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// C++ implementation to modify the contents of

// the linked list

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

/* Linked list node */

struct Node

int data;

struct Node* next;


/* function prototype for printing the list */

void printList(struct Node*);

/* Function to insert a node at the beginning of

the linked list */

void push(struct Node **head_ref, int new_data)

/* allocate node */

struct Node* new_node =

(struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

/* put in the data */

new_node->data = new_data;

/* link the old list at the end of the new node */

new_node->next = *head_ref;

/* move the head to point to the new node */

*head_ref = new_node;

/* Split the nodes of the given list

into front and back halves,

and return the two lists

using the reference parameters.

Uses the fast/slow pointer strategy. */

void frontAndBackSplit(struct Node *head,

struct Node **front_ref, struct Node **back_ref)

Node *slow, *fast;

slow = head;

fast = head->next;

/* Advance 'fast' two nodes, and

advance 'slow' one node */

while (fast != NULL)

fast = fast->next;

if (fast != NULL)

slow = slow->next;

fast = fast->next;

/* 'slow' is before the midpoint in the list,

so split it in two at that point. */

*front_ref = head;

*back_ref = slow->next;
slow->next = NULL;

/* Function to reverse the linked list */

void reverseList(struct Node **head_ref)

struct Node *current, *prev, *next;

current = *head_ref;

prev = NULL;

while (current != NULL)

next = current->next;

current->next = prev;

prev = current;

current = next;

*head_ref = prev;

// perfrom the required subtraction operation on

// the 1st half of the linked list

void modifyTheContentsOf1stHalf(struct Node *front,

struct Node *back)

// traversing both the lists simultaneously

while (back != NULL)

// subtraction operation and node data

// modification

front->data = front->data - back->data;

front = front->next;

back = back->next;

// function to concatenate the 2nd(back) list at the end of

// the 1st(front) list and returns the head of the new list

struct Node* concatFrontAndBackList(struct Node *front,

struct Node *back)

struct Node *head = front;

while (front->next != NULL)

front = front->next;

front->next = back;

return head;

// function to modify the contents of the linked list

struct Node* modifyTheList(struct Node *head)

// if list is empty or contains only single node

if (!head || head->next == NULL)

return head;

struct Node *front, *back;

// split the list into two halves

// front and back lists

frontAndBackSplit(head, &front, &back);

// reverse the 2nd(back) list


// modify the contents of 1st half

modifyTheContentsOf1stHalf(front, back);

// agains reverse the 2nd(back) list


// concatenating the 2nd list back to the

// end of the 1st list

head = concatFrontAndBackList(front, back);

// pointer to the modified list

return head;

// function to print the linked list

void printList(struct Node *head)

if (!head)


while (head->next != NULL)

cout << head->data << " -> ";

head = head->next;

cout << head->data << endl;


// Driver program to test above

int main()

struct Node *head = NULL;

// creating the linked list

push(&head, 10);

push(&head, 7);

push(&head, 12);

push(&head, 8);

push(&head, 9);

push(&head, 2);

// modify the linked list

head = modifyTheList(head);

// print the modified linked list

cout << "Modified List:" << endl;


return 0;

void reverse(){

Nom *cur, *prev, *newptr;

cur = *head;

prev = NULL;

while (cur != NULL)

newptr = cur->newptr;

current->newptr = prev;

prev = cur;

cur = newptr;

*head = prev;

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