fourth, Manta: I wish she'd hurry up. And why did this silly bird have to go so far away? He could have perched inthe forest nearby. I know lots of men who do that FariteR: And just exactly what does that mean? Manta: Oh, never mind. It’s personal. And you; go of exit) storvretex; In the evening of no one knows what day, Anna could go no farther, (raruoen and MAREA (Bai! bounces through and ofstage the other side. ANNA enters, exhausted, The af breaks, and she stumtbles badly) ‘ANNA: Please ... wait forme frantic, furious thax ire the Treeaters ith acnapina clucking along behind ler.) said. Hal to find acnipina: Don’t ery, little one. We're triplets. awa: What? he three sisters. We're triplets. Didi’ ANNA: Oh, my acarmia: We look exactly alike, Well, not exactly. right here. And Sister Three-—Three dyes her hai. iter One tell you? ter One's got a mole cuuvina: It is heavier. [putasilver spinning wheel in there for you. ANNA: When did you do that? aceiptva: Uh... earlier ANNA: Why do Ineed a spinning wheel? -AcaivINa: Don’t ask so many questions, dear. It’s unbecoming. You'll need the wheel later on. And the golden spindle. ANNA: But acrrpina: (Tessing the Bal in appropriate direction.) Go, child. ANNA: (Leaving.) Thank you. ee ALCON 355 AGRIPINA: GO! (ANNA andl AGRIPINA exit in opposite drestions.) sronytmtt: Anna was halfway across the mountains now. And as she got ling to her. Back home, her the country for days. Burno , heartbroken, he went home fa and Agripina. (stoRYTELUER beautiful daughter, to wait for his Anna and deal with his THE enters, carrying a br FATHER: (Shout wings.) And you expect me to believe she's out there somewhere, chasing a bird? (AGRIPINA arid MARTA enter lervfied ) AGRIPINA: A magical bird! Manta: (Whispering.) I thought we killed the bird! ‘AGRIPINA: Hush! y 's your fault she’s have mercy on you if she doesn’t come bac leave.) Stay Where you are, both of you! (SATHER charges them, MAawra Ides 3 holds the broom up to acniina.) Take this! You kn don’t you? ne and may God hl tanth sit jon’t know how to broom! Farina: Learn! This house is going to be spotl ‘and since we don’t know when that time! ‘AGRiPINA: Ha! (AcRIPINA stoves away, exposing MARTA to FATHER) -aTHER: You! When Anna comes back, ening to be spotless all the ling wrong with your broom, (FATTER oftage.) ‘ops and looks at Bal.) You sure you don’t this stone loaf? Iteally fils you up. Tknow how you. (ana looks around fut n tosses the loaf away into the wings with some vigor.) Well that’s the last one! And the iron shoes are must be close. 356 : Greg Palmer 7 | Three appears quiet ‘acaurtxa: Yes? ‘awa: Ahhh (ana turns quickly. acrapia goes for the bal, picks it up, pets i.) love you too. Hush, now: ‘Third Sister! acrurnxa: That depends, Which way are you going? ANNA: That way. cRiviua: Then I'm the Third Sister. (Suddenly bowing deeply.) And you are the Princess Medea of Kolchis, Your highness! ANNA: Uh, no. 'm Anna from the Great Forest sa finally rises) from ler pocket.) Anna. Anna. Ah, here we are, You're Youmust be very enthusiastic. i.) Of course. The Falcon, ANNA: Yes! Fenist! Do you know where he is? "Na: Behind you. (aNNa furns, ana she do Tooks arownd in confusion.) anna: Where. the third staff breaks, She offstage. ANNA ~acrapina: He's her prisoner, ANNA: Why? What has he dene? at he hasn't done. He refuses to marry her [AwNa: Marry her!? But she can’t keep him prisoner for that! AGRIPINA: Hia! She can do anything she wants. She's the Tsarevnal AcRIPINA: No. Itjust is. (AcrIPINA gets ANNA'S bag, gives i fo her) Anna, you ‘have what you need to rescue Fenist awa: You mean the spinning wheel? You have a good heart, and a good mind. 1—use everything, And hurry. A caged falcon can’t live long. He hhas to FLY, ANNA: How are we going to do it? | | Se THE FALCON 357 'm going to find the Princess Medea. (acaap. erg, then turns backs looks toward the caste and exis wand ‘and TevDoRE enter) ‘axza: You mean this Fenist can macry a Tsarevna if he war still rather have this. .. this peasant? He's as crazy as she ‘TevDORE: But he... he loves the peasan sTonyretteR: You're right, Tevdore. He does. And does she love him? ‘Tvpore: She must, She's gone a long way to prove she loves him. A long, way. and he'd (revvone and MARTA e tthe threshold of her final adventure. ola! Tha’s gold you'r spinning thee, young woman. Gold from fia! Did you knows = ns here Young ca Yes. It's such a dul co e, dark blue. FATHER: Gold is nice. Tather adore gold. ANNA: Some people do like it. arms: Who are you? ‘Anna. The Spinner, rough. If only Teould opin something ina Pariten: Spinning gold! Outstanding! incredible! Really nice! ‘ANNA: And you are...? to the Tsarevna herself. (rariter throws Tsarevna? ‘ANNA: No, What's she like? ana: (Offstage, but very oud.) IVANE!! Iwould describe her as forceful, (rare runs 7. MARTA, row dressed as the Turevnia, enters just as (s ‘ground at her. thousand pardons, your highness, agta; What have you been doing? -raruzER; Just a potload of pardons. santa: Rise! Why were you out here, when Twas in there? FarieR: Iwas questioning an intruder, your highness. A spinner. Mama: A what? arin: A spinner, She spins flax into gold. Mana: Gold! variten: Yes. Personally, Iwas very impressed, 358, Greg Palmer ‘Maza: Twill speak to her. satire: That will be the greatest thrill of her miserable life, your highness. tanta: Indeed! (santa approaches ANNA. They look each other inthe eye for & ‘anta: What are you doing here, girl? jesty, Jnow anything about it? I don’t trust nwa: I'm sorry if I displeased you. I thou the castle was deserted. You usually see mote people around a castle . rs, servants ‘Manta: Servants! Ha! atttEs: We have no servants. Her majesty’s personality isso forceful, as ‘said before, that the servant just disappear, usually in the middle of the ‘usually with one of ‘arien: I'm not a servant. 'ma Personal Aide. Big difference. anna: see. rarHtER: And we're al out of horses. manta: Ah! I'm doing something about that. At this very moment, up in the tower... ANNA: Yes? Mana: Never mind! How do you spin flax into gold? nwa: With this magic spinning wheel it rom you. ANNA: How much thread would you like? Manta: Not the thread; the spinning wheel, Ivane, get the wheel, (earmR ariten: Another breakthrough for her highness! Manta: You come work for me! _Aswa: [never thought of that varie: Uh-huh. ‘tanta: Then you can spin, cook, clean—all those fun things, all the time! ANNA: Wonderful. ‘MARTA: Do you like horses? ‘anna: I'm allergic to he Manta: Perfect, And that’s enough thinking for one day. vane, atend. THE FALCON 359 (ant and arin exit. ana looks up foward the tower. FATHER returns, les for her) Coming! sTovTeLLER: Days went by, and though Anna ‘saw no sign of Fenist. But she felt his presence; she knew he was few hundred feet away from her—but in which direction? _ fen enters, crabbing the flor of the reo’ bedroom. A dor eso stage ‘Then one morning (sana ets eth large ceed ray ling ord 00, wh es her cand jumps up to help.) sod moming, Your highness santa: Uh yes axa (Reaching or te) Lt me help you with that, (santa jr he ay my here comes of re hae want brig hey ak roof her ing Hore dead stares a the us, never the other way around. (awa drops othe ground at manera’ fet casing, mooi J a ae goes to he ower door manta sts th ry dee i key; unlocks the dor, picks tray up and goes trough, cls ites at he hand. ANNA sees the feather and gasps.) ‘Mana: (Hearing the gasp, looking down.) What? What Manta: A gift... from an admirer. ANNA: A falcon feather, isn’t i? Manta: Yes! How did you know? ‘ANa: I'm very fond of falcons. [won't allow them to be hurt. .. by anyone. sansa: ll keep that in mind. cn watching her go. Then ANNA ret the tower comes up quietly behind her. Ashe gets there, ANNA. Farmer: You would be making a grave mistake to underestimate the Tearevna, (ANNA turns.) With a snap of her fingers she can summon up es that will erush yor you are a threat to h ariteR: Of course. And he'llstay here, until he marries her, or he dies. anna: No! aren: And soon her highness won’t care which comes a funeral. (ANNA turns back tthe door, as RATHER exits que awna: Then we have to save him. She has the key to this door—do you she keeps if? (ANNA, rot hearing any anstoer, turns finds Pax (sronvrevur fakes an old book, hands it fo axa, and exits.) ANNA: (Reading,) ... and so the brave, handsome Prince lifted the wicked “Tuar by his greasy beard and toosed him into the beautiful maiden in his arms and carried her happi ‘The End. manta: Where did you ANNA: In the: axta: No! ‘Awwa: Would you like to hear the one called “The Tsarevna and the Twelve Pigs"? ‘manta: NO! Why haven’t you spun any gold yet? four highness, this castle was a shambles. T still haven’t cleaned the armory, six bathrooms, the t MARTA: You stay away from the tower! “ANNA: Yes, Ma‘am. ‘ARTA: And spin something, right now. Something I can wear tomorrow. ANNA: Yes, your highness (awa slarts the spinning wheel, which hums quietly.) BREAK YOUR NECK ana: Funderstan, your highness nants: (AS humming gts ber) Good. Ab, that humming sound Sawn... Temakes me sleepy assnas Would you ike mete stop? deanta: No. Keep working. fil the oom with go... yawn... Fst ignore me if that posible. lumming snares Mata Begins fo Maman santo ok nies fae) _ THE FALCON ee ‘ANNa: Your highness! Yoo hoo! for the key, manta snortsawate,) ‘MARTA: What? What's going... (waza sinks back to sleep.) ANNA: Allright, you bonehead, where's cA quickly starts to search the Be ooking anna looks ba MARTA har stom: Teh hil coe hat clink up et ase, There are no sisters to hel i at strange oldman by te ideo cor wealwayeare and a (anna enters the os moving. ANNA sees hi th her lantern, ooking around, wetst is cen tohim.) ve come so far... Fenist, [do er. mans’ hand Awwa: Never try never know... (Boinging sound heard faintly, getting louder.) ventst: Anna... . Anna? What's that sound? ANNA: What sound? vexist: That sound? Is that your heart? ‘Awwa: Gumping up, looking out window.) It’s my balll vents: Pardon? 362 _Greg Palmer : “axewa: The three sisters have sent the yarn ball! We can follow it across the ‘mountains! sexist: Dogs chase balls, Birds do not. aNNa: (Taking charge.) Nonserse. Get up, get ready. (Shouting to ball.) Wait there! We're coming! (To Faxist) We'te almost free! renist: Lam for you, Anna ‘anna: And Lam for you, Fenist. (They enst: Birds invented kissing, Let us go. ‘ANNA: Together. )You kiss very well, fora bird. (anna and venisr exit. STORYTELLER enters, fam behind hin.) sronvrenten: The Ts and went after them. But in the ‘mountains, in the dark, she fouind her heart wasn’t in the chase. She let them go--and went back te her castle, to wait for the next falcon passing by: Ina few days Anna and Fenist were home again. the end of the story. What did her father say? What do her sisters do? Do they happy together? awa: Ni "Anna and Eenist marry? sstonYTRLLER: What do y ana: I think her father was overjoyed to have them back and gave his il wedding, and they lived especially happy ever having a few icks of their own? She'll be anna: No. They ¥ ‘scarerna: Why? [ANNa: Because she will teach him how to love. And he will teach her how LL be happy. sir, I that how the story ends? rey long time. We try as best we late, and morning is near. (All you like to stay the night? sroryTstLeR: Thank you, no, [still have a long way to go. 'EaTHHER: Mog zan dee; good-bye then. (rarHux begins fo exit.) ANNA: Wait! Where's Tevdore? THE FALCON 363 varunn (Stopping taking her hands) He went home ail ago. Hes new how fhe story ended hese are cows wake 2" Hea RE axa’ Oh (rare looks for alo What should Io? sronvrstian: Tear efor you ana Tevdore i very sweet STORYTHLLE: Yes, he is. Anl he will love you and take care of work hard alse to make you happy. You must Barnes for that sororkhatdallislet ake youtppy You mast blame io arin: (Ofte) Anna! Are you coming? awa: Yes. 1. 1'm looking for something storvnezian: I'm going, Anna soma: Please ‘ou that. Ican only tell you what others have done SToRYTELLAN: The moment to decide comes without warning for most and weiss Some day youl realize how lucky you Were caren revoons vais flower out to her, " "avons: Anna... (ANNA looks up from the Bos, bu des ur to fice hi)

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