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com J Tradit Chin Med 2016 October 15; 36(5): 555-563 ISSN 0255-2922
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Review of systematic reviews and Meta-analyses investigating

Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Liu Meijun, Liu Zhicheng, Xu Bin, Zhang Wei, Cai Jianwei

Liu Meijun, Zhang Wei, Sichuan Suining City First People's if they met the inclusion criteria, and data were ex-
Hospital, Suining 629000, China; the Second Clinical Medi- tracted. A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic
cal College of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nan- Reviews (AMSTAR) was used to classify research
jing 210023, China
quality, and the evidence quality was graded by
Liu Zhicheng, The Second Clinical Medical College of Nan-
jing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China
the Grade of Recommendation, Assessment, Devel-
Xu Bin, Key Laboratory of Integrated Acupuncture and opment, and Evaluation (GRADE) system.
Drugs (Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine), Ministry of
Education, Nanjing 210023, China RESULTS: Eighteen systematic reviews and me-
Cai Jianwei, The Second Clinical Medical College of Nanjing ta-analyses were considered. Fifteen analyzed the
University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China efficacy of Chinese herbal medicines, and three in-
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of vestigated the efficacy of acupuncture. AMSTAR
China (No. 30873307, 81373749, 81574071), and the People
evaluation ranged from 3-10, and re-evaluation of
Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's
the main results implied that treatment of T2DM
Seventh Framework Programme under REA grant agree-
ment (No. PIRSES-GA-2013-612589) with TCM has certain advantages when compared
Correspondence to: Prof. Xu Bin, Key Laboratory of Inte- with conventional Western medicine. However, the
grated Acupuncture and Drugs (Nanjing University of Chi- evidence quality was generally low.
nese Medicine), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, Chi-
naxuuuux@sina. com CONCLUSION: This work shows favorable evidence
Telephone: +86-25-86798095 for the clinical treatment of TCM on T2DM. Howev-
Accepted: September 27, 2015 er, it is recommended that evidence-based deci-
sions are made based on clinical trials because of
the GRADE scores of the studies. To achieve high-
er quality of clinical research, clinical research on
Abstract TCM requires specific and suitable research meth-
OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of the systematic ods. Further trials may increase the quality of evi-
reviews and meta-analyses on the Traditional Chi- dence to evaluate the clinical efficacy of TCM for
nese Medicine (TCM) treatment of type 2 diabetes T2DM.
mellitus (T2DM).

METHODS: We searched PubMed, Cochrane, Web © 2016 JTCM. All rights reserved.
of Science, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database
(CBM), China National Knowledge Infrastructure Key words: Medicine, Chinese traditional; Diabetes
(CNKI), China Science and Technology Journal Data- Mellitus, type 2; Review; Meta-analysis
base (VIP), Wanfang, and other databases from da-
tabase inception to May 2014 for systematic re-
views and meta-analyses on TCM treatment of
T2DM. Manuscripts were read by two investigators Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common disease

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 555 October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

with a complex etiology. World Health Organization #2 Type 2 diabetes mellitus [MeSH Terms]
reported that in 2000 there were 151 million people #3 T2DM
suffering from diabetes worldwide, and that an estimat- #4 Meta-Analysis
ed 300 million people will suffer from diabetes in #5 Meta-Analysis [MeSH Terms]
2025.1,2 The current pace of development of diabetes #6 Meta-Analysis [Publication Type]
has far exceeded expectations. The prevalence of diabe- #7 Systematic review
tes and prediabetes among Chinese adults is 9.7% and #8 #1 OR #2 OR #3
15.5% , respectively,3,4 up from less than 1% in 1980, #9 #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7
2.5% in 1994, and 5.5% in 2000. Diabetes is a risk fac- #10 #8 AND #9
tor for cardiovascular disease and stroke, which caused
29 million deaths by 2010.5,6 T2DM can cause a vari- Inclusion criteria
ety of complications if blood glucose levels are not con- (a) Systematic Review or meta-analysis on TCM treat-
trolled, and results in the use of medications, high out- ment for T2DM as a primary intervention with at least
patient and inpatient costs, and requires expensive diag- one randomized controlled trial (RCT) either in Eng-
nostic tests. Furthermore, absenteeism from recurrent lish or Chinese. (b) The original study objects were pa-
symptoms can cause indirect economic losses. Modern tients with T2DM or in accordance with the relevant
treatment for T2DM is mainly via Western Medicine. domestic or overseas diagnostic criteria, not limited by
However, severe side-effects of medications make com- sex and ethnicity. (c) The interventions were mainly
plementary and alternative therapies more appealing TCM therapy, including herbal medicine (e. g. herb
among patients and clinicians. These complementary compounds, single herb, Chinese patent medicine, or
treatments include herbs, acupuncture, and other Tradi- herbal extracts), acupuncture (e. g. acupuncture, moxi-
tional Chinese Medicine (TCM).7 bustion, acupoint injection, acupoint application, or
A systematic review re-evaluates collected systematic auricular acupuncture), and massage. (d) The latest or
reviews on the treatment, diagnosis, and other aspects the most detailed edition was chosen for repeatedly
of specific disease or health problems, and can provide published literature. (e) The grey literature like confer-
a higher quality of evidence for readers.8 Numerous sys- ence papers meeting the above criteria was considered.
tematic reviews and meta-analyses on TCM manage- Exclusion criteria
ment of T2DM have been published. However, the (a) Comparative studies on different Chinese medicine
methodological quality and limitations of individual therapies (e. g. Chinese herbal medicine vs acupunc-
studies has resulted in a lack of quality evidence. There- ture or herb compounds vs Chinese patent medicine);
fore, this study aims to re-evaluate the systematic re- (b) quality assessment and methodological studies for
views and meta-analyses, and classify their quality of systematic reviews; and (c) abstracts or comments for
evidence using the Grade of Recommendation, As- conference papers.
sessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE)
system. Literature screening and review data extraction
Two individual investigators read all titles and ab-
stracts, and research that was obviously in accordance
MATERIALS AND METHODS with the exclusion criteria was eliminated, while those
initially meeting the inclusion criteria were read in full.
Search strategy Discrepancies were resolved by discussion or involve-
PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science, Chinese Biomedi- ment of the third investigator. Information extracted
cal Literature Database (CBM), China National from the review data included: title, author, source, ob-
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), China Science and ject of study, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, treat-
Technology Journal Database (VIP), and Wanfang da- ment group interventions, control group interventions,
tabases were searched on computer from database in- course of treatment, quality assessment methods, index-
ception to May 2014. The grey literature was also es for therapeutic effects, and adverse events. After
searched using the CNKI and Wanfang doctor/master completing the data extraction form, crosschecking
thesis database. Different combinations of key words was executed between the two investigators.
and random words (Cochrane Library [MeSH],
PubMed [MeSH], CBM [MeSH]) were chosen based Assessment of literature quality and evidence quality
on different databases. Meanwhile, the references at- The methodological quality of included systematic re-
tached to the article or related reviews were tracked, views or meta-analyses was evaluated by A Measure-
and interventions were excluded from the retrieval ment Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR).
strategy. Search terms included: type 2 diabetes melli- The AMSTAR tables include 11 items, each with com-
tus, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis. The search ment options of "YES," "NO," "NOT CLEAR," or
strategy was presented as follows, taking the Cochrane "NOT USED." Each item with the answer "YES" is re-
Library as an example. corded as 1 point, while answers to the rest are record-
#1 Type 2 diabetes mellitus ed as 0 points, for a potential total of 11.9 The quality

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 556 October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

classification by AMSTAR scores is as follows: 0-4 is papers on the systematic reviews or meta-analyses
low, 4-8 is medium, and 9-11 is high. The evidence whose interventions did not meet the exclusion crite-
quality of the systematic reviews was assessed by ria, and one research comment. Finally, 18 papers were
GRADE. Evidence classification is as follows: (a) high included.10-27 There were six manuscripts published in
quality (very confident that the real effects are close to English,22-27 including one Cochrane review,26 and 12
those estimated; (b) medium quality (medium confi- Chinese manuscripts10-21 published from 2003 to 2013.
dence that the real effects are close to those estimated); The literature screening procedure is shown in Figure 1.
(c) low quality (limited confidence that the real effects
are close to those estimated); and (d) very low quality Basic characteristics and quality assessment of
(almost no confidence that the real effects compare included literature
with those estimated). There were 15 systematic reviews and meta-analyses10,
12-20, 22, 23, 25-27
on the efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal
treatment for T2DM, among the 18 papers. The herb-
RESULTS al medicines used included: (a) Chinese patent medi-
cines, including Liuweidihuang pills; (b) herbal ex-
Literature search results tracts like berberine and green tea extracts; and (c)
Eighty papers were searched after preliminary retrieval. point injection formulations (e. g. astragalus injection,
Ten repeated studies were excluded by literature man- puerarin injection, and Shengmai injection). The re-
agement software (EndNote X6), while five did not maining three papers11,21,24 evaluated the efficacy of acu-
meet the inclusion criteria. Therefore, 65 papers were puncture therapy on T2DM. Two papers11,21 assessed
initially included. After reading the full text of each pa- the efficacy of point injection, and the final paper24
per, the following were excluded: 15 systematic re- studied the efficacy of acupuncture. The methodologi-
views, three repeated conference papers/journal arti- cal quality of the studies was evaluated by AMSTAR,
cles, three papers on literature quality assessment, five with total points ranging from 3 to 10. Six papers were

Obtain relative literature by searching

the databases (n = 80)
PubMed (n = 5), Cochrane (n = 10), Obtain relative literature by other
Web of Science (n = 6), CNKI (n = 21), sources
VIP (n = 11), Wanfang (n = 9), (n = 0)
CBM (n = 18)

Exclude the repeated

(n = 65)

Exclude (n = 30)
Preliminary screening by Non-research literature like journals items
reading the tiles and (n = 6), column introduction (n = 5),
abstracts (n = 65) submission instructions (n = 8),
conference notices (n = 9), news reports
Not in accord with the inclusive criteria
(n = 2)
Re-screening by reading
the full paper
(n = 35)
Exclude (n = 17)
Systematic review (n = 5)
Incorporate qualitative Interventions not in accord with
synthesized literature the inclusive criteria (n = 5)
(n = 18) Comment paper about the
literature quality (n = 3)
Repeated conference paper and
journal published paper (n = 3)
Incorporate quantitative Research comment (n = 1)
synthesized (Meta analysis)
literature (n = 18)

Figure 1 Literature screening procedure and results

CBM: Chinese Biomedical Literature Database; CNKI: China National Knowledge Infrastructure; VIP: China Science and Technology
Journal Database.

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 557 October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

classified as high quality and five as medium quality. In- that TCM treatment can exert on T2DM, and there
formation on the included studies is presented in Table 1. are few adverse reactions, such as hypoglycemia, when
compared with Western drugs alone. Furthermore,
Results of re-evaluation treatment by Chinese medicine plus Western Medicine
Ten papers12-16,19-20,22-23,26 evaluated the efficacy and safety was superior to that of Western Medicine alone.
of Chinese patent medicine treatment for T2DM. T2DM is categorized as "Xiao Ke" in TCM, and was
There was one26 Cochrane systematic review. The re- first mentioned in the Chinese book Su Wen Qi Bing
sults suggested some clinical efficacy of Chinese patent Lun.28 An alternative name for "Xiao Ke" is described
medicine when compared with conventional Western in Huang Di Nei Jing29 as "Xiao Dan, " "Fei Xiao," or
medicine or placebo treatment. However, the GRADE "Ge Xiao" based on different pathogeneses and symp-
classification ranged from low quality to very low quali- toms. TCM theorizes that the internal organs weak-
ty, because of the low quality of eligible research. Three ness, excessive intake of fat and sugar, and mood disor-
papers14,15,22 assessed the efficacy of Liuweidihuang pills ders are the main causes of "Xiao Ke" The pathogenesis
in the treatment of T2DM compared with convention- is based on body fluid loss dryness-heat, according to
al Western medicine. The AMSTAR scores were 4, 4, TCM. Furthermore, a lack of Yin is its intrinsic factor,
and 9, respectively. Meta-analysis showed superior effi- while dryness-heat is its extrinsic factor. The most com-
cacy of Liuweidihuang pills for T2DM compared with monly evaluated drug among the Chinese patent drugs
conventional Western Medicine. However, limitations was Liuweidihuang pills, which is composed of pre-
in the original research resulted in a GRADE classifica- pared prepared Dihuang (Radix Rehmanniae), Shan-
tion of low quality.
zhuyu (Fructus Macrocarpii), Shanyao (Rhizoma Di-
Three papers10,25,27 evaluated the clinical efficacy of herb-
oscoreae Oppositae), Zexie (Rhizoma Alismatis), Mudan-
al extracts (berberine and the green tea extracts) for
pi (Cortex Moutan Radicis), Fuling(Poria). The herbs
T2DM. The research to evaluate the clinical efficacy of
can help to improve liver and kidney function. In dia-
berberine was based on randomized double-blind place-
betes patients treated with Liuweidihuang pills for
bo-controlled trials. The results showed that herbal
12 weeks, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c concentra-
medicines have some clinical efficacy when compared
with placebo treatment. Despite the high methodologi- tions decreased, blood NO levels increased, endothelin
cal quality, factors like small sample size and publica- (ET) contents decreased, and superoxide dismutase
tion bias resulted in a GRADE classification of medi- and glutathione peroxidase increased significantly the
um quality. One systematic review27 included seven treatment group than the control group
clinical trials on using green tea extracts for T2DM. pared with before intervention.30 These results suggest
Meta-analysis of the trials found that green tea extracts that the use of Liuweidihuang pills in the early stages
were not significantly different in overall clinical effica- of diabetes can help to reduce blood glucose levels, im-
cy and other indicators in patients when compared prove oxidative stress, and recover NO-ET levels.
with the placebo treatment. Therefore, it can protect injured endothelial cells and
Two systematic reviews11,21 analyzed the efficacy of as- prevent the subsequent macrovascular complications of
tragalus injection, puerarin injection, and Shengmai in- diabetes. We found that TCM has advantages in the
jection treatment for T2DM2. Meta-analysis showed treatment of T2DM when compared with the clinical-
that astragalus injection was clinically effective in ly used drugs. However, the original research method-
T2DM patients [RR = 1. 58, 95% CI (1. 20, 2. 09)] ological limitations resulted in low GRADE classifica-
when compared with the control group, and point in- tions for quality of evidence and low credibility of the
jection of puerarin was significantly better than the assessment results. The relevant herbal extracts or herb-
control group [RR = 1. 28, 95% CI (1. 11, 1. 47)]. al medicine compounds have attracted the attention of
However, the GRADE classification was very low quali-
global researchers because of developments in the for-
ty because of limitations, wide confidence intervals,
mulation and preparation, and the controllability of
small sample size, and publication bias.
clinical studies. Among them was berberine, which can
One systematic review on the treatment of T2DM by
acupunctures published by Tae-Hun Kim24 studied the control blood glucose and improve diabetes symptoms
efficacy and safety of acupunctures therapy vs conven- by improving the insulin resistance, inhibiting gluco-
tional Western Medicine interventions. The meta-anal- neogenesis, and reducing cholesterol.31-33 Additional in-
ysis suggested that acupuncture improved clinical effi- vestigations that compare Western and Chinese medi-
cacy compared with conventional Western Medicine. cine are required to meet the development needs of the
No severe side-effects were observed. However, the bias next era.34
risk for the original study resulted in a GRADE classifi- The eligible 18 systematic reviews and Meta-analyses
cation of low quality. on the treatment of T2DM by TCM were published
between 2002 and 2013. There were 12 Chinese pa-
pers with AMSTAR from 3 to 10, and six English pa-
DISCUSSION pers with AMSTAR from 5 to 10. The methodological
This study found that there are certain clinical effects quality was relatively low for Chinese papers when

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 558 October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |
Table 1 Basic features, methodology, and evidence quality of included studies
Eligible Interventions for the Interventions for AMSTAR GRADE
n Quality Outcome index Main results of the systematic review and meta analysis
study treatment group the control group scores classification
Naren 10 Chinese medicine Western drugs Low FBG, 2hPBG, Berberine may reduce the fasting blood glucose of T2DM, but 10 1. Low
QMG (herbal compounds (glipizide, HbA1c, adverse is not superior to glipizide, metformin, rosiglitazone, or other [1, 4]
et al or herbal extracts) metformin, effects, drugs 2. Low
201210 rosiglitazone, Side-effects of berberine treatment for T2DM was less severe, [1, 5]
etc. ) and placebo mainly including gastrointestinal symptoms, and no

Li KJ 4 Point injection Blank control Low Clinical efficacy Astragalus injection treatment for T2DM showed a significant 3 Very low

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com

et al Jadad scores clinical effect, compared with the control group [RR = 1. 58, [1, 2, 4]
2008 11 for 1 95% CI (1. 20, 2. 09)]
Peng JL 6 Chinese patent Western drugs, Low Clinical efficacy, Jinqijiangtang troche treatment for T2DM showed a significant 7 Low
et al medicine placebo FBG, 2hPBG, clinical effect compared with the placebo group [RR = 0. 65, [1, 4, 5]
201312 (Jinqijiang Tang HbA1c, adverse 95% CI (0. 41, 1. 03)]
troche) effects
Li JB 7 Chinese medicine Western drugs No FBG, 2hPBG, Chinese medicine (alone or combined with Western Medicine) 4 Cannot
et al (herbal compounds assessment HbA1c, adverse treatment for T2DM showed significant clinical effects without judge
201313 or Chinese patent effects severe adverse effects
medicine) or
combine with

Western Medicine
Chen YJ 5 Chinese patent Blank control Low Clinical efficacy Liuweidihuang pill treatment for T2DM showed a significant 4 Low
201114 medicine Jadad scores clinical effect compared with the blank control group [RR = 1. [1, 4, 5]
(Liuweidihuang pills) for 1 21, 95% CI (1. 11, 1. 31)]
Li KJ 5 Chinese patent Blank control Low Clinical efficacy Liuweidihuang pill treatment for T2DM showed a significant 4 Low
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

et al medicine Jadad scores clinical effect compared with the blank control group [RR = 1. [1, 4, 5]
200915 (Liuweidihuang pills) for 1 24, 95% CI (1. 07, 1. 43)]
Xu ZY 12 Chinese patent Western drugs Low FBG, HbA1c, Xiaoke Wan treatment for T2DM could improve total efficacy 6 Low [1, 4]
et al medicine (Xiaoke (Metformin, Jadad scores adverse effects when compared with conventional medicine [OR = 3. 11, 95%
201316 Wan) glyburide, between 1-2 CI (2. 38, 4. 22)]
Li KJ 4 Chinese patent Blank control Low Clinical efficacy Xiaoke Wan treatment for T2DM showed a significant clinical 4 Low
200917 medicine (Xiaoke Jadad scores effect compared with the blank control group [RR = 1. 18, [1, 2, 4]
Wan) for 1 95% CI (1. 07, 1. 30)]
There was a low incidence of adverse events [OR = 0. 33, 95%
CI (0. 02, 4. 13)]
Li KJ 18 Chinese medicine Placebo, blank Low Clinical efficacy Chinese patent medicine showed better clinical efficacy 3 Low
et al (herbal compounds, control Jadad scores compared with placebo and control groups [RR = 1. 28, 95% [1, 2, 4]
201018 single herbs, less than 3 CI (1. 11, 1. 47)]
Chinese patent
medicine, and
herbal extracts)

October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |

Table 1 Basic features, methodology, and evidence quality of included studies (continuted)
Eligible Interventions for the Interventions for AMSTAR GRADE
n Quality Outcome index Main results of the systematic review and meta analysis
study treatment group the control group scores classification
Zhang Y 87 Chinese medicine Western drugs, Medium Clinical efficacy, For Chinese medicine compared with placebo and 9 Medium [4]
201019 (herbal compounds, placebo, blank FPG, 2hPBG, Qidantongmai compared with placebo, there was no significant
decoctions, control HbA1c, insulin difference in FPG [MD = -0. 38, 95% CI (-0.92, 0.15)],
free-decoctions, sensitive index Huoxuejiangtangpingzhi Fang showed significant effects
Chinese patent compared with the placebo [MD = -1. 10, 95% CI (-1.63,
Medicine or herbal -0.57)]
extracts) or diet For YiSuLing compared with metformin, there was no

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com

therapy significant difference in FPG [MD = -0. 15, 95% CI
(-0.46, 0.15)]; Shengmai hypoglycemic decoction showed
significant effects when compared with gliclazide [MD =
-1.40, 95% CI (-1. 97, -0. 83)]; Shengqingjiangtang Fang
showed significant effects compared with acarbose [MD =
-0.45, 95% CI (-0.74, -0.16)]; Tongyu No. I had a
significant difference compared with aspirin [MD = -1.43,
95% CI (-2.78, -0.08)]; Yin and moistening Yiqihuoxue
Conger method was significantly different than metformin
[MD = -1.10, 95% CI (-2.17, -0.03)]; Tangzhiqing Fang
was significantly different than fluvastatin [MD = -1.50, 95%

CI (-2.82, -0.18)]

Chen 17 Chinese medicine Western drugs, 1 RCT as Clinical efficacy, Jinqijiang Tang troche treatment decreased FBG, PBG, and 6 Medium [4]
WN et al (herbal compounds, placebo High, the FBG, 2hPBG, HbA1c when compared with the placebo group, but no
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

201220 Chinese patent rest as Low HbA1c, adverse significant difference exists
medicine) effects Chinese medicine could improve the clinical efficacy when
compared with Western Medicine [RR = 1.17, 95% CI (1.11,
There was a low incidence of adverse effects

Li KJ 4 Point injection Blank control Low Clinical efficacy Point injection showed superior clinical efficacy compared with 4 Very low [1,
et al Jadad scores the control group [RR = 1.28, 95% CI (1. 11, 1.47)] 2, 4, 5]
200921 for 1
Pu Run 18 Chinese patent Western drugs 1 RCT as FBG, 2hPBG, When compared with the Western drug group, Liuweidihuang 9 Medium [4]
et al medicine High, the HbA1c pills improved FBG [MD = 0.54, 95% CI (0.15, 0.93)];
201322 (Liuweidihuang rest as Low improved 2hPBG [MD = 1.05, 95% CI (0.29, 1.81)]; and
pills) or combined improved HbA1c [MD = 0.23, 95% CI (0.02, 0.45)]
with Western

October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |

Table 1 Basic features, methodology, and evidence quality of included studies (continuted)
Eligible Interventions for the Interventions for AMSTAR GRADE
n Quality Outcome index Main results of the systematic review and meta analysis
study treatment group the control group scores classification
Dong H 14 Chinese medicine Western drugs, Low FBG, 2hPBG, Chinese medicine combined with lifestyle intervention 9 Medium [4]
et al (herbal compounds, placebo, lifestyle HbA1c, adverse decreased FBG significantly when compared with the placebo
201223 herbal extracts), or effects group [MD = -0.87, 95% CI (-1.2, -0.54)]; improved
combined Western 2hPBG [MD = -1.72, 95% CI (-2.32, -1.11)]; and
medicine and improved HbA1c [MD = -0.72, 95% CI (-0.97, -0.47)]
lifestyle Chinese medicine intervention showed no significant difference
in FBG when compared with Western drugs [MD = 0.20, 95%

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com

CI (-0.11, 0.51)]; or HbA1c [MD = -0. 11, 95% CI
(-0. 32, 0. 09)]
Chinese medicine combined with Western drugs decreased
FBG significantly compared with Western drugs alone [MD =
-0.59, 95% CI (-0.83, -0.35)]; improved 2hPBG [MD =
-1.05, 95% CI (-1.62, -0.48)]; improved HbA1c [MD =
-0.53, 95% CI (-0.95, -0.11)]
No severe adverse effects were observed

Kim TH 5 Acupuncture and Western drugs Low FBG, 2hPBG, Treatment of T2DM by moxibustion showed significant clinical 5 Low [1, 4,
et al moxibustion HbA1c, adverse efficacy by qualitative analysis, without any severe adverse effects 5]

201124 effects
Kim S 4 Chinese medicine Placebo Low FPG, FPI, Chinese medicine showed no significant difference in 5 Low [1, 4,
et al (herbal compounds, 2hPBG, HbA1c decreasing FBG compared with the placebo group [WMD = 5]
201125 herbal extracts) -0.43, 95% CI (-1.16, 0. 30)]; or FPI [WMD = -8.43,
95% CI (-19. 54, 2.68)]
Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

There was no significant difference in FPG, HbA1c, or PP2h

compared with the non-treatment group
Liu JP 66 Chinese medicine Western drugs Low FBG, 2hPBG, Chinese medicine interventions showed significant clinical 7 Low [1, 5]
et al (glyburide, HbA1c, adverse efficacy in FBG, 2hPBG, and HbA1c compared with placebo
200226 tolbutamide, effects group and the single Western drug intervention group. No
gliclazide), severe side-effects were observed
Wang X 7 Chinese medicine Placebo 3 RCT as FBG, FINS, Chinese medicine showed no significant differences in each 9 Medium [4]
et al (herbal compounds, High, the 2hPBG, HbA1c, index compared with placebo groups, FBG [SMD = 0.04, 95%
201327 herbal extracts) rest as Low Homa-IR CI (-0.15, 0.24)]; FINS [SMD = -0.09, 95% CI (-0.30,
0. 11)]; 2hPBG [SMD = -0. 14, 95% CI (-0.63, 0.34)];
HbA1c [SMD = 0.10, 95% CI (-0.13, 0.33)]; and Homa-IR
[SMD = -0.06, 95% CI (-0.35, 0.23)]
Notes: T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus; FBG: fasting blood glucose; FPI: fasting plasma insulin; 2hPBG: 2-h postprandial blood glucose; HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c; PP2h: 2-h blood glucose after a meal; FINS:
fasting insulin; Homa-IR: homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance index; GRADE: Grade of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT: randomized controlled trial. GRADE
downgrade factors: 1: Research limitations; 2: Inconsistency; 3: Indirect; 4: Inaccuracies; 5: Publication bias.

October 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 5 |

Liu MJ et al. / Systematic Review

compared with English papers, according to the 1990-2010. Lancet 2012; 380(9859): 2197-2223.
GRADE classifications. Numerous systematic evalua- 5 Mima Y, Kuwashiro T, Yasaka M, et al. Impact of Metfor-
tions of Chinese medicine interventions have been per- min on the Severity and Outcomes of Acute Ischemic
formed by Chinese researchers.35-37 The results generally Stroke in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. J Stroke
found that incomplete literature retrieval, poor control Cerebrovasc Dis 2016; 25(2): 436-446.
of selection bias, and low accuracy of data combination 6 Zinman B, Wanner C, Lachin JM, et al. Empagliflozin,
methods are present in Chinese papers, which affected cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality in Type 2 diabetes.
the credibility of the results. High quality of systematic N Engl J Med 2015; 373(22): 2117-2128.
7 Nahas R, Moher M. Complementary and alternative med-
reviews and meta-analyses are one of the most impor-
icine for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Can Fam Physi-
tant sources of evidence for evidence-based medicine
cian 2009; 55(6): 591-596.
practice, and are the best basis from which to make the
8 Yang JH, Liu YL, Yuan JQ, et al. Development and im-
clinical decisions. The methodological quality of sys-
provement of systematic reviews. Zhong Guo Xun Zheng
tematic reviews on TCM needs improvement, so
Yi Xue Za Zhi 2011; 6(1): 54-57.
high-quality clinical studies with large prospective, 9 SeoHJ, KimKU. Quality assessment of systematic reviews
multi-center, double-blind and randomized designs or meta-analyses of nursing interventions conducted by
should be conducted. Korean reviewers. BMC Med Res Methodol 2012; 28(12):
Comprehensive literature retrieval and quality assess- 129.
ment were strictly executed in this work, and the 10 Qimuge NR, Zhao TY, Tian C. Systematic review of effi-
GRADE classification system was used to classify the cacy and safety of berberine treatment of type 2 diabetes.
evidence quality. However, there are some limitations Zhong Guo Xun Zheng Yi Xue Za Zhi 2012; 12(1):
of our study. Most research trials were executed in Chi- 81-91.
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