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Culinary translations

A local speciality, Meat and Potato Pie, served with Henderson’s Relish, commonly
known as “Hendos”, exclusively produced in Sheffield, Yorkshire (UK).

For this weekend, we would like to propose an absolutely British recipe, which our
"correspondent from Sheffield" Stephanie Patterson has kindly prepared for us.

Meat and Potato Pie

Serves 4
600g diced beef

1 large, finely-chopped onion

3 beef OXO or stock cubes

1 tablespoon Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce or Henderson’s relish

1litre water

100g of beef gravy mix

600g or 6 medium potatoes - peeled and cut into quarters

500g ready-to-roll or homemade shortcrust pastry

½ teaspoon salt for the potatoes

1 beaten egg

1. Add beef, onions, stock cubes, relish and water to a large pan or slow cooker.

2. Bring to the boil and reduce heat and cook slowly until the beef is tender. Add gravy mix until the
gravy is rich and thick. Leave to cool.
3. Put the potatoes in a saucepan and top up with water until it just covers them. Add a pinch of salt to
the water. Boil the potatoes with salt until they are just cooked through but still firm. Drain the
potatoes and leave with the beef to cool (if the fillings are not left to cool, they will make the pastry
soggy and difficult to handle).

4. Roll the pastry to a thickness of approximately 1cm and line the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Add the
potatoes and pour over the beef, making sure that the meat pieces are spread evenly. Top up with
gravy until both the meat and potatoes are covered. Cover the entire surface of the dish and trim the
edges to create a tidy finish.

5. Make 3 diagonal cuts in the pastry to release any steam. Using a soft brush, cover the pastry with a
thin wash of beaten egg. This will give the pastry a nice brown finish.
6. Put in the oven, pre-heated to 200° until pastry is browned and the filling is piping hot.
7. Serve with plenty of extra gravy and Henderson’s relish and enjoy!

To find more about and to purchase Henderson’s Relish, click here:

To know more about and to purchase Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce, click here:

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