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Lindsey Huynh


CUIN 4375

Classroom Management Plan


I believe for students to thrive they need to be exuberant and feel easeful and appreciated.
Exuberant means filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement or growing
luxuriantly or profusely. I want my students to be engaged and enjoy themselves when they are
learning in my classroom every day. For that to happen, I will provide exciting activities and
games for them to learn from rather than boring lectures and worksheets. I will get them out of
their seat and involved to dive into learning something new. I will get my students to want to
learn more instead of dread it. Easeful means providing or offering comfort or peace. I want my
students to feel like they are comfortable in my classroom. I will emphasize that they will not be
judged when they do not understand something or get something wrong. This way they can be
themselves so they can express themselves and their thoughts. They will be free to make mistake
to learn from them. Appreciated means recognize the full worth of, understand fully or recognize
the full implications of. I want my students to know that I recognize their strengths. I understand
that sometimes they might not understand everything, and they may be wrong, but I know they
are doing the best they can. I will make sure they know that the mistakes or misunderstandings
will not define them, rather the good and the effort they do will.

I want to run a daycare, but I want to start out teaching either Pre-K or Kindergarten
when I graduate to build teaching experience for the little ones who will be attending my
daycare. I want to be able to prepare them for the next step in their lives and feel confident
enough to take on bigger things. The reason why I want to work with younger kids is that when I
worked at a daycare I really enjoyed working with the infants and toddlers. I mostly played with
them but they took a liking to me quickly. I was able to make them feel comfortable even when
other could not. I felt like that was a huge accomplishment for me and that is the main reason
why I want my students to be comfortable in my classroom.

The new infant that was just enrolled into our daycare. The parents coddled her a lot to
the point where she would cry when she saw a stranger or got close to one. For about a week or
two she was still crying all day until her parents picked her up. If we left her alone she would
stop. We could not get close to her or even look at her because if she noticed she would start
bawling again. The teacher I was working under gave up on her. However, I kept trying and I
was finally able to sit next to her and play with her without her crying. She may not ever
remember that moment, but I will forever remember it. This goes the same for when I came back
to visit and another toddler was feeling very anxious. She was crying and upset because she was
not feeling well and there were many strangers wanting to play with her. The teacher could not
calm her, if anything the toddler pushed her away and she gave up. But when I walked in, she
crawled straight to me and stopped crying when I picked her up. Her mood changed completely
and she seemed more excited to see me than her being sick and anxious.

I believe that I took the time to appreciate the children and not give up on them and that
was why I was able to comfort and calm them when others could not. I want this to show in my
classroom for my students because I believe this will help me to help them. I also think it is so
exciting when the infants and toddlers achieve little things like roll over or eat with a spoon. This
is the same with younger children. They feel like they have accomplished something so big when
for adults, we do not even think twice about. That excitement they show is what I enjoy seeing
and want to continue seeing every day. Also, I believe younger children can brighten your day
with just an innocent smile and twinkling eyes.

I wanted my classroom to be vibrant and have some character to it so I made sure to

provide as many colors as I could without having it be too overwhelming. I believe this will
make my students excited to be in the classroom and engage them to want to learn. As you can
see I chose to put the students’ tables right in the middle of the room so that they know they are
the focus of the class. I want them to be open to the room and with what they will be learning
they should be open minded rather than closed off. I put my desk and the small group instruction
desk in the middle of the room but more so that my back would be facing a wall. This way I can
monitor my students and demonstrate withitness when I am working on my own things or
working with a small group. It also shows the students that I am always watching.

Along two of the walls is where I placed the workstations the students will be working at.
Each one has their own space and in a way are divided from one another if I felt was necessary.
The play/ block center is divided from the other stations by shelves. This is so the students will
know the materials I have placed in that area will stay in that area and should not be found
somewhere else. I also placed it next to the small group instruction area that way I can keep a
closer eye on those students to make sure they do not misbehave. Next is the art station which is
by cabinets so the students can have easy access to the supplies needed and place them back
when not needed. I left it open without a divider next to the science station because I want my
students to be able to easily access the sink. I feel like the art and the science station is where
most of my students will need to wash up after and for that reason left it without a divider. Next
to the science station is the reading center. I placed a bookshelf to divide the two areas so that the
books will stay in the reading center, but also so the readers can have their own area. I placed
two sofas and left it open next to the carpet area to allow the students space to spread out. This
also gives them the choice on where they would like to read too.

The classroom rules/ norms will be determined on the first day of school and continue to
be added throughout the first week of school. I want my students to be able to really think about
what they want the rules/ norms to be without the pressure of having to be stuck with what they
decided on the first day. I believe this will make them more concrete because the students had
time to make them permanent. The first few rules, however, will be written by me and be
permanent. They include (1) to be exuberant and feel easeful and appreciated, (2) we are a family
and the classroom is our home, that means we will care, respect, and support one another, (3)
there are no judgements, (4) mistakes are not a bad thing we just need to fix them, and (5) if help
is needed just ask. The rest of the rules/ norms will be decided together by the students and me
on what we want the classroom to be like. I want to be able to work together in the best interest
of each child and for that to happen I want communication to be open in my classroom. I believe
that I cannot help if I do not know what is going on. So, to best support my students, I will
provide an open line of communication between parents and administrators. I will send a weekly
newsletter and a personal message home each month to the parents. This way they can be
updated on their child.

I will begin and end my class with reflection time. This will be an open discussion and
the topics could be what did you learn yesterday or today, how was your day, is there anything
you would like to tell me or get off your chest, and more. I will then get the students excited on
what they will be learning that day after morning reflection and inform them about the schedule
for the day. I will end the day after reflection making sure my students enjoyed what they learned

that and that they had a good day. If not I would take the time to see why not, then help however
I can to improve it. I plan for transitions and interruptions to be smooth because the students will
be excited to move from one activity to another. Similar to Rafe in Teach Like Your Hair’s on
Fire, the students will know that if they misbehave during an activity, they will sit out on that
activity and they won’t want that. I want my students to be engaged but I want them to also be
responsible too. This will hold students accountable and make sure that they know some actions
have consequences. I believe it is a logical and clear consequence. Students will know that each
station or center should be neat and items should be put back where they are found before
moving to the next area. There is a cleanup period just for this reason and everyone needs to
work together before they can move on.

I will encourage and respond to all my students, regardless of ability the same. This
means I will treat everyone equally, encourage them the same, and make sure I support them the
same to the best of my ability. I also do not want fragmentation in my class either. I know some
students may need certain accommodations and differentiated instruction, but I do not want to
single individuals out. This is also where my set rules will come to play too. “We are a family
and the classroom is our home, that means we will care, respect, and support one another, there
are no judgements, mistakes are not a bad thing we just need to fix them, and if help is needed
just ask.” The students will understand that even though we all may be different that’s what
makes us unique and unique is a good thing. We all want the same thing though which is to be
exuberant and feel easeful and appreciated. I will encourage the students with I-messages and not
praise them. I will also use the Three C’s that Linda Albert stated about in cooperative discipline:
capable, connect and contribute.

The students’ role in classroom management is that students are held accountable and
they know some actions have consequences. If they misbehave during an activity they will sit out
on that activity and they won’t want that. It defeats the purpose of being engaged and my
students will not want to just sit and watch their classmates. They will be responsible. If I see the
behavior is fixed and the student works hard to try to rejoin the activity I will allow it because
mistakes are not a bad thing we just need to fix them. I will encourage student involvement and
connectedness by reminding the student we are a family and family helps and supports one
another. We all have a role to play and we all need to do our part and if help is needed just ask.
The rules I have provided on the first day of school will guide my students to be involved and
connected and I also believe classmates will help one another out too.

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