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Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal

Chest Pain & Pain Radiation Cough Abdominal pain

Exercise Tolerance Wheezing Bowel Changes- Blood in stool
Diarrhea/ Constipation
Shortness of Breaths Shortness of Breath Heartburn/ Indigestion
Palpitations/Irregularity in Sputum- Colour/ Thickness Trouble Swallowing
Heartbeat - Viscosity, quantity
Pain in legs when walking Blood Unintentional Weight Loss
Ankle Swelling Chest Pain Vomit/ Nausea
- Blood
*Bitter/ Metal Taste in mouth
(Medication history)

C = current medication taken

O= Other medication taken

P= previous medication

H= hypersensitivity

A= abnormal reaction / side effects

C= concordance

(Responding to symptoms)

A = Age/appearance

S= Self / someone else

M= Medication used for the problem

E= Extra medication

T= timing


O=Other symptoms

D= danger symptoms

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