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Running head: SLP INTERVIEW 1

Speech Language Pathologist Interview

Yadira Adame-Lopez

Brandman University: EDUU 675  

May 31, 2020 


Speech Language Pathologist Interview

The interview was conducted over the phone. Before the interview the interviewer wrote down

the questions that were going to be asked. These are the question:

1. How do you assess for diagnosis of ASD? Only assess for language disorders in ASD.

Use standardized test and observational assessments (checklist). Examples of assessment

tools are Comprehensive Receptive & Expressive Vocabulary Test, Clinical Evaluation

of Language Fundamentals, and Language Processing test.

2. How do you assess as part of the IEP and ongoing progress monitoring? Write IEP goals

based on the areas in which the student has difficulty using the results from the

assessment. Take data and report monthly and annually on the student’s progress.

3. What communication disorders do you see in students with ASD? Receptive &

expressive language, social pragmatic articulation, and voice disorder

4. What types of assistive technology have you use with students? Assistive technology

specialist completes assessment for AAC. High tech device for communication using a

tablet. Low tech- picture exchange communication system.

5. How do you collaborate with classroom teachers? Exchange information about student’s

progress. Write goals together.

6. What are your thoughts about providing group therapy, and what are the benefits?

Beneficial to students as long as the group is not too big (2-3). Pros: Work on social skills

(turn-taking, sharing materials, conversation, staying on topic) Cons: do not get to focus

on individual student. Likes to have a combination of individual and group therapy.


7. How do you assess non-native English speaking students? Use standardized test that are

in the student’s native language. Do test in both languages to compare differences.

8. Describe a challenging case? Was not able to make progress in the student’s

communication challenges. Difficulty finding the right communication device or method

due to medical reasons (neurological), setting, time, and behaviors.

9. How are you providing therapy to the students during this time of distance learning?

Teletherapy using ZOOM

10. Do you like using ZOOM to provide speech therapy? Yes, had some doubts but now she

finds them beneficial it is a new skill she plans to continue. For students that are lower

functioning she did require parent support



After my interview I realize that every child is unique and will have different

communication and language challenges. As we have already learned ASD is a spectrum and

students will have different combinations of the characteristics of ASD. The speech language

pathologist is the person to reach out to if we observe that a student is having challenges in

communication and language. The areas in which the students can have difficulty are receptive

& expressive language, social pragmatic articulation, and voice disorder. The SLP comes into the

classroom once a week to provide therapy to all the students in the classroom that needs services

based on their individual education plan (IEP), it is a good idea for the teacher to touch based

with the SLP and talk about any concerns or ask advice on how to support students in the areas

of communication and language. Make sure to collaborate with the SLP when writing the IEP


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