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Oil spills often occur due to accidents, when people make

mistakes or equipment break down. Other causes include
natural disasters or deliberate acts that pollute the
environment, especially the sea. Oil spills have important
environmental and economic effects.
Oil spills can also affect human health. These effects may
depend on what type of oil was spilled and where (on
land, in a river or at sea). Other factors include what type
of exposure and how much exposure there was. People
who clean up spills are at greater risk. Problems may
include skin and eye irritation, neurological and
respiratory problems, and stress.

When there is an oil leak in a body of water, as the sea

is called an oil spill. This can cause a lot of damage to
marine flora and fauna. The spillage effects can
depend on what type of oil is spilled and where (on
land, in a river or in the sea). These spills can also
affect health. The greatest risk is the people who clean
up the spills, for example, the case of PETRO PERU,
where most of the population, flora, fauna and
economic losses were affected. Most of it will be used
for gasoline in cars or it will be used to make plastic.

Ubicación de
la comunidad
Cuninico, en la
región Loreto

La empresa estatal Petroperú

sostiene, nuevamente, que el
derrame habría sido causado
por terceros
Uchichiangos. Zona de
uno de los derrames del
Oleoducto Nor Peruano.

Un poblador kukama de Cuninico

muestra los estragos del derrame en
el ecosistema que lo rodea

Mayores accidentes de
petroleros en aguas
costeras de Europa en los
años 1966-1999
Vista aérea de la
Comunidad Nativa
de Cuninico en

El del 2015 fue el único

en el que no estuvo
involucrado Petroperú.
La empresa Pluspetrol
aseguró que fue
consecuencia de un acto

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