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1. Read the information about past perfect, try to understand its grammar structure

2. Pay attention to the teacher explanation

3. Look up the unknown vocabulary

• Combine the two sentences into one sentence.

• Use a linking word such as: when, because, and, etc. to link the sentences.

• Do not change the order of the sentences.

• Change the verb form used in one of the sentence to past perfect. Follow the example.


They couldn’t open the ambulance doors. Mr. Bean parked behind it.

They couldn’t open the ambulance doors because Mr. Bean had parked behind it.


1. The men started fighting. Mr. Bean pinched one of the men bottom.

The men started fighting because. Mr. Bean had pinched one of the men bottom.

2. Every saw Mr.Bean’s hand in the teapot. They laughed.

Every saw Mr.Bean’s when hand in the teapot. They laughed. before

3. Mr. Bean tried to steal his ticket. The old man woke up.

Mr. Bean tried before to steal his ticket. The old man woke up. already

4. Mr. Bean sat down again. The woman let go of the teapot.

When Mr. Bean sat down again. after The woman let go of the teapot

5. Mr.Bean slept. He dropped his ticket on the floor.

When Mr.Bean slept. He dropped already his ticket on the floor.

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