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welcome back ladies and gentlemen

welcome back to the corporate report I'm

your host James Corbett of corporate

report comm and you are tuned in to

questions for Corbett and this week on

the D program boy do I have a data dump

of information for you so I hope you

have a pen and paper ready at your

disposal and are prepared to take

copious notes but don't worry I have you

covered as usual the show notes for

today's edition of the podcast will be

particularly full of interesting

information so I hope you will go to

corporate board comm and take advantage

of that resource but let's get into the

question the question this week comes

from a corporate report member who left

his question in the Corbett report

comments section specifically magic

bullet who recently wrote is there a

financial smoking gun of foreknowledge

of corona before the first report of

break out in China that would hint on

the engineered versus natural birth of

kovat 19 not just event 201 but some

stock trading or other transactions all

right thank you very much for the

question magic bullet and we're going to

expand that answer out I know you're

looking specifically for financial

foreknowledge and I think there are a

couple of interesting tracks attacks to

pursue in that regard but let's expand

it out to the broader question of

foreknowledge of the corona virus

pandemic because I think that really

does speak to the potential as you say

to really sort out the question of

engineered versus natural birth of Kovan

19 so I would start by saying although

again you're focusing on financial

matters so you say not just event to a 1

but I want to caution against dismissing

event to a 1 lightly because it does

seem to me if there is a smoking gun to

the corona virus pandemic that we're

experiencing right now in a similar way

that WTC 7 for example is a smoking gun

on 9/11 I would say event 201 is a

smoking gun of what we're experiencing

right now for a number of different

respects and and reasons and I don't say

this lightly because as you will recall

from my conversation with Chuck o Kelly

that I have had month and a half ago at

this point er 18 lifetimes ago it feels

like I did say at that time I know

there's been pandemic planning going on

for decades so it isn't necessarily a

smoking gun

they were talking about a corona virus

pandemic in October of 2019 exactly as

the global corona virus pandemic was

breaking out but having stood on it and

examined event 201 in greater depth the

more I look at it the more it does seem

like that smoking gun to me not just the

participants that were there for example

the Chinese CDC being involved in that

exercise despite the fact that the

Cape's pandemic that they were

simulating with so it broke out in in

Central America or South America it had

it wasn't even about China but for some

reason the head of the Chinese CDC and

other players who are absolutely crucial

to going on to what's going on right now

we're involved in that exercise which

let's remember was hosted by the Center

for Health security Johns Hopkins

Bloomberg School of Public Health which

if you go to their website and note

their previous exercises they have held

in total of four exercises one of which

was a vent to one another of which was

dark winter yes that dark winter that

simulated a smallpox attack a bioterror

attack on the u.s. in June or is June of

2001 just a few months before the

anthrax attacks of 2001 and as I've

talked about before just as dark winter

blamed that fictional bioterror attack

on essentially the Iraqi government

supplying Afghan terrorists or Afghan

sheltered terrorists so too did of

course we see the US government try to

blame Iraq for the anthrax attacks of

2001 it was linked in the public

imagination and they had war gamed it

out in exquisite detail in a two day

exercise held by the Center for Health

security just a few months before now we

have event 201 simulating a global

coronavirus pandemic right before a

novel coronavirus

or actually as we are led to believe

just as a novel coronavirus was starting

to spread around the world so very

interesting and of course the other two

exercises that the central securities

participated in clade X and Atlantic

storm held in 2005 and 2018 deserve

greater scrutiny so perhaps we will

delve into that in more detail in the

future but as I say

I think of it 2:01 is a very good

candidate for a smoking gun of for

knowledge of the corona virus pandemic

so I I want to underline that first of

all but when looking for other signs of

foreknowledge generally speaking of the

pandemic I know you were looking

specifically for financial for knowledge

but before we get into that just looking

casting our net broadly at the the

overall subject of foreknowledge justing

again just like 9/11 we have to be

careful about limited Hangouts that

through their very narrative really

reinforce the the official story of the

event so for example just as the

presidential daily briefing as we know

August is it August 6th 2001 I I think I

know that date off the top of my head

despite the fact I haven't even studied

this in yours but because we've all

we've been told the presidential daily

briefing and what was that entitled oh I

think it was something like bin Laden

determined to attack the United States

as Condoleezza Rice and that of course

became one of those gasp a moment so you

see they knew they knew Osama bin Laden

and al Qaeda were going to attack the

United States and that of course allows

the main narrative to be implanted in

the public consciousness so that you can

say oh you see the Bush administration

were bumbling incompetent fools who

allowed Al Khor who through their

incompetence enabled al Qaeda to attack

the United States as opposed to of

course the real underlying narrative al

CIA de actually being equipped and

functionalized and made possible through

the u.s. intelligence agencies which

have been puppeteering them all along

which is the deeper level of that

narrative that doesn't get presented in

that limited hangout so what's the

what's the coronavirus equivalent of

that it would be something like the

story that of course did make quite a

bit of news coverage when it was first

going around a couple of weeks ago or

three lifetimes ago

for example the BBC reporting

coronavirus US senators face call to

resign over insider trading where of

course we've seen oh there were some

senators that were basically dumping

stocks and ahead of the a sense of the

emergency in the United States obviously

after they'd been briefed about what was

happening in

cetera and how it was spreading and etc

etc and the implication being yes the

senators were using their inside

intelligence information basically to

commit insider trading to get out of the

stock market before it collapsed which

again let's let's draw the parallel

directly yes this again is a way of

reinforcing the narrative that you know

no one knew in it and of course the

stock market collapse is just about

coronavirus and these senators look it's

these four senators that were using

their inside knowledge from their

government briefings and that's about as

far as it goes which isn't very far when

you think about it so although again

it's something worthy of attention but

not that much attention I think it's not

the underlying story of this global

pandemic and what's really what's really

behind it so we can get a little bit

closer to something approaching the

truth through this article which I did

mention recently but I want to get into

in a little more detail right now a

Scott Ritter pendant and it was posted

at the American Conservative up a couple

weeks ago it's called the staggering

collapse of US intelligence on the

corona virus and he writes it is the job

of the US intelligence community to

provide senior US government

policymakers including the president

with advance warning about potential

crises the US taxpayer pays a premium

for this service in 2020 the budget for

the national intelligence program which

includes all programs projects and

activities of the US intelligence

community was sixty two point eight

billion dollars included in this budget

is a small specialized intelligence unit

known as the National Center for medical

intelligence which operates as part of

the Defense Intelligence Agency the

mission of the MCM AI is to serve as the

lead activity within the Department of

Defense for the production of medical

intelligence and to prepare and

coordinate integrated all-source

intelligence for the DoD and other

government and international

organizations on foreign health threats

and other medical issues to protect us

interests worldwide

dot-dot-dot moving on he says moreover

by analyzing the characteristic of some

twenty seven genomes of the Cova 19

virus provided by the chinese and

published by the global initiative on

sharing all influence and data influenza

data research scientists were able to

determine that the most recent common

ancestor for the corona virus could be

dated back to his there

October 1st 2019 the importance of this

date as it relates to the NC mi is that

in mid-october 2019 a delegation of 300

u.s. military athletes arrived in Wuhan

to participate in the 2019 military

World Games China have suggested that

these personnel might have introduced

the corona virus infection to Wuhan

citing their own research that suggests

that the virus was introduced into China

from elsewhere and japanese and

taiwanese studies the point of the US as

the likely source of the virus there is

however no independent evidence to

support these allegations the importance

of the US military athletes rests in the

fact that the NC mi is responsible for

conducting threat briefs for all

deployments of military personnel

worldwide which meant that as Wu Han

specific infectious disease risk

assessment would have necessarily been

prepared in support of this deployment

infectious disease risk assessments are

the bread-and-butter intelligence

product produced by the MSN cm eyes

infectious disease division one in which

the totality of the medical intelligence

collection and analytical capabilities

would be utilized the production of a Wu

hen specific infectious disease risk

assessment would have created a window

of opportunity for the NC mi to have

collected the kind of medical

intelligence that could have provided

early warning about the existence of the

corona virus moreover these athletes

should have been subjected to screening

upon return as part of the National bio

surveillance program providing yet

another opportunity for early detection

of the corona virus if anyone had been

exposed to it during their travel the

CDC had recently acknowledged during a

hearing of the Housing House Oversight

Committee on March 11th that its

biosurveillance program had uncovered

influent evidence that Americans who had

previously died - what had originally

been diagnosed as influenza have through

post mortem testing been found to have

actually perished from the corona virus

normally the details obtained from this

kind of bio surveillance would be widely

shared to better understand the scope

and potential spread of the infection as

well as to better pin down the source

and timing of the infections so in this

Scott Ritter article essentially what

he's saying is there definitely were

detailed reports that were produced

as part of routine the routine duties of

this NC mi unit that would have included

specific infectious disease risk

assessment for Wuhan would have included

bio surveillance of returning athletes

from the womb hand games that would have

picked up any whatever kind of corona

virus may or may not have been

circulating to the extent that it could

have been picked up at that time that

would have been the there should at the

of any rate there should be reports that

are on record somewhere that will say

something to that effect either they

found something or they didn't or

whatever but that's data that so far at

least when Scott Ritter wrote this

article well we haven't seen that it

hasn't been released you know where

where's what's happening which again

does include certain parts of the

mainstream narrative embedded in it the

idea that this did originate in Wuhan in

October two thousand nineteen like the

the mainstream story has has it but at

any rate it does involve specific

documents that do exist and must exist

out there somewhere that have something

to do with this story and what was or

was not known at what time and also what

may or may not have been covered up and

of course the Wu hen military games

injecting another possible vector into

this whole story if we're talking about

potential bio attack of some sort again

a as the Chinese government itself has

even intimated I mean things are getting

serious when pull like diplomatic speak

it's accusing other nuclear superpowers

of bioterror I mean these things are

getting pretty crazy but now notice that

in that story there's a couple of

different things I mean there's a sort

of there's the general well where was

the NCM I and all of this over they

asleep at the switch kind of thing and

then there's the very specific

information about well they should have

had reports on Wuhan and bio

surveillance of these military athletes

etc but that kind of gets to the wayside

and instead the sort of you know what

what what was the NCM I report where you

know where is it became became the focus

and actually ABC of all places picked up

on this intelligence report warned of


virus crisis as early as November

sources as far back as late November US

intelligence officials were warning that

a contagion was sweeping through China's

Wu Han region changing the patterns of

life and business and posing a threat to

the population according to four sources

briefed on the secret reporting concerns

about what is now known to be the novel

coronavirus pandemic were detailed in a

November intelligence report by the

militaries and zmi according to two

officials familiar with the documents

contents the report was the result of

analysis of wire and computer intercepts

coupled with satellite images it raised

alarms because an out-of-control disease

would pose a serious threat to US forces

in Asia forces that depend on the NCM

eyes work and it paints a picture of an

American government that could have

ramped up mitigation and containment

efforts far earlier to prepare for a

crisis poised to come home analysts

concluded it could be a cataclysmic

event one of the sources said of the NCM

eyes report it was then briefed multiple

times to the defense intelligence agency

the Pentagon the Pentagon's Joint Staff

and the White House Wednesday night the

Pentagon issued a statement denying the

product assessment existed etc etc so

again let's put this in that sort of 911

framework again this is like an

intelligence failure like the failure of

the air defenses on 9/11 where we had

the systemic stand down and misdirection

and confusion of the air defenses that

I've outlined in 9/11 wargames in great

detail which Oh oops Oh everything just

happened to fail on the morning of

September 11th in a way that made this

incredibly unlikely thing possible well

now we're getting the in failure of

intelligence sort of narrative being

painted with this global pandemic the

NCM I would a should I could have picked

it up oh maybe they didn't pick it up

but it's being covered up by the Trump

admin because they're a bunch of

bumbling fools again I think we know

where that tends to go but I mean is

there something closer to a smoking gun

that would show no no this wasn't at

intelligence failure it was failed on

purpose is there anything that would

point to that well actually there is

Trump ended pandemic early warning

Grahame two months before the globally

spreading corona virus pandemic began

two months before the novel coronavirus

probably began spreading in Wuhan China

the Trump administration ended a 200

million dollar pandemic early warning

program aimed at training scientists in

China and other countries to detect and

respond to such a threat the project

launched by the US Agency for

International Development in 2009

identified 1,200 different viruses that

had the potential to erupt into

pandemics including more than 160 novel

corona viruses the initiative called

predict prev ICT it's an acronym also

trained and supported staff in 60

foreign laboratories including the Wu

Han lab that identified 2019 M of the

new corona virus that causes kovat 19

field work ceased when the funding ran

out in September and organizations that

worked on the predict program laid off

dozens of scientists and analysts dr.

Bhatt later on in the article they say

the predict project launched in response

to the 2005 h5n1 bird flu scare gathered

specimens for more than 10,000 bats and

2,000 other mammals in search of

dangerous viruses they detected about

1,200 viruses that could spread from

wild animals to humans signaling

pandemic potential more than 160 of them

were novel coronaviruses much like 2099

qov now known as SARS cough - they also

took blood samples from people in rural

China and learned that in living among

wildlife they had been exposed to corona

viruses a clear sign that if those

viruses spread easily among humans they

could take off that raised the red flag

said mazzard corona viruses were jumping

easily across species a species lines

and were ones to watch for epidemics and

pandemics she said the program also

trained nearly 7,000 people across

medical and agricultural sectors in 30

countries in Asia Africa and the Middle

East to help them detect new deadly new

viruses on their own one of those labs

was the Wuhan Institute of virology the

Chinese lab that quickly identified SARS

cough tomb as it said the Wuhan lab

received US aid funding for equipment

and predict coordinators connected the

scientists there with research

in other countries in order to

synchronize tracking of novel viruses

before SARS cough to the project's

second funding cycle concluded on

September 30th 2019 less than two months

before the new corona virus probably

began spreading it was granted a $0

six-month extension through March 2022

right up final reports well that's

interesting isn't it

the very program that was looking for

supposedly trying to identify these

novel spreading corona virus and other

types of viral threats just was

completely shut down its F funding ended

on September 30th 2019 and from that

point on it was just writing reports

based on outdated information so

literally September 30th 2009 T

literally the day before we are told

according to that scott ritter article

that scientists were able determined

that the most recent common ancestor for

the corona virus could be dated back to

as early as October 1st 2019

well here you go September 30th 2019

they stopped looking for the thing in on

October 1st 2019 it appeared and we'll

get into how unlikely that is

considering how unlikely this SARS cough

to supposedly is to have naturally

evolved but at any rate pretty

interesting and oh yeah then two weeks

later you have on October 18 for the

start of the blue hand military games

and event 201 so it's starting to get to

the point where you would have to be a

crazy coincidence theorist to think

there is no fire behind all this smoke

oh it's just all of these things just

happen to line up at the exact same time

Wow one of them what an incredibly

unlikely an incredibly unfortunate

series of coincidences to take place all

better Bing badda boom altogether right

so okay anyway as I say all of that can

be fit into some sort of limited hangout

narrative what that still supports a lot

of the official story but does raise

some very interesting questions that it

will at least get people thinking about

the unlikelihood of some of the things

that we're being asked to believe let's

turn back to magic bullets questions


on the financial for knowledge to which

some of the corporate report commenters

had something to say for example animals

art food wrote in my opinion the CEOs

that stepped down are a strong indicator

of foreknowledge of a planned emic up to

that point

absent psychic powers there is no way

any one of those CEOs could have

predicted an upcoming catastrophe to

such an extent that they willing to step

down and mi k mikedz I think almost

crash of repo market into September 2019

is smoking gun Uncle Sam wouldn't be

able to get money if Fed didn't

intervene at the time Uncle Sam unable

to get money in nowadays system means

sky is falling down ok so a couple of

good points here firstly yes indeed as

animals aren't food points out there was

an unprecedented number of CEOs

resigning not just in 2020 but in 2019

you don't have to step far out on a

conspiracy theorist branch for that one

you can even go to NBC which was

reporting in November of 2019

why have more than 1300 ceo's left their

post in the past year noting the

absolutely unprecedented levels of CEOs

resignations that were taking place at

that time throughout 2019 and that trend

only accelerated from there so by the

time you get to February of 2020 you FCC

and reporting CEOs quitting in record

numbers could signal total stock market

collapse well here we are now of course

part of that is past that window that

we're talking about here we're clearly

by January February of 2020 it was quite

obvious to people who were in positions

to understand the global supply chain

etc that's a major economic disruption

that could precipitate into complete

stock market chaos and a global economic

collapse which is exactly what we're

seeing could play out so you didn't

exactly have to be psychic at that point

although obviously they were getting out

when still there was relative calm now

everything's ok

as we plunge into the Great Depression

but in 2019 certainly no one was

expecting what is well I mean people

were expecting what is happening now

it's just not because of a global East

writing her own a virus pandemic right

right well it's for knowledge of some

sort I would say the fact that an

unprecedented number of CEOs were

resigning last year right before the

greatest depression but circumstantial

at best

and again case by case basis some of the

resignations I'm sure we're significant

some of which were probably not

significant I mean certainly a certain

number of CEOs will resign in a year and

you could nitpick that and blah blah

blah you're not going to change anyone's

mind with that piece of information more

to the point as Emma cave points out the

repo market the repurchase agreement

market was going haywire in September of

2019 which hopefully you know something

about if not you should go back to the

article that I wrote about it for the

newsletter back in October of last year

where I talked about QE 4 which was

beginning at that time and I explained

it at that time but as recent corporate

board guest John Titus points out in one

of his most recent videos that point in

September 2019 was when the Fed began

adding to its balance sheet again after

trying to pare it down over the course

of a year or two suddenly the balance

sheets started rising again to the tune

of billions hundreds of billions of

dollars now now well into the trillions

of dollars but that was when the Fed

started its interventions and that shows

that the craziness that started to play

out with certainly in recent weeks

cannot be blamed 100% on coronavirus

shutdowns know there was major activity

happening in September of 2019 so what

I'm scrubbing over now is the balance

sheet of the Fed between late 2002 and a

gray bar which is the onset of the

financial crisis and one thing you can

see there very clearly is that the

balance sheet never goes over during

that time over a trillion dollars it's

under a trillion dollars that entire

time what you can't see there is that

the assets on the balance sheet at that

time are almost entirely US Treasuries

okay that changes that and the amount

both changed during the financial crisis

and you can see here this is September

this is

the Lehman Brothers explodes and and

blows up and the balance sheet goes with


two things changes that time one the

balance sheet goes up a lot and two the

Fed begins taking on things other than

US Treasuries on to its balance sheet in

particular it begins to buy lots of

mortgage-backed securities
he buys other things too but the

mortgage-backed securities were the big

one okay the next thing that goes on is

that you see the balance sheet continues

to rise at the up to four point five

trillion dollars I happen to know that

it hits him it hits a high of four point

five one six on January 14th 2015 that

was a temporary that was the high until

recently and the balance sheet keeps

keeps rising notice even though the

financial crisis is supposedly over the

feds just attacking more and more more

assets on to its balance sheet and it is

printing out preserves the banks and in

exchange to those reserves supply assets

to the Fed and those assets as I say

that are mostly US Treasuries and

mortgage-backed securities right there

but also some other stuff now you can

see here in beginning of 2018 the Fed

begins to produce its balance sheet it

is selling US Treasury is selling

mortgage-backed securities really what

it's doing is letting those assets roll

off and not buying anymore of them but

the point is the Fed begins to roll down

this balance sheet it begins to reduce

its balance sheet trying to get this

bound sheet back to normal and then you

could see that in September September

11th September 18th the the balance

sheet begins to rise again I'm gonna

blow this up so we can see it better

yeah September 18th this here starting

on September you think this is when a

New York Fed enters the repo market

repurchase agreements the New York Fed

enters the repo market and it drives up

the balance sheet slightly well in

retrospect it's quite slight at the time

it seemed to be a big deal and notice

that this is well before anybody has

heard of

Carano virus so the balance heat has

already started to tick up appreciably

well before we hear of corona virus once

again that's john titus of the best

evidence channel asking the question why

is the federal reserve lying about

corona virus and make no mistake the

federal reserve is lying about corona

virus like when it told us in its Ides

of March March 15 2020 press release

that the the current craziness and the

injections of trillions is going on

specifically to deal with corona virus

and specifically to help Main Street

deal with the global economic shutdown

that's a double lie because as John

Tidus pointed out in that video and in

our subsequent follow-up conversation

which I hope you have seen by now know

this money is not going to help out Main

Street demonstrable ysou and secondarily

know the trillions that they are now

injecting didn't start in the wake of

the corona virus crisis no it started

before this current pandemic freakout

began identifiably demonstrably

documented Lee in September of 2019

once again I did write about this in the

newsletter last year on in my editorial

everything gold is new again what qe4

means for you so I would suggest if you

haven't seen that yet you go and read

that or reread it to remind yourself of

the fact that QE Ford did again start in

September of 2019 it was identified as

such by many many people although the

Fed insisted this isn't quantitative

easing guys it's something totally

different but I'll let you judge that

for yourself and I'll also just advise

you that there are multiple other

interesting things that were taking

place at that time including the Dutch

central bank which was taught warning of

a systemic collapse and talking about

how gold reserves could serve as a basis

for rebuilding the system after it

collapses and other such tectonic

financial events that were taking place

in the fall of last year to the point

where one can conclude that if some sort

of global corona virus pandemic freaked

out or some other type of international

crisis and necessitating the shutdown of

the global economy didn't exist that

they would have to invent one to cover

up the the fact that this system which

been designed and engineered to

ultimately collapse the Ponzi scheme

that they're running is finally coming

to an end

but it's because of some Black Swan that

we could never have predicted right guys

so this isn't direct evidence of

foreknowledge of a pandemic per se but

it certainly is it does line up to that

that broader theme that we are examining

today of various ways that either this

was understood that some sort of

international crisis was going to come

or using that international crisis as a

cover for other agendas let's move on to

another form of this foreknowledge

question surrounding the planned emic

and again this steps out of the boundary

of the strictly financial realm that

magic bullet was asking about but I

think we should put all of these pieces

on the table while we're examining

foreknowledge and the question of

foreknowledge so of course one of the

most important aspects of this question

of foreknowledge well if there is this

coronavirus pandemic that really is

spreading around the world

what did scientists know about it

beforehand could they have predicted it

beforehand well they certainly did on

numerous occasions that's why for

example of it 2:01 was ostensibly being

Elvis because scientists knew there was

going to be the emergence of some new

disease X as they literally called it in

a lot of their pandemic planning

scenarios disease X how did they know

well maybe because they were working on

it they were literally engineering

something like this in various

laboratories including the Wu hen

Institute of virology they were

specifically working on this type of

human spreading SARS like bat in bat

derived cluster of coronaviruses

and had been for many years in something

called gain-of-function research which

has been funded to the tunes of many

hundreds of millions of dollars by

various governments around the world

over the past decade or two and is

totally defensive guys don't worry about

it see scientists are just going to find

the different ways that these virus

viruses VI can be engineered in a lab to

more effectively kill people or to more

effectively transmit among the

population what kind of Spike proteins

have to be added in what combinations

what kind of genetic sequencing do we

have to do to make it so that

this will spread more efficiently or it

will have a longer incubation period so

people can spread it more before they

even realize they have it what you know

just totally defensive guys just so that

we know how what this would look like

and maybe we can work on vaccines

beforehand don't worry nothing to worry

about and we get this for example from

nature medicine which had November 2015

article a SARS like cluster of

circulating bat coronaviruses shows

potential for human emergence where they

note about the research the

gain-of-function research that was going

on amongst bat coronaviruses to look for

well what would a SARS like bat

coronavirus that was spreading through

the human population how would that work

and what would be the most efficient way

for this to happen and all of these

questions a number of the important

things to note about this for one of

course one of the people working on this

was Zhang Li XI the key Laboratory of

special pathogens and biosafety at Wu

hen Institute of virology researcher for

the China Chinese Academy of Sciences

that's interesting another interesting

person involved with this is Ralph s

barek someone who deserves some looking

into and his connections to this type of

gain-of-function research but beyond the

researchers themselves and the fact that

yes the one who had an institute of

neurology was involved in in deriving

and sequencing and and studying these

bat coronaviruses it also has some

interesting revelations about the fact

that in 2015 when they wrote this

article there were essentially two main

paradigms of thought in the scientific

community about how these bat

coronaviruses could emerge into the

human population and it says in this

article which is highly technical I

understand it's not for laymen but it

does have this passage which i think is

important it says for both paradigms ie

both of the different theories that were

circulating in the scientific community

at that time about the ways that this

background virus can emerge into the

human population spike adaptation in a

secondary host is seen as a necessity

with most mutations expected to occur

within the RBD thereby facilitating

improved infection both theories imply

that pools of

coronaviruses are limited and that host

strange mutations are both random and

rare reducing the likelihood of future

emergence events in humans ie well it's

not really that much of a threat that

could strike at any time because it's

extremely rare it's the kind of thing

that would probably only ever emerge in

a laboratory of course in that paper

they go on to propose a 1/3 a different

paradigm by which no these spike protein

adaptations are already there and they

just have to circulate in the right way

to get into the human population which

is now of course what they're going with

but even at the time even at that time

even nature magazine itself was warning

about this research that it was

publishing it just a week after the

publication of that article nature

published this one engineered bat virus

stirs debate over risky research noting

the very real dangers of this type of

laboratory engineered virus research

that was going on at that time and

noting for example quote an experiment

that created a hybrid version of a bat

coronavirus one related to the virus

that causes SARS severe acute

respiratory syndrome has triggered

renewed debate over whether engineering

lab variants of viruses with possible

pandemic potential is worth the risks in

an article published in Nature Medicine

on 9th of November scientists

investigated a virus called SH Co 14

which is found in horseshoe bats in

China the researchers created a chimeric

virus made up of a surface protein of SH

Co 14 and the backbone of a SARS virus

that had been a duck adapted to grow in

mice and to mimic human disease the

chimera infected human airway cells

proving that the surface protein of SH

co 14 has the necessary structure to

bind to a key receptor on the cells and

to infect them it also caused disease in

mice but did not kill them virologist

questioned whether the information

gleaned from the experiment justifies

the potential risk although the extent

of any risk is difficult to assess Simon

Wayne Hobson a urologist at the Pasteur

Institute in Paris points out that the

researchers have created a novel virus


rose remarkably well in human cells if

the virus escaped nobody could predict

the trajectory he says the only impact

of this work is the creation in a lab of

a new non natural risk agrees Richard II

bright a molecular biologist and bio

defense expert at Rusk Rutgers

University in Piscataway New Jersey both

EEB Wright and Wayne Hobson are

long-standing critics of

gain-of-function research but don't

worry guys you're just a crazy

conspiracy theorist if you think there

is anything worth looking into here

because nature itself has once again

come forward to assure us that this has

nothing to do with SARS cough - don't

worry guys because they've added an

editor's note to that very article that

they published in November 2015 warning

us about the dangers of this risky bat

coronavirus research by saying we are

aware that this story is being used as

the basis for unverified theories that

the novel coronavirus causing coven 19

was engineered there is no evidence that

this is true

scientists believe that an animal is the

most likely source of the corona virus

how many how many weasel words and

sentences that they have there there is

no evidence that it's true scientists

believe and animals the most likely

cause the source of the corona virus

again a lot of different outs for when

and if they discover something different

many years down the road but we don't

have to go out on that speculative limb

because although there has been a not an

explanation but sort of theory for for

the origins of SARS cough - published in

of course once again Nature Medicine in

March of 2020 specifically the proximal

origin of SARS qov - where they you try

to make the argument that well this

couldn't this couldn't be lab engineered

because of x y&z well if you want a

detailed and a very persuasive breakdown

of why x y&z are this total cockamamie

horse hooey I would definitely suggest

checking out a couple of very

interesting articles from Harvard to the

big house which

are very detailed very scientific very

learned obviously written by people with

scientific expertise but also in

containing colorful expletives and

metaphors and what-have-you so it's an

interesting read in a lot of different

respects but certainly for debunking

this proximal origin of SARS cough to

the articles are china owns nature

magazines asks debunking the proximal

origin of SARS cough to claiming kovat

19 definitely wasn't from a lab and no

monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito

what the expanse tells us about the Cova

19 pandemic and serial passage

gain-of-function research which despite

the whimsical titles i guarantee you are

very detailed and very interesting

articles with lots and lots of links in

different sources that need to be

investigated on this but essentially it

does break down to the fact that the

very scientists involved in this

gain-of-function research which other

scientist have been ringing the alarm

about ringing the warning bell about

saying they're creating new non natural

threats in these laboratories are now

the very scientists that are coming out

and saying don't worry this couldn't

possibly have come from a laboratory and

there's a lot of very specific

scientific reasons why what they're

saying is not factually true I will

leave that to you to investigate and

further and I'm sure we'll be circling

around to this topic many times in the

future but this does sortin certainly

raise yet another question in the was

therefore knowledge of the planned emic

question scenario i mean assuming there

is a globally spreading novel

coronavirus the question of could

scientists have possibly predicted it

kind of gets superseded by the question

of was it created in the laboratory and

there are well there certainly the the

reasons they say that couldn't possibly

be true are debunked nonsense

they the question of whether it is true

again there needs to be a lot more

research on that but who are you going

to turn to for the research the people

involved in the gain of function

research whose entire careers in Thai

everything they do and everything that

they stand upon and at their entire

place in society rests on them not being

the spreaders of some globally spreading

super virus whatever you make of the

novel coronavirus and the hype

surrounding it at the moment anyway it's

an interesting question but we should

just add one other tiny piece to this

puzzle it's I'm sure

not important guys don't think too

deeply about it but we should note that

that original November 2015 study about

the bat coronavirus is SARS light

cluster of Ekron viruses that were that

that caused that kicked off all that

controversy we should note that they

nature did have to append a little

correction to that article after it was

published namely in this version of the

inversion of this article initially

published online the author is omitted

to acknowledge a funding source US aid

EPT predict funding from eco health

alliance to Z ALS the error has been

corrected for the print PDF and HTML

versions of this article and zls of

course is Jing Li XI that Wu Han

Institute of virology researcher who yes

to make that explicit was directly

receiving funding from US aid predict ie

the predict system which was shut down

in acid lake September of 2019 right

before the novel coronavirus emerged the

very thing it had been set up to be the

early warning for and they this funding

was just a mitad from that but that

virus research when it was first

published for some reason there are so

many different angles to this that it

becomes overwhelming but I think it's

pretty safe to say that if you find

anything of interest in all of these

myriad different connections then you're

a crazy conspiracy theorist and must be

shunned from society for not trusting

the scientists which scientists oh the

ones that we tell you to trust the ones

that are being funded by these various

agencies and again the craziness upon

craziness upon craziness just continues

to pile up and there's we've really only

scratched the surface here but I hope

this goes some way towards at least

providing a bit of research that you can

follow up on if you are curious about

this question was there for knowledge of

the planned emic I think it's certainly

leaning that way but I'll leave you to

come to your own conclusions about that

anyway thank you for broaching the topic

magic bullet I know specifically we're

asking about financial

or knowledge and I'm sure there are many

other things to say on that that we'll

have to come back to in the future but I

did want to get this question to for

knowledge out on the table today and as

always I do encourage the corporate

report community to chip in with your

own research anything that adds to what

has been put forward here today or

contradicts it or anything else please

leave it in the comment section of this

post on it is through

this open source investigation piecing

together information from a million

different sources that we can ever hope

to get closer to approximating the truth

on a vastly complicated subject like

this one that all being said in this

doozy of an episode let me remind you

the show notes for this video will

include all of the links to all of the

things that I've just cited so there's a

lot of research there to be had I hope

you will take advantage of it that's

going to do it for today i'm james

corbett of looking

forward to talking to you again in the

very near future The Colbert Report is

brought to you by you your support makes

the Corbett report possible sign up for

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